Customize Your Storage By W'ILUA)1 J. STOREY J;ul _ r u IMJld the Oo<>r- ti,h' .. eo]" "j,h "'ini .., .......""...., .. r ,...... d.I, , h , 0<' rre " l.lTTI.~ I:.\y.... , ..oCt? How .bOUt a pl_ 10 More eXlr, to"el~ and bedding. Or perll_p•• cabi. net for Ih""" fi~hing doth",? \Iott of .,. C," ".e a liule exlr. ~l()rage "p.ce in our lr.,-e! un;l! or mobile hom"•. Manuf.cturers ha'. I"",,, i"genioM i" ,te,-;sing .lorage "p.ce. but the)' cannol .Iw.)'. 5urJlu. the OWller him.ell. N To l>ro,-'" Ill) l'{I;nt. ne~l time ~-ou Mel' inlo a f,;",,<1'. Ir.iler, to<.>!< .rou"d ..orr carefull). I'll bet )OU "ill find • ,~Ir her" ."d • drawer there Ihal did not come .. ith ;, ori!inallf. It', thew .dditio~ that can create in<li,id· U.lill in • home 0" "-h",,,h. and .100 d'l· li~i"f!: more conn-nl,",,-,. Many poeople ha.e """it.led 10 .dd .n~ ubinet. or .. " .lill. A i_"".,... in p h.... ".eo .tor,,~ 'I'''''' r '•• <•• ilr .11.; li...,._, bbnlo.d•• d in .. hi .... ~heh-e> 10 Iheir rnohile h",,1e" or Ir.,d t",lle~ l>ealulI\! Ihe! felt Ihal Ihe! we.-.: nOI qu.lified 10 do the job Ihem~ke!. RUI II lOU c." u..e. ",..,,,dri,-er .nd ,,-leld a p.inl l>tu.h. l-oU C'n .dd cahinelo. dr."er~ .nd ,hekes 10 your heart"s wnle"l. II lOU can •• " a lin" lOU can cu.torni.e your trailer". inlerior. There are a fe" guide lillt~ thaI lllu.1 be followed. bul Iher are .il11ple ""d 110 IrouLole .hould l>e experienced. rir.... the lIl"nulacturer of ,our hOl11e on "t-I•. be il 15 or 50 feet long.@oa.econ.lder.blethought IQ engineer_ ing the interior. Weight di.lribution ,,-••• prime CQn, .ideration. &0 don·t i,,&t.1I .nlthin!: Ihal ,,-ill eh.nge lhe !>alanee ,pl'redabk 8, IhiJ I mean. don'l in!-tall • ubi. nd 10 hold unned I!~ near IContilWM on "",.e 901 MOIlILE HOME JOURNAl Space 1/ you CO" )'Ollr lrlll:el . f 8 foruge for clu/m",,,f" ble create . easily fulUI},a lra../e .. Qr mobile !lollle •. ,lri$ i.let, u 8a111 II bOf,n/. ~'O/l alii Storage Space (C"ntm".d jF"'" paIr 4Bl ,he eeilinl. o' Illace • h•• ,·y che.' of draw... in ,he ••ar "he.e i, ...ilI ea"... ,..·.t· II,.....d. '.i,he•• 1~,,,ld )"0" .dd ",onr 1K>\'nd. ,.. Ihe Iron, .. l...e it ..-ill he ,........ ",,10 )""". ,o,,'i"l ,·ehide. "n INSIST ON GENUINE BRUNZ-FlEX SEWER HOSE In .ho", lo.l.n"" 'he lood. ~ondll. )'0,,'11 h"" '" u>e ,he he., e..n,tr"c,ion p.indple' in l"'" .ddi';""•. """el "oil.... lhe)" ..·... l 100.... U... ....e..·•• nd Ih. "." "'ill·..·hi'e lind i· e.e-ellen' f... I.. nn.neo' j .. in,•.•"d "",.....10"" "'iIl ...o.k f... '''.chi", •• bi"..,. ,<> "".11.. 1.0-'1)'. 't">' ond m.leh ,he pre..."' in· I.n.,.. .. hen y in 11 l .... r cabine'" el.. N..,hi". I b ' ..1 pl• .., ,h." • ,n.ltot:uy cabine, i ,.11ed nea, '" 0 line ..I I.ireb cabioe'''' ,I".: M"" <Ie!"' ........, ...,..... f" .... i'"re "'. ud ",oil order ...,.,...,. -Joel "n· fi.i.hed,u .... Y.... ·11 find 'h..... I.i...,.. 01 "nfini.1>ed fumi,u .. ide.ol lor i.".lIil' in y",,, , ••ne<_ Thq- h.,e_... t .d''I"'- y_ can ... i. ",.,<h ,he pn-etI' "oite, ito, nd ,he .OJ 01 i' ilobte i· 5 '. ~ ;. ..I 'Iui'e low....., I mn" eu';"" ! ,oin ~ ,he he_, qu.. ~ T1>e che.ol i,. . . do ........e ~"'""'n,1 .. ill _ bold 01' ...,11. I h"e ,... pie<-e-. in lit, ",,,-eI 'nil.. 'M'" '0 '0 .... i',-. joi,,,•• ....... h.e ~.ed ""mien. ~ 1.- , \ _.11 .hf:..t of dra ..·... i. ..,.1 '0 ,ioe dioet.,,- .ocI • -hdf ...i,h ·liod· i., door. ;. .boo•• he ..