llath 215r FBII. Student coMents, I have nave! net Buch a, chcarftrl quaatlcns aek.at ot hIn. 1972 tretri lis faa ab13 to unalarstand I thanX you for glvlng yourBelt to tho class. I corrld raaIly 6ense that yqr car.d about uat ttranka foa bcing rrormal rhen ra naadad h.lp. tho toa.ch.r nE eblc to gtn !i.t. tnt€r€Ft aroa. V6ry gooal. Knms hl8 stuft. h a gonarally dt"!r subJaet o .K . Exocll.ntl tiueg lf lt thln& I rould stlU b. trylng to tos! tro dlc. hrdnrt b.cn tor hls h.lp rnd und.rstrndlng. Hu[orou3. &rjoyrblc. have hed. lblr. Cl.ar. one ot th. bottor 100 t.acherE I I Apprcclat. graetly hl8 lra,tlencr, undarrtendlng. and srnso of huroE. Takina irhls couEo rtth r orabby, hpatlant taechar rqrld hNvB nid. the .rpsrlenoa nlch Eora trauEtlc tltan lt alr.a{iy ras. Excollant. l(nor6 vhan to Johs In c18s!r Vet? good, h.Lptul aoDetlncs a llttl. ll€var r dull lnd lnt.r.ltsd ln atudantr. lnfl.rM. rlth polnta. lonart. Coad lllurtrator n dlil a good Job. I rnjoy.d oonlng to cl|a! -- s.ar.il Hr 3ho[ldntt ba ao ntor ihon Daople cona ln to s.c hln. to tlnal Dor. pt|lobl,rm3 to Gole3 baok rlth. -- talrr one fantr 'cool r Hc ulIea class .njoyrblr lntt.rd of drudg.ry -- I lound hl! oono6tr!.d, xUung to h!lp, and dodlorttd to t.aohing u! son Etat and conDuter rl|gthor ra llLd lt or notl l{ot only a v.ty good prot, Ahalr8 av&llebla tor wra !n srgtl!.ant rlth I hfu!. tc:char nlc. guy ' falr' but a grrat outrlile tun-lovlng guy. help. and yrrXr halptul. tr rould t*o tlorc oou::ra6 etc. th. 8t!p1s 1!ct that hr t .r ths uatorlal atrd hsd an lnt.r.it 1n good lnrtr.uctor. .ech lndlvidull atud.nt !ata8 hlE rrtr 16 a r.al\| Ilta conse of h[nor E alre groatlJ apprrclat.d bfr th. qrtlra clasa. cEatl Alraya 43.[.rl to be arolrnd to holp and srarad r.ally lntoreat.d ln dolng ao. K.pt claas allv€ 8rld stllt got oona.Dts acro3a. I appt€clatad irhe tbct vor? nrab tlrst yan dlal not tersh aa !.f rG rare Eth |!alors. He ras rall lnforlred on th€ _aubJact. but llled to pLay ganes eonetlnes by avoldlng qroetlsns: ye tgot al]. that bad; but-sonstlucs rould havo to cr.ate a 3olutlotr to a problen tbon nsver lea:'ly tner 1! ro {610 Just lueler. I rsally fe-1t I 99uld g9 to hlu and h. uqrld no qualna about that -- good. be gtad to he1p, RcaUy onjoyed hln, fle obvlously Lnrr hla nat.rlal and ras able to conv_oy It to atualenta. fould angrar qucationa and raa vary helpltrl. CooalaenEo ot lmnor. too. $€ axlrlaln d Drtorlal and ilth- Gnough dsttll about a good undorEtsndlng of tt. end srampl.s Fltrs teaoh€r -- could usuilllr bi tound rhan I n edad hclp. an Intorortlng rnd snJoyablo- oorrss. +1p+1. tn. stralghtsnb€ about ths thlngs ra rlrg orrl q' FoEFans arrd qults golng ttrrouAh. to brln€ It nt undrrstandlng Nlce guyt The teN.ohcr seanod to got tcroas hls llsron dld It vsay r.11. &r €rcallent taaohlr to rork for rrd rhat thd stual.nt ts dolng end fr.llng at oach ol,ass Dartod and gat hllp ftoll. Il,s und.ratanda &bout hl: progra,[s. Cood. Uuoh frlen tller th.tr th. aonnrt.rt Sicnlng\y rlth onall.a! Drtl€ncr for du[b nlttak.a, cood. borlng He fa3 v.ry- hclpfirl ch.ss ver.!