Do Now DO YOU THINK IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAINTAIN WATER BALANCE INSIDE THE BODY? WHY OR WHY NOT? HINT: THINK BACK TO LESSONS ON OSMOSIS Osmoregulation Osmoregulation- Regulation of water and solute within the body. Osmoregulation • Regulation of water is really important • Too much water can result in our cells swelling up and breaking apart • Too little results in our cells shriveling and dying. • Various animals have different way of doing this. No matter what the method PROPER BALANCE MUST BE MAINTAINED. Marine Fish: hypoosmotic H2O continually leaves body Less salt than external environment continually drinks seawater excretes salt through gills produces small amts of dilute urine Freshwater Fish: hyperosmotic H2O continually enters body does not drinks water produces large amts of dilute urine More salt than external environment Adaptations to Dry Environment • Many desert animals don’t drink water • Kangaroo rats lose so little water that they can recover 90% of the loss from water being produced through cellular respiration and gain the remaining 10% in their diet of seeds. Dehydration in Humans • If you are sweating too much or eating too much salt, your body’s water content will be low. • Brain senses this and releases more ADH—The job of this hormone is to work with kidneys to reabsorb water • This results in low urine leaving your body and water level in your body goes to normal Hormonal Control via Negative Feedback Too much Water • If you drink too much, brain senses this and produces less ADH • Job of ADH is to hold back urine but since there is less of ADH being produced, it will not hold back a lot • The result is large amount of urine leaving the body, bringing the water level back to normal