Cardiovascular System Key Terms Means vessel necrosis ◦ tissue death Angionecrosis ◦ death of the walls of the blood vessels. Aorta Having to do with the aorta Means artery Having to do with arteries -sclerosis ◦ abnormal hardening ◦ Arteriosclerosis? Means plaque Or fatty substance Atherosclerosis ◦ hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to a buildup of cholesterol plaques. Slow Card – heart Bradycardia ◦ abnormally slow heart beat Means heart Having to do with the heart Coronary Crown Blood Blood condition Having to do with the blood Isch – to hold back Ischemia ◦ a deficiency in blood supply due to either the constriction or the obstruction of a blood vessel. Means red Cyte ◦ means cell Erythrocyte ◦ red blood cell Means blood Having to do with the blood Means white Cyte – cell Leukocyte ◦ white blood cell Means vein Having to do with the veins Phlebitis ◦ inflammation of a vein. Means rapid Tachycardia ◦ abnormally fast heartbeat Clot Having to do with a clot Osis ◦ abnormal condition Thrombosis ◦ abnormal blood clot in a blood vessel Aneurysm-widening Angina-choking pain Atri/o-atrium Plasm/a, plasm/o-plasma (form, mold) Valv/o-valve (leaf) Vein Having to do with the veins Key terms 2 Something inserted -us ◦ Singular noun ending -ism ◦ Condition, state of Embolus ◦ A foreign object, such as a blood clot, quantity of air or gas, or a bit of tissue or tumor that is circulating in the blood Embolism ◦ Blockage of a vessel by an embolus. The flow of blood through the vessels of an organ The adequate delivery of oxygen and glucose to tissues Hypoperfusion Vessel Vas deferens Vasoconstrictor Vasodilator Also known as dysrhythmia An irregularity or the loss of normal rhythm of the heartbeat. Rapid, random, and ineffective contractions of the heart ◦ Atrial fibrillation - AF ◦ Ventricular fibrillation – V fib or VF a cardiac arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions are rapid but regular. An immature erythrocyte Characterized by a meshlike pattern of threads A type of leukocyte Formed in red bone marrow Promote the inflammatory response Control Maintenance of a constant level Hemostasis ◦ To control bleeding A localized area of necrosis caused by an interruption of the blood supply Myocardial infarction (MI)