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Madd Tajweed Chart: Rules of Quranic Recitation

Madd Chart in brief
Maddul Asli
The letters of Madd are:
Maddul Far'ee - 5 types:
1. An Alif ( ‫ ) ا‬with a zabar before it.
2. A waw Sakin ( ‫ ) و‬with a pesh before it.
3. A Yaa Sakin ( ‫ي‬
ْ ) with a zer before it.
NOTE: After the letters of Madd, there is NO Humza,
Sukoon or Tashdeed. Also, they DO NOT have any madd
symbols on top.
Duration: One Alif only. It is NOT permissible to stretch
it more than one Alif or less than an Alif.
3. Maddul Aaridh Waqfi-
ِ ‫فِـي الـْ ِمـيْـ َز‬
‫ان۝ ُكـ ْن فَـيَـ ُكـ ْو ُن۝‬
After the Letters of Madd, there
appears a temporary Sukoon
due to stopping.
After the letters of Madd, there's either a Humza, Sukoon or
Tashdeed. Also, they do have madd symbols on top.
1.Maddul Muttasil-
After the letters of Madd, there appears a
Humza in the SAME word.
ِ ُ‫ي‬،‫لَـتَـنـ ۤوء‬،‫جآء‬
‫ـض ْۤي ُء‬
ُ ْ ُ َ َ Duration: 4 Alifs, 2 ½ Alifs or 2 Alifs
Preferably 4 Alifs (Should be Longer than Maddul Munfasil)
2.Maddul Munfasil-
‫ـمـآ اُ ِمـ ْر ُت‬
َ ‫َك‬
After the letters of Madd, there appears a
Humza in the FOLLOWING word.
Duration: 4 Alifs, 2 ½ Alifs or 2 Alifs
4. Maddul Leen Aaridh Waqfi-
ِ ‫الـصـي‬
َ ‫م ْن َخـ ْوف۝‬
ْ َ ‫و‬،
After the Letters of Leen, there
appears a temporary Sukoon
due to stopping.
Duration: ½, 1, 1 ½, 2, 2½, 3 Alifs
Duration: 5 Alifs, 3 Alifs, 2 Alifs or 1 Alif. But preferably 3 or 5 Alifs.
A. Kilmi Muthaqqal-
‫ـحآ قَ ُة۝ َوال َـصـآ فّٰ ِت۝‬
َ ْ ‫اَل‬
B. Kilmi Mukhaffaf-
5. Maddul Lazim. There are 5 types:
D. Harfi MukhaffafAfter the letters of madd, there appears a
Tashdeed in the same word.
Duration: 3 or 5 Alifs
‫ٰا ۤلـْﺌٰ َن‬
After the letters of madd, there appears a
permanent Sukoon in the same word.
C. Harfi Muthaqqal-
After the letters of madd, there appears a
Tashdeed in the Letters of Muqatta'aat.
ۤ ‫ـس‬
ٰ ‫ـم‬
ۤ ۤ ‫ال‬
ۤ ‫ط‬،
Duration: 3 or 5 Alifs
Duration: 3 or 5 Alifs
ْ َ‫ۤق( ق‬
ْ ْ ‫ ٰطـ ۤس( َطا ِس‬،)‫اف‬
E. Leen Laazim-
‫ عَـيْـ ْن‬in ‫ص‬
ۤ ‫كۤـهٰـيٰـعۤـ‬
After the letters of madd, there appears a
permanent Sukoon in the Letters of
Duration: 3 or 5 Alifs
After the letters of Leen, there appears a
permanent Sukoon in the Letters of
Duration: 3 Alifs or 2 Alifs.
By: Altaf Kapadia
23281 Stromp Ct. Brownstown, MI 48183 U.S.A.
Email: alkap80@gmail.com
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