Island constraints: theory, acquisition, and processing

‪ art of introduction to:
Island constraints: theory, acquisition, and
By Helen Goodluck, Michael Shaun Rochemont
Kluwer Academic Publishers
bedd<d ,..h quc>,ions, lopk,'izalion. and ,clal;''' clau ...... iU""rated
in tho « 'r<Cl iY. "",,1.rICeS below.
(11 (0) In ,,"'hieh
,oom ~id Y'"' ~d'lo put it _~
(b) I ncverruliLOd he",' happy h. nl:lk .. he, _
(c) J""".I oJon',thio k ! like _ vcry much,
(d> Thi. i, Ihc mati who] tok!
In (I) , Ihe "I> PI' is ,n ""''''1">100<1 tompkrncnl of pm. in (h) tho MI>
AI' i. an umIc"to<>d "","plement of mat.. in (01 'he ",ole""" inilia)
Nr i, Ihe ""....
objecl 01 lil« . and in (d) tbc rdali .. pronoun is
unde"toOO os the ubje<t of abow. In all lhose """'"" lbe di,k>caloo
ph .. "" (Ihe anlcccdcnl) is in a "on·the",alie """·a'p',,,.nl posilion.
and is undcr.>lood to fill • lhe",atic luneli"" cl .......,l>ere in Ih. ",ntence
(oi&".'1aI by '_ ' in lIt ... '!<ample.). (In &encral. an argum"ol pooi'ion
.'pre""" • tbcm.11k ,ole designated by the ,..,m,) ),Ior«>ver, the
then'"lie (a" um.nll """" ion il i, inl~oti .. ly lint otl '0 i, not filial
",i,h any lexio. 1ma,. rial _ il i •• gap.
A «nlm) reature ,,[ the roo>!ruetic ...., in (I ) i. thai th. relati"" of
ant<Codent to gap i. apparently unboundotl. in ,he sense Ih'llhe,e is 00
Iho",,,,io.) limit (t""u&ll Ih.,. is «rlainly • pmetical UtIC) I" lhe
amount of mate"," Ih>l may intervene. In (2) lor example. the di.·
localed scnle ... inilial phr ... is ",1.,<oJ 10" 111'1' acroo• • r lea" three
k:..:I, of CI,"",1 .m"'ddin~
John, Ilhink y<>IIlokl m. (Ihal) /lill ... i~ (t~al) Mary cI.imeoJ
(Ihal) Sally is pb"" i n~ 10 ",com"",nd _ for ~ job.
lIut the lack 01 bounding in su<:h c.... is only .ppmenl, Thi, is "".Mrs
besl "w,m"'otI "hen ,uch <1"'" a,c <'OOU •• I<'<l ..ith ro"'""ra1>\o:
... mples in "hi<b th.,. i. no bounding efleer ..1Iatsoevcr. For i1utantt.
"",.;J., 1he IU lv' oampk in (3.). and the ')TItactical)' and inl.'·
prori,,,ly "'Iui.alen l ... mp .... of tori"a li,"lion in (Jh).
(3) (0) A, fo r John. I h,,'c • good triend ",ho lik.. him.
(b) • John, I
ha,.., •good [,iend "ho like< _
11K: con' ",," io ,,'ruch thi; bounding of anlecedenl'gap relations ,ur·
,.., .. h ..'e "'en characleri'led ';n~ R"", (1961) in teno< of'
'''''Ir;llnl>', which ..,,,,, to block 'ho a""";at"", of ant«N!ont '0 gap
""lor .po:c; r.c , ynl"ti< ",,,di,ion._ 01 lbe ,,,,rl<1H..,, i<kntifiN by
I{os.s and otIIc.-.. ,oo OOC'I "e ..... U dJ><:Uss hac on: tI-.o Complex 1'<"
CGOSt",i"l. c<11tplir.... " 'ilh • rd' li,. cl.lI« in (.lb) aII<l "ilh a
naninal rompiOmertt in (4.). Ihe Subjecl ."J "'h hlond Coodilions
(Chom>~y . 1913) in (4h.c) re.pcolivdy. and II", Mionet 1;1 ..... Condi·
lien (>cc Iluang. 1~ ~2 ·. CoOOil;"n on c'I'II<:ion IJom>in). ill""".,,,,,
(4) (a) •John. Mary nwk lhe claim lhal Sal:y plan, 10 rc-oomll'e,1d _
fnr • joh.
Jobn. Mary claimed lhal Sal1t, plo .. 10 n;oom"",nd _ fo' a
...." for John. Mory hea,d the nmlO' ,hal Sally inlcnd, 10
marry him.
(1:» • J,,~n. an .l1icl< .b"", _ ju>I "ppcarcd in III< n~pc' .
A. 101 John. "" a rt;';l•• I>ou, him illS' " in the o><-w...
(c) 'Bill. [ """del" ho lite._
A< lor Bill. 1 'H,ndot" 00 like< him.
'n-.c bo... "'"c lefl oa,ly beea"!C of __
,,]d, eorl)" OO<.u.eol it,
As fo r the heat...
