ffirasrs-xLäs+ Fr*grm *{ey A*§***t !'ffi& a\;n §a 1 for learners and l4lglwr §duxatio* $tuds*t *nd S &fiobilüty ! nt*r-im*tätarüio 1 n a il a g reer?! e §? hetwre*r,: pro§rä#?ffi *srn I fMlnirnu*'l a'eq tducati*rr in all asp**ts related 1* the organisation and ma**gement *f r**ognition *f the cr*dit* aw*rd*d t* studsnts by th* pa{ner instituti*n. ärcf<>rr?ati*r1 ftü14-Xffi ffiS3r uir*nn*a:** Tha ir:*titxti*ns named bei*w *gr*e t* r*oper*te f*r the *x*har:g* of students ürasn'ru*+ progre:firfie. They comrnit to räspect the quality require*:*nts *f Ä. Yl{,**äläty dlcr st*ff i* the *n*i*xt *{L*x Erasmus ühart*r for Higher r**bili'sy, t*, pxt'.i**lar the about trrisher edi:cati*,n in*tita"lti*ns W*bsite {eg, of the course ca**loguei § A*4**iz University T§AtiTÄLYAü1 Ms. S*rap YCTEH rasmus f nterri*ti*n*l ü*crdi*ator Tel: +s02423102125 Fsx: *9*24231ü6S2§ n ie. ed"&il €rn* il; * ragfi u§"&*kd*. hitp:/lerasnrus"*kd*nie.*dr.r trlcourse-cata lcg u es#i Frof ür. ,A,ynur Kazaz IACUlty St tngrneeilng uoordtnator Te!: +90 242 31ü fi3 20 tma it; ehez*u:&i!§{*üi4.#*q.il l'ischschul* TftlfX § TRtr**z ,ns§trltior'lst üesrdiaatsr: j§8&jr*-q*ä§Ld§-rrlff.de. Tet. +4p *§1 81ü3 §1* §sspot'rsibl§ 9rrr U*rv*lt-tampus Birk+nfefd: Gr.rdrun Be*tiey, g,b*1"itJg"'f&riftt{ql S€r}}f u§-dü, Tel -a9 8782 17"t311. P.O. Box i 38ü. 55761 Err«efirers, uetmany htlF Jii,l1rrt- urH$*it- eäm*u*.4e I uN* fr*ü e&L*1 Daniel* Hauhrich, d"lagh*C&&§r&p:l ea:1gSSe Tel +49 6782 171311 Oepartftent tüsrdinatar: Fr*|. *r. Pel*r Heck, !.lsi,1.Qf{Cdre&§A-Cpg§de*Tel; +49 6732 171321 1 l*a*r-inttjtutional agre*mefits f,an be sigr:ed *y !:rxa *r mor* higher ed:ucatjsn l*stitutions l-l:ghe. rduration lnstitr.,tions have to *gree on the period atvatidity of th?§:ägre*ment '{lauses nray be added ta th,is templale agr*enjent t* bett*r re§€ct the näture fif the institutian ' 4 Contect d*lails ta reach the renirr a{fic*r i* charge of th1* :gree ment and cf its pcssihle upda; partnership *v,. phf?. :i4i*ö{t1 &. M*bint§ nura"rb*rs§ p# **eds{tiic y*ar i?xr;:gr*ph i* b* a$C*d. if th* esröcfiEfit is stgned f*r rnare thsn cfi* acad*nic year: Ths pa*§*r§ *zrltmit t* arnar;d lh* !*bJe l:*l*,,ns in *a*x *f *ha*g** in lhx rr*bilily riata by n* later lhan lhe *nd *f J*fiuary ;s th* pr*csdins a*atlefric y§ar.] §xbj* {w*w lk.rasr]"i!,r§ sod§ o? 2?§* §*rldir,§ ifist,t$l!snl II,rasrnus *.*de af tfus recoiving, ireetituti**J §a;fu;**t §*d8 *r*x fiar$:t* *y*§x {*k*rt p*ri*d* ffixn:b*r ef stud*ftä r**bini* §*w*y T* *Iud**L &,{obility <,r,,s^.