Performance Task List for Book Report

Performance Task List for Book Report
1. Read all of the steps on this list
2. Chose one activity from each of the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
3. Complete six activities each on one side of a separate piece of paper with a title telling what the
activity is. May also be typed on a separate page. Each paper is numbered 1-6.
4. Make a title page for the report that shows the title of the book (underlined or italicized), the
author of the book, your name, the date and class.
5. Make a table of contents that tells the name of the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation and synthesis) and the page number for each
page of the report and the activity that is on that page.
6. Put the whole report together in this order:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Page 1, Knowledge activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Page 2, Comprehension activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Page 3, Application activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Page 4, Analysis activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Page 5, Evaluation activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Page 6, Synthesis activity (write the number and name of the activity)
Grading Rubric:
Title Page _____/5
Table of Contents _____/5
Page 1 _____/10
Page 2 _____/10
Page 3 _____/10
Page 4 _____/10
Page 5 _____/10
Page 6 _____/10
Spelling ____/10
Grammar ___/10
Punctuation ____/10
Total _________/100