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Indiana University Student Essay: Overcoming Adversity

As an undergraduate student at Indiana University, I plan on pursuing my passion for
science and medicine, while also exploring everything that IU has to offer. I would like to
challenge myself in the classroom by taking difficult classes pertaining to the field I wish to
pursue after college: veterinary medicine. Growing up I ran into many challenges surrounding
my education. When I was in the eighth grade, a student that was a year younger than me
brought multiple pistols to school, and shot one of my peers and a science teacher. As my
classmates and I fled the building, I managed to make it to one of the local businesses first to
alert them to open up their building to accommodate all of my classmates. Another struggle that
I, and a lot of other kids my age went through, was the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic hit
towards the second half of my sophomore year, and completely turned the world upside down.
Completing my sophomore and junior year almost completely online was a huge struggle.
Waking up everyday and not being able to see my friends while also having to complete the
tasks assigned to me was a huge challenge mentally. But just like the school shooting, I find that
my biggest strengths come from the adversity I face during devastating times. I believe that my
willingness to adapt and overcome any situation translates to the classroom in my willingness to
learn, and achieve the goals I set for myself academically.