'TIle mon<y, IIj"d ""
1could k ee ~ _ .
k lor Ibc moncy. llic.J '" thai J rouJd keep i,_
CIoomsky ( 1~73) pr~ In reduco a numbe, of th ••• restric,ion. 10 •
, ingle gromm.,i",l principlo. Subja=e~. &<,,""ning the . ..ociation of
dilJoca'ed ph",.,,, and tlrir r«pecti"" gap< Subjll«ney impos<." "
k>t.l il y rc$,riel ion un this ."""iatiM '" Ihe dfc<1 ,hal a d i<l<>c.led
phrasc ""'y be ",lalod I" a pp ac,oss no m"" tl>.,n • single 'bounding
no:dc·. ""hkh nlaY to: tier,,,",,, I,,, English •• "") inM.nce "fNP or S Ihat
dcmina,,,, the gap and nol,he ."'eeod.",. P"'I""'" a funller
principle, ,hal the COl-fP pmi'ion of. clau!C ""'~ media'e be''''·ccn •
hiv.c, .n""eden, .00 • 10,,<:, gap only il ,he CO~W i. ne;lhe'
",,",upiN! by. »'k ph .."" or " 'h romplemenlil:! no, i. u>Cd '0 me<.li'lc
h<I......". ..,me other an"~<JI' and gap_ A"cming funh., tha, po'on,
,ia] "iol .. io"" may be ..".w onlt, 'brou{lh ,he p""i.ion 01 avail.t>k:
n'l<di"'inS COMP pu<ition •• l!lc<e prinoipl" t<>gel...... "'MUm< lhe
dIce", ~11I>ltalcd in (3) """ (4a-<, ) and ",me om." as ,...11. (Sre
OIOll"ky. 1977. 1981 1m di",u~o,ion.) w. Wurn belo ... 10 die 10<"1 diat
Ih. Adj"n<, li1aOO dl«"l in (4d.~) mil>! bc independently .li pul.ted OIl
thi' acoo\Inl (_ 1982). Tho application of Subjac<nc)· i.
iIlU>!r1Ied :n Ihc abbrcvi,ned surfaco 'rnl.ctic in (5)
I, I hav<: I,.a sood friend "'00 h lil<e. _1111
In (5).lh. ret>tiomhip be"",,en lbe di.located pbrase Joh~ and Ihe gap
•• er"s> tt.e multipk: in,"'nce. of NP and S in tb< '.p .... cnlalion ..
blocked by Subjoconcy.
In modctn 'yn,"",1i< IlIroric, i;land ,,,,,,, .. iof> b.. < 'ccdv.:d ,"lUi.ble altonlion. W< ,..ill no"" "''Y brieny ""nsi<l<r developm<"" in Ib<:
Ihrc"C principal lbo:urclicill\OIoth. lo.ieal FWlClionill Grnmm ..
(lFG). Gon.r.liwJ Ph .... Structure Grnmmar (GPSG), and o."..m"'cnl a"tI Bil><ling Iheory (GB). SiDCt i,land com"oinlS b.,. rccci,<:d
.ho k:u, ottonlkon in LFG. il i. peIhaps cmie<1 1o be~n lhere. F..arly
"Oiot k in lFG .d"plcJ • ron,·cnlional ''''lCIllral Yocw. adopli", o.i>l;~
in lhe Nlruclu,. (con"i,uenl "ructu"j
"pr.",n'"ti,,", of .hal dicory (<ee Kapl.n ...d B"'.n .... 1982: Zacncn.
19W. 1983). A re,i«:d ,.j,ow is pro"ide<! in Kapl,n and Zaenen (1989),
.. be", il i'"I"JI>Od th., i,land ro""",in!, arc IU"01;"..,Ii in nature. and
'" mOre n"u,ally o .p r~ .. coodi.ion, on f-"ructurc (function.1
"ructU'.) ,ath., lhan <:->l'ucture rep..,.cn,"l;oo •. K.plan and Zaenen
pf<l!'O&l' • fo"",1 devic< for .." functklnill """"nainlY in long
di,lar,,:. do",.""dcn"ie5. annolalin &hlructUf •• conlairunt lbe d;,.;ou,>c
fun<.ion< TOPIC and FOCUS (sec Brtsn ....",1 Mchombo. (987)
K. plan and Zacncn·. htfl101ur •• nal)~i, is laken 10 =rhasi<. Ibc
.... ntially functional no.ure of Ihe AdjuOCl 1.1.00 Condi.ion. Furthe r
."".;"~;,, UG tv """ ~ t..:lbe , ,~be, (I'<rhap' oil) i.>Iond off"""
find ,uch "atural exp ....Km in I·"",c,ure.
Island ronm,;ots h3" rcc.i,.. d ",,", .... hal !!,oalcr "ltonlioo in
GPSG. 00' tbe vi<w thaI Ibe '''";0"' island elf«" "i'no.oed carlier are
besl chara"criZCtl Ibro",h • uniroed analyse_ (Subj;><cnoy in (Dom>k)'.
'OC<l<mtj is nol .hared ~y P"'f"'nenl< of !hi. lh<orelio,,1 p"adigm.
Gi'SG ofl.... pIn.,., "ru<ture grammar lK"<ou"IS of 'l"Ilt<vl and ,be
pto!",,,,,, of grnmmaricill <""""'<.1kons. Fe .. ",~ informalion is <hared
bel"""" ".."be .. and d"ugiller> io local « onlO<1 f.ce) 'fCC configun..
tiom, .ubj«.~ 10 gonerill principle. ond cond;1i"". of .... 1l -fom'H:dn ....
