cot ER sHEEr ffi ll EI cTFf TbTfTo-tA ( coftFE/.-EEiE YJ e L. t-T-- i {8siErffifi3H EIO ffi TiTr.I "*,-,m"," r-T--f-t Tcbr l{o. or friiiG Io Ba 16tr*{r!.a by SEC pdlom.l acm.d ffi mF NOTICE OF STOCICIOLDEIIS MEETING TO : ALL STOCKFOI-DFIS ISLAND INIORMATION & TECHNOLOGY. INC. givd thar the Amual Stooknoldo,s M*tine ofou CoDmdon will be held oD Dffibo 12.20t4 a 2 OO P M. d h. Csino Espeotde Vmla I M Kaiaw sL. MalzL., M&ilo- !o disGs rne fouowins Nolic is [ercby 2, Ptuf 5. 6. 7. 8. of Noti@ Cstincalion of qmtu hy rhe Corporat Secelary Approid olrhe Mules ofthe Stockholds's M@ting tretd tb$ Februlry 24, 20t4. Rep0t ofthe PEsidenl Apprcval oftLe Octobq 31, 2013 Audited limciat Staldenls Elalio of DiEroB Appoi.tmml of ExterM.l Auditos '0 AlioMt 3. 4. prlos6 of the meline, lhe Bodd of DhecroB hs fixed the clos of buins on Novmt6 14,2014 6 the E@rd darc for rhe deteminado! of $o.kloldds orirted b For W. l@k foM&d lo you attdddce in FNn. Bul in tLe wetrt rr! m Eabte to core, pie4e &foaplhh ed retE th€ acloEd poxy fotu sd renm n ro rhe ud.Bigned al no. 4B Vaida I Condohid@, 120 Ameio Sr. lrespi Vilage MsI*i City nor la1g the Dmb€r E, 2014. A-ll pbxj4 sh,.ll bc @lidar.d ai th€ ofic of Lled Infmation & Te6nologj/, Inc. at rh€ sme addr€s, 9:,i, SECURIIIES IND EXCII]TNGE COMMI$SION SEC FORM 2GIS Rf,VTSDD TNTORMATION STATEMENT punsr rAr{r TO OF TIIE SECTJRITIES REGULATION CODF, l. Check lhe aoDropflde box: ( ( 2 SDCTplt 20 ) x) PElini.ary Itrflm,rion Slat mdt D€ftitiw biomalion stareDot /v^v i;! Nme ol Regbtrot s sD6iffed in this Cbdtei ISI-AND INIIOiMATION & TECIINOiOGY, iNC. I,.diDce, Coutr o olnq juisdicnon of Meho Moilq Ptilippires 4. SEC ld€.titr 5. BIR Ta iropmrion d orguizrion ation NuDt'erJ618O Id€ntifi calio! Nunn$00Gs39162 6. Addrcs ofrdncipal O6cd llB Vuni.h I CordoDiriud Villg. tro ADoFolo St, Leg,spi d Cily M.t ,. R€gietmfs reletton. nmbd, ircluditrs a@.odq (d32) 8l !2839 8. Date,liDe od Daie Tim Pl&e - de of th€ 0. b case NdG seity holdas Ds6nhn 12.2014 -2r00P.M - csino Flpeol 9. A$roxinate date on wlict *cEiiy nou6: Novmbs I nering of d€ Mdn",855 T. 14 KalM Sr, Matate, Mdta th€ Inf@ario, Sr.te@nts is first ro be seDr 21. 2014 d eiB of Prorv Soliciladon' of the P.B@ 6ling the Statddt5o,icnd I3trnd t o@rion & ro . -"r: zak Addres &d Tet.phorc No.i srit'e +B Venidr I L.gapl viu4gc nlrlod Cly T.L 81j2S39 I c@dohidor, U0 &onolo Sr, l. SadtielgisEred pB@r io! 8 6d 12 of tte Code (i.fonEtie nuhq ofsl.B lad eoun ofdebr is splliqhle oJy to corpont rgisE Nhbq of 6 nr. of CoDuon Outrtrdi.g or]llout O(!t rdhg Cmn@shlBPsm.Ol 488j,?48,685 AE ey d sI thr Egisrut's s.sids ltured p48,857,486.8s h t!. $o.k Ex.hdge? No( ) r ,t6, di*loe l[. Ir4e Ttc-Registr&a! ofsuch Siock Excbbse &d lhe cles orDo .Ll6 e tist d ar the ofwuili* li.!.d rh6in. pE[IppINE STOcr EXCEANGE, PART I A" GENERAL INFORMATION IteD 1. Drt J Tio. rd - pt.ce ofMeerinq De.dbq 12,20t4 2r00P.M. C6ino gep@l M&jt4 855 T. M- I(elaw Sr, Matare, Mdita Sm!tunr is qlecl€d ro be irsl Mt or, to fi; *ockholdB on de This Irnlomsrr@ Novtube! 21. 20 t 4 Registial's Maning Add6s: ISLAND INIORIII.{TION & TECENOI.OGY. IN(: +B Vmida I Condo0inih 120 Amrelo Sr, L.gaspr Vitbg. It d 2. Db*Dter" Riglt of Apprrnrl A eockloldq h6 lh! riXh Lo dBh, &d d.o&d pay@r of rl. fair vatue o"bs , l) sle: D B. e) @d.h@r to Lh!.rricle oI ildpoErioD ha 6. efed of 6egsg or Est-lcring ln. n8h6 of &y stocrholdft d ot aEhorr,nc pE{fficr oh @ olrlsufihg stj.B or ol o16ditr8 or shoncnins rhe ET ot cormme crtsren* r:r o ced ey sate. t@e. moEgage or ditposi on oialtor srbsbriall\ al ihe c1)mBk prcFrt or a6, old (31 h c& ot ey dercer or consotid,rlon. ,P' o. qfti*n h, a srocrhords who hs vor.d asaiD$ rhe -"^_ --T:1ry:d *h:,.":, q *li F wino deD,rd @ oe coaouioi ror rrre ll_"3:y paybal ol:11p.,.,r D'. tar.marer vatuc ofhic ' wi6in fi y rlot d"rs ane 0E d{e;; sbrc whicl the voi. M lako. u Ir.6 3, ht 16r of C€d.i! pcBoDs in or Oppositior to Mor.B to bG Act rt Upor officft. Dmnm for diBrouhip or e, or rhtr ^-^^-,_._":.:y::: h!:,-y 1T:.1.":..x*Ei!e i"Le6. diEcr o! ildle. ir uy mn* ro re oeii upot u f:"j.s :,by'jl ue meers oher tn& ddior to offie _ NoDc oftb. di.cctoh ofthe R.gtrrnnt nd iEfomed th. Regilrnnr ih.r b. ilten& to oppo!. y .cfotr 60 be r.ko rt rhe sro.*nold€.t E..ti,; CONTROL AND COMIENSAfi ON INTORMATION Itu 4. yodnS a Seuitie utl Prirctp.t Eotden TncMf 'fte @mpey hs b. Alr sl@ktroLlas ofrccord d oiNovmbd 10 c, s 4,885,748,685 sh@s suhscnbert md ou$rardi.C of \ovmbs t4. 2014 E6rd dale. EveD >rocthotde! sha.t enrnted ro one vote fn erch sh* ol noLt 6 o I 6. esb'i+ed @d dare. vote al ihe r 14,2Ol4 si@thold6' n@lin8. e dritled 10 iotie ard rcA*t to thc eletiu of direroB, the stocthotde mav vole such lMbeof shtr s for6 Edypeensslh*se dirtuF ro be;t{kd o, ne @y cmllat€ said shds &d give one cedidare d oey vole s the ,uber of di.{1o6 to be eleded or hc na/ dishibul€ rh.m o; lhe sde pnnciple lmEC a oqy cd.lidG s he shatt s* fir: phude rhd fi. r@i n@br ot volEs cjl by hiD shall nor 6ceed the trubs ot shtrs ohed by hjr Wilb nultiplied by the riDle nmbd ofdi@toB ro be eleted, 4 ryry1! I Anrle [. seuon 4 or de B).Las or rhe (omr&], A OUORLJM d sy ,einB or he sroL$ode6 shall .oBisr o. , hajmii ofl slbsdib€d €lital stoci{ ofrhe compey represnted in peBon o bi pmxn ed a mioriry of s.h qmM shal deide qesd;0 dd h;y @; befor Lhe a.eti!a. *v. ed erce4 in fio* k!€rat 6al6 ir qtti.b ite tas ofth. Phililpires rcquiF the atrinariv. vor€s ofa gMtd p1lpottion. lhe e, upo! all qEsli@s at ail Derinss oI the stctnotd.s shal bc by sh@ of stook. OD. lhrE ir oBe vo&. Tn stocklold6 m! vore at il b*onss 0E D66ft of shms r.eiskr€d b rheir Bpelii\e nmes .rdr6 in r(uo. orby pm\y dul, EpEqcd b Lfie CorpoEk SaErlry tor iBpecrio0 V.oling Saudty O*!.hlip of C.rt As ofsefle&bq 30,2014 5% of coDp&y,s oomon itr Rmd rld Eenclicitt 0r,6 37- Borc ttrn s9l" Ut @mpanj knos m benen.iat oEp,! ounrna ftoE rhh $@s qcept rne rollo!,ns. No. PCD or Il@r olshes I p(enraEe relariorohip wi$ iRq,.. 2,874,019,t05 | 60.29% 71,8139601 City 918J12.000 l8r0rr4 ] I, \2n Eoldings, City 136,850,000 12.809'; 17\.268.90ti I $n/^ City I o$q S€cEres & 'Gold.n *. p**." .l Hotdings. hc. Tne disposiriM o, tir shse t vesred lpon Nlr Xtu.ih Le, of $Eico@p&). lhe hords or sle3. .t Esslqed @dd rh. nue of cotdtu oso secui ries & H;Uiner. r." * ,r,j, "r,J,il. 'PCDNomDe Corp@rotr {pCD\rC) is o vho }-oqed sdbsdiar} or he phrtipDioe 6rar Lkposir.ry rm. rpcDr. benefcul oq6 oi such sh4, ;e,""*a @e of PcD\c c pcDt panjLjpdls s,io bord r.6h@ in rfi"r, tir,ar* ,i,a'1i.. d 6err[e s. Tlm m no rcD pBjliciph wbo holds moE the 5oi ""-#i]-r o moE d.d Golde! Tows Seuiri* & Hotdines tff ed M,. F6!u S.l{. 1'- volilgTru &d Ctegs i! Conrot de no ldinB hats hvolrine ihe compey! shm, nor h6 rheE , rheF oeen m\ .heBe D ihe ontol ol L[e CoTpM) in nve (5r ye6. Scqrity Osr€Bhip of Matr.g.rert Tbe tollowjre ot the oib6 rrbk sho% fie sh-s b4eficial) oM.d coEpey a ofSepEhber 10, ?01a. by rhe diBr6 ed *ecurive Nme or neoa,tsaifiiii IerBu S, Ie PBid*t & 136,850,000 b n1,26A,900 t Chaim of rle r,000,000 b 0.02 100:000 b 000 Boaid 5,000 100,000 b E!g@ Jay Ltue/DiBbr/lidepmddl t0,000 r 1,000,000 r 10,000 r IOTA! 2,80Yr 817,726,000 b lnvolvdeii ol th. CoDp,ly or tu DirEtoF r'reeedircs rnd o6en i! c€n!i' Lcg'l rcEhes. fu DiEcr6 iB pE*n. Boad of Dir<roE and r ]l:^.y]r":Tl1 Erece!. umqs haw mr id'om.d rhe omrtuy or den mv",,*-, ; _; t.i; prc@dihgs tor $e.r'!r 6w ,em. ed up ro Lr; ;re$ dale be i. ia,ot,he Lh.;,;i;; dd/c rhe, prcpenr4 beroF 6r @M or tau or @usreD. u"ay . ,ia _i ,r," @rEy. I ilNse. dc said pmoE ha\. nor oeen @,icred b) "i rr; :uag,,-i.iii ontu puisbabl. b) Lhe tawsof$c Republic ot F phitippnes d .outy IteD 5. DiHtoB .!d Ereurive 'Irre &llowing e Iss; of mv dh- 06rB $e inc@bed dirdroB ad exeudre t3 Lhe ofii6 of rhe Compey; r@ Lnama4 rEsidenr ed 61 36 3l 54 DircdornEd@ende DiEtd oirccoranacpenaoi oGii6i R.clrarroi code rsRc) sec. 18 &d Rure 18 r. Lhe company i3 I'Tli1l':::T@!1 Equ.o lo h!* d te4i No,2, indepodal dU46. The Comp_r! id+;*i (ll€ods m W. Jerrysl C. MshBe,re and VJ Eugene Jay Leug. h litr-q$ tb_e gui&tiFs sf, b) ilr NominanoB Co@iG ad alproved by ihe aMd d uMrou. lr'e Noniurim Comin e Feivs Lhe n@s oi;;m,q i"a *-. th@ bMd on lh. potici* and pafueres ror ccFtug romr6 diElotshrp The Noninario* crm'flee d.EnDn.d rh,r fie;sd;;;; to, indoodd ;;#;ffi:: and nom of-fie disquat,f(aLioN rorer(Lioo 6s djqo-. Ihe Nonrtu,io; :giljld* lollunee s cMpoed of rh. touowrng. eltu to trmndetud ruceneral r.ras sd vr. rensr Ih:Ioreotuon L. Megtu0& E indclendar dirbB'e{tarMr A[ oflhe c@!t diEdo6 @ nomir@s for E.eletie ha d4rined ro shd ,or krretuoo shmb6 or Io-u::l:h: De egl! ot*:rethed Dhcto_R of^!9russ lhe Compu). Tire petw rminard JeDsJa M&ga@g ed l,li. rlpme h) Lrug s indeoendenr di?ctos "to wa MrNar fssr S Lso. r oey e noi EDred w,th sch othn in &, tutuer. dieror.s &d ex(dive ofnq. bBnss exp*ince l-Tjll:!T!.]:f". "yTd ror be rd nve yds tud othn d@clorhip hod in oths rporting comp;s e pNvi.Ld 6 foUos JAMES SITtr - GemEl Megd - riK O.6rat lropftty VentoEs. Inc. - GeneBl Meagd-Be1er Lint Enr ComDlio. - Otueml Mesq-Tar Phil. cen. Mdse.' - Ca.El M&ags-SEorghotd CBroms Brckdse/Reynolds lEurmc Asmcy, For te lee five ye8. tn(. FERGUS S- T,AO -34 Bc@B ExFrime - H. is salte lvhite ptsia Otreo0 ( rry He anoded dr D. La vesiD od Sr Benilde Co[eee ed gEdu,rd wiLha tuh U dcge in BSBA w. _ Cmpur* Applica,rion. He is a son ot L[e lale ArdEs I m. Sr- rle Corp@dotr,s tomr pred€nr dd Chi.f tButiE 06@. Pr*ody Mr lsguS. Le nrhe Mmsing ofadm.dl CorErh*DeIFL tnc. wiLh office address d a B v.Did. l Condomin h. l20 AmoddoS,.. tecbpr \ .