| borlng. trnoE th. Et.rlal rol.l E)aoeLLent. -you r.rs oa8y to flnd. e'rd crcatlvc. rnd ls aLnllg vew helptlrl, alreye vllllng to hclp Dldnrt trakc a posElbly rlu.tng to h.lp out. easy to undcratand, rnd uautt\y I r.auy eppreclate{t th€ ny you mde yours.lt avellabl'e to ua tor hslp. Fan though I Eror r{f nl8tskos ltra dunb, you dlaln.t nats ne feol dunb-. Creatl Ah4y8 haat plantr of tln an$/ tln tor ry plobleEa. An.aBaet. AIEyE- rll_llng -to holp r. outsldo of ol.asa -- oxplelna thhg8 tn claas cleeiy and ,.Il. Io ilUtng to flnd out cxaot\r rhat a atudont rantr to Lnm anal than rn€r€ra hlD, uhlch yary f€y taacharB do. tho teach.r E v.r!r halpltrl and "6ry fa:r. lL:ar brlplulr ;!f,flng ltny, cDvlr.V to alr. irlg ca ,rls. b.rldcrbfa Iffirsiilf.'Eth&nfil$"is* ot !L nrbJrat, r Kiff*'. ** eoc.l. !+?r tC glvr-dttllrdt lDlta of lt rr1. F.ttt .!l|r rla tGt!r.|!, ht l|. gr.rt gEl' ln frb. tbb srr...4 t I h.r. d.ttf,lt ly lcra.d r tct I:rr-."Jg{!d eor D.cltr3. ol thr or|lra ftElt,+ h! hd lt nr t$gnt. - t hr.f trbd lt 60. LfoF. .rd ha D..a rd.-to tt.f tF.t|U finni ld.$|rt . 3 Ye*." - jlq sr,f,";ts l q G q- l q ? . - Tlra Uihan 7"aal4e,r-4f?raaalS"a,h HOWABD WILSON bdrcl. tL. l6n.! b.Ior. rh. .t't.&or ruc[ Pl.d. do lot .ter rN lse !d E.L 6t Wtl! rg@d to bowL&. oI rf,. NbtGt r. l!d. u r.rr r.ll lb.lloBltr.[ ,. slntst o! guMoR cobFt.td rL. ftt a de.rdbq EcEd. td ro t* eFr..t oI ,o{ r.!.Lr, PERSONALAPPBAISAL l. lNowraDcE o! 8ulEqr ^'1\ t! t@ .rdrdds t-r e* |Lcr cc ld6dtr I rald .cy rL. r6d.!' O c. Do.. lor ho? tr r.!i r.ll O.L tlowtr@dr. I b.ll.v. t!. l{..Ldr 1l b. no c 16. 3.!.. .t hEoi {3c, L oE.r!r.. r-..u. 4 G rti.. roo hsd ro t. lueFs. I a. L !a roo ..,r@. !. PRE€F|rAIION I ftuld !d b rclq|ro! to Dy olhd 6{tq, rht c.s. rd.: .l{,t. w.! et.nr.d. ,6c. ADor ddg.. / 4 pool, Eftmr.rl 6 ., v., 3? .. v.tr *.u pr.6r.d" .rl. ,odt, pu. .. STI'DEIII I'ACBER NEIATIONAHIP I h.ll.v. rLdt drdlg th. .ld E.dod! tlY.l..I!s tsc. I @!drd @il .sD.t Ic.tt tdcls r.r& ro dtdrolrih. 4b, n l|!.r s€.il.rtu lor dtds.'t.n Drd.dlr, DE .dL. .t{dct . s. SEIF COIIITDEI'IC! I D.!.r. tl. l.d.l.! L: ( b, Fdrlr -lr.dtd."t. 14 o Oncuy .ur. ol U{.!. O c. U.uqltr 6c.nd!. 3. AI'IIISDE IOwlAD SNTDENTS I b.!d. rb. rd.Ld rr ii.alls rlh .ru.t Et r.l cN.ld.rd. Gd /1b, Urlsny .ould.rdt. @.t I c. Som{E.. l!6!.td.rrr. o ll tlrqyt bcd.t.hor. t5 a llrar. .orneu., cNLou. od rL.et u. dil .[]euneu.. ?. tMER!3t !r SntD8rrs tb. rddq tr d..llrs r[! .r!.Lr|!.lN.l . I b.[-. 6a c, Cr.l blu..t t! .trddr. D!oDlh., 3? b. ltnds. irt.{.t h |l{d.d'. I ., Lud. t!r}..r |! rtu t..r'r rreDl.br. ,. ttfSwE !.c QuE8fiOr{g qu.ilorr cr. qrl.d t! .1c.. rL. r.dclrt - I L.U.r. ri.! th.b hlr dd ilt cilr. .i !. r!.r.n D.E D@rk[y, O c. !wd.. tt cu..do. O rL Do. lor dr.r 16 c. I!.