""'·.U'" "'""'U""
I S~A""
J)i, l<xal<:d phr...". are ",I ... d 10 non·1ocal sap. Ihroosh lbe use of.
f~alUl" JSLASI I] which app=" on all and only 100,. "'>de> Ihallie on
Ihe p.,h ""~n Ih. di>locolcd ph",,,, and lbe gap, Gazd .. (I"~l )
<"oflOri., di. unct;"" bcl~'=n ISLASHj indi<ato.! nod • •
• nd OIhe", provide< • na,u",1 aerou", of Ihe Coordinale S"UCIll ' <
eoR>lr.tinl of R"". (1967) ("I """"", ~J"" Bill ale aud Itft [rx >choat. )
a nd of 'he Aert>M lhe lIoord (Ani) excep'ion. 10 il (I MoM" wiw, Bill
alt alld S,'1y cooked.) G.«lo.r sugg<:>" ph"" .. .<IIUCIU'" ¥fHJlIrna r
ace",," .. fo r a ranEe 01 othe,
plOperly ><en as lsl""d effec" in
Ihi. view, indudin, the Lch Branch C"",l i,ion ('lIhruc did }W ""y
''''~) and the ,lwf-/ off.", ('1\'1u> dO)Utl Ihink 1/'''' kfr 'I). ThelSLASHI ... plar.; " role !!pin in ,h. Gazdar ., aI. (1985) (h.neef"rlh
GKI'S) >«OlInl 01 .ut.;.cl (4b) and adjunct (4d ,0) Woru:H. G KI'S
1"0f""'<' 10 1....1 'hi' f,,'u .e~, both • head " nd • /o<J1 reature . • nd ..
• uch .ubj"" '0 .h. di" riootion.1 requirements o( boIh ,he Head
Fealur. C<JIlvCfnion (liFe) ""J lhe fOOl fea,ur. Prirlciple (FFP). 111<
FFP requir« Ih", (00' fealllres ",hidr. appe.. on • dauGh' er mu," also
01'1"'01 un the motlJc" "'hile III< HFC r<quire> .... d I........ Ihal
' pre" on lh. moIher 10 .1",
o n ,he 1I<>d. Thu, ronfiguration.
in which .jSU.SHJ fe>lure 'ppe'" on • m<~he, and orr a norr-head
dauglttoJ ..ill II< halTed unl ... ,'''' .Iash fe, 'ure also
on tho
head. Th ;, preven" locating. gap wilhin a 'Ubj<C1 (If VI' i, 'he beld of
S) o r wilhit. an . djunct. "nleu li ren« d b ~. po""ilie ",socia,;"" ..i,b,
" 1' withirr!he head (.rrmp" . (4h. d.c) anJ , , , ,IIt/,",opJ, "'ho
of rmbartlJUd, . , Ih. orrick<
~jnfl. . .. ,,,.
propl< 1/"" 1 hi=l
llikw ). A<xou"" 01 ;"aml effect. in G I'SG
have hingOO I"'gcly on the in,o",,",;';n of ."""ifie be>d and 100' lea'u,.,
""h gene,,1 principle, of f.alure i""an,i.,;"n thaI Ill"" indcpcn<knt
rnotivotiorr in the 'heory.
WLlhin GB. Chorr"ky', gen<ral '''"'CC 01 t<:<lucint ;>land """"rain" ", • • ing'" <>ver.i . . hinS gcner;oliz:lt;';n gowe mins the asooci.ti<>rt
o( di>locat«l phrase. and 'heir ", .... i.,C<! gaps in ",,,,,'Nctions o (
unbowtded depetJ<kr>ey
1":"'>100 in .ub.equ en, ,heoretical devolopm.n, olt"" principle uf Subjaccncy. O> (1 9M) prop'''''' a
"cn;i"" 01 Subjaoer>ey in whkh boundiJtg nod"" are SUpplanled by
barri.l>. (ft.rsimplif)·irrg hi, propo:»al con,i<lcrabiy. leI us 'Up"",," thai
• harricr (Of . given nooe a i, a maxim.1 projection domiJt.ting a lhal
i. not l-m.,\:.ed. L-ma,kin, i, • relation b. sed on th . ... ipment of
(inlemal) 9-m l<>. A,.ume
only the , ubc.,egoril<>.l «>mpkmenl> ' 0
./w. /
a h.,d ... L_rn,ukoo_ and, "ilh La. nik and Sailo (l9W~ ,h., VI' i,
L-rnarkcoJ by I(NFLJ- 1l>o.", .Jiunm . ",bje"h. "nJ 'he 11' (- S) compleme"t '0 C(OMP) re main non_L_marked , and so qualify .,. borrir,,_
No ..' "uW' >< th., Subjocency i, !", mul.'ed 10 bk><k unooundctl
dcpcndmci .. ,.,,(' " mOre ""III on<: borrier.' Tbc Subjcrt .nd ,.",
lo.l .... ~ C ..u<liu..u> (4".<) ,. ill fulluw l>«.:~">< .. I 'he l ... , i.. h....J yl
•• bps and W •. More"" ••• Ihe odjunc' island< (4d. e) o.,d Ih. r.!:t,i,,,
cbu>< "be (3b) of
Cumpl.. I'll' Con"r.inl are oceomm"" .. ctI '"
well, by tho barrierOOod of :>djuoct._"the nomin.>1 romplement no< 01
lhe Com[>lo. I'll' Con>!",inl (~ .). accommo<ial«l on t .... bnunJing
nod ... view
Subjacoocy, romoin. unaccommodatod 00 thi • •• ,ount.
In genom[. thc;c ;tIe Dot "" blatan' l)" un&rllJIUJU<lical .. ,lIcir ,dati ...,
claus< ,x>un'erp' '';' We miglll "'p""", lllal . ny "I,u>< <.UIIai!'l«l .. ithin
I'l l' ,ill
a ~"ak harrier iodependenl of L-m .. king (>tt
CI>omsky. 1986). Or, "'.• miglll . .. un .. Ih., tile van .. io" in i,land
dreelS in oomin.1 comple,","'lalion is propelly ,"ribuled to lho
'bridge' phenomenon ... discu.oed below_ In othor word .. extra<:uon
from Ihe crau,.,J .nmpkmcnl ' 0 a noon i. in prind[>lc I""'iblc. willt
,-. riaLion in "",u.>1ac«p"bili'y a 'unction of bridging.