-.Ier IlIk 01 .Ito; 1....., of ,Ite 'ni ..... ~ '''0 i'e... p.... .ide ••ea' u.ili,. lhe iO'erio,. •rwI ,he in".lla, ,... pIe opent,ina. I u;cd ..~ _ '0 f...eo d>etot • nd -hell othe. u;"io, nbi b... I had to .... , 1 ........ f.·,n ,he ~Il. .i....., "'. t,.ite•• in'~· ,io. i· .Io.. inum. , ·.,..11 ... rt.T bole ..-.- po .... h.rd il .be 11 .nd .be "".....' ..·en' in e•• ilt. hold Iidl!. Ifow '0 ,~, ••,.io ". m~,.h ,be i ..,... rior h_ .. ompC<! .......' people. Dnn', let il 10". 'I'.i,. ,he manul.."u... 01 y.... r ' •• i.... ,i.· ill ,he mocIel. !ea' .nd de"f'ril'!ion of inler;'" ~ni.h. .nd ._k kI. .he n'''e .. f ,he "'i_h ..I ,....., ".il.... in'•. \!any n"f•• 'ute,. keep" .tlt>" I'll' on hud I y..... ",,'po~ and ...ill ..,11!o., wha' y"" ....,./ f......omi ...l ,••it•. I n~-n 'n A.-ion .nd I ,'" ,he m.,chinl .,.in from ,\,i....·.....-ic. man· o.c<. for .,a'''I,I•. It 00_' l.Z5. q".rt '0 '0 '0 ,....... '0 '0 M&M .'''p KOSE CD. • ...,-.. UV( 4110 JUT THE 1.IKtlUlT' -. , ................... , ,., , . . ~ j"., S££ ADV£RTlS£MENT' ON BACK COV£R ONLY IN THE WEST. Ih'ough .opulobto, f,onchi ..d d"ol.... Can you ohloin Moyflow.. quolity. Built 10 confo,m 10 ,igid Stot. 01 Colilo.nlo houli .. g cod.s, Moyflow., i••ecogniud a. A"'o,ico·. Fin... Built Mobil. Homo. Whon in the Los Ang.l. . 0 ••0 • • isi' Ih. foclo,y in Torrance and ... MoyAowe. quolily in tho moking, MAYflOWER TRAILER CO, 2700 Wn' H7,~ S".. , T.. ,,.nc•. C..I;t•• ~io Pl SInd m' lion< ,I••s .nd d.salp,I•• lil".'u'. GO ilem t<l ., ,llhI: .110 ..... of ... 'ul ""sl,ibulor. NAME ADDRESS CITY fREE .. ,lIo W.,,: II lUi of MHJ 8·63 ...d ,"alrh•• l,erf,.."I)'·, 11 t'O" 1••1 ,h.1 • linle do·i,·your.. lf ....,"n'ry w'o"ld do 1'010 ;ome Food. by .11 "...... "." ,,-o,k! 1 ''''10,1)'· m.d~ .10 o,·e,he.d lro.., •• biue. for my Iraile.: ,h. job ..'.',' eu)' and i, """ <>"11' 15 doll.,. fo, e"e..,1hinl~ lIe.e i. ..-...,1 did: ~I)" "ile .nd I ..-.oIM m..,o i .. ,he f.on' 01 ,he 10, .... me li,h' ,hin,.. AI,houJh.. In 0'" "ail... Il,;, p.oj"'" diod ..·, lool ! io ,he he,innln,. i, ac'u.lly ",,"ed 1 t" Ire no p",blelll .1 all. I I_Jh. d.. he.. J ••de ..I bireh Illl' "'ood '0 ...,.h ,t.,. ~~ '10 tire ",I... cabine, .. I did"" "'10' '0 le • mi~ ,.l... hel 'UtliOF ,he .. <><>d I de pattem_ I .,..dboard. I hiFh!) ....... 1' I '10, or"" 'hi i,_ .......... 1\1. 'niler nded Ioody.l 10..... '~e <:IIrdboa,d ,.." fi, per' '0 "0"'" 1...,,1!••11 1 hoi '0 do ..... I,..~ t1.~ ....,. .Ion. line ... ,he "11• .....,( and .,.., ,he li.... , . " I nol .... , ,Ite hole- I..... he do<..-_. ...oded ,Ite .ad and , . , ........ d~ ,o;ou. ,Ito- '''0 ,....... '""ed .." ...--. "ad The doo< ~ a };t,1e !riel, I>«au,,", I ...n,H , '0 ..",.I.p nd 6t nicely. b," • """01»< did ,he jolJ in 10 .in"' I'nlliu ... ,he ~inl"" ..... ..., elto , I ,noll • lit'le nl<. ,ime ke .u fi, ..•• Food. M n.e do<..- ~.teh i•• he Mu,eh on '·ail . tt.. 11'. h.rd '" find ,.....-I ~ in .. orr--: i., ca,.1oe- .hal on·' ''''I' 0......... o l'OU~h ....d. lI...e in. I ~e.' tha' I·.....h.eek .. ;,h lhooul••'" 10, I>e u.".lly .. ill .i,he ppl" d. o• ,.11 , .... <>f • ""Pili;.,. ,h., eon. T..iI.... -npplr hou. . . . 1.., .. ocl ....... it . ... ill order ,h.", ,,,",,i.lI, I.., )'ou. All ,he •• Ioin... in m, 'nile, ..... 11 .l"",i· ....."nled '0 ,he .... 11... ilh ""'" b,.el... and .,,",", 1 ,-c.e 1 ....,,·ed ,he 1"...... _ 10 II>., ubine d made .,."