+e. Dieb aNDRIS LAO! JR, -DiEctor -68 -Ce-ml Mmser o( Admiml 1 6dinE Gom l98l uD lo dd lodd DiEb, of co l.len tos6 secDres & iokl;ss, rft. He G tlE eJdest soo ol Mr. andEs Iff s' OsCAf, MEJIA -33 - Jdu.ry ?, 2013 lo psent - Tftder Col$Mcial C,oup for th€ psn five {5J GERAnDO UX!!rA, yes JR. -37 - huty 7, 2013 10 pBe BBinessExp.n€ace - PBdtly He t C@}lner of c_U.t.F. Thdi,g VirclEs So[nioE, CoD. Iion July 201 ] to psen! Ma:uging Direrd of Toii.tU* Only floh May 2010 pEsn! Se.ior Sal6 Excculive olAudi Cotte Sydney Roebery (Audi Autiatia R€bit Op@tiotu Pry. Lld.) Eom Febtury 2OO9 , May 2010, c6eFl S.Ls Meagd of Barlowdld Volklwgo Fiv. Dock froD F.btu r, 2008 - Auglsr 15, 2008, Astutdl SalB lrtanagd of Beloworld Volks,lgo Five D@t Aoh M,icn 2OO7 _ F.bMly 2008, S.Ls Ex6'rive of Couins go a Rockrtate Ed Julv 2004 - MmD 2007. Execurive Asistm hon tos Apotin{ioL;ada HoE ofRepr*miatiE ofthe philippines ftom S€flembd tOO3July 2004 od !.gislative Starfof6cer ofHor Tessie AquinoOrclaSmteof the ?hiiippinesfor Odob.r2O0G.Se abs 2003 EIISA SEIII KOA -14 PEfr ysgaCein kxtil.bErness She ijcucnfl' th. a$r IiME Mu,gdof Fonue Id teCo SheislhedaushqofMr. Jd6 Shih, ChliIfu of tlE Bosrd oflsttud tDfomerion & - EUGENE JAY LIUNC -12 - one (r) yea IIe aEoded @llege in rhe Ulive6iry otthe phi[ppin$ md Cmdured with a degre of Dentisrl in 2005 HehE ben p@licins dentisry for the l.!r five (5) y.ds. - JERRYSAI- C, MANGAOANG -IndeFldor Diredo! -He is a Midnc Ehgineer with A@d l*hrcataDurude. \,rdwning. reinL onenkd mpabk ot prcdu,nE F{hs. mvo tbiliq in luF sion&d pub.'c sps]rins. CMive, rem{nmred sfeo {oEc'ou. &al)dc.l ad orguized .dividuat *ho adopB a nodEted &d goacriye al!rc&h b aI en&evore, solvins prcU@ @n@dyel, ed idediryins aeDrcDnar @d votiahl. soluri@s in a nidre oFfrlioD ilcluding rhe sociat chalae.s thar gcs q$ il Comput€r lrteEk ed b6 stlills o seoasDnr iDfotutioD ! "E@ Hs a @Er de$ee i M,;eEl i\Dtmuon Gonashool r Lwpe Detn The Nerherleds, d eorher m6leal d€8e in P$lic'lTC. Administi.tion nlb CCT, Tusuesdo City ed a gEdute of B&helor of!:ws ed li1t6 1999 to 2003 n h C.gays Sl!r. Ulive6iry, Twueede C y, Carayd rte is c@lly the OICODd Pil OD€otioE ed Concwndv u T.fuor Me"se of PEEm Conelidared Colpodo;cord OpmtioNirGMu. P@cal.fohOctob.r I 20tu t rh. !eet. Tcchrjcal A$ixtaltto tlE P6idcrrofM ia CtristnE Cneuical Indutri6 Uiea Cit, Irom I Selrdber 2Ol2 10 30 Sclldbd 2013, G@@l Maasq (tn cha4! of exltodtion at SBigm delNode) ofBu ok Milqals Rem@s Corp. nom r to No@he.201a M.cger-Mitrirg Tmn6rr of Buldol MiEnls R.eoa* Corp. Ircs 1 Nov@E r m10 to 1 Iduary 2012, C6{ltanr/M,mser-l,nd Aquiritid o, r<? MiEElsCoryoralimr@J uary 2009 to 1 Noreobd zno, Asi6l,nr Io ft€ ?r6i.tent ol Platinm Greup a,ler.h Corp@dd(lcMq 6on 26 Sepienl[Et 2M td31l to4201t9, Cffial M.Egd or PGMC DiMpique Njckel Mi@s lom % Jen.r, Ieblury 201ts to 5 Seltemh€r 200& Coroulianr b Ae PBidot Ntlel Mi@s lrm 15 septenb.r 20@ ro 25 of PGMC Dnupique tebruary2@,Regi@rrDi€roro(DENR-Mncs Cfr*ilI@ Bl@t Tugegd.. il City, Ggayan notn 2002 to 14 S€pt6b.r 2m'l, Mining Ensi@er U, IIt Moo (Div!'ror Cnie0 PENRO dl DENR/MiG ard C,e@irc BuEa! Iom 19a9 b 2006, Quary lngnEr/&dry Residdt &rGs Bunay Gold MnE hc GoMga Li@ r,hil coMga, Cagay& non 19861S/, ON THX]OB TRAIMNC /SI'MMIR PI,ANI PRACIICE Philex Mining Co{D.atim Padcal, Tnb& B€ngud CAIN$tsN SUN Pmtly hvolverl in tlE wholsle tsade ol dry emds paltnllr1ly clothing naier'u& for *E p6t fiv€ Tlp €@tjv€ olIrffi ol EE C.A.6tion Vice At9. GPsorio MB, QuidiM Y. NNe Il y@. iE llE fouomg: ehaim,+ Peridmt dd CEO &sr Coryorah SecEhry, Cmplnm. oIf.G deh Cruz diktor &tp has Eigleil or dRlired to 3t nd 60r @lertiotr sire mucl mtirs teeu* ol a diligtseM' wirh the Conpdv. Tn E i6 no Nomimlim oI Ind€mdsnt Didb rhe 16r CliLda fd Lldep€ndai B,;",T:* I 2 ,* DiEtc disrins nn€s, rhe fo owios Not a direcror or 066 e rhe cd€'ia for lnd.p.ndol o! subsraflial stocklotder of th. colpoation or ns related or dy of its subnddal shelbldds (olna thm 6 irdepende diEdor ofay ofthe forcsoins); .dpdis a dy diEdoi, oficer or substarial sh@holder ofrhe corpomiion, 15 Elaled conptui.s o! dy of iis subslotial lhehold6. For rlis Iuilcq daniw includ€d spous., Fdenr, cbild, bblhe!, sisid, ed th€ spouse of smn chjld, botb* or sistqi Not a relaiile of &y of 3. Nol &rirg a a @mince or sllsal4tire of a subsr&arial shareblde! of lhe corloBrio4 ey of its Elaled ohpei* or ey of ils subsEnriat shseholde.s: b6 Nol emlloyed i! tuy qeutiv€ o3p&iry b, rhar public @mptuy, ey of ils Bla,&d ampaies or uy ofils sukl,rtial shenoHEs wirhin dE la( nve (5) 5 !ce.! s profdsioEl advis by lhaL public @hpsrr. my of ,r!,eraEd @mp&jes or {y oi its subsffual shareholdeu wrrhin lhe ls file 15' ,em. Noi enhd FEondly or (@ugh his fim; m$ged ed does nol engage ir ey railelion witn1ie corportuion, or Bilh of irs rclai€d .onpdi6 d vith ay ol iis slb$.Jnist shaholdm, whcther by ni@lf or wiih olhd p.ao6 or throue! fim of which h. is a p€r6e! or a cmpey ol u,bich he is r dir&r o! subsretisl sbdenholde, odq rbe lras&iiom whicn m co ucted a1 Ms Imsrh md are il]]mieriat or 6. Nol e, M6. QuirciM M. del. Crua 59 ye6 old, Chief Acc@taat e th. sisifiml trploy4 of &. Corpodiod. She leld EioB jobs in lhe compey such 6 8E@l clak, souiing cldk b@kteepa, elc sd was dentually @pointed s lhe chief .@ulant in Juc 1988. Sh€ hE been virh the compey si&e Jd!a, 1979. lvt. ArdG T. L&. Jr.. M,. Fergb S. Lm m Ue so6 ol Mr. AldEs !ro, Sr. ttre fomer ofthe coepoy drd trL. Elie Shi! is a dausbr€r oll,,t. Jmes Shih. Aside Iim Peide dDnr lhee ae no othd tuenrb6 wi$ C.rlria R.llrio!.hip ud Roiat The comptu, is d fmil, reladonship uoIg ihe rcmining nmb6 Trus.ctiob3 le6ing oln aiour 5? sq.m. ofiE min olEE to Colden Towr Securiti.s a mortbty l6e of Php20,000.00 to augEem $me of its @@tlng ed Holdjlgs, Inc. for fti6 eomt is bsed on the lat6i harkel prie ,mished by tne adninistalion building of Vmid! I CoidoDinib at a pne ofPlso pcr sq.m. which h6 trol ch{E€d for |Ie pasl d@ y6. Goldetr Tows Serili6 & Holdings, lnc, is mMg€d by a Mr. (em.rn S. ts the tmthd ofM!. Fergus Lm tn€ Pr.sidmt snd CEO ovdlead. ofhland Infonation ed Tehrolosy, lnc. ow fte ondoniniu unil that dE @Dpey in Vmida I Cmdominjim h6 b ea oI 25? sq. oel€rs les the 57sq,m, leasd ro Golden Towr or 200 sq.n.wnich is ooE the dough fd aI the nafi'of the @n ay. Ir hd suf6.i€.t offce space dal cm be l@s.d y s&rinciry th€ compmy's need lor a conlonable to orher larti6 witLoul Yolking s?q€ for ils om pe6omel. o nesa The n. conpoy is al$ depodins l cash requimenl on lhe c6h adwoes given oul by l,lr. lqgus S. Lao for arl^CiLion Lors freE r Stocklolder Dd Offc.r: The CoQontion obtained c6h adv !6 liom lr',r. Aldes Lao, Si., ilc fm6 Pesidal ed Chief Opedring Omcer of rhe Corrodrion doEring to P I 12,461,13?,81 ed r&. F.rgu Lao for a toill amounl of P 2,667,,140.73 ad aom Mr- Kme& s. l& mouting 10 P 336,169.1i. The ourslllding baltuce ol th* loN eout to Pl i 5j64,747.69 a of July 3l, 2013- It E 6. ComDerstiotr olDndtoE dd Ereuiiv. Offi@r Excepl for the Corporate S@lary, no olhs offic* of ine coDo6rion is Eceiving dy Egule Eonthiy otupeBtion or bonues whethq in cah or in kind excelt drose el*ted diEolob *bo &e siv€n a FI dim ofPH!500,00 in dery stocknouefs needtrE. Ther€ is als no otbd atugddt d aeards ey conp€tuation p€ckage thsr will lo th. benctti of dy d4utive ofrcr or direclor for my se ie that they have rcndeEd or wlll Fnds during tne b$ two ompleted fiscal yem or in th€ muil8 ym. eh The foU@ing is a sMnary ol the ageEgde conleaation paid o! @rued duins lhe ye6, i.e, 2012 ed 2013, *ell 6 comp*tioo to paid in the last @) eFuirs liscd 2014 to the Compey's Corporale Ser€lary. te nsl y* 6 t 2013 120,000 t20,000 1013-2014 Th* e m .xistitrg aployFem @roren$rion to be ,,rnsenot ftr 240,000 mmcts with execuri!. offic*. Th@ is m l@ird lhe cdpoBtiotr iF th. dsr of a Esienllioi, raimot or r@iEtion of ey *.cuiive ofr6t mpror;qi or cr@se of €ntrol of rhe @rponriob. ftft e It€E 7. Do oursbndins wsrs or stock oprioG hetd by sy of $e corroDrion\ Ird.D6dert Public Aeout{nt Th. &@uting 6m of Kr Siy & Asi@res. Cdifed pubtic A(omrdE, a SE( Mredired .udirirg flm (SEC rccEdit tio no_ 02Ol-I) m the corp@rion,s Ird.Fndcnr Public r'sou.llnr sire 20t I up ro d e pFenr. The) E?hed Diu Vuat o Dalupd ud Coopey *bo have b@ h; CoD;E1on s E\Lmat A@ba tor $e pEvioN y.N. Tlis is in conplimce wirh sEc Rul€ 68. pegdph 3(6xiv). !,i" 9,rs" i, comisioL auditoB m Eponed !rcmptly io ihe se iii6 ad Exch4ge R€pre*ntativ6 of KL Siy & Alsia16 Cerrified Pubtic A@ouiaffs re .x!@ted io be dE Aslal Srooknoldn's M@ring !o mwu ro all alprcpna|€ q@srions $ai will b€ at d ed wil be girmth. opFrtmiiy to mat slaGne ifthe, desie to do s. preht d is no diragr.!@Et @ceins sy &@utirg Fincipl6, pE ri@ or 6@cid disclosws beiser thm ed th€ corpomrior Thw (I e giy & As$ciates again ecomdrded ro b. the Coporalion\ exLoal audnos fu the y€& 2014 to 2015, The CorpoBtiolt Audil Comifl@ rb. Co.pondoE is ir is cllMity corplan o wftn SRC coDlosed of lhe folowinel RutB . R.gulctiols, CEANGES AND DISAGREEMONTS WTTH ACCOUNTANT ON ACCOT'NTING AND qNANCTAL DTSCLOSURE. TItr ae no diBgffi€Dts wi r lle Regisrefs LxhBt AJdibu 4@uting ptuciple, peties or frMcial drsclosues a The Co'?omrion had @Ddied wirh SEC Mtuo@dM Cncd& No. 8 mceing tlE rctdion of exremal audilo$ erery nve (5) yem. IteD Esdds &y si€s of 2003 CoDpdrri@ Ptr@, W.thnr!, Oprion.r l$uo& or Modinqtio! of 8. T!@ @ m onGi.rdins sbck @mpe.stioo Did d iss@ce &(on wil be lalea wiih Esl€cl nodifiqiion of wuiries @dons. No or I). OIIIER Il.n It Acdor w n RqlEct to ro dy MAMER R.polt 'n€ Co'loration wiU sek lhc Epbval oflhe nookholdeB offie ninni.s otth€ pGlious stooknokbB' heting laet lebtuary 3, 2014 wherein tnc folloving wd iaken d 0 ) CaI ro orda.{2) PDof orNorice (i) certificarion of quo@ by r\e corpodte se;;i (4) tsr laboE) r. 2ol; (sj lDemvaljf lle MinuEs of ue sLocr.hotds MRins herd Repon of lhe PEsidml (o) Appmral of lne Ocro6 jt,20ll aLdic! Iinecial Stal@drs O) E ri6 It a No.e (10) 16. rbtion or DiEcroB (8) Adjotumor Aiddrots of Alpointndt or Exlml Audilc (9) Otha Chrt€r BI-L.B & Orh€r DmunelB lia ttrart.6 q*q' d. * (e) tE&s E &he 0E EBr @b.' o, voE wiu it-:q te.ktrl 6, {tlE Bord .d Dt&t6.. Coodxlr. Vo.t g win appt. 19. Vodrt ror.{ dasnerb n r.16up,tridtybE of rh.6t lddnlgopnrllroctpffir tu nE&'g rlEr . q{ofu qiltdEl6. 3ufti6ir votnu .h.[ he-.ldE.,D, rlr ,!id{ o{ tEd! ..d nE rcr. 60r d agrnd {E n r ruhitted rh.I D. rrl&d bv rh. CorpolE S..ridy h @ o{ 6n, divi;io. of tll. h.r, .nd !.r@6rbd .r lrorFnr.d h.Eia .E an. tuiostrg: L Cffid Nahrc and So!. ofBusiBs; 2. Dissio, dd Aralyst 3. Qurr.rly 4. 5. Aldibed Qat Mar*iI pri6 of li@cial Co of Seuiti.s &om 20r li@cial Staldal' 6r lEiod did.d ition ed R*tis of 2014 Ociob€r 31, 20t3 3 ro ly Repon foi th. p.riod Juty 31,2014 PLf,ASE SEE SEPAXATE PROiY FOf,M UDo! rnc Eirto rqod of. mdnoE.i ln. Co.n !r rndern*6t toEtut tn nid .to.llloldd . opy of rn @Dp.ryt utrut npod @ SEC poE t?