<:<>"" i,.,.
l1>e ",,,,1 I<i<.kly kno",n ",udy of Subja<cncr oUI>ido Engfhlt i. 1/1.1 of
Rizzi (l ~ ~ 2~ Itizri oh>cn... tbol allhougll thore i. ",ido ~ of tho
appl""tioo of Subiaconor in hal ... in the ClL'" of oom[>lu Np\. hallan
.11"" , 'Y'''' '''OI;' dilleron"'" I,non Engli,h in ,he roalir.otion of ,he ~h
island and ••hjc<' conditimu. Con~tlcr for in!lan« tbc lolJuv.-i"ll
c .. n.., ... lrom I{iui ( 19g2).
(6) (") °Que>10 Incariro. <he non .. pcvo la """ilil che .vrcl>bcro
offidalo ate ....
,0Thi. ,.,•. ,hat [ Jidnl know the n",,·. 1Iu, Ihey ""ul<1
cntru!l to )·0 • •. . .-
(1)) If ",,10 in.,ri.o .he non "pe'.;' .hi . \"rebbem affidato" p<>i
fln ito proprio, Ie.
-OThe on ly ch,rB< ' h>l )'00 J idn1 ~ """,,0 " ·h,,.,!hey ..<>uk!
cnlrw;1 hos I>«:n <Ill rusted <<XlI}' lo )'011.'
(cl Gianni. <Ii ,uj SO che u"a f",o e .1'''''''''' =<n'o" •• ul
4 Giarm~ 01 "born J know th3, • piclure appcart<l r«<:tllly
un II>< "Ciau.ct,in"-,_
(til ' O"""to i!\Cariro. ohe non -'" proprio ohi possa . ,,,re
ooovin:>to. <lli affidoro. rni <1. or""""" un """"" tli grott.·
Thi. 1.>1: Ih., I ro,lIy dO"1 ~''''''' who mig)" h .... 8~
to ",I>om I ~ ill enllU>l. i, ge lliog mc iolO trouble:
cui IlOl1 5O.U 'he giornale un' fOlo ,ia 'pr'''''''
recenlemenl .... .
'Gianni. of ,,"'hom I do nol know on which no""l"'I"" a
r>i«ure .ppeareJ r=nlly •.. .-
(0) Gi>Jllli. di
Using a IKundinl ...
,-.: r';on "J Subj,.:cn<y. Jljl>i pru""",. Ihallll<:
di"ribulion of isl:u>d offcets in 1.. li," m.y be seen 10 follow fmm
Subja<'noy if language. may be: allo"'M I" "aty in lhe choke of
bounding roxIos lor Subjacency. If Ih. bounding node< for Italian are S'
,nd NP "":, ,,r th.o Sand NP., in Engli"'. ,I><" ,h. army .f judgment>
in (6) lall. uod., Subjace"cy. os the re><kr may verify. We "ill refer
10 tl>< 1"'''ffiC1cr of .. ri.,ion idcnliflC\l by Ri".; .. lhe Subja.crncy
Parameter.The Subja<cn<y P3r8mct" moy be invokc,J 10 :K'Ctl<Iol fOT ,he alroo;,
rom plelc I'-"k of . " "'OIion in sorru: SI.vic language,- In ,he <He: tha, a
"'''8U'W' "".,lIy e.<<lud .. unl'><JlJnded dependencies into emb<:dded
,Iauses. i, may be claimed thol .1I,hrcc booooillg r>O<ks (S·. S, . nd NP)
.,~ i~ dfoo. Of ~ou,><. thi. Ic~"" u""",,,.ir><d the """i"iI;'y in Poli",
lOT e'"""pl< lor unbound<d d<j><nd<ncics into , ubjuncti", d,"", only
(b,nik .nd Sailo. 1984, 279). E,;Jently, the po",me'" of ,,,Tiolioo
must be nude .. Miti"" to mood as
OS <"<-goT}". tOOup, the possi_
bility [or a rur<ly ""~,,,rilI l . n, I)'';> has THlt bc<n iO"-IligateJ in IhiS
arCa"" far .. we orC o~=.
Th ..e hOI.. been "odie, on Subjacon<y-"yle i,land .ffeets in Olllet
languag. . . . _ II. While ,"'. ,,:moo'
the full range of ,he",
>too;e>, ""~ .-.m poi nl 10 ""In< 01 lhe ",he' .. nan" in Ihe ""'.. li ogui""' rr.onilc""ion of Subj""e""Y elf",,,. One , .. riant ,ha,lollow'S
on Cbom;"~·. "ripnal fOlm",.ti"" i. di"' by Huan, (198l) .
lloan! .oow. thol in Chin<"" the Complo. I'll' CO,",lrainl i. rcspcclcd
in >!ruetOrtS or "'traction (rdOli';;"li"n and t"picali"'lion). but lhe ~'h
island CoOOit;"n is DOL The r<&On. HuanS argues. is thal .../r q~';';""
i" Chine'" do nol in"ol\'e the m'm dj'!,""","'e"' uf lhe wh phi....,
(rom in ,h<",",icolly inlerpreted pmi,;"n. Th i' Ic",~ lhe CO.,tI'
r O'ili"" "f on inl<''''gati .... cb"", in Chi ... ", fro:< In mediale bd,,·o:<" a
di,k>c'l<d higher con<lilu<n' and
po, ilion 0 1 a gop within the da"""
in the " I<<<$,i,'< cyclic loshion roquired I>y Sobj.. en<y_ Huang concIud<> tho, the p",dictioru orSu~.n~' ""' oonfirmed in Chin...,.
