Name:_________________________________ Genetics 1. Is using the glossary a good way to... Textbook Survey

Textbook Survey
1. Is using the glossary a good way to complete vocabulary assignments? _______
2. What is a genome? ____________________________________________________________________
3. What page is the definition for gene therapy on? _________________________
4. On what pages would I find information on polygenic traits? ______________________________
5. What page is table for the genetic code on? ___________________________________
6. What amino acid does UUU code for? _________________________________________
Is there a genetic component to eating disorders? ______________________________
8. Is albinism recessive or dominant? (circle one)
9. What chapter and section is cancer as a genetic disorder in? _____________________
10. What organism is genetically modified to produce jeans? _________________________________
11. What is Mendel’s first name? (spelled correctly) ____________________________________
12. Who is Mendel? ________________________________________________
13. What was Mendel’s profession before he became a geneticist? ____________________________
14. Name one area of genetics that interests you most. __________________________________________
Chapter 1 Reading Guide
1. Genes-______________________________________________________________________________
2. DNA-_______________________________________________________________________________
3. Genome-____________________________________________________________________________
4. When was bioethics founded?____________________
5. What is bioethics?_____________________________________________________________________
6. Why would someone want to take a gene test?______________________________________________
7. Would you be interested in taking a gene test?______________________________________________
8. Name one thing Mackenzie learned from her genes.__________________________________________
9. Name one thing Laurel learned from her genes.______________________________________________
10. Could insurance companies deny coverage to either girl based on what they learned? _______________
11. Give one example of a mutation that has a positive outcome. _______________________________
12. Polymorphism-_____________________________________________________________________
13. ______________________-is a “picture of someone’s chromosomes.”
14. What is a karyotype used for? __________________________________________________________
15. Explain the difference between the following pairs of words.
a. Autosome and Sex chromosome ___________________________________________________
b. Genotype and Phenotype ________________________________________________________
c. DNA and RNA _________________________________________________________________
d. Recessive and Dominant traits _____________________________________________________
e. Absolute and Relative risk ________________________________________________________
f. Mendelian trait and multifactorial trait ______________________________________________
16. Why would age be considered a risk factor for women wanting to have children? __________________
17. Transgenic-_________________________________________________________________________
18. GM in genetics means________________________ ______________________.
19. What is hemophilia? __________________________________________________________________
Connect the terms below with the term that goes with it on the right with an arrow.
20. Family
21. Individual
22. Population
a. gene pool
b. karyotype
c. pedigree