-A ns or cl.r8c Srct qrina Eq{d t[dl h. ditei.d to .r. Corporr. SaFa.ry, SuiG +B Vdidr I 120 AroMlo S!, vithga M.t6d Ciry: Aie a |!4@bl. Equry md ro rh€ b6! of nv torel€dg. aad b€ti.t I ceft& l[, te inlomaloo s.r lodn i! ds Fpon i! he ompleE ed .{md. I1ft ts sisned ; lhe Ciry TORMATION& TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROXY FONM Icb 1E!s!ti@!&! This !rcxy is beins $ticiled in behalf of th. Borrd of Diuto$ of lst.nd i@ &,Tcchoolo$. hc,Jor rcring r rie atrd Sbcurotde^. veerinS !o b; hlrd on Lldembr l? l0 4 ar 2 00 p.m. ar rhe 6ino TspMotde Mmits, 85tr V X,iaw St., Malat , Mdila. Irfotu I,WL. lhe udeisned Mckhotod o. Ge ( orporanon. do hseby appo:nr. nahe dd6E!ture: Tn. P@id.rt or rbe Corpomrior or So.rd of With Dtr.ton, otr h trt ,henc., Deceober 12, 2014 Annuat Me.rirg iielt ofsubstihnion &d @o€lid! to rhe ChrirbrB of tne oistocklotd.h. Eprelm! tud vot ,ll sbd$ fgislered in my lEfued oMed by ne m(Vor suh sh@s d r m auhorized $ Epresd;d vote io mi caracity a admilisftror, ador o- dnomer-in{dcr ar aU mRi,as o, Ur shmho,de^ of IrLAlvD I FORMA rtON & TECHNOLOG!, I\C. a tuIy ro aI inrenB ed purposes a Inye might o could do if piestui It{2 h ecliotr .. B, al6xi.s !is^,o sig.,tue on th€ sp&e Eovided belo*. the undercigned tuckloldd heEby dirE rne st p-oxy rJ lore on $e aseM .rms qr tonh N,;6 he ihe 1s erpE$ly indicared by m king rhe sme qrLt r -X'. t&ijng snirh. t,_/h sh-sll €x@i* n di@ior in actins rhtr@n. r rh; u.dmis.d tu.ktoldtr fiib m lndksr€ hir/h.rroteoD rh. ireDs spec ied bctox, ttissb ;n. lo rulhorbcd hi!/tr. prory io *.rci* tuJt di!! to .cl d I uodenrrd th.r bir/Lcr prety sL.[ vore h .ctudrtr@ with rto rcconnerdrrio! of Mtu.gtb.trt _ reohm.ld. r 6FOR aIL' rote tor .[;ropos.t!, said. y:Iy Pl6e be ad\ised 6d pro es e val'dakd by de Corpode seleury bNed on rh. Eo-ds submjrkd by be ComDe)'s slock 6d tfufer asen! AB Sbc[ , @fe6 It B 3. Rcvoc.bUlt'v ol Pmw This pDxy revokes all rrcns which ywe may have peviousl, ex€curd in taror of a p6on or !n&n! oih6 the lhe penoi/s l]med above. Tt{S ILBE EFFECIIyE FOR FIIE (5) YE"AP"S iom rhe da1e oI ex*unon ml b) s. tlNuSn mlice in kiuns. or qupeBded bysubseqmr poxy. deiiveEn ro the Seelary at rn@ 0) dr$ betore .ry scb€dut.d D.erirg &d shall lot alply in instances wh€re I pesonally afi€nd the meing. pioxy $ hmr la* rbu 4.&Es!-!44is!]Elc&igd!E (a) Solicitation not $bj4t ro p.68npi 8 of SRC R!1. 20 Tt€ solicitalion G b€irg Eade by &. Co6p6!y n6tly thmud @il. No diBtor ha inao@ed Oe Co@ey i! sitirg of @y inte i@ ro orp@ !!y adim irtd(l.d to be t I@ by il. TIE elicitEtjor will be Dad. by th. w of mait dd FMal wi@ (st@ !!pli@bk) tne .Gt of f,iich is bmc !y &o Conpey. Mr !ers6 S. le, Pr$ideil,.d Mi QuitrciM C@ dploye ofrne Conpoy wilt sli.i! poxis i. p.!m ed by r.leDhme. Ib6 st of soliciration, qlicn js arDroxibsr.ty pt00.00o.oo @@ d les sill b. bo@ by th€ Conpmy. Ilem a. Irr.Bi .t PSMA ir Mrft.F ti b. Act d Umn (a) Solioit iiotr not subje.t to pdagtuph 8 ol SRC Rute 20 E&h perm wb. t6 b@ a dn€dtr q q@utire of66 of thc EsistE ti ,! ey tihe sin@ th. begimins of the last f$al ,@, tun ro@i@ for i[e decro. s , diEror o, 6e Cdp@ioD. dd *[ 6si e of y olt. tN8oilg,elfu h,s tro strbe.rfial ii@r6l dir*r or irdE r by strity holdings @ ofiNie, D tu, trieher ro be.crcd upon otld tha elFti@ io o6ce. 'Ibo mnin€6 My, howoq, oM shes iI ile CepoEriq but th€y win d be @iving ey *ra o sp.ciat baefr by ro'o of the mn6 ro t er.d up6 orE ttd wh.t @y be she.i on a prc rala bNis by all the FoR ACTION Ar,t I th. eEviou Slocknoldes. M€etirs 2. AppreEl of tlE Minur4 of 19 $rHHorD lExcEPfroN &!q bst lebury 24, 2014 aruoval orte oaobqilJoll Audiled FiMcial SrarEbdts 4. ADDoinr66r ofKL Siv & 3. 5. A@ufu.,ll! a Erlqrd AudiroB C@sid@tid of suoh o&d bqircs a tuy Doslv @b; Norirc lor Ild.r.trd.trt Dire.,roB IN vlTNEss wHERloF, I navc 2014. of (Printed !rc NOIE: This hcfulo er mv t,Id ,i ofsiocklolda) lMy lom vmida I CotrdohidE. shoutd b€ dctivftn to Ihe ofrce oftle Corpoio.ion al 48 t2O Am@lo SL. tf,gsp: vi[ase, MaIa C,ry, c/o rlp TIIIS PROXY TS BEINC SOLICITEIT TN BEIIALF OT MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REIORT TO SECURITY EOLDERS I:ltud lnfomlotr & T(molo$. Inc. rlr r -CorpoEnon-r is @vins foruard in iB ptr rc mgage in Lte buiress oI minilg Tlm @ devetopF4rs rn he ctftnr ull\ Gdm lhe orpoEtion s paid.or dd a prosDedve oining mmptu) Tteduediligerepo.e,s is on-coils ed is *Fct.d io concrude wirhiD rhe next two ho ns. ilrho;sh tlE Corpontion h6 ye rooeGe ns auoori4d llprel tuck froh p5O &rilion ;ptOO 'o Milto .i @Epliuce wilh Dep€mo o. Lnr iromsl ed NaiuEl Reio@s TDENRI Mooyrdm Oder No 20134t. th. sde hs krpo@ty put otr hold mrit th; finalizton ol LIE above-mstioaen ibvAffir pld. To c,rry ifis cur. the .ompdy phG to ecuE approhl tor rhe conve&on o, advdcs hm Mr. FruF Lao inro equiry and oblai! additional 6\ .nfiEion lo Jund he prcjm. ti: * be ialen Lp dr nt h; tuud m*ting of UE srocknodeu on t2 Oeemba 2ola ed s,il be o;*nre; hr appDval Lll6. Itis will Esuh i, a Do$ri\c equil) rn rh. booa otte CorpoErioF. Isl&d Infodltio! & Tecbnology, Inc. h6 m conpetitor considding rnar n is srill i. lhe lbes of puming ns sto& ,ighs ofdi,g that wil be liilized i; its Conbin€r ysd tuin.s dd orhs buliness plA sub s l[e open.ns ol i6 mininp s s oe Dovnce Comledrion is niriEiad by exrdding ro clienrs prohlr &d efficifir The CorposEon betipes lhis is rhe uin ley b wimi.E lhe cliar\ parmuSe d b sic6. [d mruru4@mpetl'on, Th€ Regist:et Ih. Rcgisudt @mp@y lhe hs ed R.gisb&t $!ply .on1rd sirh ey suppliei, htr a snioeinih uil which is b€irg Elred oul b a brck@ge 1ne h Do in@m. deived &oD lhis rclta] h€tps sustair lhe ca$ its .!,ny opdrios. 'lte R€giltErl h6 rc tr@lion with ey relaied pfiy of the depeadmt ulon thd o my bEiBs ltd5.clion, fte Rcgisudr The R.gislrlrt do6 not hav. p.odiog Eqliement;f corpo.adon nor it is hs m *istitrg applicario! for lal€nt, rdd.@ts, coprrigfts, ti@s, fi"&hi*s, omssioro o rcyalty a8r@6r' n@d for ey govmenr apprcvat in its presal Thdc is no .ffect d psbable govmme rcgularions 'nc Regi$rer h4 .ol inplde.t ln the d ey develops@i peent lire ofbusin $ of$e Rcgisteq it on the of$. Regisr"dr. &liviq fore* otu iD dE no nsk in lsl thr c (t) fist tn. .xt6sion of ujl The CorloBtion a 257 sque mel€N condominim lodt€d ai rne vemida I Condominiu[ 120 Amelo S1.,lEg.ri village, Mahti City Bn@ it h holding ns min offie md a subdivisio! lol wj$ e ea of Tvo HmdEd Forry €aO sqle metr I@ted al rh€ Muicilality of Anripolo, Provi.e o, Rial, All these prcp{ti6 in eood condition ad no.e ofthem ii eiiher mongEgerl or en.umb€red. e The Regis!61 dcs nor Iw dy prcperty or equipBent lte EgisEet nbd a 6e of qulilied lhief .eai6t Ma. RtuoD.Ssl@, the fome exsulive sftkry of Mr. AndEs L&. S!., the foftr Pr€sidmt ed CEO of $e Corlontion, M6. Saiae tu a{.y with a c6h @lledion of fiee HDdrd ThoMd (Pbp300,000.00) P6os in Nolnh* 2003. Tne qimiml cae (no. 0+1687) w liled by the Cor!@tion in 2004, It is being tied by Ju{i8e Oq B, Pim.ntel of the Nadonal Carird Resiotr, Mstali City- Tle CorroEtion dcs nol fms ey re@vdy of the mney tat€n by MB. Sd@ b*ue her localio! codd @r b. €stablished util no,. FINANCUL TNFORMATION M.n.g.o.Et's Di!@!io! ud Ar!ty!i. (MD & A) l'rr. FetgN S- cNenilg his le, or Plto or Op.r.tiotr ore of rh. nojor shareholdes of lhe Conpey, is conLnplaiing on admes into .quity to n€et the capilalization equftm@ts of DENR MeomdM Order No. 2013{l a the Coryontion is moving loieard in hs plM b *g!ge in the buiness of hinitre. Talb will a panicllar mining @npmy hnve !rcgBs.! ald is aMiiing @opletion of lhe dE diligence prcBs. Shornd lhi3 th* $. investu€tr1 platr be sucossin. wiU b€ movetrnrs in the shrcholdings of $ocknoE€E which My atrect ure onrrel of rhe Corpor.tion. This also will rcsult in a posirive equity itr the booh oflhe CorpoElior & Dis6sid of lhe Compmy's Finmcial Condnion, ChdCes in C@ditioD ed Resuh of OFBtiom. Fimcial Fq jkal N@s .aded Octob.t 3l, 2At j Total seB turaed ty pTo.toB in 2ot r.r ror lne Tb. irpu houts 31,2013 ed 2012, EsDectivet!, y* and 2al2 B I maii,, b athbutabrc to inc@c,r .npu pr12.5?4 tud pso,686 6 oto.loLn To6l.[sb.lirRs iDo6ed by p t.0,9.qt] in 20tr maioriry otLlllh cme Fom rhe sddtonal,adv&es from omm modiie l! p qo9:5ot The Nrlbding i 14,859,424 i. advses fror o6cds 2013 md ed slocl(]lo.@ts mo@red p I 13,828,821 in 2012 in tEive ofinrcr6s , i I1E c@eul ilcM.d ope4itrg ircmato$, b.foE jnreEs ud ures tuoqhrgloP(958.el6lrn.20rrand P2.o8o.l2t in20t2 \er."".me(t"*;i.; the.ytu eded Otubq 1l.2oll &d 20t2 mo@@d @ p (9ol.7t6r eo D r.t)u.lot. ire.El ucome ,n 20t2 rasutred tun lne disonrir@e otthe to% DreBl acdued on ldvtuces hom lhe lak M-. Adres rao Sr @hrir8 r; of Ocbbs lt.2OIl sld 20t2. lhe Cmpanli defcil Mounrs !o lf?tg1!rl-sl^.l.ltgo,.r7o. Rspecrikr).'.n;s lsurred b mp{ar Ar- deficrmrcs o, Pi0l.t4?.l08 inteti rn 20t.t hd p t02,t8 r.o8l i12Ol2 qukters endhs Jub 3 t, 2A 1 4 and 20 r r TYl, a0.8rq 6 or llr dn,n qu@r tuded Jur, 3t, 20r! ! oar y aEib@ble ro rhe adjMrDyappti.arim or pepajd ,n@m Rdr, and oer book letue oI 6xed dLe the rcoeDi on ol Fol t he el: t hnd s€ in@d b a s oI be dud oEfur ended Jut, 11, lbe,trcRe i! ad\eq eom ofr(; and slocllDldd. rlc outsr,ading bal,lce a of ad\diG 6om ofli.6 ond sloclloldeE @ouEd ro p lt5.3t2.loo md L t2,856.4b< rn 2Ot4 tud 20,j, Toul ii.bilitiB 2014. @ionty or chese by p an:ea8 @e Eom BD4dvelv. Nel loss for rbe irknm rhird q@m 6ded P 58r,769&d P 782,606. EDedi Etv. ll. Ju'y lt.2Ot4 ed /oll Momr.d ,o As of lbe Lhird quEe6 aded Jdy 2Oi4 ud 2013. rhe Comp.ny.r dencn oouls b P lt2.584.0t4 ed p .52.021,20?. r6p<irelr. The esutEd ro spitsl dencien.'e ot P 101.710.567 a or July it. ,Ol4 ed p tO,].tor.780 6 oI Jul,ll.20ll. b, L.s6 fiob opemtioc Fd lwl ,ees ended Octob.t 3l , 20 tJ and 2At 2 Th. Cor.{ey hc be! ontinuouly experidcirg nd lNes sinc. 2009 ro 2Ot3 depl for rhe y@ 2012 du€ to lact of piofirlble bnsi@s od occruat of ifter61 .xlaNe on the advdes non iie lait Mr. Ardr.s Lao S. tmgmot decided ro dis@.tinue rlc @rual ofsaid inteBt sbning 20t2. fte Cmpdy @ntiru* In 2013, sigdi6cmt to rcdu miai6M. pdrain to ?SE lhdng ns €xF.mes !o the bd€sr moul of olearing q!.nss Eailtenace fes dd pofdsio,rl f@s. The Com!