The ou<crs> o[ Sobj.«ncy in Chit>cSc and Ilali.n oonl,.,.,11 "';Ih it;
,pf"lR'nt [oil",.;: in Scandin",'ian languag" , Violations of "'" Complex
NP Cn"ma int h.,'e been ,klCun",,,,cd in S"cdi,h. Dani>!,. and N",",,'.·
pan. Violation, of Ihc ~ 'h oondilion appe., in Danish. S..OO1.O.
NO"'<gian and Icelandic. E xampl •• from Dani>h (from Eneschik.
1973) ~ppear btlo,,'.
(7) (.) Ott hu. kender jq en ",,,,,d ... m har k"b,.
('''''' l\ou", koow I • man ,hal Ita, bough' )
or bogen som jog ikkc vcd h"<m han hat gi>"t1.
(thi' is tbc buok ..-hie,h I nul kno" -.. hu he ha, gi' -cn)
),,,... , un·~y. <liKu",i"" and anal)'l'i> o[ reb""1 . .. mpld,;ec Erte.chik (1973), Allwood (1976). Tor.ld...-n (I ~7 Y ~ M>Jing and z...non
( 1982). EngUahl (1986) and ,be .ory "",,[ui <olle<lion of p.""" in
Engdahl and EjorlH.-d (19H2). To ou, ,,"o..-Icdge. 110 fully oooqu.te
S""' lural analy.i, "II ~ phellOll'l<na ha, e'-er been proposed. ~I"n y
JC>C"olIT""'" in lhi, ."'" ha • • ""'-'pted a p,-"S"'aric account of lhe
." ..,cd
adapling Ihe P' ''po..o,;<Its o[ Erto!Chik (1973) . nd
Allwood (1 916). as •.-. d iscu .. below. Otl><,.. ba,'. a<1optcd .
,ppro;I<h. Keking a ' jnl>'I1< ><>l otion fo, >ome ron",.";n .. and a
pro!'""'ic >olution lor othe" . ., lor .>ample Mating and bonon
(1982). Engdahl (1 986),
We lIOle. h",,-.,'cr. Ihat II>< b ull; of c1Ompk> in lite J itcJ"~'Urc on
Scandinavian languo,.. ,ept.".nling violalion. or the Com""" NP
CO""";'" invol,'. rela.i>iz>tion or que.rioning of tOe .... bjc<:t in lhe
orr""diog ,,""plele NP;' lnd«d. A II ~-(~>d ( 1976: 9) .nd Engdohl ( 1986:
139) ol,.""" th", ",I .. ivi,anon of ... "'" argwnrnl other than th<:
. ubject kad. '0 • dec ..... in oc«p<abi li'~ in Swedi>h.' GiyCfI ,he
exist.""" or 8'""ral .... bj«-tJnon •• ulljecl "'-'t'mmc!"" in m""y Sea".
din>,ian language. in ,he di",ribu,ion 0/ pruJlOun. and complem<."'"
ti .. ", 000.' di.localion of , .... >ubj«!, il;" not un, •• ",n.ble '0 won<k'
" '........ , a >Iruc1ural an.lysis con .;",on, ...i,l! Subj""cncy i. in f.c,
p<»,iblc fo, ,""", '''''''', ,h"ugh Ihis h.. n.,'e' been a"empled a. fa, ...
we know. .. aJ50 ,h .. exampl. (7b) is 001 . uffici.", to silo"' ..... l i'~ of ,lK: ~}, i,lan d «>n,ltr,oint in Danhh , given ,lK: p<:>6Sihle
"';:IIi"" Rizzi documents fOJ 1" ,Ii.., fsot (6)~ More .omplc. """...,.,
nceded 'u det."nine IlK: po:ss;bk boundiog node. for tl>c;c lan,""I<"
"'l\.lI.V.' II•• source of .. ';>lion m.~ be due 10,' Again, 10 OUt
k",.wlc<lge, 110 comp,.hcn.ive """"'i&"lioo has l>ecn lel"-'II<>.I Ihat
«ok. to determine Ihe ""'8" of ,'an.,ion in ..:II i"and violation. in
Sc-andin • ..-iaIl language> in 'erm, 0/ ,II< Subj... ncy Par"""" .. , Bu,
til""" ", ou"'a:nding que"io"" and Ihe Scandinavian ""'" again ..
Suhja«ncr I.m";o •• "",,",,.lly unchalkogctl by propooco", of • ')""
lactio app""",h lO elf""".,'
w.!>O'" di."",,, 'wo op,,"r<mly """·,,ruclural factorS ,h.t in"ucoce ,n.
pot""'ial for unbounded depend.n.~ relation., tl><:,.""" and
bridgiog dIce"" With rq:ard to tile former, • "".nanti. fac,ol ,h.t
appears 10 innuetK'<
acr<fltabiHty of violation. of the Comple. NP
OJ"",,,, ;o' i. ,h. deflni,ene . . . ndl o< .pccificily of Ihe bead of ,ho
offending relali,'. el.u,"" For iO>1aoc,,, """,ider "'" following ex.unple.
from EnglWt in (8)1(9) ond S.. edi>h in (I 0).
(8) (a)
??Hc'"omcone ,,00 1',.• """'" mel anyone ,ha' liKes,
'He', ;umeone "ho f,·e never mellh. """"'" th .. like. ,
(9) (a) ??Robin'. ca" I C'dI1) rond anyone to f",
(1)) • Rol>in', ",r, I can) ~ndlhe !ighl """hanio lO fox.
(10) (a)
Skaldjur iir dc, rn:ingo ",m in'. tlol.