{.n ,Fbr.b., d.e. ,, tlrttt{lTloNa I lbd tL. r.q.L.! tr .xploctlon ol .ldldlt D.t. rl t r ql ., V.!r.Lqi 53b. cLon 5c. l{or d.ar "r I||. ATflTUDI 'OwliD DFFEiENCES I !.!m lh. [.sc!.r' qo a. R.cos'l!.r.!d ona. dt(r..cd Y b. L s&!r ioLndt, hur r. !1....! ' ol oDt!io!. ? G.Do.. lor r.coe'rr. !d qud du.odi .l oDblo!. ASSICNMENTSAND EXAMINATIONS r. I38IONMENII r.i . I rocld .ct rL. 1...h.! b dqltls a..lqu.!b 6l d. ll'qr. D.ltrlt.. .Ltbll.. at. cl c. hd.!!h.. o.l. V.rr 16.L6!u.. a. ElA$tlfArot{tl I b.llr. &al .torlldlld. h tl|. cla.r .h.dd b. 9116' l.{ c. Mq..fi.!. ,31. A. L.qudtlt c. t[.i r.t., 3 c, ldr 3. B&f,MtNA ON OUES ONS I |lt l rb. qrdtld o! |l..rEtrd{oo. r.r.' 2G d. v.tr dE. 63 b, cLri 6c. IeDleros. t, Ftttt|E$ or ExtMllttflotfa olt !. I |!bL tL. ddhcdo!. w..l 2? o. Vat lrli l.l, V.rr utdlr. a?b, lott { c. Xot rdr ldt s. tltitfElS tN dhtDll'tc I rlld rh. rdcl': l. rdr lqlr d.t lapd{cl r. dI. ? h. odro!.llr .!.r. rdd{.!. I3., o 4 C.!.todr .f,or. tar.ddtE. COI'RSE APPRAISAL t. @un8E . I rdLl .dt l! {lcnd b E 6i!c coud llt! 16: )4c. Irmq.. 16 d. V.rr dr|ndll" 51b. Dli!.!L 6 <1.Ed.y. I a V.t c.t. ,. HOME WOnt rU. coq. aqurt.d: . I would roy b r.ldtls l. Dy ot[d cdr6 51d. Md. DFp@tlo!. 3tb. Abal ll. ..8. lEEmdd. t o 1,6 Dr.Edr.do!. 3. E:IIIOYMEM I rodd Fa llol tlL 6rE. |! Fldn@ io By .$.r coq.. rd.r Elt rabl..l.'c, rvRs.. :L3.. Y.!r dlorcbL.4!h. {d.D!I|t.. V.ryirdr. TEACHER RANK 53 WIIL rla{o! io otld a. ToD t ! p.. c.!t. t aGlG I Lar. hcd, I rodd E[. rhr. bdc!{ l! |f,.: Upp.! lott. 2 rl. Low h!. ?1!. upD.. qudl.r. lle fal95?, by AdEhlstraUv. R.s.d6h o. lon.r qlcr.i aE€6cldt.s, 86: 3, D€.rfi.Id, Illraots HOPE COLLEGE 'lo""o^o.Mrc,'rcAN Intd-Ofr,ce MEMORLNIj|0]I Date: ilanuat5r 30, 1973 To: Ueth Staff Frcm: E1liot Sifuiect: Encloaed Sheat A. Tanfu The enolosed Etat3ncDt Ls an account of you! evaluatton forn to th. Dean. It wlU b. turn d Ln on t{edn.rday, ilanuary BL, If you hav. any quastl,ons about it, sa3 na bsfonq thcn. January 30, L9T3 Herbert Dershem is a key nal} i! our alepaltnent. He has been instru_ !4ental. j.n the alevelopinent of ou" progr€,u in computer science. Ilelb 1s one of those rare individuals wbo i.s extremelv successful as teacher in the cfassroon and also as a researcher. A couple of quotes by students speak to his teaching effectiveness: ' rrT +1,.-r. --, 6-,-lg of yoursetf to the class. I could reaffy sense that you careal about usl Than'Ls for beiEE arounal vhen ve neealed helD. " "f appreclate of humor.rr A fisting greatl-y his pg1r1ence, unalerslranding, anal sense of sone of fierbrs research anal scho].arly activities is attached. fhls year Herb Is seiving on the AcademicAffairs Boaril. Teacher Xalucotion Coneittee, Conputer Conmlttee, anat ls facuLty advi;or for pi Mu Epsll,on, an honoraly nathenatics freternity. During the past year Hexb hs.s cond.ucted tou!6 of the cooputer center and expla,ined its operotion to nole than 20 grou?s of second,ery students. I{e also gave tlro clas6e6 for a hlgh school gloup froro West Ottawa. Ilelb is an active lrerober of ZioB Lutheran Church. He le servlng as chulch treasurer, a lnelnbe" of