@y edployed onty o!; F6o@el ,rd lonttuld nol to !rcvide uy fom of conp€Nrim to iis key halagemmr sin F e 2008. idefin hnd quok6 etuing July J I, 20 I I and 20 t t' Con!&y ha bed conliruoEl, exp€dencing .4 loses du to laci of Tnc Conpey hs b€en ninimizing ir opaline exper&s i! tie pa$ ,4 in the ateD,t to addBs the @niineu 1osFs. Signjfi@l amullt of oFating *p6es !qr!i. to PSE fisri4 mint nmce fes &d srock rights offaing fe6 thd tle Coopey laid to p.oes rhe proposed srock ngbr o6erine. the The c, Pssl od finu€ IDecial condido dd Esulrs ofoperarioE. . Fot the f6cdl te@s .,Ae.l Octob* 31, 20 I3 and 2012 Tb. C!E!a!y Clne6ted a net los rner td of?963,716 i! 20t3, attholsh |[. CoEtpey gm€ntld . net ircme afta r.r of Pi,150,301 in 20 t2, tle huge los! inctrEd in prior yem still caued capil.l deiciercid in fi$al yee €ndirg To iDprcv€ th€ duhs of ns op€lati;ns ad nndcial @ndnion th€ C&op6!y is sriU opiimisic in irs d@ed invesnnar in rh€ ioposd mini.s projd b tsa6eh md in a @nt6in* yard depot buines. Ite Conpey is still puNin8 !tuvi@ of Isabela which m ils pl@ of rcviving its mi,ing opmri@s in rhe discortinucd in l98l - a the iarqituthtdq@ters endiwJuly 3l,2014 2013 Due lo the utifrely dmise of dre Cohp&yt lrvious !r6ido! Mi Ardres tao, Sr. on 30 Novenbe! 201 1, th. bNiro$ ples to compoeb fd the EpiLl defi.idcy ofth€ Compmy w@ plr on hol.l6 his iucc6sr, Mr. FdgB S. is shrdying dE orhd opioDs availalle :o the Contan, ro bring the slockhotdG' equity Eom needjve to posilive. fte poseibility of getinS new iNrsi6 is being Fot ls, IXe Ce!€ry basd l. 4. its !€rf@de on the totlowing c!6n Position Debt to Told s€rs Ralio X& D..lnlD.n6 Indn*oE r. 16. flt r: e@c: P415,317 / P4l 1,619 -100.8984 !. P0naior Riio: Pl4,0a9 / P411.619 1_422A% 3. Od.k o. IdJ ndio Pt7,562 / P411.6t9 =42666y. 4. to A.r.t Rrdo: Pll4J03,5ss Ka / PI2991,320=879-8456% P.rfolue lrdLitnn fnr z0l2 I gcE4-8!Es, ?594,5a3 I P300,640 =197.7D4 2. gs!&![b!&@ ?41 i. 97 t 1 P100,640 =13966rA Ori.L or fdr nxi. P163,858 / P300,640 =54.5031% 1 &Dgls-!s4!Bd!!r Pl r E,768.087 / p16J84.401 -715.1432yo indi@tq!: Xfl Pc.forp.le 1. Indtcaton lor 2013 gcqLBltis: P697.125 I P309.951 !225.1083 2. C$h P 3, P6iriotr Rrtio: 108,846 / P309,951 =15,1 1720l, Ouick or Acid Tsr P230,132 / P309.951 =74.4414r/, 4. to A.*r Rrrio: ?l 19,808,000 / P16660,602 =719.91 l0% ir pEvioB ,tm w@ pnhdity dE to rhe iEuEiciocJ olqpila lo sNLrn its ir\ pro8ffs Cenn!1e profioble rn(ome. 'o flns is lhe @ai! retr $n) $e conp&y hao decid.d lo nrmd@ &sock nChN o Fd ,o irestos. The mi! inMioo of $e stock nghs oife! is lo ni$ sutrcidt fuds tmtEble whicn shdl be ued to filib@ its pleed inv€strhd in a conlaild ydd od mining op€!&iotu in lbe prcvile ol balela. lt is believ.d rhar rh. Compaly will expend@ ; Luge rmNud of i& fi@i.l condition if it ce nie the addido@l crliirt thrcush th. Ihe losss ilcuftd by the onpey st@k iigbts offer to it3 A,y hoM Trclds, iNe$6. Eqr or Unceft.inti6 (Mardi.t lDlacr on Liquidny) plE Evors thai will Eigger dGct or conringm! fiMcial ;bfigatio trn is narenal io the @mpdy, includins oy defsdt or se.l@tid of e oblisario.. I NE All Da,t rial otr bale@ stet resa.ti6, amg.e6E, obli8alions (includiig compey wiilt econsotidaled @ntinged obligrti@6), ed othd relerionships of iie atitls or otha ?dsons oell€d duins rhe cporting p€nod. e, iat rial @mitE.lts for capital qpenditfts, Serersl p!@ose of qpect entq dsouEof fis& for such cxpendirlG. !q!4 D&riplion of $c!@MiE !Q!lE An, knoM TMds, Evots o Unceiainti6 (Matdial iopalt Any significet Elhmts oIb@@ or r!$ on satee) !O!E (fron .ontindns opeotiom), NONE CalB (or ey Matdial Chtuees Aom pqjod ro penod ofFs which shall include md horibnral eal,Bis ofmy da&rial itd (syo IONE S.&nol &pecB th, ha V@iat EFN Arditld ott.. RGt t.d oD lne F/S vdidl NoN,l FB Jle cglotalion cleaged $e s ics ofxt_ st]1 & AssoCTATES io de p@pmli@ of its auditcd fineci,l $al@or for ihe ytu 2013_ As agre.d. the audil witl be made iD ecod&e wirh ser.ral.v a{ded audiiino tud,rd, in th.Itutippc TI.sestudtuds Equr th".de; p,_;d;,i;;;;: ro ouiar r4oDabre. 6rb* rtui ab$lu|e. assumce aboir rhed; hc fimdal shtmons m iiE€ of ,E&rial his,sta1ohenls or *ielher €a!$d Uy *. * n".a. n . dudn indles, *mjning. on a Lcat b6is, evidnce supponirg rhe mo$ &d o*roucs m $e ri@id uermr' fte aud d$ rnLtudes sscs,ng tho acounring made b, Danacmd 6 _el is evaurne d,i tT,,?Ij--11,19 "sri@t* o\/@t xnecd ('fuftt p6edErion. l*!*' $ ofde agEDent, ihey yill als €o6ide llte Conp&yt inemal colhol b) sene*l) aceprd auditjre sra*ds ,1, ,r,. p,,po* ryIy. estabhhlrt^ a fc.yg basis for d€leroitug Lh. n.rE. unus. &d exk ofaudirns pnjcedB "i n46eD tq qprc$ins e opnio! 6dmbs rle 6lrm,aj 5ldf,smts. Aleo, pon e D! paymts frade bv rhe corpoqnon tor al. oth.. (es oaJse tle,e @E no ottE &Fi6 rcnd.E.l by rhe .xtcmd rudnoB ir thor y..E Grc.Dt tor lh6e Tnei rlaul$ s*ics n ntion€d above, Ert hd Audt I..d dd KL sIY & ASSOCIATES Y€ Ended o.robs il Php 72,000.00 -a lt Diz MnrillnD,lDqn 'n, ." Ended Iem October 3 I, 2Ot 2 Php 50,000.00 PID r,676,00 Php 6,000,00 Audit feB: TIjs rcprsts prof*sionat tes of rhe qcmal andjroN K- Sty & ASSOCIATES for the zldit s ic€s endered on rhe compey.s Atuul FilEtrid $arehd$ for the t@ oded Oclobq 3 I, 2Ot 3 sd Ocrober j l, 20i2. FB. Atrdir-RebEd lbek Represd he otn-olpockd expmss of fie qmd ald,iou &d Eprcoue@ o, tsmc,,l SlarmmB Dcrude ponaBs, tuspo%tion erp€B lnat sh.ll be billed seDaEretv bv rhe said elrml audi;( Trr F6r be Feprelmh Drore"sonal rftdeEd Audil Cobnitr€e wic6 t*. tur lll ad\isoryconrr,laron leflice fiar !u.t Appm.l: b the cooley by KL SIy & ASSOCTATES have been p&Co4orationt Audit CoDmitree_ Ihe Audit Comnt€ has eviewed'&e @enitlde &d @tE of thes swi6 to ensue lbal rhey ft compdi6b snh @inlainiry ltle indelenden@ ofdre exlemal audnon. Audil prcvided approved by the MARTET ?RIqE AND DIVIDEND As ofseptenb€r 30,2014 No diyid.Dd, eiths h th. @optuy htr 1,362 sh4holders of @mo. suirr. cash o. slo.i{ has been declaed or rhe shms for the tan lhree (l) rclrr& ro !t€ de.llnriotr ot dividends fbcd y@. Th.r. ,rc no relt icrior! yith €irnq c$L o. 3to.k dividend, T1l. pm(ipal Mkel ol Lhe 6qEa on\ @mor equirl FxchaBe. I!c. The Hjgl ed !n$ pne o, the shoB qhin tud subseqE iniedn pdiod s€ 6 follow: DATE 2111-2017 s 2012-1013 2013-20r4 Qlalts 0,lov..Jau!ry) 0 068 0.047 0,08t 0.044 0.046 0.026 2ru QuEter (r.b--A il ) 0.042 0.036 3-ODEterolav-Jutv ) 0.058 0.047 0.0, 0.016 4" Ou!!t€! (Auc. -Damb* j 0.055 0.040 0.430 0 042 As ofNo@ber 12, ?014 tliEh 0.81 Low 0.71 I R.c.nt S.le of Unregltered oi Er.npr Seurid6 S.L of uur.giiterd eNriti6 in th€ y€ac -NONE Thc Cortontior 3.ld .ry mftstul.r.d sewiriB ir th€ pBelt or in r[e per ye6. Jhr to! twory (20) stockloldeB ofrhe cfpoErion l. 2. PCD Nomin@ Colden Towo s hr mr of seprmber 30.2014 e s shd* % comon 2,945,831,065 6o.29yo Comon SqEitid & Holdilgs, t D. 918,132,000 tS.toyo Como! CoQoration No. of 177.274,000 1.63% Comnotr 136,8s0,000 2.80% Comon 118,012,0?9 2.42% Cotuon 70,650,000 L45% Comon 23,728,000 0.49% Conm.n 21,000,000 0.43ol" C6mm.h 20.530,000 0.42% Conmon 20,4?4,000 0.42% Co@on 18,150,000 0.38% Comon 16,156,000 0,33% Co.mor 13,000,000 0-27% Common 12.000,000 0.25% 10,000.000 0.2CFl common 8,648,000 0,t8% CoDEoD 7,800.000 0.16% Comon 7,514.000 0.t5% Conhon 7,000,000 0.14% Co@on 6,260,000 o.rlYo Cmn6. 9. Inre$oB Stuiri.s. Inc 10, lsl&d S{uities, lnc. l. R. Nubla Securiris, hc. t2. B&elo& Roxs S@[iti6.Itrc, I O*d 14- Cq 16. Arsldo, 20. Mdi&o Yu & Co.,lrc, S. ITF Arlhony Cu GodiDez & Co.. Inc. Th. r.gnir.ll *ill NOT i$u. or doB trot itrt b{t ro isrue by rdy *clirie ir @nedoa ?ltn uy .cquiritiotr, bu.ilqs .ombin"rio. or otl*'*ig.i""ri_, * of 6e rhdirg drr€ ibDedt..€tt prior to lhe pubtic rtrorr(b;t of soct Couplt Ee witl L6dhg Tne @rpmu@ Ssies or 2002, PndiB on coyornuc G bem modroriDe corplituce wi$ SFc Meroredo CirrdNo..t 6 w.ll 6 si.h $e o*e- retddr SEC cirulB md rute" on C;; go\mmtr. Alt the dmou. ofrcers. and Mp,o)ee, otrhe e,poroEo;had atl de tqding praclres tud otgood 6rponr. g;,elfu* corpoEion s u,t TLe Corpmroo had corptied wilh lh. spprcpde perf()llfue sell-:atnB 4ssdst and p€nolfue e\alution srsm rc d.Emine dd mmpl'e* wh the Meual ot( orporate corMtr(. @rroBr. c@prrcd ho * E Etu aw otey non-complj4ce wjl! ord*iation ftom irs Mdusl ol ( (p@1e cov.@ce. Th. Coeodiotr wil ontinue ro nonilor cobplm.e wirh l,rre SEC&nes on Corpor.r€ coE!@e ald wilt .@jn @@jtr.d in ins..i,,g tte aa"prio oto6s srtu. ald prstiB ot good cmoral! gowl@c lo elhee r; ,rrr its The CorpoEron is @l t; Ph The on lo IEpruve Co.Donte Compti,@ O6cr Dredors ot lhe corpodtiob tad aftftd.d semrMrs,,EMirss how !o adequalely ma@ c@pthce wilh good mrloEre govtue d 'Tle Board ol DiE_cbu of Lslsd tdomadon s ]fthnotog}. tnc..lprov€d d adoPEd t e (orpoEtion's Rers.! Cor?orEk co\@ce Maud u r,ua ion -pyot*ti"t sutni@d to Oe Seui!.< & E\chtuee com,ssion rsrc, da io rr,. rritipp n. s,o, i Excltuse (!SEi. ln 6hpt&ce with this Revisd M&ual, thc Board ot DirecroN ed Ex*urive Omm c.rydT hee afteded a govtuc. @rporaE mi@ by rhe :i.,e. rdrppEd s4@tr6 ( oEuIlDc) CorrDreion TPHLSECC) on Mdh sveD 5, 2008. Thig Meual ws diskoimEd @ t[e B of de CorpoHioD\ red mqb6. To .nsE the €r1@l of @mpli&ce with L\e mmuat, the CorDoaiion conducred selfasimd! ad sbEin€d iE fiRl Corentue SetI Raing r; sLC &d psl whrch rpoflEd ro sigtrificet deviation Tn Corpontion mdd.d Oe IMual ro .mply ,ftn $e di$tosE ru1€s on n,6i,t TheF is m,$t'sDriv! oevidion .oo rre adopEd MeL6t on Corporar. Co,erurce r& quanf,at trmcr.l Rpoc w(c subniFed b) @agflerr ro rire Aud! cotmite shich w6 bsl\ed by rle Board of DiedoE io oveEe fi;rcial manen moog oLhq) TBE COMPANY TNDERrAI(ES TO TRO!'IDE WITEOUI CTIARGE TO EACTI PEIISON SOLICITED, ON II|E N'RITIEN RTQUEST OF AIry SUCg IERSON! A COPY OF TEE BIOGISTTIANTS ANNUAL IU]PORT ON SEC FORM I7.A ADDRESSED TO TIIE CORPORAM SECRETARY, ISLAND NTORMATIOI\I & TECHNOLOCV. N\(.. 4.8 VERNIDA I CONDOMINiTM, r20 AMORSOLO ST,, MAI(AT| Ct.tY, 4/*,; GREAOIOO Y. NARVASA II COVER SHEET ffi cmpaot-iFuIGj s1'6r crly / iis-IFffi;;'i T---Ti 3.rG----------r f7T5-l July 31, T3TiI 2014 rT- rT- N s.@daryr_1ce1s-e- jil-pli'cbre r-r-r-t ffi r5"P- ffi To EoAdn lbhed r r-r-rl-l--'l- lJ$ bLct lit to tuing !, S€C,,.@tut66.d putposa SECURITIES AND EXCEANGE C{'MMISSION sEcFoRt 1?