,I>cllft>h "," ,I>c,e ..""rnl ...·00 not >land
.. hollr.. h, tho!e arc .. v.,al IIhOC"'" eM
(b) nSkaldju, klinnc, jag O'I(lIlnen som in,e 111,
,l>ellfl>h In,,,, 1 "'" n,an II·"" '101 . ,,,ud
'"",Ufi.h I kno,,' ,i>c m:uJ woo con', ea"
(Engdaht, 1986: 138- 9)
The relali""y low toI<rance of ddini ..!<pecific t<.' P', IOW1ld l ."'''<1ioo
cv<n in c."". "'he,o c""c,ion i, ",he"';,., "",mi lled i, nol "-ell "oJe,"ood .ynla<.1kally. This has p",.. d Ihe
fo, an """ou nl of the vari.liOll "hieh mue< 'PflClll 10 Ihe di>COur>c {un<:lion of tkfini'. / >p« iflC
NP". as ..-ell .. 10 pos,ible progmalk faclolS. as 10' example in AUwood
( 1976), And.,...", (1982). "' Engdahl (1 986~ Th ... au,ho" al;o
" .... Ihe ronl<>lu.1 .ff«1. on "",,,rio", in Ih.o, • p ,,,n .. ample
p,,,,"'<d 001 of ron'." i, much impm.od •.-1>:" embedded in an
ocrommod.ling ron ..,,,,. While ~ "",ctum ocroun' migh' ,...n be
cn. isag<d for the definite""" .ffect, tlte <lIce' o f ron ....., is no' '"
... dily ;>(\(\' ......1 in "ruclurallcrm.,
Anothe, "00-,,,,,,,," ,.1 raClo, 111:'1 mungly innuen«. lhe puo.sibiliIi .. fo, , ... tions of unbounded dependency i. the bridging phenome·
non of Enc ...hik ( 1973). She 000crrc> th31 ..ltil< OOInt "crb, to k ..",
,eI.tion. of unbuunded drprnd<ncc inlo th<'i, srnlrnn.1 rompk m...m,
olbc" do not. For i.51I111CC. rumpar. ( 11) and ( 12).'
( I I)
Wha, did ,he Ihink/ ",,},lh31 ]Jill.'.·"
'Whal did , he "·h"p",I.-«!comm .... l lhal Hill .. e?
Er1.",hik """"""" th.t Ih.l brid.o;irtg ph~n "m <non i, not ",,,ricled to
v.rbal h•• d. 001 hold. aloo lor ad;':,tivaJ heads,
(13) (')
Whal i' ;1 unlikdy!« Ih. , ]J ill al.?
(h) 'Whal i';1 4uc>1">n. blc/l'"llic/inlc' e>l ing Ih'l Ilill ate?
To lhi" .... add IOC OOoclVlltion Ihat the bridging .Ueet <>I<!>d, 10
nOWl> a. ,,·cll.
(14) (a)
""lIlo, ,,'Cre 'IOU appalled
b)' tile ??noIionl "fact th .. >he
What did l"u h.a r a ?rumor! "romrnonl thai >he 'lOle'!
FoOOI (,h " "olume) """"d." Mill othe, . ",",pl. ," in.l uJin~ p ..posiIi"", and rompi<mo:nli.." . tha, illu"r.ilc III< I' ~ry lII'""
gorial natun: of mi, bridgin~ pocnomcr<>n. Antic i l"'tin~ this ",,011 . " '0
conclude l])a, .ny lIc:ad may t>c • hl ~. and we ..ill '''''''pond i"th
'efcr to Ihc effecl os Ihc 'bridge heOO' cffC<1. A bridge hcad i. " hc.'lIl
!hal I",,",il> ""''''''tion from iu compkmcnL
There arc olb.r eumpl"" that would aI", appear amenable to •
brKIJilt~ Maly''',
,11<)' ""'" "'" I>«n previousl), MrLSi.krcti '"
be, Considor th. Engli,b (IS) and the p..aUd """'" in (16) from
Se ..... •• (M.lingan" Zioenen, I ~82: 23~) ,
(I 5)
11.'110 did )'ou ,"'ril.I'<k'11'0)' 0 """. abourl
(16) (0)
Vem .<hevl '1o .. torde Pelle on hoi< om1 (S..-ctlirh)
H\'CtIt S~revI'OOcII Pelle en bo~ om? (Noo<ocgian)
Urn h"em ,.rif' ''''' e}'i)}i Palli !>Ok' (Iodandie)
'Who did I'<:IIe "'htc/' dc$lrO), a book .bout"
II ~'ri'~ i, understood 10 be. bridge "em in (15) and nol rklm)" then
'l'pme nUy ~\' <,y h<ad ,hal ime,,,,",,, be,wcon ,he l ap 000 lhe: di.located phra.., m"," "" a bridge head, Th " is ill""1I"OO 01", in It.:
lollowing ... mpk Irom S,,'e<!i>h (Engdahl. 1986: 139), (Sec .1""
Allwood. 1976,)
(I 7) (a)
C,,"1<rpartd, kinner jag en man som r&lar p:\,
the Cen ler party know J a man who vol"" lUI
,,>In ""I or p.t
(b) ??Cent<rpanci' ringer jag upp en man
II\c C""'<I p.'''y call J up a man who
1'0'''' lor
Tbe<c .... amples confirm our earlier condo.ion 'hot ""traerioo i. pc.. iblc only lrom tbe complement ",. brid~ heod,
Synt >Ct;c tll<orclician. haw generally laken (he hridge I>c4d effect (0
be a n=>SarY ~on,li,ion on ""rJCtiun, independent of . ,"II''''1ie con,t""int. ,uch .. S"~jacency, In.teed, ini(ial .. Ilection , uggest. th>l
b,ioJllin;: by i(self i. n(l"umcicn( 10 ,har,.".';"" til< full fan&<, of W.~J
eff..". It does IKlt >preor to "pture the i",..nan' adjunct, .objet1 :tnd
~J, i"and ",I«:t •. On 'he other hand, bhd~inl migh' aerommodale
in,-ah'n' err.. lS if unbounded deJ>er,dencies ore ro<'ih le
only into Ihe
l'IM, ~'h SIlb.:alec<>ri~ed ((In,~lertltnt
~ brid~
taking I\O'id",r . uhjet1' IKlr .djuner. 10 II< ,ub<ategohzed. In Ibi. view,
all i"""d effccl> of lbe "'PC Jiocusscd her. migh' be uJuco;I to Ic..ical
P"'I"-'I"1;"', .,,"ming ,h. absen"" or unbounded dcpentknci .. '0 lot ,he
nOfm. Th, """I, ,,'ould lot com';".n, ",ilh Ilorer .nd Wexler'. (1 981)
pr"""",,1 to limi, p,. ,.mclric varialion 10 Ihe "",icon, 1>IlI "",uld ' PPC'"
u".ble '0 acroIJn' for • 'r"e",", p'fOme'e, 01
..,n defended by
Ri,zi'l di",".!.<d a!><we. While appealing. 'here/ore, il i, no! a vicw ....