the church council, a teacher of the adult 31b1e cle8s on Sund.aymornings, a conveDer of a youig coull_es stualy group, and. a herober of the pLs.4nlng cormdttee. Ilerb is keen-ly interestecl in the dlevefoploent of ttre rrroathenatics vith coeputing enphaslsrt proeralr. Not onl"y ls he interested in our naJors irogrs!. Ile is al-so laterested 1n the aleveLopnent of a coulse in conputlng to be taken by stud.ents wbo vlsh to satiEfy the college mathena,tics requirenent. Herb hopes to l-earn nore about tbe colrluter appfications to calucetion in othe! disclpfines so that he night be of asslstance to colleagues ln other aiepartments in introducj.ne cl"assfoon use of orir expanding conputer facifities. Although there appesrs to be an oversupply of nathenatlcians in some area.s, this is Dot true in conputer ecience. It would be !te€.r to inpossj_bLe to replace Eerb a'ith a rnan of equaL qual-ity and characte!. Her.bert L, Detlshen Publiqations: rrBessel difference systems of fractional orden.,, J. and App-t.,39, 3 (Sept., 1972), pp. 558_563, rrA course on conDutins and statistics for social Math. Anal. science stuclents,,, cgsr"att:;-;; c.,p,iJ"l-i""in" lle f:Z undersraduabe *.9+$e^gi u u r r a c t l a , A t l d n t a , G e o r g ja , 1 9 7 2 . I'A relationship betrneen appnoximation theony -statistical '* m e a s u r e m e n l s , , ! - s u b m i t t e d i 6 A n e r , u a t n . U o n i f rand ivl M i m e o g r a p h e dE x e u c i s e M a n u a l f o r M a t h e m a t i c s 2 1 5 , 216. Iortran notes for Mathernatics 215, 216. Papers Presented: irReport-on a project to intnoduce the computer into the statistics cu!'r.icufum,rr with E. Tanis, GLCA Confereni:e on -omfutrng, walash C o l f e g e, M a r c h ? - 8 , 1 9 ? 2 . ald statistics for social science students,t, ll *v"l z; . : l :u: ^o:nl _ i l eo m p u t e r . s ^ i n r e: :rm e n! :ct e o n C t h e U n d e ! . g n a d u a t eC u r r i c u l a , Atlanta) Georgia, June 13, l9?2. -Five fornal presentation6 at the SununenConference for Col_lege Teachers of Mathenatics on the Use of the Conputer in the Under._ graduate Statistics curricul-um, august jq_ia-,'idil.-' Meetings Attended: GLCA Symposium on Conpuring in the Undergraduate Curniculum, wabash colfege, Cnawfordsville, r"aianu,"Mu".:l-i_a,- islz. ACII-SIGCSE Second Syrnposj.unon Education in Cornputer Science, Washington Univensity, St. Louis, Missouri, Mar;h 23-2S, f972. Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of Ajnenica, oakland Univer.sity, Rochester, Michigan, Vay e, fSiZ. 1972 Confera.enceon Cornputer.s in the Undergraduate Cur.ricufa, Atlanta, Georgia, .tune 12-14, 1972. Midwest Workshop on Conputing Science Cunricufun for l-our_year Laberal Arts Coffeges, Wheaton Coltege, Wheaton, Illinois, July 12-f4, f972. Conference on the Use of the conputer in the Undergladuate Statistics Cunriculun, Hope Colllge, Hottand, Michlgan, ..rug. ^ Reviews: I articles and 2 books in the past year in Computing Reviews,