-Q BI:B,'ffi 3H"'irfiilsl;ffi ,* ",.H+lffiJ,ffi Fd qwEb I lne D.iod .D&dr J v .U. rora 2. C.@isi@ id.ff..rm dDbd: r6tirn 3. BIR Tu ld@rifcri@ !@ba:O0Git9.66, ,t. Erer l@e!6at s A@if.d iD jls ct.lra ISLAIID INFORMATION & TECI'NOLOGY, INC J PNinc.- @rry d oihsjuisdi.iioD of rE<rpoErion q ft8a@ii@: M4& lrry, P[rxEh6 6. IndBtry crtslit di@ Cod.: u* ody) Add*s ofEeisrdt,s ld@irct of@i 7. 4-A 120 Vmils I CqaEi.itri AIIs$lo Sr, trs{€Dr V MrL"h aitu S. (sEc n"si"t-t'" &t"pt"* ,r!,b"., (632 ) 813 -299t g)2- Le i@tsdiis SdEide3 Egisl&ld cod., fie6l ,6. 1316 g Fo|e 0,e. loDq sd.LB od 10. de 6rm l' cnrg.d 3i.a lael p@et,o Setio 4 ed I ofrh. RSA Nmb.. of ShG ofCo&eoE Cl'm@ $oc* d II- Ar. Phr Vnh& d865,748,6t5 e! q stt ofth6 s.luiriB lidqt d lI. Y5(:q No( ) phitilrire Sro.t Erctege, cport. 12. hdi.sEbychd< I D.,r,Idn..dEEsilret r[ E?ors tlqlnd oa!@k &d t di, h...q:d (4, I to h. 6r.d by S.{ri@ r I or rr. RSA.d rSA 26 &d t.{t of 6. CaDo.did C!d. oI eG d',i!g 6! !medi,8 r2 @!6s ro Eb r.i rtDort!) (- r.d(r) xo( ) e" ",r.rd";;; b -d;";ffi;; bt h. t a objd b sh flirg llquilqME fE lt. p.s Y6( , &h I I ItiliEiB r,t (t) 90 drr PART I.FNANCIAI, INTONMATION It o L rb&nlst !.Mt &n mt Wio Eferd.e of qurse! i! to th. , br6r R.q!i,!d Und.rSRC Rot dtr arhc!.d Equny A@!rD' h@i.l sl,reo.nh: Balae Sh*l 6 of6. dd o, the cunr brtu p6iod ed ! Coopa6tjw of th. oE ding nne.ial y.r Odoher 3i. Bdrk s56 a otte dd 201 I l@ auditcd 2. 1, shMs chasd r. squiry c@ulNri*ly td 'Irrk Uft 6ruEd @ conrm $o.t .qdtalcnrs dEirS ltle p.rod. Ar tuh har tud sh@ e lhc sr4. Lo$ p6 sta td rh. pcnod i! slDq i! rne @ugs^Fr ,@rpaylrg (;lrMlidaE{ 5r.r.8.0r5 of tm@e. IEiD fiMdal Sldrd! E Th. 5. The lh€ yd ro Fiod;f de .1lmr finM.t lhtee. dar.. wni,a @pdrlE lellE !r ts tic @El.nbk y@-bd.!r utfudralery pwdhs E@iat y6 Se shibir "A- r.ron n mmptEme wrh piitrppjn. FDnat Repomrs tu @iirg DDhm sd oedods oI @grari@ qw hu@ed i. the sld.l4t 6 corpaEd vt rh. @st re@r ..Mt fbmi,l stal!tunB. L t d b.o No sssoEl d ctcbEl tdd Ual rtr(Ed ttu]s qu!fu ! ilrdiD opc6uon' Nno uu&d iEE thfl lflect.n sids l6htiti.s, equD, n.t boE tr cash lhis int . .io Dsiod. rh@ No clh8E E 6:fiBat r rEponed in .fd Fiq 6@cBl y@ $it had s narerdl - No i8slfue. Epulhu &d r.laycot ot .{uiv s.ff,xs. - No nrt nrl.v@ 3ulEqu t ro rhe @d oilh; ,ntenm pcrEd d& hac lol bq rcnan d in rh. fimcrt sEGDots ite inLnn 6.n . No cheg* in lhe Mposino of theiori$u.r. m d,s,ms *0,*t* a.quisni@ tu di!r6.1 ol sub&de6 dd tmB !!m hvBrodB d ,o los-tsE iov6tE nll. E t llfuilg dd di$@uuins o!6aim. - No cbln3d i! mritrg{l lirtfity s.onrirsor as ire rt€ hst m@! bsbG rhd d'h - No bateri.l oolrhg€eiF dd dy oria .Ers @ trelacdms diar d. meri.l io e ude^tuding ol rhe cilmr inr.riB pdod 0ln6 thd rh* di*N.!d iLf, 2 oflhis Eport. in Ild 2. M.Eg6afs Di!.aim .nil AEbli9 (MDA) ol Fitud.l of oF.riN {Prr IIl, P.. (A) (2) (b) }. Codiliu .rd f,€uis 'Ilt Si@tlold6 of lhe CoDorrion lEld tu enul tu4ilg 6 24 l€b@y 2014. Mr. Iqsus S. of tn Cdpof,rnrn md de oi is @jd st@tolik s bfmed rlE anade* rhal a d@ dilisac .!s@Et *as @nde1!4 dd lhar rn cd6 tl,@f e M@dy uaEiLble. D3@sim wnn wiru pclotial inwlds e odmy lo @i&r @ p@jeb, @sisLni wih dE CoEpuy'r otjccli* to Bi$ lne $claokbB' eqlit liof, n€gari* ro tositir. Ir inG @Dt sch t"&$ds mlcrialia, th. Cmla,y q[st' no@e s in lt€ sbenouiags of th. sl@hol&rs vhich n y iDprcr @ ib @nrol oE lt nE S.a.!t of No dc6lite pliffi iEE ben dr.M 6 ofda&. Le, d. lEeidelt oi ire EA!4N9:E_!!EEMq!ND-by @spehs u. pqiod oc.obq 2013 io i\at of July 31, 2014, dE d..!te oIPHP 78,046.82 b lhe ca3lt d hed dd in b.nk 16 due lo ltu p8yhmt oa& io l<.]- Siy & As@iat6 {& exteBal .udilor ofth. aryrDr, ircre i! tne ]@iEblcs The period, dounting Tte itlctle i! d. Odlr CuMt Aseis Pr€Fid In oE ex ad Val Ouptn tai.. t , In834,73J 45 B d& to upaid Mr ddi.g rhe mMdne lo PHP63,530.20 rcpr*!& va Iapd Td, rhe dcctq9 of Ptp26,935.ti i! dr Prog€nies dd equirftDr .fur FrIais to d.rE€i.tion oxlos.fAd@atic FiE Sprinklo Sylion i,slallcd in the oE@ of|h€ Corpdatior The inclte i. 1[6 Aeours rn b.@c ir PrylbL Ed otnd li,biliriB .ccoEl @oultng to Pnpl04,r64.50 d@ to d.&r6nt d ine royfunt of IMfei Aelnt f.t, R€t iM fr. of rdrr Ndl€36. Sal@- dic CcpoE . S*Ehry ofd. .oopdny d val Oulprr 6r fd tne p.riod *d N@4ll@i Liabiiiti6 aouilitrg tne nu& by Mr FdSu S. ts to Php60JJ24.03 *a du€ to adi@* lne ofrlre Corpo6tion ft. ime il the Profosioml le ,.mnt @uting io Pnp50J6{ 96 k d& ro !6}rdl oad! !o lorto Naru rlw Ofi€ lt Corporare S€oel.ry of th. Mpoy &ld AB St@t Tmsfa! Cd!@ti6 ihc Stet T@ir.r &! ofcmpany. The r,g ioclte prid ro in ihe Tas ed Li@s alx@r @oelirg tt. cny 3o}fu.!1 of T1D d?GI!@ in lhe Asrdoirii@ d*€e in th3 asidion dc Mrkli. to Php471.0! Des &@mi mMling ro p6id 0o Vnida I @ de !o ilr@e Php99,001.20 M doe lo Condoniriun CorrEad@ Bre in U@e b S.lri.s dd w.s6 M@nr sdri6 ed wasB of mplole rhe anounriDg io &2Jr7 6s w6 dE ro m.l!* dar.e m 6e Pnr,g., tctepbotr. md T.lcg@ s6ur mudna du. io{E de.l!* ollong dise elts nsric dEins d. oqiod. Tte m@t Tte oa Prpl5,000@ in tbe deEk'pde ofrk Cobo$y. w.ber d.EtopDd cGrs @ io phpt.782.l6 Th. dqrc in U. Ligh & wde ..fur mooong lo pt!I4.72 w6 dG io w*er M3mpriM duins lb. $bied o.nod decrte ir @ @d rErme itr *b of e Thedoutof Pb7,050.00itrrtcSb.thol<h6'&nutr@iinge)q.IMr.r.wnlsp,,oe oI food s.ft duilg sro.ktold.6 netitrg wa m tuotle in tI€ Th€E Php336.00 due to I! i, printing Fiod. SSS, ar it CsiDo Esptut de Maila Ptilhdtth dd ECC @tunioE a..@t smuring to ECC ontributioB paid by tne dploy@. incils h SSS, Phhcatrh sd of Pnp8.,160.36 ,n rhe SrarionEy , prindre and O{t@ Srpptiee ac.Nt @ dw io of info.nation sa&oo! .l,@! rqoa dd ,trclrse of ofr@ i4pti6 dBbg @* i. SSS, Phillealn &d ECC.oortuuii@ &@srlmuting h pr.Bib paid duiins tn. D.riod. the in to Mul iM@ to !hp559.20 the ws de Be ir Sbi@ery, pri iDa &d offie sulpli* r4.n muntins ro pnp8,rt6o_86 vs lo Dirths of Ilfmdid Sr.rEh6r sr 1o rlocl(hotd.E. TIE in due lhe iic'le in D.pr6irri6-Imih!€ & fortn p@od. imlEeDDeprM Fixbnis e@@i tuuiri.g b mp40.0o B dE to @ a dec@. in,@{oopliaM @st eMt uoulring to php16,4OO.OO hsae !o psyDenr rc Dade for poiiti* wi$ tn. S@Ein s dd Exon c. Comisjon. Th@ fteE M a dq.e Bade to th. Pnjbe IlE incFa* nis@Ulrbu of Php30,000.00 in rle S@i6 F€e .c.out Co6dt a.y Cq?or.iio. &r Smi@ Fe6. do p.yr€or of ?hp4,019.06 in ln€ Mis.[sn@ qp@& @our pqrsitu .x!..s ftr ttr pniod. P€.foM. Irditr.E t!. Cory@tiu m s hltos: {U.irg NMnt.1013roJE 20la.nd NNdte.20U to Jrly 2Ol, Tnc t€le of l. tuEsl&ts:&Ee$.lElg4c!4!!-lir$Uit rn. ys r. ps]r6i of ..D. psiods Ritio is thc g.n@l tl@w df iiquidny. It @pr€* .arioof ,[c@nl e*rs io all Meit liabilitis. Ii ij slrelim .a{ed iE .Wo*ing Caliu! R!rio,.bdae wo*itrg ceii.l tu r!. .lle$ of cl]mr Bct3 owr cllMt lia6iliri.s. Th. st Cwnl PHP/ 17,94.4.15/PEP415,5 t 5.52=1r.78% ( PHP696,E53.48/PIiPrl56, 2, Piotrlfl-e\ o,I.r.l ( No@ba 2013 to NoMb{ 20 Jul, l2 io J,ny Asdr lbtio - N.r Pmrit rlMlrl'od 2014) 20 t 3) lr*ri proit on Tot i Asb Ratio is u&trt b $ow the e,tyut hop wI lh &o eoplorE iE asea i! lnc h$iffi n 6 oon sisri6@r *no @riring difftEnt oopuics'in ti. sm mdusFy. d orc ildic.tion of6. rbiliry orD ag.f,.Dr ro r Beis;refitsbty The (PHP 173,J83.E2IPHPI6,653.835.44 = LO4% (NowDbd 2Ol3 to Jrty 2Ot4) lPlD 103262.39PI,P16,6,9,729.92 = 62% (NoEmtq 2Ol2 to Jtrty 2OI3) !, Pm6r tl-sr M S.t6 B.ri. - i'Lr llsm ILNr/]\a Srk lX.Pro6t d Sald Rltb hightiells fE s@6s ofrh. qptration io obt ii a pric fd iis p.od..6 aborc ih. torat 6r of mting e{Uor selting de goods. It!i! Btio EpresB tLe trd opdins rEgu As sI, it irdi6t6 de $6eth or qeh.$ of lbe c;rpo"liotr s mElci pcrhd s @E!6rcd wilh @mFtda u 6. ndusry. d tar drhns Lt preedilg 6sel Friod, (PllP 173,583.82/ PllP 60,000.00 -289.3lydNorcobd 2Ot3 (?HP 103262.39l ltlP 60,000.00 =1?2.Ioy.(NeBb€r ro July 2014) 2Ot 2 !o July 2Ol3) h lle Sla& of Cteg6 in Eqdty, by onp&iry rlE pdiod ffom Nombn 201j to Joly 2014 *it\ d!. pdiod Aoo NoMb6 2012 to Juty 20t3, lie i!.Ite i! $c AD6ut i; @iDh dE to 6G d.r lo$ of PlrP 71625,{.8J rh, B ea.ri..c!d toB Nomb6 20tl @ Juty 20t4 $ue of i@@ of th6 @rpor.riotr h thc subir, D.riod re rhe urai of ic odosiDim uoi iD M,ldi Ciq *hich B iEuffEicDi ro fitrEe tc 6r of its drity o!€€ri@. Itis t rh. rcasod rhy tb€ cdporation h$ !o B.n to ds! aditffi tEB M.. !€re!s S- Le, dF Presirrdtofi!. ConD&y. Tte o y PART I. FINANCIAL INI1ORMfiON Ajl baerial of-bal@e siat t dsii,os, ohlig.titu), &d oihn elrtjonslils of rh. p€ms coled dding rh. r.pdriig pdiod. c. mns.M6t @Ep@ry obtisali@, (iEtlding @ntingeDr ati;s @ oihd rirh @lrctidated REMARX/S: NONE FINANCI L NISI( DISCLOAURI Als rk fuEi.l rilh qpcuE ol rt oop.oy .d ir. ab3ldt.rtB !.r6ublty o @nftr, iiL,€t! cr.dit! urLa .nd tiqlidt.y .irL ta ry ch.nge tn Eot,@la 6ri.ri.Iv .tr.r rhe futuLt co!di(i@ rnd d{tE oa oFnliq of &e.o-Fu, previd. r d!.uior i! r!. Epo.t{. rt qutft.tive .rd {uutit !iv. i6p.ct ot sh rtuls rd imhit . d6diDli@ of .Dy oLE@ot h li..oEpuy .ist Dugd.Bt poli.i.! ao .dd6 dE oe REMAAIqS: Tb! @p@y ha m t@i,l risk.rpcre at ius point h ti@. Un&. tb6 pGsr pl,r vnm ld. @l4dy suld oFer slock riCts to irs *ernoklgs of @oid, ,t proc@ds toD t eit st6t .idls wil b. ed to inv6t in & erildls @tairq yed hEilBs. TIE @plierim fo. rhiB ri@t right ofdins L srill urd.r p@s ,i& rne Sryiiia ed Excharge Comision (SEC) ald eitl th. Philirgie Sbcl Exctmse, h.. (PsE). p@td. jid 6@ tElrFHt di.dnd@ Eg.diog lr! tu mi.l bdr.i.!t nctudi.g b[' .ot lieia.d to the folo*ing inlo.drlio!: trnlub rndi.r tt orp.ny @ld l. A deripfd ftucirl iEinr.!! oa O. oeD.ry lrd fte o*!M.n& .pplln for 6.t tf ur.ri.r ir .D.ut ptuvi.L d€i.iLd spbrdotr o. 6Dphr 96iias ,.rti1c{r.dr on of tlr. .Lsifolion .na d.iv.th6 od rh.i. im!6.t d th. tu.eirl @!ditio! ol t!. .ooprlt REMARX,6: T[€.orFry dc.ot nr*.ry nnu 2. Tnc .@ut .!d deiplio! of it. inlrud.n6, @6prn '3 itrrelbdl! i. loEisr RIMAAI(/SI TL. oorrry h$ no id6rE@. i! foEiE J@nri6. 3. Tne {gnlfienr isdglut !.d. i, cLsi'ins iNlraEatb tt 6i.vrh. tl.nrhy. . }.ni.ut . fin.ftit Rf,MARIG. Ti. is iuil.lH! l. @ fiurdd iutdaot n qr n& An 6pl,ori'! of lop rbk itu.ponr.d.nrt coEi.l.Bd libiliri!