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PE Sidelines Worksheet: Class Activities & Observation

BHS Written Assignment
Since you are unable to participate in PE today, please answer the following
questions during our class.
1) Why are you unable to participate in PE today?
2) Explain what activities we did today for warm-ups and our fitness period.
3) What was the benefit of these fitness activities?
4) What activities were done during the unit activity?
5) What did students gain from these activities?
6) Choose a /classmate to watch for 5 minutes during class. Write down what
he/she was doing for those 5 minutes.
7) If you were the teacher, what would you tell the class about their effort, attitude
and participation today?
8) How do you feel about missing PE class today?
NOTE: In order to get maximum credit for this assignment, answers must have
adequate detail. One word answers will not suffice!