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The Myth of the Intrapreneur: Innovation in Organizations

The Myth of the Intrapreneur
The Myth of the Intrapreneur
by Andrew Corbett
JUNE 26, 2018
The Myth of the Intrapreneur
The Post-It note. Facebook’s “like” button. The Sony PlayStation. These products are all held up as legendary examples of the power
of intrapreneurship — entrepreneurial creativity and innovation within large, established organizations. Since the term was coined
in the 1980s, intrapreneurship has been sold to companies as a catch-all solution for fostering innovation. It’s been promoted to
The Myth of the Intrapreneur
workers as a way to capture the creativity and excitement of entrepreneurship, but with more resources and less risk.
Intrapreneurs are supposed to be rebels, breaking the rules and swimming against the corporate tide. While this vision of the
intrapreneurial maverick is certainly alluring, in truth it’s an ineffective way to drive innovation. After more than 20 years of
researching innovation in large companies, it’s clear to me that the successful intrapreneur is often more myth than reality.
The experience of the typical intrapreneur looks less like Spencer Silver, who developed the Post-It note while at 3M, and more like
Steven Sasson, the engineer at Kodak who invented the portable digital camera. As is now well-known, instead of propelling Kodak
into the future, the digital camera became a massive missed opportunity.
Sasson’s experience at Kodak demonstrates that no single individual, no matter how brilliant, can take a game-changing innovation
all the way from idea to reality. Innovation has to be a company-wide endeavor, supported from top to bottom by systems,
structures, and a company culture that nurtures transformative ideas and products. Companies need to institutionalize innovation
rather than expect it to simply flow forth from intrapreneurs operating within existing structures.
To start, innovation must be recognized as a permanent function of a successful company, just like other business functions such as
accounting, operations, sales, and finance. It’s hard to imagine a large company without a marketing department or division, yet less
than 50 years ago marketing as a business function, profession, and department did not exist. The same is true of innovation today.
If companies want to be able to consistently innovate, they need dedicated innovation professionals to carry out the functions of
discovery, development, incubation, acceleration, and scaling.
But this innovation division can’t be siloed off from the rest of the business. Company incubators and innovation labs that are
isolated from the rest of the organization tend to have limited success, because they are disconnected from a larger system. Gamechanging innovations require a holistic approach across the organization.
The Myth of the Intrapreneur
Over the past two decades, my colleagues and I have researched innovation through site visits and more than 600 interviews at
Fortune 100 companies including Corning, DuPont, GE, and PepsiCo. Our research shows that, in order to develop, incubate, and
scale game-changing innovation, organizations need a company-wide innovation management system that includes eight primary
It starts at the top with (1) leadership and an innovation culture willing to commit (2) system-wide resources and (3) a governance
process that can deliver on a clearly articulated (4) mandate and scope for breakthrough innovation. An inclusive (5) organizational
structure with interfaces between different parts of the company incorporates the (6) processes and tools and (7) metrics and
rewards required for an innovation cycles that takes longer than incremental product innovation. Lastly, companies need (8) skills
and talent that are differentiated from traditional R&D or new product development roles.
We saw these elements take shape in different ways at different companies. However, what they all had in common was a desire to
create a structure that institutionalized innovation and developed innovation professionals beyond offering them a “one-off” or
one-time innovation job.
Companies need to create innovation careers rather than just innovation jobs. Our research supports the idea that people are a
company’s most cherished and important innovation asset. The intrapreneurship concept understands this, but focuses its hopes on
a genius who can swoop in to save the day. Instead, we must start thinking of innovation as a capacity that needs organization-wide
support. Just like accountants and human resource managers, innovation professionals need clearly defined job roles,
responsibilities, performance incentives, and career paths, as well as meaningful training and development opportunities.
Hiring a few talented individuals and hoping for the best, without changing anything about your organization, won’t cut it.
Companies need a strategic plan for professionalizing and institutionalizing innovation across their organizations. This is the only
way to nurture the breakthrough innovations needed for the future health of the business.
The Myth of the Intrapreneur
Andrew Corbett is the Paul T. Babson Chair of Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College and an instructor at Babson Executive Education. This article is
based on his latest book, Beyond the Champion: Institutionalizing Innovation Through People, written with Gina C. O’Connor and Lois S. Peters.
This article is about INNOVATION
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TANIA ALMEIDA 9 months ago
I beg to differ. Yes, it is not a single-handed process. however, at BVK, I have spearheaded four intellectual properties and built software for an ad agency
that is not traditionally a technology company. I used the smoke and mirrors methodology, lean principals, stakeholder management, MVP and various
innovative methods to build and scale.
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The Myth of the Intrapreneur
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