* ti. .o{d ir ra! v.lutior R.EMARXS Tn codFry lG lor r*e, ..y rirk b tn. *tdrion el ir, .3*r! o. llrbfliti4Itt.!lot&qdr.dfiyNernor&riftr.ridoyt bdtryqepr to. fi. 6t doq tru! iar paitar ud CEO M. F.rsu S. Iro .nd Mr. ArdB L.o, SL ti. d.ily oFnrioEl .c.r!. lor.r pElddt ol&. cou!trry prrDety tor ir. 5. AoEptrilo!orr}.Ajlv.litr r3ofd.t 01ln. t*ar 6rrir Epo.t ,Bd.s ofdrt oJtt p.ra.nlgbt riD Frio4,rdrncrio.ntof g.tun@ tag!i,.d tor ach ollL. !.td !.riod. REMARKS: Th* 6grB .E rdler.d i. os q!.d.rlr tre b.elg 6l.d rqdxb rnh rne SEC. FDor! (SEC Foro t7-Q) etktr 6. Th.crlt rL u.dt'od,.Ld . r!.t!.r ti. urlatfor n forcill iMtr!-.Dt ir rctit. or l!.dn., a d.fied udq PAS .39-I,i!.Bi.l IBilu.nt* RIMARKS: Th..ouprry dG .pDli.d o rdyon ri. not i! .@d.tra br..ny firEi.l iltE@trt rh.n.rit ri. tu h. iio PASn9. oltle fo..goiq diFlouE it lol.ppL.bL EDort rnd prerid. Rf,MAR(S: . bri.f dpLDrion. ro Tt .rpLutioBnquir.d r,@bri.rl, 3trdrblrc OPIRATIN(: EXPENSES rte @iFrr, ir . ACCOTiNT TITLE PsE NOV.2013 JIILY 20rr llrd;;ffi;E ,250,000 [!1IEM@ E! 27,464_57 i.@dd* SalaE md I 00 37.008.00 t29,004 85 90,000.00 wsl* ]t,46634 318 30 1s,000 00 {- ry99{.1qs{,q!.r!&sPs!:! philhqlili lId Ecgigarrlufors issa srodrtlrj oftri,s Deprailrj@-rMnee & 7,050.00 4,365_28 I0,512.90 l4J05l6 -0- Fis; 26,98515 {- ^!r,ls.'@orelpeB NOy. JILY r0l! INCREASEJ DECREASE 2013 ?t0,000.00 t40,0@ 0t 26,59J t7 -050,56496 471.00 ( 22!912E t2n.621 \7 90,000 00 I 40:43 70 63152 .G + {- 11412\ IJ.00000 ?,osi0 j- 4,865.28 9,95170 26,044 50 26,e45 I 3,?82.36) 4 4- 4- ( ( .rL 559 20 8,.r!0 86 t .q. -42.,OoOO .{} ',I I ( -E@qldl r-- 3,.qqq@) __1l,ts!!! I l-'t39 5' _]!U.E 896r54.85 G-2.roril 65.955.J2 FINANCIAL POsITION rb. se or haw !o s,sDin6r cnd8r, d .s.r. rron l.J-I,,::Y rr-r abole :4"ry$e.r"r wu qf,s dkros.d he oor bcn ey hd,n E€ads. d@in *.,h.; eyats d E6r5rh6 ln.t wi[ h,re ! mdcrirl iDpacl otr lhe cepolllotr,; oro_io J r'moi.l pGitio a tuy Lmm ,End! det@d! Eatdar Dp*l m ln. issE ,s Lquidiry: nr6 dar qlt h^! a REMARrc: Th€E haw 'mpa.r b 4ry o b@ @ hM rEd.. doods. cmmtm s rhar w t hav. . lqudiry sdc 6on 6e hnsrm m.rfiecd tbe @rDo6riotr.s €Bt drasi{ @orpdy, ituludilg REMARXS, aig8s dnar &r d.fadr or @t nd o cdti.sBr f!@i.t obtrriion nur is nd.riat a@kErior of s;i to dE TlEe ir r e lnM @tFul to 6. e@t tt t eiBh fISgB dtm tr @tiogcnr finmoEl obuCaroo tiat !d i! lhe c.rpmro. in &finl of tuy oblis io. dd dghr @@!aoy Ary Mrtq&l omit!@ts f.. c.piLl .xp.rdincs, @mihcni5 and tic .r&.red sul6 ol iE<!s for su.n 116 g@qd pupos of qqE.d @$ sucn RfTMARKS Thd ru m lddi.l cbligri,6, mrilg.rt u@eldat d aniti* Idiod, it! subs€C@t ofr-bah@ slEd r odlNi* trd$.rion! 6&s.Mts. snd ode E]lrj@nip o, irD @Dploy wirh my m otts tElss @ar€d &riog &e p€iiod. Ar of tbn rciurins Egjst@t ha no Dalaist ci)eit n€nt fm oy c.pirat ee.ldiiE. Aly knom hdds, e@b n uedtainti.s !h.t iave had tr rt t e @ab!y qDetld b nrE i mterid fa@ble 6 Ef.v.rabh Dp6ct on n r sat $4*flr../iMe fidr REMAR(S: register do.s mt k@p of dy t 14 qat d usardlri* 6ar [aw brd clnd e Eaorably ero@ted to te a mlerial c u&\@ble i$pact d rd sales, en@ tr inotu Em conti@itrg op€EtoB. It dfts not know atD of &y Mr dql vill 68. . oa.rial .$dce id the .cldio!.lip b€tw6 6t ald r@iu5 (such s hoM tutu€ ind.M i! @t of d n.icrids o Fh. i'mM or inmtc, adjutE@1s). The Ary signifiqt 6le,MG of i@@ q REMARKS: Ite regirlEnt dod trol baw sig 6.e 6. ! @dhuitrg opdlrim; ilw lo6s dd dd mt ei!. n@ elmte of iMtu d lN the 6u s rhar did @r .@rin!n€ eise toe Tn .€lB fo. oy tul.rid cldsE ftor laiod lo pdiod stich shal inclde rstical dd nqibntal @lt*s of ey mtdid n nl ad REMAR]$: Th@ t6d t@ rc for &y @tcrhl cheg. too Friod io irclud. irlie! &d hcimi.l rmllss of eV mnerial ir.n. a Aly gsal REMARKS: diod *l cn snal asp6t d'n brd a ftrdbl .fcd @ {E fir&cial cmditi@ d 6ulrs of 'ftft i! m 3.rsou, ap€ds lhll tad ! mte.i.l cfl.d @ ihe tDrDi.t @!diti.r d Glltg R6og.nio!.lirFcrottt f.rbri.gN!t !d.r&: i. s!!@rc FiNcir! std66rs PAs REMI|RK: 2? Not spDliclbl. The Esist at do6 n 'r i ii.Inws@a! (Ao d.d) lsw SIEEI Fi@irt St.r.l@r3 As@i.a and.,oiirvmres PAS 28 (AE REMAR$: NotlrDlialb Tn @tEpsy dB mr he. Il6r8enrs ni. Gov*nDent! REMARKS: Ed€d) i Ajqiii€ ad ,oin Vdlrws LlE (AlErh.nE to PIRS 1) Noi.fpttlble the tgi$tet dod Cotu rtLoN ir. Di&l$@atrs€{itrS lilmial A$(l3 and Ii@irl UlbniiB Ptts rot larc ey (A@i,@rs 7) &EMARKS: N(* .Wtod,l€ regishnt dG mi nrw Di*los@Oftqtins Fitei.t Ln'bnitnt Tne v. Coeliilrtedfi@.i.1 Sr.teMrs (PFRS 10) REMAR(S: Not appli€tt 'Iae EgtM iloe @t narc Cotrslidilld vi. Joid Ame6Ml3 (PFRS I Dshd@ of lftrqr in Otn* REMARKS: Not apdielL Th. ESisttut do6 viii. vale l,teaM.n FiMid Srd@Dts I) REMAR(S: Not.ppliobL Tlc !.gistr&t .Lc e! vii. Ass.ts E ie Joint A@g@!l! iti.s(PFRS 12) tu nl* Dislo!@ oflnrerca( in Otbs (P!RS 13, REMAR{S: Nor.pplicd,L- IlE rlgillrut doq @t haE Frir Value Mesll,bftd Elrjd6 od to i[oriry 6u@Ll sudtra ildic.toB in rro o!!6rrttve DeiDd c ,o[s3: @si.8tn !@ iHiods, Nov@bc.2013 to July 20t4 and Nordbd 2012 io July 2Ol3) Sclr.duL l. Cmi/Lhddity nds - CElmr Asd.rcurara Li.bititid Cllut gc*r.l 06@ of liquidity. Itre,!@E dD ario of .I .m.t asels io dl ofrllt f.bjlitiB. lt is $n tin6s oall€d thE'Vorting Cllihi turio" b.c.@ adrjns capit l is 6E .,@s of cl,mt 3*ts oq cllmt liobitiriG. lhe R.lio is lhc PrlPl 11.944.15 l1l 5,51 5.52=112.?e7y(Ndcnt r2013 to ruly 2Ol4) (NoMbq PHP696,853.48/456J62.51 =152.53% 2. Solvoct ktiq 20 t2 b ,uty 2013) d.l,t to.qdty ntioi D.h-h-EquitytltiottheralioofroEllhbiliticsofahNine$biatheholdds.quity. It Ls r lev@s. r*io dd i1De5slB tlre des* to ehicL th. *tc of tn. buire$ e 6na$d by thc debi! ed lte slEenolders' equity of . bNi'q. illio n .abdated BinC tle foloyhS fmula D.bHcE@ny Rato =Toral Lirbihi.s/shdenou€q' &uity ?HP120J18,888.211103,861,052.?? - l16-01 (Nov.trt620ll to July 2014) IHPl17,803,760.9?/101,1,14,031.0F116.{770(Notmhq2012to July 2011) 3- Aei-io"r4ri! n 60 ft. Assd-io.quity .alio i, a fiMcial 6tjo th.t t kec dE arjry's roiat asets ad dividB equiay. This 6tio i3 lsrd to tu@ry. E @!iy's l.wng., fth is a o{tt lotal dcbr a @mpdy tat* t! &quir 6!e$. Equiy is 6! @Er of o. @8Dey It r rh. slEEnolde6 oE fyou loot d Ine @fpo!y'. b6l@ shel .quity is $€ roial asts ain6 rhe ro$l li.bilii6. Tte set total siow how orci of it! aet! Ih. coEpmy (M9 'Iti5 l*io .&o a onp&y's $hdy in the lolg M. Sol@cy is th6 conploy's .a?.bitly lo ,@t irs fqncial iir@ by it! total lBG PHP16,653,835.44nG,865,0r2.77 = I6.03% (NorErts 2Ol3 t J'ny 2014) l) PHP16,659,729,9/101,144p3105 =l6.47y! (Nownber 2012 ro July 20t ( Ir{.r6t trtt€ C@cr.!. ?re.t loe too o6c6 ofti. .orpoBtio i. roFi4rqlst bdrirg e rhft is no 5. Ptu6t bitty trdo Prefit 06) or s*. Erih = N.t i@D. (LNyN.. S.l.t Tte Proit oi Sd6 R.tio hi nffghb drc su.6 ofth. rdldarior to o&dn a Dri@ fo! iE prcrtEE abore lhe lot6l .cr of,6king rn(y6 $lling lh. s.odr. fiis rrio n4(6ors rne rer op6.iing nEgiD. A! sh, it ildic.te dE stroSth or w*rar o{rt. @rlotaios,s D4tEt poiiti@ coE!@d vith @DpeliioB id ee idsby, d tq{ duing lh. fi*d Drdedbe Eriod. s (?llF 173,533.82/PHI (o,000.0G289.31% (NoBib6 2013 to Jtly 2014) (PllP 103162.391PHI 60,000.00=172.10% (No$ebd 2012 to Jlny?o13) 6 OOd d.utrt ndo $it CorElrio! Suitu.t oMr!if..!a A@odig Sbrn@i PFRS 9 of .nd u, !B.ibe. FiuBlrl f,.Do.rira Polici.. C.mll.M Di$lc@ a) Tn cor{ey n6 ml yel d{jded wt ller to @ly a&pi PFRS 9 fd ir5 201 I 6Mchl rrortilB e4 rladc, nE ilredE IS {b€s.ot Etlel rtc imp&i ofrhe slard.rd. b) lt is ourouy eitlutins l[e i[!6ct c) rhqc ail 6e s triddissiotr of th. posstlc of rn r@uE @ly ado ion ofPfRS tird &c io b. tu 9 in itr ih aS; 6e of @ty d) A siate@t Itrr rh. @!@y'r dEcision ehdnd to 6Iy rd.Et .ntE PFRS 9 (2009) d ?FRS 9 (ml0) ftr its 2012 f@ial rcDonins *dl !. di$lc.d in ils ini.riD iS 6 of the Bt qrat rly rponing. fte oop6try stall, Iit*ie, sllt thil ifihe d6cisi6 of th6 @qey EI b€ ro @ly adorr ibe sr&d&d lor iB 2012 fMoial Eporring, irs O id.rih rporrs a of dE qu6i.rly 6poq will s&e.dy i.fiect tt !@li6,id of tle ..quil!@is ods $. eid rrrnd.rd mi vill .oDhin i qulitatriw and qmntrtlliE di*ftlin of lhc Mtl3 of lh. oon dry'3 isp.r, .toluri@. P'flT II - OIIIER INFORMTTION ft@ i, @ dish6@ dE! trd to be Ead. utlei SEC Fm l?-C- SIGNATU&ES ti. of $. Se{idB R.sdrri@ Code, &e e8st el has dult .a@d driRepdrol,rigEdorihbd,.irhylherdh6slrdrheq.roddy ld'Gi,rd. PrE@t ro iro Tirlc r TBcHr{orrcl, r c. ud cEo CRUZ ftL tlir isEd .t sllB.3cRmnD ND SwdN r. exlibit d to @ $.n TnIr2lE9O3-825 ai*v.vT & I 5 StP 2|14 ,.&di Cily .!tl TINIi 13642&2J8 isEd ir ISLAI{D II{FOR ATIOI{ I}ECHNOLdGY C FlMt{ctAL t,ollnoNs AS OF JULY 31, 2ol4 ov. '13 -JU|-Y'la AASEE Ca.h or n nd ard in b.nk ( uD{tED) tt, ?ot3 octoBER CURREI{.r Ott.r cumrt 30.799.23 .s€& Tot t Currlnt Atlet i6tt"cuRiENT lasETs Prop.rb.! .trd .qulpm.nt nd pEp..ty, mt Tot l on{ulrgnii.ldr 'r2r,!t6.20 aaq5?3"2a 71?.94.15 a6qt*,,0a 274aat.ir9 fir,oa4 691,726.32 l5, 15,0i16,89r24 TOTAL ASAETSI CURRENT 108,6/t6.08 18,a6rl5..rrB 15,860,000.00 t5,9C2.676.44 !6,a6O,6Or.76 UAA'InE3 Accoutt! psy.Hc tnd o$o. NOll.CURiEiIT 0.u[da'l /415,5t5.52 F 7,r1.357.O2 ulaLmES Adv.rlc6 ftDm offoers anit sbdnoi.t DeL@d tat firifltt .. T@l Nonaurt!|rt UrUIti,s. , t5,aaa,zo.8!, ,'l4rl9,idl3.66 r20,r03,!2.a8 4636,026_00 i t 0,aa6,04a_66 I EqUlTY Tot t Eq!fty TOTAL LIAELMES AND ECIi'ITY rE,85t a8t.92 152,722,&ti.69 103.165.062' 16.653.&tt.4a E arfirfio.E2 152,W,2UU !9 ,taatr9.r2) r0,6ao.o0.t.7a Y . rstarbnroRx noi ! rEc1ri{orocyiic . (drr sr rErErirofc lxilotrB rd|Dfth fislt C. IH FLOIB FROI OF€M'IIO rlrrnqm06r) oFdll. h.o 0*) D.celtEe)h: .6nd qu.& dhgJr'y !r, rfi4 ACIiYIG: b.tor. r{i c,lr rD!,.r.. nm @.d l.r nr. rlrrlE -!r.t .tE'r h} otsrd|r. ftrrt{- c^sr FLo*s rRor Nvatnxc rnl*qc..nD) r^ ^cr$TE!: dl$ @uEde.!. crsHFt"owslRoIF|{^xclxcrc'ryr'rs3| hmrld..ert r..du6 ns 6n 6!nior tn.qrd9 d6 ro Dnd p.rh, .4!.tId lE)utc sratHrrc$D calHoliH l{Dr,lO'{A l(-Ecr{ru{6 l{Er nlcRE^s€toEcx€ cAsl,lol{llAxDmBAIK.fu I !t6llt{D titFoR*lTK,i & .tEcltitoloci lNc STAiEXEItl OF CltAi{cES ,x Eoun aoR tllE gEcot{o ouaRtEa EtotNG JULY !1. ,tor. (ri,icfrt Edr fulB rorrft..@n qErr.r ddhs Ju,.r,2or3) ' qp&.l.ioc* . 5 bIfion comon *.6 @FD-ol pr vrw!@@ l..-u.d&doot t&dtrE ..r!a,a3o,o6c .nr p Acrhodr.n .i.6 (n.tof..t cr{pdon. re.n*hot8i6,Ooo} su6.nD.d .16 p.ld l& - 55,1talta ?!!! ll3,!oG,!00.7! u1 p 56i,rt!..t, 43{5tlata.9:! ar,!06,j00.7! 56r,iri. 43,a6ta!a32 DEPOST TOR FUN'RE SUBSCRIPi|OX DEFICIT Prror F.r. .dFdmlr. 052,06.2ta,3a) (716r5a.!n) (52,?2a$e.a9) B___--.1!g!,ra3,0s2.4F {.lll,2ao,.lro.