... ",.le. in ,he buck., <I nd Ihe cahi..., w•• op in no ,ime. TonIe buh· eon Ire ",.cd 1" pl"'e 01 ,,'e~. if ,he cabin.. h•• hea,"- lo.d. Whe.... 1I,~ .ahin~, G,. 'F.i".•, 11.. . . . rr I ill eo". ".hinF. Thi..' • n"'e. joh ...,1 i, ,n.lch•• ,he o,he, <abi .. ~, •.• i,,"" eO"e ...hi"F ..... """d on ,h~ o,h.. c.bine'. by 'he man,,· Some no'·..olon<:, 1o.. ,.h"'Ml (I di•. in ond varni.h like 1,.in,i"ll •• "d ,h~ joh ..' •• c.."",l.,•. 1·....., ch.,,~ol A ,... of l<>eker ,ha, look< li~e I, ".' facto'! ;n_ .'all<:,!. a"d ;t ,ook j"_1 '1"" '"O"'et''' of On. "·,,d. l'l.n the jot.. JrI ,'''''' '''1,,,1;<:. fro", • "aile. ",.""fa.'"'''' '" • '''I,piy h..,,,. .nd lie, b".,'! I" ''', ,II"••, oil ,I,e )oh ~ill I.. done ...d y..,,·l1 b• •, pro"d "" I am "'hen ,·i.i'i"F I.iend. . .y. ""I ..i.h ..-. h.d " ...all•• ,,0•• like 'h.l. b"t ,h""" eu,h,m·mod. in'eno.. .,. ... """en' 1._, bot,-. .1..,. ..0<,,'" '0 .... 'h' ....ll..• '0 """I"''' • p," ." .. MOBIlE HOMf JOURNAL T ~ w (I Te,uer Lane gol hi& joffiell t!li. lIIont1, i" a 28.Jooter ,I'ot nJllK tl.e gonG for fir::e &torll ami IJerce"togefl Qllt at ,J1Ienome1wl 95.90/0' T/u! COlli if; high. at S7467-but the", $(1 i. 'he Qurull (1llfIlity ill! TIU\£l. TR.t11.1:JIl Ie&{ rq><>r1 is nOl intended for aOl"On.e who an Ail'Blr~. 0"'" In faCI, ."lone who o"",,s ,hi. make of l.aHer is only SQi,,;;; [0 read this evaluation to f"r,her inflnte his ego in h,-jng confirmed whal he already kno ..s: that the Ai~rum i. the IraHtriM's trailer. And ali for m> road 1~linl!. I bow apologdic.lly to 1M hundrecb. prob.bly th_nd•. of persons .-1>0 ha'-", Nlfarioed all O,'er the world and could bee,er lell "'" .bout the A;nUN""·. to .. i,,/! quaJi,iQ. Fortunate],_ despite the fame of the Aim~am ,,-hieh has made it S}"Q"l"'QU$ wi,h lra,-e! InHering. ,ll('re are still thousand. of ,raiktisl$ who ha""" not po~ses&ell or 10"'w lhi~ bullcl·shaJ>fi1 "chide. II i. to these flOOj)le that I direct m)' appraisal.>«d to be SU~I lint glan«. There'••n old urine: lhat Ii!l! the unil in Ih;' ~ped.: )'ou pay lor ..·hal lou gd! An) bol)er "'bo plunks do.. n il.6i--the price 01 the 28-foot International Am~dor T ..-in I teiled from lhe ulee 101 of C. J. Stoll, Inc.• in 51. PetenhurJ!. F1orid._wanl! to know ,.·hal be's payinS for. And il'. a lot, 1~lic, e me, rirSI of all. Ainlrcam was begun nhout 1930 under the acgis of Wally Il)am, an .ireraft deoianer and "'orld MOBILE HOME JQVRNAL {L--"O:>--':-, Looo.,.......,.... ,,, rl"ubl. l...l; ......,. fa"..l. I. , ....a,,,.. ,,, n.;" u,.h.,l· ....11. ,....tkr- p"r utelk...,.,. 8<oe.u.... "f him. AI"'~m. oldeil ....,linuou~ m."uf'elurer of ITI,-e! 'r.ikra, i"a,i,u,ed in· nov.. ion, 11.'1 h.,'e bee",,,,, ,h. aland.rd, of ,h. Indu>!ry, Tooa) , the compan}' COllI Inn".... ra"ki,,!> pionoer I" Ihe 6eM, and tr.,.eI 'rall.ring wmi"ues 10 benefil from Air· >lr•• m ~ar"h. So, • purehuer'. money pattl)- p")"' for an .du.lly preleo,ed tr.iler ,ha, lIC'i.... eeUl:ll 10 be • laboral"'}' ,roiDn p;"::. lie .-r5. '<>0. lor kno...ledlle ,he firm re• ." f.-lol.1 0.' ....... 01 it.> prodlJCk. frequen,h. their ....;. teotioM brinl' bd .... bil of _ ..handi.. lor lnt,-din!;_ And • pu"".... l>er P")-'....... for bre.lin~ pa,h. ...,-. 10 all partl of ,he ...orld. 10 lhal h. rna'- 10110" in It.. 1....1.'.po-"·. me.n ,ire Irack_m.d. b)' Air. "re"m"I'O,,"ore<1 C"ra'·an•. '\n ,,~·ner". monel' bu).. a produe, Illlll, to Mll'l,\· TCA .