*t l*r üatlug?,t Studi*s *a ,,. ldl $ilr, L isJ#Cä.d n l-.t...);+,,! tvl\JuttJ. Tr^rinoa l 'all},,n]l1iJv r mx:ths*] lsluc*rtt c {.^"? rv! hie-c t n*rlhs-1 2 x 3 m*nths 1st ünyir*nment Tft,ET.iTÄLYÄÜ1 Ü TRIERÜ2 §ä9 al §ciencs & lt'lo änginc*ring ? 2 x 3 m*r:lhs rr'{ {ä4Sc, Phüi 2x5='lü {rlr.nlh§ üTüJrp.*? rRÄNTALY 401 {'*pt!*t"t*l: st}t}j*§l area c*de cä* ba ifidiceted rffi.*tbä t h.ra§n]{J§ to$a *f t&* xencling i**tit*rit;t* Tft,P,b|TP,LY &. E:.tvir,:nrne:rl 3tv al §cience & ängin*ering lno 2x5=1* {**n\h§ 1x§-5 r::*i"rlhs nam* afid slady eyc!* are osl!üila\. lnter^hstiltsiicrtal agra*me*ls arc na! c}tnpLt}s*ry l*r §iuüt:ri! ltL**lliiy for if reisvafit_J .Tü lärasmus e*de §*S;ec* §{*e §ed§ I ,§9,,* *t lh* tä*eiuir'§ ,ft$?rtrjtrsr?l ps*§*3 Number *f staff e'*cbiiity p*riods §ufuj**t ar*a & Siafi r?rbiiiiy far iearhi;:g C t1g *(#'i Al^h;tit", l/tUrir:(j1 »f days a{ tea*irq periads üt a.lsrage durutisa "l {ta:at number Invirnnm*nt*l D TF,I:R*2 §cienc* & 5 days t ,J s-. "* Ei{y} [ngi***ring § TßIäRÜ2 *- TftÄI'JTALYA a1 Inyir**mentxi §ci*nce & Englneering &***ywnz*n**d langr:*Ee sk?ll* Th* rending instrtuii*rr, f*1l*wsing aür€emefit wit* the rer*iv:n* ir:stituti*r.:, is respansibl* f*r pr*vt*ing x*pp*r*, i* itx n*mirtale* candidalas so that they can have lhe recoffmended language skiils at ?he stä* of lhe st,..:cy *r t*a:1ti:,ü petipl'.. - fu'l*bility numberr can b* given per r*rdinglr*ceiving i*§a;luii*ns *nci per educatirn field {*ytti*n*i,: §ecofilmes'!ded ianguage cf !nstr**tic &e*eiving #gfi**af: §ubj*rf are* ix*titxtü*at ***xg***ge ef ir:stru**i*rz lüra*n':xs c*deJ ü Tftlrä*2 Lang*a6e of imsärq;*- t!*x ä 1 \?! !n iae {l& in ir* uxt r** om r* o r1 u't ai 'tncJlsn F*r mar* #et*ilo on the langr:ag* pr'*viri*rt ** th* first pag*j. Tr *i rrlrich lsv*15 $tudent Mcbility lor German TI{ÄNTALYAä1 rx *,2t*r *ndsd level : fnr DA F.ltA + FhS §ng?is§ *l each inslitulicn firtxs inrlrr.lcti*n rec*rrrmendati*ns, **e t'he ü*urse cäasiüsiJe '?#:r,"'nfp!1wffii*:lrt"§s*qrfrrvp, wr"r*pr*rxw*.:#".iü*ff*xli :*,"$lqpw, g.t*r.M";, * S. "l-1**t*r in lrtst*ati*rt*} F:laterl*J Ylcw t;l*r*g*r;*fi1 {ll*AT}". v.;.,y+'r,i**r-nra$t_e-i,_i"ei Ädditi*nat r*Enlirerner?t§ {T* ba c*mpl*f*rl if nec*ssaryt, *th*r r*qttisem**ts s'*ay be add*d *rs acad*rni* *r *rg*nisatia**l *spxstx, *.6. ;i:e selxcti*n *ri{eria far stud*nts a»# sfeff; määssrss for prxparing, rec*i,,,ing and intxgrati*g m*bil* slud*nts anrLlrsr *taff} fFieese specily wheth*r th* instifttti*ns hav* tk* infrasfru*tur* t* w*l*ame sfudenfs **d *ta{{ wilh