{91 (rr2t!oa,s!t r52,O23.2arrl tt01t-,031.05, \- tdtI1lcfix)t 6.r,flc la'l oll@ir f,.dbtrk rsuraD llltof,L A.fray 31, 2014 thne orliddd.|.cE c.dfb Ort Gdd.nlffisG F6.b t.d q.iftt r-rlhF SrAaF Gl$ntl gr.d*r ,,,O.o &,0.6 ,6.1L10 qda,lo 3r6alO !,0e.3 ,!4tB1r5 _-----: . l!+!!LG - ugaar.t6 r3{!!i6 ,r.7rto.6o ! ll COVDN SIIEE IlsiLlAlNli) T N F o I R alrln I N ila Io s L M s T N s I T Ets m.!til Ulll l s il il ) ro Le;m-r,|slEd i by sEc ptr$ti;e lorcq,nd ,I LCU l IRenarks=ps I use btack ink torsc, M iLrs ourpss .lIt ]Ii '.1 I i rnFotrM;-roirtTEai rsraND ;Gilir; NiUALAUo'IEDtlNANclA!REPoRIPAcktr I sr.r.meniotManashD.ft n.sponsibitry x Repo{ o, lndspendenr Audhor I bmp.ranresEtemnaolni.n.nlpllitiff I l. I I compan'l@'hlcmetrofomprch.nsiEin@m. CofrFEdE sErmnk of.h.nses aomPa,attue srarem.nts of esh R€pon or hd€ I aoE publl. aldito6 to a@nP3ny sEc $hedures fited $Fa6rety rbm rh. bask linandr sbbments sredure r -rabular s.h.duh or *a;dads and intemrdriotrs khEduh n 5.hcdul. rv or odo6er 31, 2013 -fieondlt.rioi E ninse acirabk te sdEd.r. rrr - finanrhl !oundn.$ tndcrbr G{&ar Fom or Rei'tned - Rel.ri.Bhlpj btueen rrn dividend d.d.dron urhab e Ewned bY sR. Rlre B (aircx d+) and adons lhe @mpany and .r.l shbmeft (GFr9 ts ! ! !, ! ! I i ISLANDITNPORMATION & TECIINOLOGY. TNC. 4-BV.mida l Condornhium. 120 AnoNn d ' r_"g*pi vilta", ia,kuriCilv Tel. Nos, 813-2839/892 r4\o.8rl012, ---' t3t; ! STAIEMbNI oE MANAcEM ENT RES?oNdIBTLITY FOR FINANCIAI, STATEMINIS Theneogemal oLSLAND |.{TORM-ATIO.,{ & lECHNOLOGI. tNC. i! BpoNibk tor o. prepmrrcn and tiir pBenrdior ofrtr \dFments ,or rhe fi$t iqF ended Ollobq ll- 20, 4d Ocobq Jr. 2ot2. hcm ns lhe addirionar ft.p"*"" O,.i",l ' "*ir,.a BpoN,. ty {dude dFignins ud inpJemenhs inEr,tconkor Etdm, b fieprrearion dd ratr prermlrion orfin crrts'ements $at &e tRe tbh mur.,i,r.,".rum.i,r, i r,et., due to..ftaud.or erof, *leins ond ,ppbirB apprcpriak arrolnrins poticie.. and ma(ing ac@unlhg6rimate! rhat ffi reaonabte,a thecrrc,rmsbn.eq fte Dr({du rcvler{. sbc(hordflrormemh.' I Board o, tud rpprcveq rhe fin,ncrct )Ekme,F dd submil r.e ldme b .hc , K.6teen t. si, rhe,rdeperoent audno^. md.prDm.ed br F * f:""r,"r he liy ,ocMotdeF, h6 "..*, erminen de fihanriat o,Emors otfie.omp-y ,t i, u,t,,i.. rt-. Philipprc Sbdsds on Adi,'ns. ano,n ir, Epor to lhe rocthotdis trs " "rpe.ea ia opiimi on rhe hmessolDrecenrlliol upon comp'er o, otq crrxomrarion. J ss I o igratrr t, Pr9{i l ovcr Printsd Nade) 'l I 'j l-l lt: I i, 1. STJBSCRIBBD IIYD SWO to bofoEne dis FEE day l azod; I of v. ConrDuniiy Tq Cerrificol,+. a followsr i CrcNo: -TF B*kN"ffi1 Paeuo. s MemtIr{01423: riodnbE* rro M 19q2h,201.) mR Nd .2i550t kr a 2ol,vM.*.d Maral ct, id h 14el roi trlM^r tdrh!.lsla, t Nd 6r!155lureuoe ,aLE co-olEnd No. tl i ,,] t, il I i &B tF?n{ .L I I ,l .t KL Siy & Asssr:iatos Outourceit RDMRT OF INDEPNNDE T PUBLTC ACCOUNTANTS y .il redrrvot ocr, $ . hare dd'H rh. .cdroovhe tn .:,1 ' remd! o' hhnd lnlom rd i." "n",-.""'.,t'.""rI'm('.1@rdir'olsorodobs'r.20lrmd 2012d'h . s r enb or m and. i"-me, oi .hus6 Ediry ir+ n.*"""i-s.i ,* ,r,. *^-.**"* rl.. -+a. -d t snrry or tgn.fidr !Md1g s[ci6 sd dhd N.nq?dnt \ RseoBtb tstot,h. Ft dnqt$ tn 6 ) hipE etsrioh ol'h6! {n4'ial 'hemab a"tur,g s,""u,'a", bd such intur -nrrcr 4 en,ole +. ptpsmhor orfiMua' lEh'nL rhd N re .**,*' a"-l * I.;*",ry ro"l"r whdhs dc b fra1i d doi. Eom m't 4 M'nas.mer kGponsiole brrh. prPB .m'Lid i;;,ii,"';16;;iii . 'l]itnrffiel ou Bmsib l' , < .rDB. d opir'on o rkk rndcir 'h.nens bad ' sDndBrds on audb€. ,"-,.;d -, jdiE'o-:-,doe $,r Philiopi'e plo ,d p.fof rie ao sirh .\r& dnir h{ w comDh 'equ'FnsG ;omblesutr.e;bou"hdhe'.alqahrasarererrcmmdmJ cmon-tsad Anud fldvs @fomFP p'o(.d'B 'o obu'tr,udir e ids\e 'bo udi'o r judgntrrh. E .k@drprdon rhe *,-. h,* n";.rr narc;o". D'0.qr' stskmdh.ql'rhnnm.i 'nd;nsl mn'Ehmenr or rh. orL. *" I""i,i* rt. ", q 6rs'ne' b, ,t. ,ud m @side, irem'' 61br ;,;; i;; -'-...n ; *. rtr rdln! .oE sah anE in o'dn ro -r.*i . ,r,. *rin . ..o-i** *d 'r,'r !Benr.!io. or re ru n(hl In rhe D!rpo-' or u,t Lr-,-ari ,,.;.ai,,*, +p-p*ri'".. "*s*"-. "o, inlud. An sudi irren d @nhr' *.L,;" *i,i"", - 't..nd'sa$ o' rh'mltvt 'ho or Moun'iic *i,i,i"i *. n*,r"."' "t *-r :rs lo .'6 u*d md ft e rfumbr66' ;;;'fr"i.6;'^,s**,. " "err ;;qrrdrs'r.sdrr p=dd'o- or Ir' 6-d'i'r shbnents'', dd &NDriar. b prfl'd. a we rl'd rh. di! 4'd.nre we 'l rn ou oDinio. lnl nrd(hr iah-o *J* t*,r, . ,r m&,i"r *,pmr*fist"i"r 2012, md irs sirion;r Lhd ir;mrlion & r.chnololv' ln(. a d Odobs ll, 20 i 6dwi$ Philippine ;ded in q.frnid4 findc'al p*romoe And iE 6h nos fq l\e v@ 'hs Fhecisl Repodine stitrdddl ; iEi;-t*, edmrii6. Emdi,c A* oi@ronEr Pasec!i6'0 ti , ,*r-o,r,rl;.'{f I Ii '," **,*' 6 ine a. |'l , I * c"J,.l, **.' E h e b.s pEFEd ns ,h dilctrlsd h Nor. !. rbe compstry hd b..n in.uritre loss sinepdorFs*hicnBlul&dbdefionolPl52,004,335,Pr5l,04r,l70ddPl52,l9r,47laai crrob.r3 r. 2013. 2ol2 iib 201 l, dsridivery, fsihiiE b aneEllivehdvoib of PI0:,147,193. Pro),r3l,o3l sd Pr01.irlo34 4 , 6pdrd) rh.e gons 6e'n Tlr i'd's. $d il'. c.rp' od 'ons p'e ng'. 1 1'ns oDuhor. a deul comprn R onrrds,'s ! of goiig 6neh. As ' s ioloetandaod t{oaoEea.a, Pt -Nh\.a pm/ ho *i. in )01,1, is dpiur a. r r h, fidcn mre'iara "d 'h;.on ' 'equ 'em;ts sloud ftekl|J s sho.holde'. md by rd\ries for't..oaPa,J s,tl be.u.bired |0'r,rh-com@r qu'dd'lcrh'buv $:r en.aor /0/./ consid.'' normak alr4q'n R?pod on tte sud. .ntol tnJo,Mion Rtqirut unds Rtrhu. R.Eltdtior le-20t I rnd ojs'a*diaNa? t our dii va @idu.i.d ror &e puryose offormine an opinioi on rhe b6ic finaicialndemeit md l r.5 to lhe finmcid ;A.m6t is pBentd ror puryosd or firiig wi$ 6. Resu. and is nor . rcqun.d p8n or re bdic fiiarcial !etm.ib. suc 8,,i,. .r ld"*l EoonsiUlllty of Th. inrsmdion hd ben sbjedrd id th .ppfi.n ii' our .qdir olrhe qsic finarcid nahob. ,.] ln our ophion rhe infonidon n k y shted in all mareirl 6petr k'lsR & ^sso.'AtE; ..b6Fs,Efiar"",h,ir D"r b-r, )dil BoA Air,"rirdi"" sEt Aeredirrloi No 02dl a, End'End'lMiEh r2, )0r. r. a<rcd doM F.2ol4r0o2 R Etr+iru'iirhrum 6.ior7 rcu ilDembq.lI.20rs A.ld 'h.l.h /ir4o A Fff-,i*,dirM*h r2 ,014 rc AEredir ion No, sP:20i4l0d2 & Edcdr. liLril Dnu,ry i6.,i l7 sF. -|INNo225.931.045{00 mRNo eisvsl I J utuvs,20l1lP6'sCib I ']. r']l' Llued on &9urr n\ ,.1 ,tl i, ri, )-l rrrNn rNmRM^lhn&rmflomcYna (ltud lntiqd. Pas) t, li I isit 4g E u8uJEE8 4!0!aUI1 ^cdlrDtnEuddGrid :r t*u;r*b d6 r. 1' L. 1!@ ____ ,r&i6r,il, i ooiErsbb Indt$' 141 : m'^' rr^rnmB^lDDUnt .,I '.,','l t I 1&rS1,tt1 o0,,!?,,| 3dNd-btueddstuM-l '' __-__!!rp!lllE o011sdn I ll futt t: I I, at, :l i I il I t,l l+i,, rt :ij ,,1 .il 1 'j i ri ,i 5E t dJilr s $11fl b R I a xc a1 a- !:l =t Fi EI e t t E I 6': XE EE E e s ! tl s 36 I E al5 He F3B6g fj5:i ;EJ.IE 1H E! a! E9EA XEiE{ .t E6!Es ; r13 a 3. I t i ,t ;l iil,l ; [!,1. r !! .a,jt rd Ir ie; I rl g.e:.i'EE :i i a !E Eq :F I I I !: il l i I c F c il I i J E I f ! .; i $ E EE t!l:+=,"!. ,i T E I 6: c I s il Eg , iiE !a I € 1 i a ,!E;: !; : ri !. :ia i.t : ":" Eq t =:.=.)) :E!!t-i:; B i 31.,!i! 4i!li* crEli i !i !i! 9 Eljii lit E'3 i EUE;!i E:: ; EE Eii!?Iix iiE!lt !:ii' a €; IE:;!:I}E E3r6!i ri*8E3:: .*f 3t, Z i:= E- E E =:i E E ISLANI' INFORM,{TION & Tf,CHNOIOCY. INC. NOh T' GENESAL INFORMATION 0, I ISLAiTD INIO{MTTION & TECnfiOI,OCy, INC. G! Co4my) vs inorpoded uder rh. l!*s of inc pbilippins. 'Ite cofrpdy is rcciddrd vih rhe sm tie, ud Ex.t se cmmission (sEc) wirh sEc Res. No r6130 pljm iry ro undda&e rha disov.ry ud .xplonlion of oil md h ineml dcv.t0pm6i pEjsrr. The incrding costs ot opdarios, fluduaring pi@ ol mads in rh. world m kd md dd. mling pere sd oder snla on * alt4red ihc mining opedions or lric conpa.y md no€emst ha doided io sus!.nd lb op.dions on 23, 1931. I jr I i i Tnr Compar\ ch sed i6 hm,..y or4or of hoDoro'io ltlm nnirs o!a:.ioL b hfomd'on khnorosr. i.e.. ,o eng,c. i I r. om, ,io' ;r s t.6 E s nd.o;;inkmd md globrl @npur6 n.lwo*s including rhe d.;!bpnedr, lieDsiie, harrding, s,lB, E,lq diribu(or oped'ons. rd upgmd 4s so rrnrasr. of 6mEE srm thrsF. spprov.dth.hehdmaronsed.mbtrr .2000 19, 2q05! $e s!6khold6 appBv.d the amendmmr of rhc cnmpay\ ,rthl6 of trorpoBrjor pM.crla lj'b p mBo md !6' d,a puTo6.. , .e , omp;''; m- p. n ,ry plrrs. h !o pmrde erco 6bin nkgrdrd togi"ic! r .;. 1e dohdr E spprold b, rhe sEc oi Apd 4, t005. on ,muary on v,,-h r. 2b05. rhe B@d of D1ef, 6 rBoD j a d o'ied I ro 6sse. n h. imprnuio- ot de. @E rusr. loys .mi ledi[a pMicu,r ly:h. srd e] .ino ot f"niliar pmdultled ofi r p odrd r'.r m !,trb. i' rfi . domer ( urd. n. p)e b goinro$srindorblEircswBkrporuit) rte.rdbr h.comtryinm0" @;{$! coapry @'rld lllr 6ie r- [u' on r. plU ,a h6 ,n're conki.o ,m depo busidBit tr disms.d :n'oNor. t4.r on May 13,2012, rhe abov. pt4 ws lhelkdrr,& 1r.3.) on P.braery e, ,00e, rb. co4p€ny\ ppD appmved !ri. Modmenr of t\e compuy\ dicl6 of if,orpodion arod ng rhe oDomE tfe for other fifty t50) ,ss up ro Dcenbs 10. 2050 ud wr nrifi.d by lh. o,rorty ioh of ti. sbc*noldm m ruly 15, 2009. 'Ite Cmpmy\ m6ded dicl. of in.bDodion Bp! ,ppmvld by dE sEc on 10,20,09. : I ftecornp3ny';sh@ €pB.nione sh.t crlas ommo; sh Exchdse (PsE). s lina, nd taded in rhePhihpp,n. cohD;yrs €siiercd bmo., whicli is elso ib principd plac of buin6s, k t@d.n ar 4 B vmidr I cotrdommiud, AnoRdo s@L t4.bri city, The compoy hs mc (t) .hrroyc i, bo$ lotr odior2. Th. Utrit fte aumdr lhthdb or rhe c.EBni ioi *.p6ia{,6 r", rre F, dd.d bd;ba conFnyt B@d orDnEba on F.brus f m6*. h kro,r fvu in& $e dar of $; i'"11 l. .i, r 1 I. I : t 6i!iD@ a a EoinE conem. The ConDiny hid ben in dns loss since ptiorytr whici snlred 6 dc6cirr of r 52.00{,335, Pr5l,04r,r70 and Pr52,r9rJ7l ado.rob63l,20I], 20r 2 md 201 r. rcsp.crivery, Gullils ro a n.aariE i.r *onh df pr03,r47,393, pl00.l3r,63l md P10r,3r2,2i5 soaootobair,20lr, z0r2 dd 201l,6pdiv.r, As diu$.d in Nob I4.2, du. ro rhc udinely d6lh of Mr, Aid6 L.o, Sr.i the Conr6ny!3 pls for the lisling olrte do.k righb oferins a *ell s rhe plmned inv6h6r in Adniml coibind D.pot lnc. wetr +pmvdl by rh. compgny Eorrd or Diftcb* ro h€ snelv.d oi May 13,2012- Conpdy mna3.ftd i3 cuffi y nudying orhs oprioN b bdng rhe Compdnyt defroit io ,osilive, conpdy is al$ onsidedig lh. plm offtviving ia niiins op.Etions in lhe pBvine ol habeli *hidr sr! dis@nrinu.d in 1931. Thc posibiliry of g.sinE new i.wdox k beiig Iooked inb. Tne cnmpuy\ P6id..t, rrr. FereN Laq hd bm in I @mpany 6 u.ll a *iil o i .rcded joinr vhruiq vnib a*iiting rhe blks io mae ati, *ithin Yeu ,014, rbe comFny s *o*ing 4pibl rcquimeft u. il r ld.l rha! @ dill b. 56hin!d by advd@s lom 6. Conpoyt P6lddr sd shftholds- shodd rlre r,lks not ndedrlize *nhin 2014, rle company qill .onsidtr liquidaring rhe buinss lvdz ,ar.) Tne srArEMENrs i i ,.r !