• ppro,-e<! 'r.vellr.n.r I'.ndarda for hea'ing. ",iri"g .r>d plumbing. Bul. 1II_ly • nuler "")"1 for quali'r of ",,,,,,,ruction, ftI~iDeednl' of ad,·."""" Da'ure. ton,enie<>«. lhe hea, ...... lttialo .nd "",ulprom, ,...., ..ill fi, oul anr AirRre.11I tr.iler I"r ......, ,he hN" ooi..... lhe pockdbook bolds. Ind ••h"""ure .nd f.....-.)· land. demand. tik•• certain .. ell.kno"n imporled for.ign e.r, the .bou, • APRIL, 1963 manuf_urer of Ihil Inikr doe,.n', ",i,-•• hooI tha, i.. UI.,.io••ppear.nce i, un'lIracli," 10 ...m•. The firm kno ..·• Ih.t .. 1.", r... lly cou"t. lIre ,h. 1'''''.• "d thai cue· 10m... will "J'l'reda" ,uul pal" dearl}' an)'lim. for cnpa' blll,l.. ov.. frOoillw eo.lln~. Jua, b«au.... Ihia reporter i~ a linl. 'eal)' renrtling ..... hetia. don', jump '0 .n~· eonclu,ion ,hal ,he Air· .Ire.m i~ • biller pill to .. k•. On the ton'TI,!·. if )"ou "an, Ode ,..ileT ill ..le lOU ,'''''-'', ...her..-nd iNd:. lOU " one th.t ean .nd ,,-ill ...nd up 10 any wndition of clirnale and road (or ...·en no road .. all 10 lollow). The .... i..'re.m has do"" il an, manI Ii ..... o'er. It·, £.mou, eimpl)' bec'use of ill Ia.'in~ ,owing '1",,1111.,.. ,\3 the Bibl. or all}' goo<l h"ilder will tdl. it'l Ih. fo,md..,io" ,ha, mak... for" .olid Itr"e'ure. lie••. ,Ioe AiMream has no ,\ehill~' II..]! Appearance .lone of the eh... ia ia eno"l:h 10 In$lill conrode...,., e"m in the m..' unkno..-Ied~..hle la"...... Bul '0 anp....., eli~htly familiar ...ith conllruetion.\ir· .. ream mE,...,.,!! ;" an iMpirin:; piece of ...orkmanohip. 1M eha;.s~ labeled A"ro"reu br lhe <:om"",n}·. ,""preMeI aoIid ",ren~th in oombinal;on .-ith l~h, ..·.i"'hl...h....·ed b)' u.... of I.inch .0-'1",.",1 (Continued on p<ll!e 59) ,ha, ... " Airstream ((;ont;n".d Irom PO/V ,'.1) <led 10npi'n,lin.1 membero. wei· ded ,,, R."l;ed. perfora'ed er",o member. ""der prindple 01 airtral, ma""lao· 'nr'. For ,moo,hneo, of rid • • ",1 eo<e 01 ,owing. ,I.. rnnning gMr " a O"ra· Torque 'an<le", a.<le. w'i,I> rubber .noh. ioned ,o"ion bar. and i",lel"""I"nt wheel ""I",,,,i"n ",,'.ined hJ' Delco ,hock .1.>>o,her·. TIle pear all",.., an """,,.. 1 hei~hle"ed Jl\.ind, gro""d d"aronco. ,1C(x",lill~ 'he compan,·. il elimi"ate, a g"'" "f part'. an,l ne,-e, need' I"briealion. Tire•. nyl"" ."d t"hel,' __. "'" a gond .Ix.ply, ~hannd ,h. '0 Th" bo<ly of ,he ,\i"'",am ~outillno,,'· I)' e,me'. and ,Iopeo "' tear, C.lled nl(mO""'I'" ,bign. ,hi, ,'Llfl·.t",,, ron· centr.te, 'tre,,~lh. The e"~i,,e"'c<l eo", 'oured bo.lj' ab-orh. "",1 di_"ih'''e_. «W.lly II"" 1"''1",,,dkular .nd ho';,..,n'al ,o","u,'i"n. teu,i"nal. .,,"'pre,·i,e. ,hearing aad 'o"ion.1 , ..e,,..,•. n,i, Iyl''' 01 <Ie,ign ,",ronil' a ligl"" hody _0 ,h., _",d,ling and bracing wi,h· ;" "'all, and ,001 n',,' be ",,,,.i,I,,,.hly redll"o in ,i", .ud "ei~h,. A. a .0a""'L1e".e. ,\'r_""o", "'Llil •• nd '001 oonlai" a frame 01 ',1·ind, ,,,,,,d,_ formoo al"",i""", channel ril" ,p.ced ,I,. "'0'" • 1.0'" .,-cry 20 in.h,,>. a"d _.."e,,,,.1 .1,,_ ",i""", .It,ollel;n~ 20 inchc, .parl longi. ,,,din.lly "i,hi" ,ide,,-.iI, .nd roof. E<lerior "kin i> h."