r}isab:tifies.J * ?E§§§&?I i§ ie ärre.;geü uror requeäl {iy iilir. Uiice, Ca.qf*.il.lLlia_i.ji3fl"aijä.i,9 ButiCy-$ysie;"n an* c.is*iäl;§n f*r inroming siudents ar* availal:le. r. **äer"rd*r I. ApplicxtiafisJinfcrmetien *n nominat*d stude?'rrs mu*t reach i fte**ivietg i*x{iia:ti*n ;* I S-e;älgs*n terrt* Spri*g ii:* r*r*iving in*\ir"*ti** *,! terr:.1* {Erasmus codel lmor"!cnj {rnnv:th} TftAruTÄLYÄ*1 ,Augu*t ?fiih uacemDäi /ti " Tli[{)aa f{cn'lin: I Ju*e, Appl: 1 July ltlcmin 1 f{*v 1 ,4pp1; { n^^ http:li*rasn: u s. *\***iz *tiu,1 r / | r *.qtter,i"1.'1 asked-quesiions wW|li. u rn',qre it-ca {Ti p u s. d8.'i r,:*r * ei S * al I ) {- ta b* ad*Sst*d rr case o{ a trimester systesn} tF,*ra,,e+si*rar-:dt*n:istentu*d*rslar:dixgcf ianguagerequiremefit§,ussofth*Commo»rxr*p*äft ?ra*t*,,**r?"olä+i*renc* **v 7-. Th* receiving instil*lirn ,rrlll send its dscisisn within lxl week§. 3. A ?rsnscript al Re*ords \r,rill be issu*d by the receivlng institr:tion n* Jater lha* lxxj w*eka afl*r ln* a§**fr*ri**i. period has linished at the recelving Häl, {tt shoxld n*nna{ly lrs* #xf,üed {i,t* w**ks xccarding t* th* §.raNrtus Char-le r f*r lligher Education g*ideli**e] 4. Termrnetion of the agreemenl {it is up to the invalved institutions t* agree o* the pr*cedur* f*r m*di{yittg *r f.*rminati*E ih* inler-institut!*rsaf egre*ment. Hawever, in the *venl. af unilat*rat terminatian, a i:satice of a{ l*ast *sw a*ad*m!* y*ar sh*'tsld ts* gi,;**. This means tf-;at a unilataral d*rrsiar: ia disco*li*u* th* xx*hanE*s natii*tt ta the *th$ party ity i §xpr**:hxr ?ÜXX wiil only take e#ecl as of 1 S*ptemb*r §*XX+I. Ttt* t*rnixation **us*s must itt*ltsd* th* {r;!l*,i..t!ng dis*laini*r: "lleltlter tlze E*r*pe*n Cammissi** fia{ the Nati**al Äger*,rcs r*r S* h*ld r*sp**siisl* tr x*s* cf * c*ttftict."j f. lnf*rr*af?*r'a '?.. Gf*#inm svsle;:rs gljhe i*.aJitut!*ns I/l rs r*c*r*rn*nded that receiving ir:sfitu}c*s prrvids lhe stäfrsliral disttiilutiütl of Erad*s a*s*rdtttg i8 li?e descripti*ns i* the ECTS users' gride' . & link t* a ,"v*bpag* ca§ äe *n**g!t. Th* ta?st* v".ill racilitaf* ih* interpr*tati*n af each gratle aavarded lo slude*is and vsill {actlitate th* *.r*rJit transf*t" lsy tke s**di*g itisiilt;ti*rt } ; ffi€ee{?tnü ,ftstttultofi I **xta*t m*s c*de] il*...-. lära --_. iL_._rap,rurÄLY,qü1 i .--.