Mini-Glossary Root Words algesia (sense of pain) angi/o (vessel) arteri/o (artery) cardiac arrest (stopped heart) dactyl/o (fingers) defibrillation (heart shocked to a regular heartbeat) embolism (obstruction of a blood vessel) embolus (foreign particle in the bloodstream) esthesia (feeling, sensation) fibrillation (very fast,irregular heartbeat) myel/o (spinal cord, bone marrow) phas/o (speech) phleb/o (vein) plas/o (formation) thrombosis (blood clot occluding a vessel) thrombus (a blood clot) Prefixes Suffixes a-, an- (absent, without) poly- (many) brady- (slow) sym-, syn- (together) dys- (bad, difficult, painful) -orrhexis (rupture, bursting apart) macro- (large) -tripsy (rubbing, crushing) micro- (small, very small) -emia (blood) tachy- (fast) The heart is the pump of the circulatory system. It is about the size of a fist. It’s hollow and cone-shaped, with its apex at the bottom. The heart uses arteries to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the cells, tissues, and organs. Oxygendepleted blood returns to the heart via the veins. The heart then pumps oxygen-deficient blood to the lungs where it becomes oxygen-enriched and returns to the heart for another circulatory round. Heart Heart Artery Arteriole Cappillary Vein Venule Blood Plasma Red Blood cell Erythrocyte White Blood cell Leukocyte Plasma Platelets Haemogloblin