·"e...'1. he.vy Ild ..l al"",;""", ,ht.."i,,~, ,;,eted 10 tlte frami,,~. Structura' .lIoy .1"minLl'" i"ler;or paneli,,!; pr",;de, addili"nal '''e"g,h '0 ,he "hoi. bodr, Si. of ,h. "",en "indo'" in Ihe J.",. ha __ ador a"',,ing '~'I>e. The onc ,he ,igh, "r Ihe (I""r h., ,." jaln,,<;e 1"""_, III "'indo,,. haIC roe."",; drip c.po. I'o.i'i,-e lnek' 10' " di"g. and pIa";,, rcrno'ahle ""cen_. Th ",hi"a· ,i"n ",.in .nd ',,,••n doo' i. really a ·maller d,>or ",Ihin ,he brg.. "ne ,I,.. .nd l,ook. 10 th" Irailer loudy '0 permi, ,-en,il.';on. ,In awning ,.il i, o"ndor<l. •> i. a ,,,,liee-,yl'" r.,I;o aate"n., ''''0 28'1",,,,,d g •• lank< "j,h .",oma,i.- re~"la'oT. 12_ ,,,ll hallery. aad lnek;,,~ ",unl. ,\11 ,,"1.ide 'omp,rI"'e"" 1,"", R".h body dooT-. T",,, ",;hle IlTn",,,io"• • re a tear b",nl'''' and fo!<l.a"ay ,,,',1 enlry ""I'. ho,h ,,'dtled 'he fra"'e, The ",."ufaelUr.r d.-nib.. ,he .lep "i,), ,h" "ord. "'o".h .on"ol:· btl' I'm af'aid I ne",r learned ,h" ·eerCl. I",rha,,, he•• ,,_e of my ,hort acq".i,,'an<e ,,·i,1o 'e_t model. Ch.die ."""'. ,ale. lor ,l".l.r C. _I. St"lI. 10..1 "0 ","uhl. ""e,,din~ i, propcrlJ·, 1 admil. or. '0 0''''''_ '0 ,h. n", ".p ".< '''lTdy .nough. ne,'erlhe. 1.·'.•' r ",",(I it I" enle' Ihe ",iler. I'm '"rry ,ay ,hat mj· fir" glance the ·63 -In,ba".do" i"lerior wOO di.. """i,,'. 'ng. TllC h,·, ,hi"g th., hi, "'~' eye w.. 'he ""ln01-<I.i"",1 00' ,,-00<1 .",ployed lor th. cobi"... (i", no' my fa'OfiIC. for ,,,rd. ll"'liag ""r_o".1 p",j"dice. h",..·· ",.r, I dOni heli..'e ,he large gr.i" 01 ,he wood ""han.e' the othtrwi,t bell",if,,1 interi"r, '0 a, A, 10. 'he i,,'erior. ge"erally_ ond jt< f".t"'._. 1 liked ".-h .. 1 .,aw. In walking M""n<1 ,,, ;n'''''' ,h •• "I",i.t"'e'''· do"ely. ,,,d la'''' ill "ho'ol'raphin" ,he ,'ari",,· a"gl., ..·ill, a n>ore pe"),,,,'i,·. c)·e. ,h. fine """'man.hip, <,,,ali,y eq"ipment. 1"".,i"n.1 de'ig" and ,'omf"rI.hle liv· ,bili'y "er" I",,,or ",'e"led '0 "'•. B.· ,ide'. 1 kue,,· i, "., ,\ir,t",.,n', eoll°tr"e'i"n-,h., hidd." behind d,. ",,11, an,l wi,hin ,h" "roder Illj· feel-')"t mo". The- )",,,,,,e. ,,·ith fOIl' h"ilt_in drawer. helow, 0l"n. "asill' i",o a doohle be,l _de',,,a'e I", ''''0 adult,. O""r ,he ",f. i. a cabia.. wilh ,,,,, ,liding door>. Itnm«!i ... J~· '0 ,he lell "I Ih. e,,· 'ran.e door i, Ihe .';.4-c"l,ie·foo' IMm.,i. Il"' ,efrige'"'or. a ",ili,y ,·abi.e1 and dra"''''>. and" p.nlry, [lire",I)' oppo,ile i. ,he la,ge. I.j'ontr"l'. _'.inl",.... (Con,;"".J 0" I'",e 6/) """.",d "00' '"e1. AIRSTREAM TECHNICAL REPORT ~ 5 SUR R'tinl$ e,terld Ire'" Onl $11, 10 fi,t, 'nd >rt ~""d matko""licolly On lko soo'" lKti"'d i" 0'" Io<~nicoi ,"~n. setn bolow. Tko po,,,,nl',. POint' SCOI,d O<ll of. ~ssiblo 100 por ,llow u. 10 detormine lko st" ,oti". A", un,l "ltd" lh," Or mot. st.,. i" i" "'" iodifl'l"nt, .n ex",lIenl pu,c~,,,,,: I..... ore home. t"'Ior1 we ,u,ch out t~ t ••lu'tlO", SO" 10 p,e""t you with u,!)i.""d ,ntorm>!lOn 0" t"" best ".w produCls - Ed. ,,,,t 1"" RUING CHCRIPTlCN lTEM WORKMANSHIP G.. ".I ','d Doubt.-.... II ,i"'led coost,udio, cro"',",,, 0' "'lied Ii' Il,t!ch·lo,med ,tu".n,m eIl,""!1 rib$, ,po«d .ppro.i""tell' e,e" 20·. wrlh 1t,lJdu,.1 .I,mi""m cflo,oel kl0ei· ludill,01 m<mb!" JPpro.imaiely 20' .porl in IIdewall 'r><l ,001001.,.; \>< noo"nl "'Ited 10 f" ..... R,..I.d ,Iuminum ,~ett "nd.,b!III'. ~t1 j";ntI "'d ..,m, uulked. fibe"lo" w~IW!1I1 IntOilOl Suodu,,I.1101' 'Iuminum w,.11 p'nelrli' .012 pUl", COlIled ""t~ multico-kn spl,ller Ninl. ~,nd rio!led 10 1"","_ Waln.t st'ioed "'k ubl,eh, F,,,.II' fi'isiled ",bi".1 wo,k, Hollow d,obe door1 H,.I-U.. leO Alcl,d Jlumin,m .~ ..tinil, .031 n..ltd_ C."ed winr!<>w1nd"'01 II""" rioeted tn hodl' rlome. ""e,. 