-*. :=_-:--.I n rRttrRn? I i1 1 *ra*ffur&*?:*rniz..pß:,:-r.r" aaa0um ri*rl*ca*:ü,.is.de 2. Visa The sen§ing and receiving inrtilxtions vaill pravid* *n*istance. wh*n required, ir: s*curing 'r?sa* {*l sr:t*rnt-g ard culbcund m*bil* participants, acctrding tc the reguirements e{ lh* Erasr,u* ükr,**r f*r }"liBir*r [ducai]c:r. lnfarntar,i*n and asaistanc* can be provided by th* foll*wing conla*t soints anri ir$*rmali** §*urresl I:'r*tituti*e"a *nnta*t d*t*ils lLrasmtnti cü#eJ {**a41, pYz*r,x} '**bxit* €*r irz€*rrw*ti** '..*..-.-- lnlerr:iriionsi O#ic* n Tftträ*? , -'-,-,',,...... gij;; rj I l]: A$y.gii- f,-,ii,"Sitw45 .- -':ti:'1l"tt'"' '' -..-. ty',tsw.*rn *,r*.1\***txpu*.de/int*rr,*t ir:nai n:.1§ ! i a r z s r,1,"ts" e I q 91 ; 4 *: TR,qT'JTAI.YÄÜI 1 ", "r aa*@umw*lt-*ampus.de 3. lesur*$q* ' *tt';:Ü*-*.,:,s(*§;le:§kiuizl/Qr,1lJe1s.r*-lqa*lina:t:clirvl{rts *.q..lsr t*r in**mirrg 1 1 i T: +4* 67§ä 171311 7he eending and re**iuing instjtutions ruiil pr*vid* as*istana* i* *htai*irq in*i;ran*e . .... anr| *u!**er,* ; I I j msbile p§riicipärts, *cffirding la lhe requir*r-nents cf the erasmus Chartel f*r *ig**r äd:^;csli*e.:. }he r*ceiving in§tituti*n will inform mobiie participanls *i c*ses in whrch ?ilsuranc* **v*r is n*t pr*vi,e* lnlcrmeticn ar:d assistance t*ft be provided by tl"re irllowing etrniact p*t*Lx a,sl;waNi*a11y a*t3 ivl*rmali**. **t:{**ä,. l*stiirsäi*n C*mtast dxtails lär*x.mu* e*d*l Wsksit* {*r ixf*rm*ti** {rmai$, ptz*n*§ *- lnter n ati*n al Relati ons Ollice TRÄNTÄLYAü1 i:1l!:.. I 1 *.r @ inlern*t!onal *ffice T: +4? &7&2 N TftJTRü2 ttsww. a§*:;sx ;e'*jqt::/_ i i litjklLißg;X:iil:f: a *mw*ll-c* mpus. d*li*l^*rnrrli***i M311 aaa@umwelt-camp*s.de 4, uq&,si{19 Tl]* receivit]g inatituticn '"vill guide incoming *obile parlicipanis in finding a*c*rnsrt*d*ti*n, *r**rrjing t* r*qr-rirexents of the Irasmus Charter for Higher Educatior:. lnfarmati*n and assistance can be provided by the follor,r:ing perssns and lnfcrmatj lnstitution Contaet detail* [Erasmus code] {emaitr, lr:tarnation*l Relatisns üfliee TRANTALYAOl i ! il &" D TRt§&02 #f .J; *iä_s r:,, 1§ . a: *r i ysf rsr i:,.:,,.:...1.: t r» ati *ya .1 ;il.::,.j.:.*_ I I i j. :? e_i-q§§-:üi§§tr§i:»" : *-----*-i www"umwell* cz*t*r]§.delirl*rr,ali*ral 1 ffi*trn*, tr$ü*fi&n TR &I.,JTALYÄü1 N TftI§Rü: I I I I ?rai.Dr. *ur*ar: üZKAN Head cf lntsrnati*nal ltelaticns üffi** üudrun fi*rrtley I nterrr*lirnal Säicer { ar LJmv,; *11ü*mpus §irkenf*ld t t'scanl:*rJ s;§;*tnreu r.* ärtept*; : i TF,E IruS?t?i.3T,*f,rS {tegat representatlves} i*eti{rtiarz t ip € aaa@umweit-c*ntp;s. cie §t&tl&TUeä§ I i -' *ä;# T: +49 &78? 1713, l h l.{.a»:Lrg&a§del rzsd!.rr lntesal;pnal *{}urc*s. ürt l$e bsits p****} t1rx *t6*xt*r* --] 23.*1"2*14 3.2i*1t2ü,4 )--'t- - j i