will e ndorSe here,
A final po;nl in <""n.";"" ",ilh bridging i. "En... hik', (1973)
propos. 1 '0 <harOCIeriz. ,he cia" 01 bridge heod, in 'onru of Ill.
plal!JNlk ",,,i,,,, of ',Io mi"""",,'_ A """,,itll<n' n i. JomilWni if U,.
,p<.ker intcnds to dirttt !he ht<ucr'. ,"enli"" 10
in,on,ion 01 <c .
lll<" the island """",ain" follow f,om ,flo ~ c ne .. ) principle thal
e.ttr.K1ioD i. possible onl), from" domina", consoi,,,,,"1. In , _ 'enn. ,
n",,·brid&c heod •• ",act duminance ,,,,,,y from thei, rompiemc,,'.<, ""
ble.dil,g ."'taCtion; boos< he.d. don't. Enesehik-Shi, '. a pproach i>
od ' r ,ed in much
"''''k, ouch as AU",ood (1976) a nd Kuno
(1987). and has been wry influenli>! in .rud;'" of island offc"', in the
Scandin..ian languag",... OO(ed
The fo,eg"';l18 disc ....ion h.. been <oncemed e. dusively ..ilh .url~
(o.'e,,) ;<lond effecb, The'e has """" <""skle,.hle ,I;"';u"';"n. no .... "".
of wflolh e' ' flore i• • n)'<nco 01 non-o>on ( L ~) i,bnd clflX"l<. In
Gil. LF Yo
10 be 'he le,<1 ..1 '<p'<>enta' ion 3' ..-hieh all grammatic.) "j>CCU 01 ... mantic inlc!JIrCl. bon ore di.played. In p<u1i<ular.
LF is a ;.cmantically di.ambiguated Iyn' o<' ;" repn:$C"UllilHl th. ,
cod", "'""'"0<: Ie.,,) "'OP< di>linotio" ' for op"""orNari l b!e configura·
Ii,"" ,I"" ari$C in ".'u,ol language. Sin", M.y (1971). i, has beI:n
-..idc\y .... ,",:<1 Illn! Lf <lcri •• o from S·muOIu re by ""plical;"" of
Mow a. "', that LF. like s-W"ctu,•. hll> a ph....., "rue,u,. rep.....,o .. lion IhM i. oon.l .... incd by IlruClurnlly ~d principle, of "'lOCiation,
weh '" tboo E mp'Y Ca'e",ry P,i "';pio (ECI'). (See Chr"".k),. 1981.)
Ailirough '0111< earl"" lingui'tic discussion' 01 quaotifi cation proposed
Ihat 'Iu"",if"" $Cope i. cooS/rained hy s."bj. eency (Rodman. 1976;
May, 1\177). i, bas bee" """da!dly .., umed lilal Subjacency doe> nol
<on",';n LF awl".. ,,,", 01
n.· Thi, OI>nClus;,," i, ",,,,ivaled by
<onsid.mbon of ~xample. woh a, ( I ~). in -"'hioh. as,umir'J; ,hat ,he .-/r
ph,"e ~'MI in , itu at S.. t,u"tu ,e undelS"'" 111<»"moO' at LF '<0 tho
highe'l occupied COMP;on, Subjacel\<}' i, nol respecled i" lhis
n"""",n movomon,.
Who ",mem bers who bought ,,'h.,?
Who r«ogni"'" lhe penon lha, "",Ughl "h. O
Who lef! sfl0' Bill ""ughl ... ha' ?
In ronlra". S-;uuclur. moven,,,nl of ~."", dues ubo:)i
!he olhorw;..c p;lr:illol o~.mplc, in (I9~
(I'J) (.)
a s in
' What doc. Bill tCOlo",bo , " 'ho botl!ht"
(b) 'What d<><:, Bill tCCugrU£<: the person Ihat bough l?
'Whal did J"hn
1<.,,, ar'er Flill t~"'ghl?
1hat RDn-Q\TIt (L~) 100'-0"""" don "'" n .. p"'" Subj."<m"y i. indica'ro aI", b)' ,he obso<rv.,i"" Ih .. lhe oquiVll)rn1> "I c.urnpk> (19) ",e
grnrnmOli<... in I'ng""&<" wi,t.:Ju, <wen m""omOnt in ~* q"",~on',
Qil1C« .1><1 Jap""""" ( .... Huang. 1~8l; la>nik and Sai,o.
