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Bhagavad Gita: Meditation & Spiritual Teachings Analysis

Bhagavad Gita
Pick one of the pictures attached in the document and explain how it relates to the basic
teachings in the beginning of Bhagavad Gita.
The picture shows a man meditating and what appears to be a figure representing spiritual
revelation around his chest possibly symbolizing enlightenment. Bhagavad Gita includes many
sections on spiritual teachings including spiritual revelations by Krishna. Since the Bhagavad
Gita is one of the cornerstones of Hinduism, the various figures representing devotion highlight
elements of Hindu religions and practices. In the Bhagavad Gita, Vishnu is closely associated
with Krishna through reincarnation and avatar, but the Gita mostly focuses on Krishna and
Arjuna where Arjuna has to fight back and take the kingdom and Krishna is the guru who
advises him. Meditative practice is important in the case of the self where there is attention to the
self and the scared practice of yoga is important in the devotion practice.
Devotees are urged to have more self control and understand themselves better than
others and this allows them to live better everyday even as there is conflict between the body and
soul. All the experiences that the spiritual person has to go through on his path to emancipation
are the positive states that the devotee strives to develop and the negative states that threaten to
threaten and derail him or her from their spiritual goal (s). A devotee who understands the nature
of the path to be traveled will never feel insecure or discouraged in the face of the challenges that
they face.
Krishna highlighted that achieving spiritual enlightenment is possible through acting
selflessly including through meditation. The practice of meditation is one way to achieve yoga,
which implies skill in action, with focus on divine actions supporting meditation. The devotee is
shown in a forest where it is tranquil and peaceful and the presence of water may signal spiritual
regeneration. There is peace and joy among those who mediate and seek knowledge when
compared to those who are selfish. Destination is closely tied to action and making the choice to
meditate is beneficial to the devotees and spiritual enlightenment is possible at the highest stage
of yoga.
Yoga represents union of being or with God or body and soul, and people attain yoga
when they renounce their material desires. The mind and soul are important to facilitate
meditation since conquering the mind allows one mediate free from many inhibitions. The
practice of meditation like mindfulness helps to acquire full awareness of oneself and
concentrate on the experience. While the Bhagavad Gita focuses on battle with battlefields,
allegorically there is a battle between convention and higher duty where individuals detach
themselves from their egoistic desire and live a more meaningful life. Meditation and yoga then
help one in the battle to attain meaning in life when making choices in life jus as Arjuna faced
many choices with no clear answer.
The first few chapters of Bhagavad Gita explain the karma yoga and the pictures reflect
aspects of this. The book provides important teachings and truths for the Hindu religions and for
the devotees relationship with the world is important for their spiritual awakening. The real truth
is known when makes choices to live selflessly and meditate where it is possible to understand
the divine self, and the self is eternal. A close analysis of the world helps to improve selfawareness and the distinct elements of the world. There is a duty to focus on spiritual
enlightenment and righteousness by taking responsibility for one’s choices.