LED Cube Tower Matt Twardy & Marcus Turner

LED Cube Tower
Matt Twardy & Marcus Turner
1. Gain experience in assembling customized circuit boards.
2. Apply programming concepts gained though semester.
3. Experience and experiment with an alternative development platform.
How it works: A look at the internals of the cube
Schematic Diagrams
Timing Diagram
Making It Work
Flicker Fusion Threshold/Rate by ISR
Lighting a Voxel
Example – “Make it Rain” (code)
Flowchart for Future Devlopment
How it Works
All layers share a
common cathode
All columns share a
common anode
Schematics - Full
Schematics - Latch
Data Bus
Address Selector
Output Control
Schematics - Layer
Ground Layer 1
Ground Layer 2
Ground Layer 3
Ground Layer 4
To Ground
Timing Diagram
**A delay is introduced after the latches are loaded so the
data is displayed for a bit longer
Making It Work
Relies on the concept of
“flicker fusion threshold/rate” (FFR)
Phenomenon of intermittent light stimulus (frequency) that
appears to be completely steady to the human eye (related
to “persistence of vision”).
Think movies and animation.
Most people do not detect flicker above 75Hz in modern displays like
TVs and computer screens.
•LEDs are flashed very quickly, giving the
appearance of a steady light source.
Accomplished though Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
Timing Setup, Arduino:
TCCR2A |= (0x01 << WGM21); // Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC mode)
OCR2A = 10; // Output Compare every 2816th cpu cycle (256*11)
TCNT2 = 0x00; // start counting at 0
TCCR2B |= (0x01 << CS22) | (0x01 << CS21); // 256 prescaler
 Note how the 0x01 is shifted into the CS2n bit register in Arduino
ISR Pesudocode:
Use Timer 02 and Compare OCR2A every 11 counts
Turn the data ports off
Turn off output enable
Traverse each layer and turn the layer off
Re-enable outputs
Tower Layer Refresh Frequency:
14MHz/2816 * (1/8) ≈ 621Hz
Let There Be Light
Voxel: a point in space who’s coordinates are inferred
based upon its position to other voxels.
Similar to pixels on a
TV screen, voxels have
not only an XY-axis but
also a Z-axis
To light a voxel, we need only know the
layer (Z), column (X) and row (Y)
Choosing which of the 512 pixels to light in
which order
Example – Make it Rain
Effect description: a function() that makes a lit LED appear to
fall from the top layer of the tower to the bottom.
void effect_rain (int iterations)
//----- VARIABLES -----//
int i, ii;
int rnd_x;
int rnd_y;
int rnd_num;
//-- iterations defined by calling function
for (ii=0; ii<iterations; ii++)
rnd_num = rand()%4;
// number of drops
for (i=0; i < rnd_num; i++)
rnd_x = rand()%8;
// random position
rnd_y = rand()%8;
setvoxel(rnd_x,rnd_y,7); // starting on top layer of tower at XY
turn on voxel
// shift (a function) voxel down by 1
Flowchart & Future Development