Garrett Johnson February 9, 2019 NURS-282-A Bloom’s Taxonomy In 1956 Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues came up with what is called Bloom’s Taxonomy, an essential framework for teachers to use to zero in on higher order thinking. It gives a hierarchy of six levels, which can help educators in creating questions. Not all questions are on the same level and Bloom’s Taxonomy asserts that learning should be progressive from lower to higher levels of cognitive thinking. This resource was revised in 2001 by a group of cognitive psychologists. The six different cognitive levels from simple to complex are as follows: remember, understand, apply, analize, evaluate, and create. The first level, or foundation, is remembering. Being able to recall or recognise facts. The second level is understanding. Where an individual comprehends the material and can explain concepts. Third is applying. Here you begin to implement your understanding in new situations. At the next step you are able to analyze and break the material apart into pieces and understand how they relate to one another and the overall purpose. At the fifth level you evaluate through comparing things to standards. On the sixth and most complex level you understand the material so, that you are able to rearrange and the elements and put it together into a new original work around the subject.