Running head: INTRAPRENEUR AND OPERATIONS 1 A project is defined by the Project Management Institute as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result” (Dinsmore & Cabanis-Brewin, 2014, p. 2). Project management is then the integration of general, operational and technical management that make the project a successful reality (p.5). When attempting to define project management an important starting point for clarification is to identify the operations of the organization whose project or projects requirement management. Operational activities are separate from project management. Once the operations are determined, and the desired product of the operations is quantified, the organization can turn its attention and energy toward project management. Operations represent the “steady state” (p. 5) of the organization that will occur repetitively until there is recognition of a need for a new project to redesign operations in order to increase the productivity of the organization’s operations. A misguided view of what the operational functions truly are or should be can lead to failure in that area, but also to poorly conceived projects. For me the temporary nature of projects is a key characteristic, and a key limiting factor. When approaching project management it is natural to define it in terms of failure avoidance. Defining an end and a deliverable product is necessary, and it seems to be a critical function to indeed avoid failure. Many organizations seem to struggle with never ending or resolved projects. Deciphering how a project can serve and improve operations, and end with those positive results is the essence of project design. Naturally, the project management process and the ongoing operations of an organization should identify the need for new projects. The INTRAPRENEUR AND OPERATIONS 2 separate yet supportive relationship of project management and operations is delicate, but very important. The term intrapreneur applied to project managers seems to sum up what it is that they do and are. They must be visionaries who see new methodologies for the organization while being intently interested and involved in the functionings of the organization. Without project management, operations would be an ongoing, dismal existence that one day fizzled out from lack of energy or depth. The project manager harnesses strategic planning and new competencies to allow organizations to continue and to thrive. Dinsmore, P.C. & Cabanis-Brewin, J. (Eds.). (2014). The AMA handbook of project management. (4th ed.). New York, NY: Amacom Books.