""'h .,
De.pi,. the <oou .., be,ween (18) and (1 9).
h..'. ""ughl 10
pr«.",.. tbr d . im ,ha, Subjaceocy dor, hold 01 LF ..
as S""It'U,< mm-cmcnl , lndw.l. il <ocb. claim t:an be ",,"n,aincd. ille,,,"
,upport to ' he hy[>O'hcsi. ' hat LF;'. ph ..", .t"",",o tCpIC<i:ntauon
deri"a) b~ a pplic.tion of .IIu .... n. One p""ibi!ity ;, ' 0 ,uJlPOSC. ",ilb
Cboo (I ~H5 ) Md l\'is/lisouchi (19g6),
LF deri,.. ,i""" may OCC<$< a
'pied piping c"""""tion thaI Ii"c' n>< 10 I<pr... nlalion. Ihat ro'j>«1
~ u bj.""ncy, In ,hi, .... ,.. the Lf mo,'oment 01. ~11 ;n .~ u may pied
pir< 0", cnl i", i"rand """aininl ,lie ~Ir ph , ..",; Ihi, "",,'omen' "wid
be (tri'illly) "on.;'ton, with Subj.""ncy. II • •o be..:en ",hellier
.he pic<I pipi"l: nl<ch"ni;m Carr be d.bor.led in . rn lrt"'" lhirl do<> no!
.... in,roduco. di";",,,ion bel" 'ccn l.f and s..>truc1ure n><>Vetnent. , i"""
no . imilar pied pil"Ut """r.'ion i. e.hibilOd in S~IUCIU'" mo,."..,nl
(sec k and Sail0. 19S9 lor di,cu...wn). An al1ern>ti,.. app,oxh i •
•ha, of p.,,,,,,ky (19S7). "''''' p'oP'>'<' Ihat only "'''''' ~* ph ....,.
(Ihose .h., "re nol f).fjnkM (di'cnun.c linkro) unde,so """'",,,en' a l
LF an..r only the><: ph,,,,,,, "ilt di.pllry OO"'o"crt Sub}a<>:ncy efrects.
UnrortulUl. 'Y. """".k)' •• ppe;>I 10 Ihe Urn< LF pied piping
mcchlUl",m In accommodatc ,be rontr .., _oon (Ig) and (19). "im
tlk: . " end'n' pote",; . 1 pmbl<ms or .r., '0" ullud«l '0 c~rli ... Willl<lll i
• mol< romplele and indepcrt<k:nlly moIi"aled OCOOUIl' ol lbo LF pied
IIH LS GOOOLUO:; K ",.0 " ] C II "~L ROCIi EMo,."r
piping mc<hani,m . " 'e conclude. ~v.n 1'" contran• ...-ith ."""pl<o( I~}.
,n.( Suhi",onC)l """" n<)l <"n",,"n ,he t F movcmc,,' uf ouch ph .. on
.. "'h41 in . """,pl<unch as (I ~~
Finall~ . it mul ' ... m<mi<m<d
non""" ·e.1 (I F) island cllcC!' arc
...·Klon! in "'" in<erprem!io" 0/ adjullCt K·h ·in·,itu "' in the e".mples
belo ... ,'·
(20) (0)
'WOO Temombe", wh«heT (llill r",cd .he car ho ..V
(b) ' WOO know, the P"""" ,hat [fi. ed thee" ho ..j?
'WOO left after [llill fi",j tb< CaT bowp
~'OO tr ..1 " 'ilh (IH) I"',. in ,he nt .. ~,.en mo''t:m<nt of
how in OOn'''''( 10 "'1011. E<iden!iy. Iho I F mO<'omenl 0/ >djutiC! ,,"'·in. ilu di,piays i,land elf«(, of • ..m <'ory ';milar. il nol idcnlkai. 10
. urf""" Subja«n<y .tf....... The "and ord " .. tmro' of <uch .... "'"ples is
in ',"1'Il 1 of
ECP (= Huang. 19 82 , t..""i k aoo S.i,n. 1 9S~,
Chom. ky. 1~!j6~" This;' again a >lrunS . rg."",nl in f" 'OIlr of "'"
hy.,oth"'is lhal IF is given. conro,",",i"",,1 roprtlOnt'liun. 10 lhe
txlent that lhe ECP can be argued to h.'C a config",..ti"",,1d'finition.
1loc!c: e>an,pko<
Thi. brior di"", .. ion i. intended to ~i '-, ~ f\;..-our 01 "hOI i, meant by
i,"'nd eff«1> and how
eff"",. h.,-" been aJd' • in (he lbet>reti ... llilerolu"," Whi l< ,I>cre may 00< I>c full .greement con<cming lhe
PI<l",,' ch'f"I>C1ctiwlion olth..,< cff«1>. catal,,&uing t"m h.. p,,,,;<k<i
.0 ..ith clear .,ideo"" 01 (hei, e.i,(enoc and a .ubstan,ial b<xf.,' 01
kno ... kdgo "",«minll 'hoir pr"",,'li... IU the (>3.p"B in ,hi, mlu,""
will .bow, and '" we ..i ll d i""". briefly in Inc no" SO<.1ion, tl>c range 01
our kn""lcd,e . nd ,hro«,irul und""'andin~
;Oland oon"",inl> ha<
gi'~n rise (0 limited b ut ""parrding i""",'iga'ion into q.est;"", regard·
in~ thei, "'",., in I"n,""g< ""lui,i'ion and 'hoir dcp~l}'mcnl in proc .... ,i ng.