'nd ve'min-prool 2W fibe,jlnl 10 rOlli, WJII••nd tlon, "",t ..... 1",1.11.. g,",.. X h'""";''''''''''"·''''·<I''''''"'''''';·'·"·'·'''·'"'·""~~~~~~-~~~~~-I~ OUIGN htorior l'lerlor EIlGIIlEERING Ctl:I"I, SlIipu~on TirOl B"tOl , --"- ConlOllled tl'I(Ir!OOOq,e delie, e~ .. lIy diWibutto ,Ir... I. p,.l'ide ,,..Ier ....'JII st,enjlh Well ••«"Itd lu""lio"lIy. btal"'li,liQUy so","wh>t d;,'Qpo!nl'''I, Woodl"in 100 bold ""nl' on ubintt_~ --~ ,.d ElecI'i",t11' .... Ided A-I".... t< slru,I.,,1 chlnnel stetl wilh fi.nged perlor>ltd C'OIS .... mber._ Bumpe, welded 10 ,fIo,li. ,. Our.· TorQ.' ,obbe,.co,hioned lorli.n Ilor wilh indi'id1l31 whetl Mp",lion. Colto 'hock .blorber1 I,00xl'. ~x·pll'. nl'oo lubel,ss TI'«l'k:, ",,11-tne'rZin, ' ,, ELECTRICAl SI'ST£M Wi~'1 LlrM, oua'lI MH'M code ,I."d.,d. 1>1\> a"o;t. 1l0-volt. 4(1 ,mpl. ROIlIO' 11·2. plo, 12·onll 11>11"1' sy,l.m 110-onll.•nd 12-voll; INnl', well pl"ed Si. d""bl< OIJUelO. well plKtd. Ilo·.on.,I.,io, sock,l.nd ,.X _X ""um"--IJ"""''''-'~''''''-";"''''"''''''~''~~~~~~~~~~I-'-ht1VUltiTT fl", pi.. DI'i"l'''' ~,I,~.n Bot'roo.. V"til,lIon"l WllIr '''itr Well ",,'ged 1o, e,,,,, i" hou",hoId 1>....1Id oomlo,I.l>Ie ,et• ..,ho" fold,", _ , 10 ~Ih .nd 'leep;n, ""mport.... ntl.lSu'e p,ivocy A..,.,.. not I"" most o:omlor,.~e .mnge.... n1 Fully tQu;pped, tooo' >I\>'k .'t1, Tlppon gn ,.nee .nd o",n, Domelic 5.1-,ubidoot p. ,etri,,"IO', l,onc:"lt dO<Jbl<·"'wl, Ol"nlm·.ltlt ,in, with ,i..l. mixi"l,,,,,,I. sproy I.uct! T";n bed' ,nd du,l PO'PM< sol., both vtr'/ ""•. ..lily sIe<~ lou' ,dult, £>", occommocl"ion,...Il-""nl..nment Good. ,lI<~U1t. wifldo,", (IItl$ thret ~w.,td ",nl, ,nd '001 ....1. sc'etn in eot" """, Li'l c.,~n by Int..n.tio"I, with lion' ..,r.I<".1 ~th 'nd Iront.r.. tI,~!,,,,,,""',I." Bowe"n. P'" PERFCR;~'~7i-1-"··"",,'"C"~""""~~~~~~~~~~I~ --"B"'I"I rolOl"l hJ' Pilchlni T"'~inl Wind'tl;,I,n" E.cellenl. llOSil'" ,..cIOoo wilh '0 .dver$! ,ftffi' 10 tow ... hid. or I,oile' lIone b!Uer Absolutel, none noIed. ~.IIIloI.l'Ictd bol~ .ide, 01 t,.,I., Complete .b.."", '"ho1J,~ no eQulli/inC hilch w" IJ'$!d in • ,,",f,ctll'. ,",~rJ$O quick, txtrem<l)' ..I)' in >orl' di";colt Mn, . . Tile 'or, minim"", ot Wt>mlin.d .i,pIJne d,liif': l X l l ~olloW$ beQ""" l 1I,,,,,,,,,,•••,,__ IJ'·~"-'·"'·'·"'J9'"";''''"'''''-=.!"'".~"'·'·'''''"~~~~~"I~ For literIJt'He write Dept, MHJ SIERRA DAWN ESTATES fACTORS lilt UjltCl1nc, Stni" ,on" E.t'J 1,,1.,•• aOOSAN JUAN DR,VE HEMET, CA"'''ORN'A '" biM is '" ".Tit,¥ukE MOO Rml' UI., Unlimited r,.i", 'nd "",noloclu,ed oomponenl. iU"1ntffil litt ot originll py,clwe: o:omPJnv noted lor ,....,eIl. S.niWJ,e ""'irle toilet, 3D-plio' w"er p,m", t,nk. I(·pl"'" ""pIic hold,nR "nl<, Wtote,n Orden w.le, pUlifit,. plu. <orTtpl<te "ni' 01 ,ddili(ln,1eQ,"p","nt.•t .xt" <011 BOS! in tho indo't, ----" = X X MOSILE HOME JOURNAL AIRSTREAM TEST DATA "'anul"l,,,, TOIt" M~dtl Cost W.II~l Hi~~ WtllM 0'",11 L,n11~ 0""11 Wi6t~ l'I"i" t."llh 111"1,, Widlh Inl,ri.. Hlil~l CI,,,,,,, Co"I,,'elion C"", ~.It Wh,t1. Tim B.. ~" SI .. pin, CI~lCil, lith!in, Appli.nelS A"S/,.,m. In<:., Jocl<so<l Conto,. Ohto, OU.." pl,nl Itt ~nll F. Sp"n". c.mor",' 2!' 100o,nal,onal AmblS!.Idor Tv,," S)4611,om ....1.'.1 St. Pole,sbu,&. Florid. 3960 llO<JOO. 4~ pound. ,". 24'9" l' 4· 6' I· ;>;"1' J''''C'''''' ,I"""i". o,."",,"orl.lioo, amI 'I","e. G.lley .'0•••• ;. lor-a,...l fo' •••• of .........., , -><0"" , , .. ,"'_ .... ,,,,,.. 1 1,I"nni" •• , ...