N ORSON C HEMICAL I NDUSTRIES ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIE D I NTRODUCTION AND P RODUCT C ATALOGUE Version: NCI-PCT-JAN-2011 Head Office: Peshawar Office: Kabul Office: 112/9 Quaid e Azam Industrial Estate Kotlakhpat Lahore, Pakistan. Ph: (92-42) 3511 3861, (92-42) 3521 3600; Fax: (92-42) 3511 3856 Flat No. 4, Asghar plaza, Tehkaal Payan, University Road Peshawar. Ph: (92-91) 571 1770 Dehmazang Street 1, Karte-Chahar near Ghazi High School, Kabul, Afghanistan Ph: (93-20) 2501787, (93-79) 9330224, (93-77) 8841888 Email: info@norson.com.pk; Website: www.norson.com.pk T ABLE OF C ONTENTS MISSION STATEMENT 1 VISION 1 CORE VALUES 1 INTRODUCTION 2 تعارف 3 QUALITY POLICY 4 NORSON CARES 5 DISCLAIMER 6 HOMEX SPECIAL PLASTIC EMULSION 7 HOMEX WEATHER RESIST 9 HOMEX SPECIAL EMULSION 11 HOMEX WALL FILLER 13 HOMEX EXTERIOR WALL PUTTY 14 HOMEX TEXTURE FINISH 15 HOMEX ROCKWALL FINISH 16 HOMEX SYNTHETIC ENAMEL 17 HOMEX METALLIC PAINT 19 HOMEX MATT FINISH 21 HOPCOH SPARKLING VARNISH 23 HOMEX WALL PRIMER SEALER 24 HOMEX RED OXIDE PRIMER 25 HOMEX SPECIAL UNDERCOAT 26 HOPCOH WOOD STAIN 27 HOMEX CLEAR WOOD LACQUER 29 HOMEX THINNER 1512 31 HOPCOH HIGH BUILD NITROCELLULOSE SANDING SEALER 32 HOPCOH 2K LACQUER 34 HOMEX 2-PACK EPOXY 35 HOMEX 2-PACK ZINC PHOSPHATE EPOXY PRIMER 36 HOMEX HEAT RESISTING PAINT 37 HOMEX STOVING FINISH 38 HOMEX BRILLIANT CHROME ALUMINIUM 39 HOMEX HIGH BUILD CHLORINATED RUBBER PAINT 40 HOMEX ROAD MARKING PAINT 41 HOMEX THERMOPLASTIC ROAD MARKING PAINT (TP) 43 M ISSION S TATEMENT Create and maximize value for our customers, employees, business partners and community which no other can match. V ISION To be the premier paint manufacturer in the South Asian region that is known for innovation, resilience and superior customer care. C ORE VALUES Norson Chemical Industries values its employees, business partners and consumers; and is committed to foster an environment of mutual trust, respect and to provide necessary resources to achieve this vision as a responsible corporate citizen. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 1 I NTRODUCTION Norson Chemical Industries (NCI) established in 1989, has had over twenty successful years in paint manufacturing and selling. In past two decades we have developed acumen for producing a variety of quality decorative, industrial and commercial finishes including Synthetic Polyvinyl Distempers, Synthetic Enamels, Matt Finishes, Plastic Emulsions, 2K Systems, Chlorinated Rubber Coatings, Thermoplastic Coatings, Epoxy and PU Based coatings. As an agile and forward thinking enterprise, NCI believes in product innovation and greatly rely on international partnerships. NCI is working closely with its international partners for sourcing materials and technologies. Now NCI enjoys support from its partners in Netherlands, Australia, Switzerland, Korea and USA. In the same vein, NCI is led by a team of management which is inspired by the vision of its founding chairman; an entrepreneur of highest calibre who accumulates forty years of experience in paints manufacturing & selling. Our technical team is staffed with highly qualified technologists and quality control lab is equipped with all the latest equipment. Our continuous strive for excellence and innovation has made us the only Pakistani paint manufacturer compliant with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. Today, 80% of our sales are from exports reconfirming our claims of quality paint manufacturer. You can buy our products from a network of over 250 dealers in Pakistan and abroad. I also welcome this opportunity to request you to explore our website www.norson.com.pk in order to get a better understanding of our products and services. We have learned a lot from our customers therefore, it is extremely important for us to keep hearing from you on our performance at every step of product development, delivery and application. We are highly indebted to you for your continued support; hence, setting higher standards to our Customer Services. Our sales staff will be happy to share more information, should you have any questions or suggestions. We are keenly looking forward to an opportunity to serve you sometime soon. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 2 رف ر ر رى دارد از در زار Ù ِر ِ ر دہ ر در دا آ و رج ö ىو ر ہ در ن داراى داراى ر ر ر ا وز õو ت رج ö ر ى ۴٠ ل و دت م و ر ت ِ ان õو ِ ات ر ِ ٢۵٠ ِ د را ا رى دارد در از ۔ از ى ى ىر ö ال دا ر ر ا õا õو õ ۷٩ در دا ون ö و Page 3 ر ا ہ از ؛ د ا ت د از ا ِ ردار ران ö اور د ار ا در ا سوا ن ش ۔ دہ ۔ ر و ر اى ر دہ ۔ اہ دد۔ را ا ا ا و از و و ۔ا و و ۔ا ر ۔ ر رج òدر ت õ www.norson.com.pk ت ِ ر ) (ISO 9001-2008را ö õو ت ö رر ¯ ا ِس ﻼش و ر ى ہ۔ و ى ب از ان ا د ا ۔ ا ظ لر ى ى ب ۔ ر ۔ ا ل ö õ ù ى ِ ر ى ا وð د در س را دد وا ام اہ ۔ ا از اى ز ۔ ۔ و ب دارا ى ِم ا ؛ ى ى رن و ر ؛ ر وا وش ر وِ õ ارد ار ر öد دز د دہ در Ùرت از ﻼ ۔ ر ر و ا ؛ دم ر ؛ا â ؛ر ِ ر ؛ â و وارد õ ِ لا ِ ون ﻼ ِ را ب دا ر ى ت را و ِ ð òن؛ر ð از ر ر ِ õشا ö ا آﻻت و ِ ا ا ؛ر ِ و داراى ر ى õو ى ِ رو ل رى ا اع ِ ون ر ؛ 2k ِ ر ار ل ö ؛ õ ١٠٠ را از ö ر ö ب در دہ۔ ر ل âد و ر ِ و ر رز õ ۷۵ و در ل ١٩۸٩ وع ر ٢٠ õ õارى و ا رð ى از ۔ No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Q UALITY P OLICY Norson Chemical Industries (NCI) is dedicated to the quality policy ensuring that its products and services fully meet the requirements of its customers while sustaining the environment at all times. The goal of NCI is to maximize value for its customers, business partners and community by remaining committed to the implementation of supporting managerial and business operational systems essential to realising this goal. NCI believes in the concept of consumers, appliers and supplier working together in pursuing this policy and in continually striving for improvements in the product and service quality. Our quality policy is based on 3 fundamental principles: 1. Ensuring that we fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers and community in which we are working. 2. Looking at our product manufacturing and service provision processes, identifying the potential for errors and taking the necessary action to eliminate them. 3. Everyone understanding how to do their job and doing it right first time. To ensure that the policy is successfully implemented, staff will be responsible for identifying customer requirements, and ensuring that the correct procedures are followed to meet those requirements. Objectives needed to ensure that the requirements of this policy are met and that continual improvement is maintained in line with the spirit of the policy, will be set, determined and monitored at Management Review. The quality policy principles and objectives will be communicated and available to staff at all times. Training will be an integral part of the strategy to achieve the objectives. Within this Policy we are committed to operating our Company under the disciplines and control of a Quality Management System conforming to the International Standard 1S0 9001:2008, planned and developed jointly with our other management functions. We are all committed to operating continuously to this standard and we will maintain the necessary Quality Approvals consistent with our customer requirements. NCI will constantly review and improve on our products and services to ensure that tasks are completed in the most cost effective and timely manner for the benefit of all our customers. We shall ensure that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company's policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through an on-going training and development program. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 4 N ORSON C ARES C ORPORATE & S O CIAL R ESPONSIBILITY Norson firmly believes in the principle of value creation and recognises the fundamental responsibilities of our business towards the sustainable existence of societies and the communities within which we operate. We have voluntarily committed ourselves to meet our social responsibilities well beyond compliance. In fact, creating value for society and the community in which we operate will continue to govern corporate approach at Norson hence, we are committed to the following: 1. To invest in education and health initiatives serving the local communities. 2. To purposefully identify, sustainable projects that serve the community and make a long term contribution to the sustainability. 3. To respect the rights and traditions of the indigenous communities. 4. To continuously monitor our involvement in CSR projects to ensure target groups are reached and mutual goals are attained. 5. To find innovative ways of uplifting the communities within which Norson operates by balancing the availability of funds with the growing social needs of the community. 6. To use training and skills uplifting as a value tool to improve the lives of not only our employees but also the communities in which we operate. 7. To have a holistic corporate and structured approach to CSR, this is line with the Norson’s code of business ethics and integrated in the company’s core business. 8. To move beyond generally accepted CSR standards and practices, and exceed the expectations of our stakeholders. 9. To empower operations with the necessary financial and human resources required to ensure CSR initiatives are effective. 10. To remain committed to the health, safety and welfare of all employees, business partners, distributors, sub-contractors and members of the public who may interface with us during our business. These responsibilities are based on a mutual respect that exists between Norson and the local communities in which we operate. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 5 D ISCLAIMER The information in this catalogue is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their usage. It should not therefore, be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of products described or their suitability for a particular application. NCI does not assume any legal responsibility for use or reliance upon same. The manufacturer is not liable for consequential damages or for damage to persons or property resulting from the use of material. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 6 HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion is an acr ylic base long lasting, easily washable superi or silk finish for decor ating and prote cting interior walls & ceilings. It is available in most fascinating colour range. MAIN USES On plaster, concrete and brick surfaces. It can also be used as undercoat for synthetic enamel on wood surfaces. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Colour Card, customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 10 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 11-15m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 30 minutes Recoat able 1-2 hours PACKING 16 Litres 4 Litres 1 Litre THINNING: Thin HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsi on with clean water while stirring. The amount of water to be added will depend upon the roughness and porosity of the surface and the rate of drying during application. Generally, for 1st coat add 2-3 litres of water to 4 litres of HOMEX Special Plastic Emul sion and add 1-2 litres of water to 4 litres of HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsi on for 2 n d coat. For spray application, thin 4 litres of HOMEX Spe cial Plastic Emulsion with 2-3 litres of wate r. SURFACE PREPARATION: New surface should be allowed to dry out. Effl orescence or salts should be removed by wiping first with a dry cloth and then with a damp cloth. When once efflorescence has ceased, putti it an d apply 2-3 coats of HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion. If the existing material is sound and firmly adhering, in case of previously painted surfaces, HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsi on may be applied direct after normal cleaning. If old paint is l oose or flaking, defective material should be removed by scraping. Dust off the surface, apply one coat Special Undercoat, and let it dry hard. Fin ally, appl y two coats of HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsi on . Dry Distemper & White Wash: Scrub off the existing distemper or white wash to the bare plaster with abrasive paper and then clean. Where heavily bound distemper cannot be removed completely by washi ng, the surface should be primed w ith HOMEX Special Undercoat and appl y two coats of HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time replace the lid firmly and No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 7 invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid, it will help to prevent skinning. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with clean water or a mild detergent soluti on. Shake excess water out then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. If paint spills on to your body or in your eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water and seek medical advice. Spots and spl ashes should be washed off before they have dried as HOMEX Special Plastic Emul sion is resistant to water and washing, once it is dry. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 8 HOMEX Weather Resist HOMEX Weather Resi st is a tough & durable exterior finish which provides prote ct ion to all types of mas onry work against severe weather conditi ons. It also controls m oss growth. Use of special pigments does not fade soon and keep brightening up surroundings . MAIN USES Most sui table for all types of exterior surfaces such as plaster, concrete, brick & pebble dash etc. It is resistant to all weather hazards. It is also a superior finish for your interior. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Colour Card, customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 10 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 10-13 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface dry 30 minutes Recoat ability 1-2 hours PACKING 16 Litres 4 Litres 1 Litre SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove mould & algae patches with hard brush and wash the surface with domestic bleach solution (1 part bleach + 1 part water). After 3 days once again wash surface with water to remove traces of chlorine and let it dry. Apply one coat of HOMEX Special Undercoat, let it dry hard. Then apply 2 to 3 coat of HOMEX Weather Resist. If the existing paint is sound, HOMEX Weather Resist may be applied direct after normal cleaning. If the old paint is loose or flaking, defective material should be removed by scraping. Finally, appl y 2 to 3 coats of HOMEX Weather Resist. Please note that filling putti on the exterior surfaces is not re com mended, use plaster/cement mix for removing surface defects. THINNING: Ideally, thin 4 litres of HOMEX Weather Resist with 2-3 litres of clear water. However, high porosity surfaces will require more thinning than low porosity surfaces. APPLICATION: Before use, mix thoroughly to ensure that all the pigments are evenly dispersed. Thinning should be done under constant stirring. Apply 2-3 coats of HOMEX Weather Resist allowing 1-2 hours between coats. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid, it will help to prevent skinning. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 9 Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with clean water or a mild detergent soluti on. Shake excess water out then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. If paint spills on to your body or in your eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water and seek medical advice. Spots and spl ashes should be washed off before they have dried as HOMEX Weather Resist is resistant to wate r and washing, once it is dry. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 10 HOMEX Special Emulsion While optimizing economy and quality, we created this vinyl based emulsion paint. Its excellent coverage, delightful matt appearance and attract ive range of colours m ake it superior among its contemporaries. MAIN USES All types of interior masonry surfaces such as plaster, concrete, cement wallboard and brick work. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Colour Card, customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 10 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 12-14 m 2 /litre per coat NUMBER OF COATS Two or Three DRYING TIME Surface Dry Recoat able 30-60 minutes 1-2 hours (Depending on the humidity and temperature) PACKING 24 Kg 6 Kg 1.5 Kg SURFACE PREPARATION: New Surface: Rub new surface with grinding stone or sand paper and remove all the dust with cloth. Please ensure that surface is dry and free from powdery material. Now, appl y one coat of HOMEX Special Undercoat and allow the primer to dry hard overnight. Finally, sand paper it and apply HOMEX Special Emulsion Old Surface: HOMEX Special Emul sion can be applied direct after normal cleaning, if the existing paint is sound. In case, old paint is cracking or flaking remove the defective material by scraping. Dust off the surface and apply one coat of HOMEX Special Undercoat. When the primer is hard, apply 2 or 3 coats of HOMEX Special Emulsion APPLICATION: Please stir thoroughly before applying to ensure even pigmentation. Thin down paint with equal quantity of clean water under constant stirring for the first coat. For subsequent coats, 2litres of water for one gallon of HOMEX Special Emulsion woul d be sufficient. Paint can be applied by brush or roller or spray. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid. It will help to prevent skinning. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 11 equipment immediately after use with clean water or a mild detergent soluti on. Shake excess water out then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint into drains or watercourses; disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. If paint spills on to your body or in your eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water and seek medical advice. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 12 HOMEX Wall Filler HOMEX Wall Filler is designed to fight out alkali moisture problems present in ne w or old masonr y surf aces. Tough and flexible film of the binder discourages the pe netration of moisture and salt and t hus providing maximum protection to Special Plastic Emulsion and Special Emulsions applied ove r it. MAIN USES Used as filling coat on walls, ceilings and all other masonry surfaces before applying HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion, Weather Resist or Special Emulsi on. COVERING CAPACITY 5-6 m 2 /kg per application DRYING TIME Surface Dry 1-2hours PACKING 20 Kg or as requested Hard Dry 24 hours Recoat able 18 hours SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure that the surface is fully dried & free from powdery material for the maximum adhesion. It can be achieved by rubbing with abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose dust with solvent soaked cloth. When completely dry appl y one coat of HOMEX Wall Sealer and let it dry for 24 hours. It will compl etely fill all the pours and holes in the surface and will make it non-permeable for moisture thereby helps in achieving better coverage and surface finishing. APPLICATION: Apply HOMEX Wall Filler with scraper. Apply 2-3 coats as r equired and let it dry for 8 hours. Once dried apply HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion, HOMEX Weather Resist, or HOMEX Special Emulsion. Please note that filler on the exterior surfaces is not recommended use plaster/cement mix for removing surface defects. PRECAUTIONS: TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use water. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 13 HOMEX Exterior Wall Putty HOMEX Exterior Wall Putty is based on styrene acryli c polymer; a unique polymer poss essing, U.V Rays resisting properties. It also resists alkali and moistures which provi des strong base for exterior emulsions. MAIN USES Used as filling coat on exterior walls, followed with HOMEX Weather Resist coat. COVERING CAPACITY 4-5 m 2 /kg per application DRYING TIME Surface Dry 1-2hours PACKING 20 Kg or as requested Hard Dry 24 hours Recoat able 18 hours SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure that the surface is fully dried & free from powdery material for the maximum adhesion. It can be achieved by rubbing with abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose dust with solvent soaked cloth. When completely dry appl y one coat of HOMEX Wall Sealer and let it dry for 24 hours. It will compl etely fill all the pours and holes in the surface and will make it non-permeable for moisture thereby helps in achieving better coverage and surface finishing. APPLICATION: Apply HOMEX Exterior Wall Putty with scraper. Apply 2-3 coats as required and let it dry for 8 hours. Once dried apply HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsi on, HOMEX Weather Resist, or HOMEX Special Emul sion. PRECAUTIONS: TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Do not dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 14 HOMEX Texture Finish Its attractive looks and a wide r ange of design possibilities has made HOMEX Textur e Finish an ideal choi ce for those who can appreciate the artistic value. Delightful matt appearance combined with plastic emulsion colour range makes it an ideal choi ce for those who look for the best. MAIN USES Best to provide texture looks on interior masonry surfaces including plaster, concrete, cement, plywood, chipboards, wallboard and brick work. COMPOSITION Blend of acrylic and fine extenders VOLUME SOLIDS 70% ± 2 COVERING CAPACITY 5-6 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry 1-2 hours Over-night (Depending on the humidity and temperature) PACKING 14.56 Litre 3.64Litre SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION: New Surface: Rub new surface with grinding stone or sand paper and remove all the dust with water soaked cloth. Please ensure that surface is dry and free from powdery material. Now, apply one coat of HOMEX Acrylic Primer and allow th e primer to dry hard overnight. Finally, sand the surface and apply HOMEX Texture Finish. Old Surface: HOMEX Texture Finish can be applied direct after normal cleaning, if the existing paint is sound. In case, old paint is cracking or flaking remove the defective material by scraping. Dust off surface and apply one coat of HOMEX Acrylic Primer before applying Texture Finish. We recommend one coat of HOMEX Matt Finish White as an alternative to HOMEX Acrylic Primer. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. The unused paint can be saved for longer period by replacing lid firmly and inverting the can for few seconds to seal the lid. Scrape excess paint out of rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with clean water or a mild detergent soluti on. Shake excess water out then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Don’t dispose-off excess paint into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. If paint spills on to your body or in your eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 15 HOMEX RockWall Finish When you desire a unique look to your i nterior or exterior whi ch has no parallel, your natural choi ce will be H OMEX RockWall Finish. A blend for sat isfying your aesthetic sense with a knack to create your unique signature using different applicators. MAIN USES Best to provide unique looks on interior as well as exterior surfaces. The coating has extended extreme weather resisting properties with no parallel. COMPOSITION Acrylic/ Styrene binders, elastomeric breather comprising of granulated quartz, pigments, and anti-freezing additives FREEZING EFFECT No change 240hrs at 10 o C FINISH Matt COVERAGE 5-6 Sq. Ft. per Kg DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry 2 hours 72 hours (Depending on the humidity and temperature) COLOUR RANGE As per HOMEX Weather Resist colour card, Tailor-made colours on request SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION: New Surface: Rub new surface with grinding stone or sand paper and remove all the dust with water soaked cloth. Please ensure that surface is dry and free from powdery material. Now, apply one coat of HOMEX Acrylic Primer and allow th e primer to dry hard overnight. Finally, sand the surface and appl y HOMEX Architectural Textur e Finish use different applicators to achieve desired texture soon after applyi ng. Old Surface: HOMEX Texture Finish can be applied direct after normal cleaning, if the existing paint is sound. In case, old paint is cracking or flaking remove the defective material by scraping. Dust off surface and apply one coat of HOMEX Acrylic Primer before painting. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. The unused paint can be saved for longer period by replacing lid f irmly. Wash all equipment immediately after use with clean water or a mild detergent solution. Shake excess water out then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth. It will revive your brushes an d applicators back to original. Don’t dispose-off excess paint into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. If paint spills on to your body or in your eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 16 HOMEX Synthetic Enamel It is top quality synthetic enamel with e nduring gloss and excellent covering whi ch gives smooth mirror like finish. HOMEX Synthetic Enamel is e xceptionally durable against prolonged severe weather e xposure and offers resistance to water. MAIN USES Suitable for interior and exterior all metal, wood, plaster, brick, asbestos and concrete surfaces. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Col our Card, Customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 10 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 13-15 m 2 / Li tre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry Recoat able 3 hours 24 hours 12-18 hours (Depending on the humidity and temperature) PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre APPLICATION: Please stir thoroughly before applying to ensure even pigmentation. Thin it down with good quality white spirit to desired application viscosity for brushing & spray. Apply two coats of HOMEX High Gloss Synthetic Enamel for best results. Between coats allow 12 to 18 hours under normal weather conditions. PRIMING: It is often necessary to apply an appropriate “primer” as first coat. All primers should be applied by brush for building surfaces, since sprayapplied primers do not penetrate or stick to rough or porous surfaces well. Priming coats must be left overnight for hard drying under normal weather conditions. For pri ming, appropriate HOMEX undercoats are available for each type of surface. SURFACE PREPARATION: Preparation of the surface is the most i mportant step in pai nting and greatly affects the life and appearance of paint. HOMEX Synthetic Enamel should be applied foll owing the priming. For smoothing out rough sur faces or where the colour of finish has changed appreciably, use of undercoat is recommended. For maximum durability, appl y HOMEX Synthetic Enamel direct to primer. Previously unpainted surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before painting. Rust, Mill Scale, Oi l, Dust and Grease may be removed by wire brushing, abrasive paper or white spirit. Old w ork, in a bad condition (blistered, flaked, cracked, or powdery) must be burnt off or stripped with paint No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 17 remover. After cleaning apply one coat of HOMEX Special Undercoat and on drying appl y two coats of HOMEX Synthetic Enamel. For wood all knots and resinous patches should be treated. In case of bright and new metal surfaces such as Galvanized Iron or Aluminium rub it down with fine sandpaper and clean with white spirit so that paint may not flake off. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid. It will help to prevent skinning. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Shake excess liquid out af ter washing and then wr ap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 18 HOMEX Metallic Paint Add an exotic look to your home with HOM EX Metallic Pai nt. When sprayed on any surface its sparkling mist will instantly electrify the appearance. HOMEX Metallic Paints give you s ubtle transition from a plain dull appearance to an exotic sparkling decor. MAIN USES Suitable for interior and exterior all metal, wood, plaster, brick, asbestos and concrete surfaces. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Col our Card, Customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 20 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 13-15 m 2 / Li tre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry Recoat able 10-15min 24 hours 12-18 hours (Depending on the humidity and temperature) PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre APPLICATION: Please stir thoroughly before applying to ensure even pigmentation. Thin it down with good quality white spirit to desired application viscosity for brushing & spray. A pply two coats of HOMEX Metallic Paint for best results. Between coats allow 12 to 18 hours under normal weather conditions. SURFACE PREPARATION: Preparation of the surface is the most i mportant step in pai nting and greatly affects the life and appearance of paint. HOMEX Metallic Paint should be applied foll owing the priming. For smoothing out rough sur faces or where the colour of finish has changed appreciably, use of undercoat white/grey is recommended. For maximum durability, appl y HOMEX Metallic Paint direct to primer. Previously unpainted surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before painting. Rust, Mill Scale, Oil, Dust and Grease may be removed by abrasive paper or white spirit. Old w ork, in a bad condi tion (blistered, flaked, cracked, or powdery) must be burnt off or stripped with paint remover. After cleaning apply one coat of HOMEX Special Under coat and on drying apply tw o coats of HOMEX Metallic Paint. For wood all kn ots and resinous patches should be treated. In case of bright and new metal surfaces such as Galvanized Iron or Aluminium rub i t down with fine sandpaper and clean with white spirit so that paint may not fl ake off. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 19 Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid. It will help to prevent skinning. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Shake excess liquid out af ter washing and then wr ap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 20 HOMEX Matt Finish HOMEX Matt Finish is a quality coating which offers super b resistance against wat er, heat and severe we ather conditions. It is a fine-looking matt finish which is was hable and stain resistant. MAIN USES Specially designed for kitchens, bathrooms, staircase walls and corridors. Also suitable for interior and exterior wood, metal and masonry work. COLOUR RANGE Please refer to standard Col our Card, Customized shades available on request (minimum acceptable quantity 10 Gallons) COVERING CAPACITY 10-12m 2 /litre per coat (depending on sur face) DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry Recoatable 2-3 hours 24 hours 12-18 hours (Depending on the humidity and temperature) PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre APPLICATION: Please stir thoroughly before applying to ensure even pigmentation. Thin it down with good quality white spirit to desired application viscosity for brushing & spray. Apply two coats of HOMEX Washable Matt Finish for best results. Between coats allow 12 to 18 hours under normal weather conditions. PRIMING: It is often necessary to apply an appropriate “primer” as first coating. All primers should be applied by brush for building surfaces, since sprayapplied primers do not penetrate or stick to rough or porous surfaces well. Priming coats must be left overnight for hard drying under normal weather conditions. For pri ming, appropriate HOMEX undercoats are available for each type of surface. SURFACE PREPARATION: Preparation of the surface is the most i mportant step in pai nting and greatly affects the life and appearance of paint. HOMEX Matt Finish should be applied foll owing the priming. For smoothing out rough sur faces or where the colour of finish has changed appreciably, use of undercoat is recommended. For maximum durability, apply HOMEX Matt Finish direct to primer. Previously unpainted surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before painting. Rust, Mill Scale, Oi l, Dust and Grease may be removed by wire brushing, abrasive paper or white spirit. Old w ork, in a bad condition (blistered, flaked, cracked, or powdery) must be burnt off or stripped with paint No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 21 remover. After cleaning apply one coat of HOMEX Special Undercoat and on drying apply two coats of HOMEX Matt Finish. For wood all knots and resinous patches should be treated. In case of bright and new metal surfaces such as Galvanized Iron or Aluminium rub it down with fine sandpaper and clean with white spirit so that paint may not flake off. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid. It will help to prevent skinning. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Shake excess liquid out af ter washing and then wr ap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 22 HOPCOH Sparkling Varnish Hopcoh sparkling varnish is specially form ul ated for interior and e xterior wood work, floor, fur niture panelling and yacht finishes. It gives maxim um durability against water, heat, s un, salty water and extreme weather. It has properties to preserve wood for longer period of time. Composition: Polyurethane modified with long oil al kyd. Main Uses: Hopcoh exterior varnish can be used on outdoor gates, wooden frames, garden furniture and wooden fences of swimming pools. Gloss: Clear glossy Flash Point: 42° C Thinner: Mineral turpentine/NC Thinner Spreadi ng Ratio: 13-15 sq meter/litre/Coat ( Coverage varies with the absorption capacity of wood) Drying Time: Surface dry Tack free Hard dry 1-2 Hours 3-4 Hours 12 Hours Relative Humidity: 50 to 65 % Moisture Content : The moisture content shoul d be between 5 to 15 % Application: By brush and conventional spray Packing: 0.91Litre SURFACE PREPARATION: Before applying Hopcoh varnish on a new surface make sure that the surface is free from any termite contamination, stain, wax, grease etc. After adequate inspection sand the wood surface with water proof sanding paper to achieve maximum surface smoothness. If you are applying varnish on previously polished surface than use paint remover to scrap of old coating f orm surface and again sand the surface with sanding paper. After adequate sanding apply 3 to 4 coats of HOPCOH Sparkling Varnish. In order to achieve maximum gloss and surface smoothness repeat the procedure after each coat to enjoy maximum gl oss. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 23 HOMEX Wall Primer Sealer HOMEX Wall Sealer is a wall primer designed to fight out alkali moisture problems in new or old masonry surfaces. Tough and flexible film of the binder discourages the pe netration of moisture and salt through it, thus providing maximum protection to Special Plastic Emulsi on and Special Emulsion applied over it. MAIN USES Used as sealer coat on walls, ceilings and all other masonry surfaces before applying Plastic Emulsi on, Weather Resist, Vinyl Emul sion, COVERING CAPACITY 10-12 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 2-3hours Hard Dry 16 hours Recoat able 24 hours PACKING 16 Litres 4 Litres 1 Litre SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure the surface is fully dried & free from powdery material which can be achieved by rubbing with abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose dust with solvent soaked cloth. When completely dry apply one coat of HOMEX Wall Sealer and let it dry for 24 hours. APPLICATION: Thin HOMEX Wall Sealer with 10-15% good quali ty white spirit and apply one coat and let it dry for overnight. Filling if required should be done with putti. Let it dry before applying HOMEX Special Plastic Emulsion, HOMEX Weather Resist, and HOMEX Special Emulsion. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progr ess ensure adequate ventilation. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal th e lid. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit. Shake excess liquid out after washing and then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth, it will revive your brushes back to original. Don’t dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 24 HOMEX Red Oxide Primer It is an air drying ant i-corrosive primer most suitable for metal surface as a base coat f or air drying e namels. MAIN USES On all interior and exterior steel surfaces to protect them against corrosive weathering conditions COVERING CAPACITY 11-13 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 2-3 hours APPEARANCE Matt PACKING 3.64 Li tres Hard Dry 24 hours Recoat able 16 hours 0.91 Li tre SURFACE PREPARATION Before application, ensure that metal surface is absol utely free form rust, grease & welding flux, use abrasive paper or wire brush for rubbing. Finally wipe surface with solvent soaked rag. THINNING Use good quality wh ite spirit to thin HOMEX Red Oxide Primer, as required for brush or spray applicati on. APPLICATION Apply one coat by brush. Let it dry f or 20-24 hours, wet sand it with Emery Paper No.320 and th en apply the finish. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal the lid. It will help to prevent skinning. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Shake excess liquid out af ter washing and then wr ap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 25 HOMEX Special Undercoat HOMEX Special unde rcoat is a wall primer cum wood sealer. It is specially designed to f ight out alkali moisture and resins problems present in ne w masonr y and wood works. Tough and flexible film of the binder discourages the passage of moi sture, resins and salt through it. MAIN USES Used as sealer coat on walls, ceilings and all other masonry surfaces as wood sealer on wooden surfaces before applying Special Plastic Emulsi on, Weather Resist, Spe cial Emulsion, Wash able Matt Finish or Super gloss Enamel. It provides maximum protection to emulsi on and enamel paints applied over it. COVERING CAPACITY 8-12 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 2-3hours Hard Dry 16 hours PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre Recoat able 24 hours SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure the surface is fully achieved by rubbing with dust with solvent soaked HOMEX Special Undercoat dried & free from powdery material which can be abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose cloth. When completely dry apply one coat of and let it dry for 24 hours. APPLICATION: Thin HOMEX Special Undercoat with 10-15% good q uality white spirit. Apply one coat and l et it dry for 24 hours. Filling if required should be done with putti. Let it dry before applying Special Plastic Emulsion, Weather Resist, Enamel or Matt Finish. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapours, use of suitable respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal th e lid. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, tur pentine oil or skin cleanser to remove paint from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Shake excess liquid out af ter washing and then wr ap them in a piece of clean cloth. Doing so will revive your brushes back to original. Dispose-off excess paint in accordance with the environmental regulati ons. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 26 HOPCOH Wood Stain A fast-drying and eas y-to-use stain available in most fascinating wood tone colours that can be used to e nhance the natural beauty of any wood surface. Expect superb flow-out properties, adhesion, toughness and durabil ity. MAIN USES This long lasting beautif ul lacquer is an excellent product for kitchen cabinets, office furniture, table tops, wood panelling and more. For best finishing results seal the surface first with HOPCOH Wood Stai n. COLOUR Clear COVERING CAPACITY 12-14 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 30 minutes PACKING 0.91 Li tre Hard Dry 18 hours Recoat able 2 hours SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure that the surface is fully dried & free from rust, stai ns, grease, oil, wax, efflorescence and powdery material for the maximum adhesion. Repair all cracks, holes and other surface imperfections with a suitable patching material. Repaired surfaces should be sanded with abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose dust with solvent soaked cloth. APPLICATION: To achieve the desired viscosity for appl ication, add 10-15% HOMEX Thinner 1512. The applicati on of HOPCOH Wood Stain is recommended for spray application through most conventional spray equipment or with conventional cloth pad called Gaddi but i t is not suitable for brushing. Three coats are recommended for best results and performance. In more moisture prone areas six coats (kitchen, bathrooms, windows etc.) should be applied to prevent white water spotting. White water spotting will occur when the film thickness is less than 4-5mils. Apply at least six f ull coats of HOPCOH Wood Stain to prevent white water spotting. HOPCOH Wood Stai n is not recommended for areas of heavy use or where prolonged water exposure can be expected. For those areas, our consultants should be contacted for suitable advice. Do not apply HOPCOH Wood Stain over varnishes, enamels (or any other product that dry by oxidation), lifting or wrinkling may occur. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 27 TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Keep paint away from open flame or all ignition sources during application and drying. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal th e lid. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use HOMEX Thinner 1512 or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Wash all painting equipment after use preferably with HOMEX Thinner 1512. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 28 HOMEX Clear Wood Lacquer A premium quality all-purpose wood lacquer is ideal for finishing and refinishing all int erior furniture. This fast drying lacq uer has superb flow-out prope rties and, is formulate d for maximum adhesion, toughness and durability. It provi des excellent resistance against heat, water and most hous ehold cleaners. MAIN USES This long lasting beautif ul lacquer is an excellent product for kitchen cabinets, office furniture, table tops, wood panelling and more. For best finishing results seal the surface first with HOMEX Wood Sealer. COLOUR Clear COVERING CAPACITY 12-14 m 2 /litre per coat DRYING TIME Surface Dry 30 minutes Hard Dry 18 hours PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre Recoat 2 hours able S U R F A C E P R E P A R A T I O n: Ensure that the surface is fully dried & free from rust, stai ns, grease, oil, wax, efflorescence and powdery material for the maximum adhesion. Repair all cracks, holes and other surface imperfections with a suitable patching material. Repaired surfaces should be sanded with abrasive paper followed by the removal of loose dust with solvent soaked cloth. APPLICATION: To achieve the desired viscosity for appl ication, add 10-15% HOMEX Thinner 1512. The applicati on of HOMEX Clear Wood Lacq uer is recommended for spray applicati on through most conventional spray equi pment or with conventional cloth pad called Gaddi but i t is not suitable for brushing. Three coats are recommended for best results and performance. In more moisture prone areas six coats (kitchen, bathrooms, windowsill s etc.) should be applied to prevent white water spotting. White water spotting will occur when the film thickness is less than 4-5mils. Apply at least six full coats of HOMEX Clear Wood Lacquer to prevent white water spotting. HOMEX Clear Wood Lacquer is not recommended for areas of heavy use or where prolonged water exposure can be expected. For those areas, our consultants should be contacted for suitable advice. Do not apply HOMEX Clear Wood Lacquer over varnishes, enamels (or any other product that dry by oxidation), lifting or wrinkling may occur. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 29 TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Do not breathe vapours, use of suitabl e respiratory equipment is highly recommended. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Keep paint away from open flame or all ignition sources during application and drying. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. To save the unused paint for longer period of time, replace the lid firmly and invert the can for few seconds to seal th e lid. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use HOMEX Thinner 1512 or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Wash all painting equipment after use preferably with HOMEX Thinner 1512. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 30 HOMEX Thinner 1512 A fast evaporating thinner gives s uperb flow properties to HOMEX Clear Wood Lacquer and paint wit h nitrocellulose. It enhances gloss, s urface smoothness and dryi ng properties of Lacquer, Wood Stains and nitrocellulose bas e paints. Its spe cial composition also preve nts white spotting in wood lacq uer. MAIN USES Special solvent for paint with nitrocellulose. It sets fast and provides the desired viscosity for easier application. It is also used for cleaning application tools an d equipment. COLOUR Clear/ Water White PACKING 3.64 Li tres 0.91 Li tre PRECAUTIONS: Where the painting is in progre ss ensure adequate ventilation. Keep the container air tight after use and keep it away from open flame or all ignition sources during applicati on and drying. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 31 HOPCOH High Build Nitrocellulose Sanding Sealer HOPCOH Sanding Se aler is an eggshell fini sh, transparent high build sealer to seal wood pores. COMPOSITION: Nitrocellulose sandi ng sealer is plasticized with suitable alkyd resins. MAIN USES: Sanding sealer is used as a base coat or primer for surface smoothness on wood furniture. It is usually applied after filling. GLOSS: Clear eggshell COLOR: Clear milky THINNER: NC Thinner SPREADING RATIO: 11-14 Sq. m/li tre/coat DRYING TIME: Surface dry Hard dry 10-15 Min 2-3 Hours FILM THICKNESS: 10-15 Micron/coat APPLICATION: By cloth bed and con ventional spray PACKING: 0.91 and 3.64 Litre SURFACE PREPARA TION: Adequate sanding at all stages of wood furniture is one of the major factors to achieve satisfactory results. It is essential to rub down th e wood surface with fine sanding paper. Apply appropriate filler after sanding; carefully remove the wood dust from the surface. Use HOPCOH NC Sanding Sealer for fine filling. APPLICATION METHOD: Thin 1 to 1 ratio by volume with HOPCOH NC thinner. Thin multiple coats are recommended instead of one thick coat. It can be over coated with Homex Wood Lacq uer, Acid Cured Matt Lacquer and HOPCOH Polyurethane Lacquer. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 32 HOMEX Clear Synthetic Varnish HOMEX Clear Synthe tic Varnish gives a fle xible abrasion resistant, fast drying film. It is specially designed for usage in pre paring penetrating oil-based filling putti. MAIN USES The recommended usage is in preparing filling putti DRYING TIME Surface Dry Hard Dry Recoat able 3-4 hours 24 hours 14 hours (drying time greatly varies with the humidity conditions and amount of solids in varnish while preparing putti) PACKING 16 Litres PREPARATION OF FILLING: HOMEX Clear Synthetic Varnish is an excellent medium for making wall putti. Mi x 3-4 parts of HOMEX Clear Synthetic Varnish with 4 parts of good quality chalk and 1 part of Lithopone. While preparing putti add small quantity of water, which will make the putti soft and i ts applicati on much easier. SURFACE PREPARATION: The surface should be dry and free from dirt and grease, which can be achieved by sand papering followed by solvent cleaning with solvent soaked rag. For old surfaces also remove poorly adhering materials and then apply 2 to 3 coats of filling prepared as above to achieve the desired surface for subsequent painting. THINNING: HOMEX Clear Synth etic Varnish shoul d be thinned with good quali ty white spirit. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep the paint away from sources of ignition and avoid smoking. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation. Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Do not dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 33 HOPCOH 2K Lacquer A high gloss non-yellowing PU base clear lacquer for wooden surfaces which is hard, chemical resistant , fast curing and possess superior outdoor durability. COMPOSITION: Hydroxy acrylic resin cross linked with aliphatic Isocyanate. MAIN USES: Specially designed for quality w ooden furniture. It can also be used as: 1. Car repair enamel 2. Protective top clear coating on metals such as machines. 3. Top coat on enamel paints for enhancing maximum durability, gloss and colour stability. 4. General industrial finish. MIXING RATIO: Mix by vol ume, two parts of clear lacquer with 1 part of hardener. COVERAGE: 12-15 sq meter/litre/coat at 25 mi crons film thickness (Coverage varies with the absorpti on capacity of wood) DRYING TIME: Dust free Tack free Hard dry 1 Hour 2-3 Hours 6-8 Hours (Drying time varies with prevailing temperature and mixing ratio of hardener) POT LIFE: 6 Hours. (Mi xed pai nt has limited pot lif e. Only required quantity sh ould be mixed and applied within 4 to 6 hours after mixing) 2 to 3 coats depending on the surface and desired film thickness. COATS: APPLICATION: Conventional spray THINNER: HOPCOH 2K thinner GLOSS: High gloss FLASH POINT: Below 23° C PACKING: 1 Litre lacquer and 1/2 Litre hardener (Complete set) SURFACE PREPARATION: As it is specially designed for wooden surfaces, therefore adequate sanding a tall stages of wood furniture is one of the major factors in order to achieve satisfactory results. Use 2 to 3 coats of Hopcoh sanding sealer before applying 2K clear. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 34 HOMEX 2‐Pack Epoxy Formulated for application on concrete , steel, wood, floor and many other surfaces, i t is a high quality tough coating with strong adhesion, excellent res istance to water, oils, solvents, dilute acids, alkalis, bleaches and other aggressive chemicals. MAIN USES: It is widely used in hospital s, pharmaceutical industries, operation theatres, factory floors, chemical plants, warehouses and workshops. COMPOSITION: A 2-Pack composi tion comprises of Epoxy resin as base and a polyami de accelerator. VOLUME SOLIDS: 48%-54% (When Mixed) COLOUR: Glossy finish of any desired colour FILM THICKNESS: Dry 30 Micron, Wet 60 Micron MIXING RATIO: Mix 3 Parts paint with 1 Part Hardener by volume. COVERAGE: Theoretical 16 Sq meter/litre/coat; Practical 8-12 Sq m/l /coat (Depends on applicati on technique) DRYING TIME: 2-4 Hours; Recoating time 12-16 hours CURING TIME: 2-7 Days at room te mperature INDUCTION TIME: 1/2 Hours POT LIFE: 6-8 Hours. (Mi xed paint has limited pot life hence only limited quantity shoul d be mixed which is to be used within 6- 8 hours) COATS: 2 to 3 coats depending on the surface APPLICATION: Brush, Roller, Conventional or Airless spray FINISH: Full gloss THINNER: Homex Epoxy thinner GLOSS: High gloss FLASH POINT: Below 23° C, 73° F PACKING: 4 litres and 20 litres SURFACE PREPARATION: For New Plaster and Concrete Brickwork: Ensure that surface is completely dry, scrape off building residue, with stiff brush over. Primed and sealed with 2-Pack epoxy clear. For Steel: After sand blasting, appl y HOMEX 2- pack Epoxy Clear. For Floors: Please read our detailed brochure on surface preparation available at www.norson.com.pk/services or request a copy from our salesperson. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 35 HOMEX 2‐Pack Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer An anti-rusting primer for application on blast cleaned or well prepared steel. It is eq ually good for wood and concrete. It is generally used as a base priming coat where subsequently epoxy finish coating is to be applied. It can withstand temperature up to 300°-350° F. COMPOSITION: A 2-Pack compositi on comprising zinc phosphate pigment dispersed in epoxy resin and polyamide accelerator. VOLUME SOLIDS: 48% (When Mixed) FINISH: Matt / Eggshell WEIGHT PER LITER: 1.42 Kg /Litre FILM THICKNESS: Dry 50 MIXING RATIO: Mix 3 Parts base to 1 Part accelerator by volume. COVERAGE: Theoretical 8-10 Sq meter/litre/coat micron; Wet 100 micron Practical 6-8 Sq meter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique) DRYING TIME: 2-4 Hours Recoating time 12-16 hours (Do not apply below 10° C) CURING TIME: 3-7 Days at room te mperature INDUCTION TIME: 1 Hour POT LIFE: 8-12 Hours. (Mixed paint has limited pot life. Only required quantity must be mixed and applied within 8 to 10 hours after mixing) COATS: 2 to 3 coats depending on the surface APPLICATION: Brush, Roller, Conventional or Airless spray THINNER: HOMEX Epoxy thinner FLASH POINT: Below 23° C, 73° F PACKING: 4 litres and 20 litres No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 36 HOMEX Heat Resisting Paint Heat resisting paint is a special coating for s urfaces subje cted to high temperature (400°-900° F or 200°-450° C). COMPOSITION: A silicon base coating specially formulated for use on car exhaust, ovens, chimneys, oven insert, electric and gas heaters. COLOUR: Aluminium, Black, Grey Primer VOLUME SOLIDS: 42 % FILM THICKNESS: Dry 25 Micron; Wet 60 Micron COVERAGE: Theoretical 15-17 Sq meter/litre/coat Practical11-13 Sq me ter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique) DRYING TIME: 2-4 Hours Recoating time 12-16 hours COATS: 2 to 3 coats depending on the surface APPLICATION: Brush or Roller to a cold surface FINISH: Metallic THINNER: Ref: 277-601 FLASH POINT: 23° C, 73° F PACKING: 4Litres and 20 Li tres SURFACE PREPARATION: Ensure that surface is completely dry, scrape off previously painted surface and appl y zinc dust anti-corrosive pr imer. Clean the surface with abrasive paper where necessary. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 37 HOMEX Stoving Finish A high solid, hard, scr atch resistant superb s toving finish formulated for steel substrate. It is mainly used on house hold appliances, kit chen equipment and bicycles. COMPOSITION: Combinati on of amino resin and stoving alkyd with pure opacifyin g pigments and additives to improve properties. COLOUR: Wide range of colour are available VOLUME SOLIDS: 48 % FILM THICKNESS: Dry 30 Micron; Wet 60 Micron COVERAGE: Theoretical 15-16 Sq meter/litre/coat Practical 10-13 Sq meter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique) STOVING SCHEDULE: 130° C f or 30 min utes 150° C f or 20 min utes SPECI FIC GRAVITY: 1.00-1.20 Kg/Litre (Depending on colour) APPLICATION: By conventional spray THINNER: HOMEX stoving thinner FLASH POINT: 23° C FINISH: High gloss PACKING: 3.64Litre or 14.56 Litres or as required SURFACE PREPARA TION: Remove all scales, corrosion products and loosely adherent paints by chipping, scraping or wire brushing and de-grease where necessary. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 38 HOMEX Brilliant Chrome Aluminium A brilliant aluminium finish whi ch is formulated for application on primed surfaces . It is high metallic lustre which also protects surface from corrosion, discoloration and heat. It is widely use d on storage vessels, chimneys, steam pipes, machinery, oven doors and heat exchanger. COMPOSITION: Brilliant alumini um paste dispersed in alkyd resin. COLOUR: Silver lustre VOLUME SOLIDS: 48 % FILM THICKNESS: Dry 25 Micron Wet 50 Micron COVERAGE: Theoretical 15-17 Sq meter/litre/coat Practical 11-13 Sq meter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique) SPECI FIC GRAVITY: 0.98 Kg/Li tre DRYING TIME: 16 Hours APPLICATION: By brush, roller or conventional spray THINNER: Ready to use FLASH POINT: 21° C FINISH: Glossy brilliant aluminium PACKING: 0.91Litre or 3.64Litres or as required SURFACE PREPARATION: For aluminium to perform performance best, blast clean bare steel or surfaces in poor con dition to give an appropriate surface profile. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 39 HOMEX High Build Chlorinated Rubber Paint A double treat of prote ctive and de corative fi nish for chemi cal and marine environments. This versatile coating is impervious to moisture, water, atmosphere pollution and wide range of chemicals. Not re commended where solvent s, oil fats and high temperature are prese nt. The paint film will soften above 60° C. COMPOSITION: Chlorinated rubber plasticized with al kyl resin. COLOUR: White & light blue. VOLUME SOLIDS: 45 % FILM THICKNESS: Dry 40-100 micron (depending on the conditions) Wet 220 micron COVERAGE: 20-22 Sq meter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of application, surface and operator’s technique) SPECI FIC GRAVITY: 1.2 - 1.25 Kg/Litre (Depending on colours) DRYING TIME: 1 - 2 hours and recoating time 12 - 16 hours APPLICATION: By brush or by conventional spray after thinning THINNER: Homex thinner ref: 281 - 001 FLASH POINT: 23° C, 73° F FINISH: Matt / Sami Gl oss PACKING: 4 Litres and 20 Litres SURFACE PREPARATION: For New Plaster and Concrete Brickwork: Surface primers may require 5 - 10 % Thinning For Steel: Previously prepared and primed with chlorinated rubber primer. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 40 HOMEX Road Marking Paint Extremely high opacity one coat HOMEX Road Marking paint has high abrasion resi stance and ideally suit ed for application on concrete, asphalt and bitumen surfaced r oads. This versatile coating again is impervious to moisture, wat er, atmosphere pollution and wide ra nge of chemicals. MAIN USES: City and Highway roads, Roadside blocks and floors. COMPOSITION: Opacifying pigments dispersed in a plasticized chlorinated rubber media. COLOUR: Yellow, White & Black VOLUME SOLIDS: 45 % FILM THICKNESS: Dry 60 micron Wet 100- 220 micron COVERAGE: Theoretical: 20-22 Sq . meter/litre/coat Practical: 8-10 Sq . meter/litre/coat (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique, two coats are recommended) SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.3-1.4 K g/Litre (Depending on colours) DRYING TIME: Dust free Hard dry Recoat able 10 Min 2-3 Hours 6-8 Hours (Drying time varies with prevailing temperature) APPLICATION: By brush or by conventional spray after thinning THINNER: HOMEX thinner for CR Paint FLASH POINT: 23° C - 73° F FINISH: Matt/ Sami-gloss PACKING: 3.64 Li tre and 20Litr eor as required SURFACE PREPARATION: Vigorously brush asi de all loose matter and clear surface from dust to ensure good firm base before application. The paint dries very fast please proceed with small patches in a progressive manner. It is possible th at paint may bleed to small surface cracks or over softer surface; second coat will ensure cohesion and will cover streaks completely. This phenomenon usually occurs in hot weather when asphalt or bitumen is soft. Brushes and application equipment must be thoroughly cleaned after use. Dispose-off excess paint in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 41 HOMEX Fire Retardant Paint HOMEX Fire Retardant Paint is suitably formulated using resins and additives to retard or even block fi re. In case of fire these additives release halogen donor to block flames. MAIN USES: Buildings needing protection Offices and Hospital s COVERAGE: 10-13m 2 /litre/coat from fire, VIP (Depending on the method of applicati on, surface and operator’s technique, two coats are recommended) SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.45 Kg/Li tre (Depending on col ours) THINNING Clean Water DRYING TIME: Surface Dry Recoat able 60 Min 2-3 Hours (Drying time varies with prevailing temperature) SURFACE PREPARATION: Vigorously brush asi de all loose matter and clear surface from dust to ensure good firm base before application. Apply emery paper to remove loose sand clean wet cloth thoroughly. Appl y thin coat of HOMEX Fire Retardant Paint and use it as a primer coat, then 2-3 coats of fire retardant pai nts. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Keep paint container air tight after use and store in a shady & dry place. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Use white spirit, turpentine oil or skin cleanser to remove splashes from skin. Scrape excess paint out of brushes and rollers before cleaning. Wash all equipment immediately after use with white spirit or turpentine oil. Do not dispose-off excess paint or paint waste into drains or watercourses, disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 42 HOMEX Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint (TP) Engineered to provide cost effective delineati on in all weather conditions; a full range of products meet any need, including cold weather and high durability application. MAIN USES: 100% soli d, environmentally safe, T.P paint is the preferred durable pavement marking system providing superb life-cycle cost performance value for application on roads, runways and pavements. COVERAGE: 3-4 kg m 2 at the rate of 1.5 mm thickness (Coverage though varies with method application, surface and operator’s technique) SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.4–1.6 Kg/Litre (Depending on colours) SOFTENING POINT Not less than 65 o C DRYING TIME: 5-10 Min (Drying time varies with prevailing temperature) DRY FILM THICKNESS: COLOURS: GLASS BEADS: PACKING: 1.5mm ( Depends on road surface) White & Yellow (Powder) 400-450gm/sq uare meter % by Weight 25 Kg bag of SURFACE PREPARATION: Road surface should be free from all loose matter, sand, mud or greasy materials and clear surface from dust to ensure good firm base before application. Old pai nt should be remove if adhesion of old paints is not reliable. HOMEX Road Marking TP pow der should be heated up to 180-220 o C in a preheated kettle. Ensure to maintai n temperature between the specified range. The kettle can be fitted on a vehicle or on a push cart. If the surface temperature falls below 5 o C stop the applicati on. TIPS FOR SAFETY, ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Store paint in a shady & dry place unde r normal condition and keep the bag sealed. Avoid direct contact with the hot paint. Rinse with plenty of water in case of eye contact and seek medical advice. Do not dispose-off excess paint or pain t waste into drains or watercourses disposal should be done in accordance with the environmental regulations. No r so n C h e mi ca l I nd u st r ie s Page 43