Welcome to BIO 303 Genetics! Announcements: 1. Sign in on attendance sheet 2. Pick up class schedule and syllabus 3. If not registered for the course, write name on sheet of paper and talk to me after class Text/Readings • Required Reading (Text): – Essential Genetics 6th or 4th ed. by Dan Hartl – Supplemental readings and videos will be announced and posted on SUcourse • Optional Readings – The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee – The Violinist’s Thumb by a New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean *Attendance in lab is mandatory. Note that your lab portion is worth ~40% of your grade! Learning Objectives: 1. Describe how genetic information is used, stored, and replicated, and how it informs phenotypes 2. Compare and contrast methods used to study genetics, from the level of inheritance patterns, through molecular analysis of single genes, to entire genomes and the genetic analyses of populations 3. Test how genetics drives evolutionary change and gene/environment relationships Learning Objectives: 4. Interpret the results of genetic experiments and several pieces of concepts to demonstrate how the mechanisms of genetics operate 5. Construct new information you have about genetics in a novel context 6. Relate the components of a genetic analysis to each other 7. Develop a novel molecular phylogenetic tree integrating new genetic information with pre-existing genetic information from GenBank (i.e. create something new by using/combining disparate sources of information) “Education is not the filling of a pail. Education is the lighting of a fire.” - W.B. Yeats On the notecard, write down: 1. Your Last Name, First Name 2. Your preferred nickname & pronoun 3. A fact about you (that you don’t mind me asking you more about) Ex: a hobby, sport or instrument you play, favorite pet, an intriguing fact… 4. A topic you’re particularly interested in learning more about (on syllabus or not) * Don’t forget to hand in your notecard at the end of class! What can we learn from (advances in) Genetics? Humans and chimps are ~99% identical, but there are 510 pieces of DNA missing from one of them – which one? A. Human B. Chimp Top Hat Join Code: 485501 Loss of genomic regulatory regions between chimp and humans McClean et al., 2011 The AVPR1A gene Encodes a receptor [R] (418 aa) for the neuropeptide arginine vasopressin Cys-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly The AVPR1A gene Encodes a receptor [R] http://web.vir ginia.edu/Hei di/chapter34/ chp34.htm One of these species of voles is monogamous Montane vole Prairie vole Meadow vole The AVPR1A gene A social behavior role in voles Young et al (2010) Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology - Variation in 5’ region of gene, correlated with behavior - Transfer prairie vole gene into mice, become better mates and fathers The AVPR1A gene No orthologous regulatory sequence in humans, but… Human gene has three repeated sequences in 5’ region of gene— these repeat regions can vary from person to person The AVPR1A gene in humans Human gene has three repeated sequences in 5’ region of gene One is called RS3 and has the sequence (CT)4-TT-(CT)8-(GT)24 The AVPR1A gene The study: • 552 same-sex twins and their partners • All had at least a 5-year relationship • Genotype determined • Interviewed about their relationship-Partner Bonding Scale (range from 5-66) Walum et al (2008) PNAS 105: 14153-6 The AVPR1A gene The results: Association between PBS scores and RS3 allele (p values) males females 0.001 0.27 So for males, a significant association The AVPR1A gene The results: Average scores for males with # of RS3 alleles (allele 334) 0 1 2 48 46.3 45.4 Authors’ conclusion The relatively small effect size of the AVPR1A polymorphism on traits tentatively reflecting pair-bonding in males observed in this study clearly does not mean that this polymorphism may serve as a predictor of human pair-bonding behavior on the individual level. However, by demonstrating a modest but significant influence of this gene on the studied behavior on the group level, we have provided support for the assumption that previous studies on the influence of the gene coding for V1aR on pair-bonding in voles are probably of relevance also for humans. Walum et al (2008) PNAS 105: 14153-6 Two days later…. Genesis Biolabs offers the first genetic screen for marital success!* Screening for AVPR1a, known alternately as the "ruthlessness" gene or the "bonding" gene, is likely an indicator of marital happiness. Marriages born out of mutual respect and mutual interest rather than self-interest are much more likely to succeed and probably less likely to end in divorce. Is your fiancé just after your money? Those with the "ruthlessness" gene may very well be. Those with the altruistic version of AVPR1a probably aren't. Ruthless people will lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Genetics may not be a guaranteed indicator of human behavior and motivation [genetics is only one half of the nature vs. nurture debate] but genes don't lie. Before you make a lifetime commitment, have your fiancé tested. Order a Ruthlessness Gene Test : $99 How much does it currently cost to sequence an entire human genome? A. B. C. D. E. $10,000 $5,000 $50,000 $1,000 $1 The rise of personal genomics! • Companies • • • • • 23andme Veritas Gentle DeCodeMe And many others • Projects • Genographic project • Personal genomics project • Many others… Complex diseases results From DeCodeMe The accuracy in risk probability after sequencing is typically low because: A. Traits are polygenic B. Genes might not be fully penetrant C. Genes might interact with each other (epistasis) D. Environment interaction E. We don’t know enough F. All of above Introducing Michael Snyder… And his own iPOP (“integrative personal omics profile”) Snyderome homepage Personal Genome Project homepage Mike’s Genome: Getting to know you… What is the study of Genetics? Pre-Class Questionnaire (roughly 20 min) Complete as Individual or Group where appropriate gene (noun) A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring. Source: the Google If I could clone anybody I would clone… ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis • • • • One of the smartest people alive “The Nature of Space and Time” “A Brief History of Time” Major contributions to Physics, Mathematics, Humanity 90% of ALS cases are spontaneous Genetic Determination of Blood Types Genetic Determination of Blood Types Genetic Determination of Blood Types A O B O AB A (1/4) (1/4) B O (1/4) (1/4) Genetic Determination of Traits in Humans is Complicated! Eye Color – Complex Genetic (Continuous Variation) Hair Color – Complex Genetic Tongue Rolling – Maybe Genetic Contributing Factors Blood Type – Simple Genetic Height - Complex Genetic (Large Environmental Components) Freckles – Simple Genetic (MC1R) Ear Lobes – Complex Genetic (Continuous Variation) Widow’s Peak – NO evidence of Genetic Factors (Continuous Variation) What are the characteristics of DNA that makes it a good means of transmitting hereditary information? Top Hat