·i" •. ~ I,om ,h. halh. T,,'o I.,~e ... o,d· ,~I., "f "hid, .1"" Ih. bc.d_ olll,e hed,. are inclLl<le<! i" ,Ire holh area ~h<n Ihe fol,ling door i' cl"..,<I. 0,," ... .,drob< doo' ho" • 1,,1I.I"n~lh mirro,. Th. harh ho, e;e'f nee",.i')' .,,<1 com· fort. Iho"gh Orr • ,,,,.11 -NI•. A "'okl"d fiI... ,~To __ '"h ho_ telephone·ln'" l~,<lT()<)m ",he... Ihe " ,I>",,'.,heo<l "ilh ·],,,'·olT "ahe a- 0 water _0'·".• ,,<1 lire I'la'tic ·how'", c",loin i" li"..I. Th. _l>i"le',__ I<..,1 1.... 'nT)' i, built iff wilh cal.i",., 'pa... below'. j". "h"lin~ , hom"e,. A mooem ,ou,.h i_ 'he oue-co"",,1 f."ctl. 1'1"' a ho"<1 _pra)" 'hal i, u,.,l fot 'he ':;"'irl-A· (C.",i"".,[ 0" """ I''''''! '" Aluminum .i,,,,.11 t,po Tandem Drop ctnt',. l5' 1.00.15. ,I.·p". n,I... M"less ~.I..,.HIY" or Wa,ne,. ol",!lie rou, llIulis 1I0."oH.12-0oll !l(lmelic ps ,<f,ii'"tor. T,ppan ~n "nt<. eo...." I" wol., l.rat" Ell" ftllu,•• Towe" Dimil"tion 12·voll bllI.,y. W,S/.,n O1:d,n "~1.' pu,m.r. t"" 28·llO<JM lIS t.n!<s. • utomotre t.nk ",ul,to.-. 1111t, .pray: ~"s ot...., .Qui"","01 and,e. 1959 Olcfsmobllt 98, HydflMlhc. 31> ~p Nllio..1 ,Jo"ble·bo,,'1 _i"k ..t i" a ,i"hle Fo,· mieo·,,,rI,re,1 "o,k co""t.,. rho ,i"k i. eq"il'l'e<l ".ilh • ,i,,~le mi,i,,!; loucel. ha.<I >pto,. ~,,,I 0 tal' 10' 'he \\e>tern Og<le" ".ole, 1',,,ifieT. "ro 11,. ,ighl 01 'he ,ink i, ~ T'''I'~t\ I;a' ""g" ",ilh fOlfr In""',,. o,'en ."d h,oil.,. The "·0'• .,c. h.,. i' i" ....,e<! I,)' filled ,i,,~ .u,e.. an<l " hinge<!, Ih,... po,ilion lid o,·eT 'he .. ""~ G oll,y "o,"@e i. ,,'ell .""n@cd ".ilh 0..,1,...,1 cohi"e.. 'hree ,I,o~cr,; .nd c.h· In.. helow. and I~'o _1,.11",,· cahinet_ on ,Ire ,,·.11 ,cpa,a,inJ Ihe ki,d,." from Ih. 1,.,lroom. Th" "liii'y ,·ol,in., 10., • pon. ,I""",, lro,,' fu, ,,_e a' a ,iny de-k (0' Ihe eO"'I'~rt"'en' "'oy he 0,,,1 fo' _'OT' "~el. There "'. (". <lra"'e" I>elo'" i,. The I'o,",y h... fi,. deel' ,l,.h·", ,,'ilh ""ne<! 01' t<lge•. A lol,lin~ ,1o", I"''' id., p,i,'oey for 'he l."d'f)Om. ,,·hid, h" ,,,·i,, 1>C<l, ,,·illr 6·i"ch·lhick ,nallre«." O,er .~d, l,..d i. a c.hi"e' "i'h .liding <100". Un,l", Ihe bed on 11,. ,100' ,ide a<e ''''0 l.,~c d,."e" ,,,<I luo' ,",aller 0".'. A ' .....nd folding do)O' "po""$ Ilr. APRIL, 1963 Everywhere you look You'll find the mark of ADDED VALUE in .- Wlrat yo" ..... in Pathfinde,. you'll ...... to a deg,..,.. in other homes too ... beea",", a" indus· lry leader is alway. o",e tu be ""pied, So as yoo ohop uthe, lines _ and we u'ge yo" 10 do "" _ just ""unt the number of times you fa"".up 1o ,eflectio". of Palhfinde' living room., kitchens. bathroomo, bedroom•. Bul if. nul ohen thai you'lI find M.L of lhe pl~. t'al~e. thor an Parhfinder except in Pathfinder. We ace speaking 01 otyJe. liva· bilily and a long. long li.t of sPecilic """'lrueliun and f",,,i.hing feature•.•. the best or "'erything that women want and ne<!<! to make mobile Mme li,';ng easier a"d more lun. F"II inlormation i. yo"rs for the a,king, W,ite 10' lhe Palhfindcr Homc Portfolio thaL inlcrest. yo" ... and th" name uf YOUT neare.. dealer. Pathtinder PATHFINDER MOBILE HOME, INC. BOX 120 SPENCER. WISCONSIN C'"CLE ... 'N L'H""TtJU tISR""Y .. .'of.,ie 'ollel. Th~,.., I•• el"". hold~r Iftd 1_I>I>.u_1o bold~r. • pi"Olin:•• • nd • OOIIlp.on....... '.li...,j mo:diein~ ubiwi,h .dju_,.hle "~rlieol .nd bo•...,.,· •• l.hehing. Tl>e "'indow < ml'c..... ,be thow.., i• • 1... lin<:<!. ".·Ird d •• " nd .Iidi.., doon of ,be 11 "'· be.d "".~ hielo h.,p ,Ionn .,1<>;aI i. i,. "",~ ' .. grilleo. M' .* '1'I••'.... Th~ in".;". Iluminum p.nde<! wall. a", .pr.yed "i,h • ,hick. mulli.,olor • pl.u« I,.in' ,hll u".,.. ri,'~, hud•. • nd l'ro,id~. om el_Y·'o-<:lean .nd du.· .ble rl..... ~rm'lr....g·. ,·in,I,ile. in • '~.r p.oll~.n. I. ,be .tlr•• ';"~ ....·er· ing for ..... floor. [1ee"ic.1 ....11..... nd ligh, • •,.., nlOIMr...... Ik·ide_ ,Io.e «cOlin; l~h,_. .,.., 1"0 ".11 h,n .... "..~. ,Io.e IounJ<'. _ ..... eoe" bed and .i.L .nd .,.., i. ,be ~ I"e" wiDdcl..'· .... all 10... _ideo I'-U" ,Mod «0" "..,IIation. fn add~ , .... ,ber.. i•• _'end "ra' f.. ia ba.hr_ "ieh u-e· ,be no-,oll .... ,be JZ· 1r .' .......... I, dof.f' ,be ,.lley exh..... 'Ift. " roo' 'ra' ud I 110-"011 cdling fan ....1 the lorw.rd md of n.., 50011·, oklt·t and ,..,Ii.hle. l'ro"Ide<! I 'oor·"e.r· "Id c.r. ,,'h"'h_,h..y cauti<>Md-I",Ile<! 10 on...ide and •• ne<! in ,he re.r • b.d c..... of ",f, .p.ln,,_ The.. .hook , hud• • t ..-I,.t It ,,'ould do '0 • """I t~·t 01 ,h.. Air,"e.m. ,hor,.., ha,". I"" ,be _ _ _ n_."""""" ......... _00. ........" .... _ _"'-.-...-_'0 ......... _".-y ... _ ....., W",'>co . _ w..n '00 . , _'0"'_............., ------------ ____ . . . - " I. . . . T<> .........a.~ OOW«TT . - -- !!!'o"'iiit..... co. <In ....n .. troO" '.m... . , 0' --~, >0• • G. i ,, ,, , .- -------------'-' cll. I h.,...,,·t l'ot fig"red Oil' ,"· i, ,"'a' "'y .bili,,· . . . dd,e. Or the ,,,. pc,i", to ... i,,~ "".Ii,ie. of ,he Air",..m. bul Ihe 31!o hp. 1959 Old'mobll~ 98 n~"~, ...... ~.e<! in ilf I.n~ O"~r ,he 81· mile eo" ...... r ,ook St. Pe,• .,bn., W '0 Tlrpon;. . .nd ""'urn ,hrough Clea ...·.ltr to my .,arllng poin'. Ilow· ~"~'. i, did drag i,· hi'ch bar Ind ki-.l• .. i,h I ......... ndin~. •ick~ning ....ack. ~ry Ioo"".... d brick in ,h~ p.o"" men' 01 old T ••_ Sprin,.. .bou, . . .ha, And ,t-.. 4r"'" in ._~ en· , ... of Florid.-oh boy! '\Irrow I' thor-< "'~ p..lio, IOn bo<h .ideopr""i'· ,rei ki'" it In ordell ,,, I. _ c \Dd 'u.. 1.--....., Ilreor1 I.,,, I nip'.... re. 0.... In.. I _ok I l~h, "'I' .ighl-I1l,Ied. bu, .. Il<:h my ••• pr;"" when I "'1< in'" ,be ... i",_ i, ... rned ..., to be .....,p .." •••n,1e. I ju bou, .-. ,be rear nd of ,h. -'ir I w.. """,in, . 0.. ,..., hi,h"'ly. i, WI' I dil£.rcnl >10,,-_.-,10 .. ili.I!'. I mel" reflllr .mo<l,h •• ilin~. i"" .' if I ..'~"" flOlt· in, on the mo.t lrl""uil WI'...... Th~.., WII no ....y. no "'ind ",·i·t.n"" ,hat I ~lIld delr"nin~ d~.pi'~ • '""y .. I"d. Del, bal.n~ of ."uipmenl in ,h~ ,.. il~• by ,l,e '"a""f.c'",~r. pI,,! i, • • 1r~.Ift· lined .. ~'''rior. mad. to,"'inl;' II,. be·1 l',~ e". e<ll<:.irnce<!. Th~ Ai"'''"..n u~cke<! '0 ml' ,Ii~h'".t 'ouch or .,"·ill~. Panic .tol" 6.'i mile, a" hour f.i1<d to b,ing about any I,i'ching. dr" 1,lt. ,II<: rId of .n hi'ch ."d ,h. dro, o. the Old. rur ~nd. > .--i., ._be '0 i", u'" ,,,m, .. .J.., , ~orc gcnel'Ous sleeping and slorage oSl)ace. Calley is localed Co.' ease of meal planning, ~cl'\·ing. ~lcconllnod3lions ~ .,..UO M IT uy ou llT 8 -.'_JI .. If U I1UU .~ r·· ... '.pons: IlO : • rOlo.: -t«'\\O 0\1 , ' '.~Ltl • ~bt "'.... EIIf " , , , " : .1JI0 , •.....••.• ,.• lIlT": ~.l,','"' , " "'" OOOII. ' . : ' " ',. ,," • ~_ ••~ OYU 'lUU IlO ........ • • $~U • ". ffCf- I • '::r 'f~\thi \\0 o.L_~· Ml~,~EO ::_1:: . . t~'!. :g§ :~: :.~i." , ~. ", :. K=oi=li-i--.';l.l' ,~--