@utinc @ds ol rh. Compay E mqiiEinen in Philippi.e cdbpdy\ tundional cuMcx All fiian.i.l inldmdion penbd in The {ud.trt n.fsi ro rh. as* dd i p6o li.bilirie dcpr uha orhwh,shr.d. e. oMrnonourcnt dkiiicrion. pftsared i. rhe srihena of Fi@.ial Posirion in a Tn. Sbremda df C.dpieh.nsiv. Ino.on pBat an erlyds ol apens usins a clasifidion bsed on $en fiffdon' A detail4 bre'ldopn of dr. sgsEcded ap.n*s h shom in the Ddla b rim@hl Sohenk @ordlig ld the natuE orine *ptrs. chrns* lhe p's.n,flio' or ts fnecirl n,msb onl, f rh. (haB.d \ rliebh sd mor 1'omdion Evi!.d dtorM is lil.l, o onrinne'hs $ r'!r @mpimbiliry 3 not mpoiFd. Ite Compdn, tbtshbndt otclditda Tte firdrial.dqerB offiecompa$ h e b*r premrcd in Gons-e i$ PrilipD,n. Fimctul Repo6ne sddsrds /Pmsr. DDRS tr adopbd b) rj( Lnici.l R.po,hg lhd&isCo' bydelrrend'o-ar A@L .nc shdeds Bosrd rlcsB r. PrRs o,sisr ot ' (ir PrRs idGp;ndingro lnr;i ioid rituualRrpding ebdsrds r' Ph'poir Asm'ns srmdm rP{sr mrpond'4g ro lnr.mitioDlAedunl g ' ,n.)r,reryr.Jarionr ro a-h,g hrud. EEdrhs n6plb,ion! b/ rh. reDre'"ron- commir@ *l 'I ! 0tFlcI fomelJ fie l St&diry lhr.rprddiors commit.e (SlC)- rf rhe lAsB {hicn rc adopEd by se Tt6e iiidcial d{ harc be pEpred o. rbe hinoda.l cct bdis, *@pr lor ni. rlslud'on of ctriin CmciE aq, ta3 ora.@unr.s md o. rle B.umpno- rld rhr Comp€ny @nlinG opeBnon for rhc td) 6e*able rutur. upoltudq BandauhM ne pEpMion of$e codpriy! Fnfllial 'hremsL onlod o wirh " nibqmdr ro nrle rdgmenr! siid6 od NumprioD '\d alTec '\e roun'.ng shc.. dd h. ppoi-d morts or &sF, l'.bilirievnome Aqu.l6ult! m,ydirer rrcm orher r I judglnmt m contiiully eval@!.d md b'..d on nisbical expsi*e dd 4pr.dio6 of lurm .vmt fiar'rcrc beli.v€d b b. donablc un&. circumskne!, R.vkions b a.6uding *timaLs are rcoeniEd h ihe period in *hich Etimares ft Evtsd md in ay tubE psiods aLdd. Eliinds rhe re*etimc md ftft^, inoluding ofrit.I Mm"sm; hd"Ma k /DDttinp twati@ ln the pb.6s of dppllng rh. Compsyb amuring policien nMsmed hc frad. me lollouinc judsrenls, apd trom &6e involving esiindion, *hich have rhe mos sisnifcdi .rEt on rhe moffi @lniad in ihe fDmid ndermh: tupn /,rltnpnt Ptap?ie andOt*raa1aC.dPhp.aA\ Dl i4 dt s p,oP|D quriF4 L i-,..h"n' mpe^ ,.t ? \d o. ln msking ils lho Comlmy .oBidds wh.rhq tho prcpcrty gaemts.6h ooqs Ltgely tnd.Dodalofrhe otier asb held 6y a eitirr. OM.rc.dpiat pmP€diB gdedr. *h fiows rhd G atiiiblhbl. nor only to the prcpedy but also ro olher 8s* a.n i. fie T1.(onp r d;erue uhd,n ptududiotr or $pply pmcs I E@di6;lnDifu" b; Md; a;" sni6 (or p.nion sold sa6d.1y leNd our @ b. dninkhtiw pur66. Irrh* podida ror rhe spamely. Ifrh. ponion undr liise l6e), rhm rhe ConDey a@urs o'rlv ir s $e DmEd n Juikd lo' L D!.r! cmd be $ d $p;Ed). .eriB p.ruorr! psdn. ion o UpDlJ of o' o' for t. d fo_ E. in ft. nisnifior cNd' wheber ,mlied dda m'n'ng acill4 $n i(s r .o k rdni' h@ iv. purpss. Jndsn d k som. doihd rhal is ierd rr @Dird appEidion and or lor p.rtion ihal is h.ld for us "i', rhe pmdudion a.d suppl, oagoods ad 'd qu,l'1 4 nv.'rnenr Pmp.rD. t h. 6ch plopeV scpaddy in makis irsludsnmr. 3is0ifi6. 6!r s prcpen do6 opedks tir4ne 1tu4 ann s.l4u. c .onpn) .o vs ridh icd'judss.d mised ir,o compony rroi*"a i"o re.e* ae&.mats by mmrgeme !6 dhlineulrh h6. agrc.ned s eilhs m opeatitrg or rin c. l.e ty of rienifr@r i.r md Eqrd. o' oqdh'p of &r looliip d rh. tuLfl o' 'rhrim.. ts"" \oe' 10.1 aad l3 lr pmFr6 coar.d b) rh. ssFmen ln@m? amolDled ro P240,000 in both ,i y6 2013 and 2012. PrurBiaE ah1 Cant h'st h lr JudErt E..d. s.d b, rrmtsdne b dd nc{ish b.r*e r p&visioN .nd .oni Policn! on @aniriotr d drtotue or oo;rmn xid discloara or .od nsen;ni 'Eei.jes.e d,$$d n r,e r j tA'sNtu! Li uI Estin.tia 0 t.atdh b dE.pprBrior of rh. Conp6iyt r ,, eior,sdily app em fion orJr bsal on hNo al eip iene xM orrrer rado6 Edts may d ,Ier lmm I rB. 6riLnd*. ri:r a rle 6r nne dttro4r/ng,.'rp e4sn ?d i.'r trBrriar adjrdmenr b y,g ", rh rE .onsid€rd piidJ ,, *riil po4,,gp1,od rtrr rhe snying "i@!6 o. m.c md Pk dE@tp@l \ecorp,,reh r6trr.(,rt.\ o\4 el ,-li \e r-ts r. €.o€fed o o€ /.,ihbr fo, uell 1tvz5 ",,.i., ae (o be rereun a-,";" ,. . tiabilr;w{ii rhc( ^d!rr .d i, rr,. fimrc;t athoPitr. - rnd csro.odEr i',irsoirh.ueofrheK$6.TtEdryil]ginoLrBorp]opsly.pla -qupn.rr-dd)ro.\or0 R?ohdbh1qod atDllahtdrd\ts$: at,t d L htt t iisd.rcrftdhr6sesai;Lia6jtirjes achtponinpddeandle cs rltraE i rhii s io rois. p obab e rh: rmotrL hsb. prdfir \ I tnPainP l alNan n@|ial,1:tt^ n'. CoiDnu m$ss impoirndn on mser wDnqq ev. s or dr]lgd if, cirunrer( indicdcrhd rh. €ryins anour or.n a$d i,ny mr b. rccovdabh. Tr fadon I rar rhe co'np,ny omidos ioDodad phictr coutd tistri m in,@inne sishit@d mdeipeifo odrhlinsHurti m e d,riE I l- ,'l I i ,r'noJ**o, , *" ,-". * *. " *" oqulF! s!6 dr re 3titey sioifid neertiw induslry or eonomic ftrds Tnq C@pry osnia m im9aimdt lo$ wh@v& rh. crfring Mount .t an ror a..i cxeds iis r.6v.6bl. Moun[rh. @vdabl. mouir is onputd using n\e hlue in Bc apoMlb Ro olehbk MomboFe, im,@d lo indir duls*B d. iftr 3 rcr pclibl. for rh. trh Eoedina unn b vfiich L\e Nd belotr$. il p16dr wlu. ofBtimar.d luturc 6h no$ dFftd b b. geddrd nom @dinled us ofthe asets or boldiig of d inBtndt, rt. y is r{uiEd ro nakc didalB dd septois thoi ri mt ally alt@rrb. fins.ial sE!.B6rs. tud.rddiing 6 t]ie k)atusi k )e)dj"s Pattd{ 'flre oooounlin8 Dolicies adopted de consistcd wnh lhos of rhe pevious firancial ,eff .xepl for ln. adoplion of dE foUowane Philiprine lrlerpriations of Inlqnalional Iitucial Reponine rnkDrehrions c.mnitt . 0FRIC, and dendn ts lo exislins slondlrds dDl bmome r,'!od of NN Th. fonoyins (a) /tundMa ud kbtp@io$ b kinins sdthflr' d,ndds haw E/.db. tn bd adopred by rh. conp€ny exrat I orbwi* nd.n. 20t2 hbp*rid IFIUC r 5,,4lnmuifat th. cortudion aflhal Estat .rlrchlion @ounriig for rev.nuc and iissid.d experd by mriies rbd und.n!*. !n. onshotion of c, dd. diEdy or rhrcugh subonhdoB 'Ihis lnteipdlon,qui6 rhar Evmue on snirudion of tual .Ebi. b. mEni-d only uFn mmprdion, *ed whm su.h oiricr qu'riri6 s coisbdion ontu io b€ munrd for ud* PAS 11, cMtuiM conhd', or idvolve Mddirs of iz.d ba.d on $'3e ofcompldion. conftcb ptuvhior *hh iivolvilg ol3dic fie coBhdion mnaiah md uhft lhc ftks ind rcwld of omssnip are ro rhe buy* on a @nliduous b6ie will ,lso b. amur.d rd ba.d on sbse ofodplerion. T1l hrapEr.lion is nor applieble to Phnippine 'Itis . I Philippine-ine.I(.laIon lFRrc 20, sti.opks c66 tu ke Ptudtdtd Phds al a sd,+ i44 sppr!.\,o rsE Eno\s Gs,hr.sF incun.d iu'ra& mtninc 'n divil duing rh. poddion phae offie n in. i'ptodldror.Eipprs da") so sllddce di rh. mosnillon ol prcd0crion ltimira cts c a esd md ororB sbippins diviry 6sd. Tnc tnt mErarion n nor apptiabte io dr Conp0y. bhvideC mdu]med .l iAs t, Fkmeiat srdedur p,pn,,e. -fte osir ohese euhins frDm $6! medmflE is a Equimenl for entiti* ro grcW ihs ,E6t d in oha @mpF,i.nliE incoh. rocl, on rhe ba\ on \tlelnn thfl e pdd rllj b po[, - h; {h6c.dh ,*L* d*riq or;jch.nBr rh; -k;i6,bi. aod nd doE nor addEs \'Li r@s ffi pisncd inor " ' , tl '1. Fiurrrl r rra Tbis ame rdftnr ^r\ud iictldq Lri6 rh piep r FRs f o,p! .ho, 0. d tthd cntt i.*d( Er j oror_ h rror b" , .rd( o1 0i uv." ii:4 rt I ard rh ;6de -,,.i n.. o1s.! TL-", d. co Dytolt4 0t nfft I!'r r.., ..,.e, -n,. or ,,. p. -; I orFi.P h"-,,-., ,," I ,",,,, Ll-r+,, tssrr ',,,".,i".",.,'", i o,i ". ".,,.,,. ,.",1,;.,..,. ,".,. ",,", " " -. - . ar rci rool..o -,., 0 ob.,siro,. "d - . ," -,o,. ...". ,, , 1^..r ss.h, iabilnis, rc*u ri *psrs roin red;* *ne sMrrh.joifr rn, hB rlErrb ro ce nd *6 ofu re rrigcnBn ard rtr cfore <riry aroln( ror : ?tPs " Dt ta-. ).,q"e .p- i .,"e,'',,,!.',;,. tolr h"do rR! rmt"k,;ihp aomtinc |[ qi lEli ing dr or ine I JsMry ?olj ,!r."ie ,.,''" q,""... "-' '1-* 6..,a-a, r - drr rhe,m" ,oLln,"n.dd-o, Fd! r..,,.pr, .o r{, .i". , ""["0 oo€ P .,e 1 onh.eo,D.., - "* ",,rp" .J,i-,"",.r"oD:.";", b-r.roro. ir, r i.klleoc, ,t /nd;.r td e L o, o..1 ,,.r.hd,,.. r,l'" nol :' tr3-ira- ,,oi;.^ !,,, As 71, settd! liqrcit |i)kuut: s xn.nGdrotowi'iarlreissia!iorpFRs ,0 lt r!'tuoa _'la ot.-'.,.tr"lor.1 sb.,b..,".. ",.". m-ndns'i.,o..Pni'.bl-ro e, D,,i) P ildrur-rf im mgr EEL .nans6r lrr rEr 6 b.eiilyeou'ldids ed ro o*ini rhe is e or !.,i l l ,i li i Fthna ChanQ4 h tcanh'e Poti.iu fte corip, ! adofL 'y Philipp,n{ hk.pE[ oE t' tL\)) n,o. at,-..t".., I rr r,tv .,6qtttLn-,. o0._\,: f- ar"d.,s,D o.or ,",i,.," ,.,.r Ef,.-rtjt )|ti II pFPso tt,tu\"a. t Tre I .,t \b,dad d o, p.r.,14 l, -.,. .r, cta r.! tro .d'1,*-j-'. ,,e. n.,,-n, .oro,rL. rt.lI,s,p,o[ro, ,or anonized c6r or ior n agsd on a,.trotd ro 6[d.bfiis or 1,3i i,t I f,r shiIbe nsured sny.ltr.rirhchsE6infai.vdn! ehr.ninllLgrprorro tos. at Itan.qrlyirvsrneqn DrlEtdfo lBdns,arsnjry(nnake.rnEvoqbk eledioi!rininal€osiiriotrb nm$e ft far stcrrrtougholh.mnrprehdsive m brrl.bsLs iot bC tdElr' riri!! rh; cr n Bu dai.e oi \1fl @n rhlqomp?rymr, ) i.rc,r' omp3D udi Th. !ic'l sun inaii mi*d tr €d r nr odr rr ih€ rhe.frdsoi&ry ad pfp:d od ol&vik iar.d po richs fiig or ,e fitrr(!,n h!r. 6..i mrsnk rr ipdrhd ',,",',,",,'r,,,,,',,,,- so ir turupb, deounriic Ool.ils rse,l itr rh. below. Thb lFRS9.onhrns rlh 'ienneds. olT0n v,h. lid i orl tem prcsnEd mss \ prFle orEpod trgsrh [o,s. osh ind cnsh.qr v,l.ns in. ud.i.6lr on hand and li$d, n'0 rc r Netu,:rr wilh iMttr i.s ofrhrie o k$ lm n ih.ii eiPedtYe o s nr dds ot prmsm !d rhd e. s6j.d b iEiBiiis 'noNi! ris[of For rh. n banrs,,nd IAhly I I ii .l . Il"'' p:' ' -."s.,nd dlroAnlo,. ( BDoli!ib]". . oo tr ri's.arta E htat,!48 rtu atlitottitt lrar o, k i!. s Fiianchl irt,ncic ae E.osiiad D rs ly xr f,ir v,lk. wtrjdr s rhe Gir rxtn. dr. 1l'g onsiderilionsiver (ii c*. oftrr !ssl) or E.ewd (in qk ora ibitiry) Thr rircushD'ofirorlos.irtud* r6L&rjoi.on ( b,llu€ r'o r., tr6 r's.i.. f i! ' ii re oto., , ,'n ,k,'ae.ab.,,ld t, ',\r ' ,""'1,,b,1,",,","',.,". . 5lided io adtle lsrler d rrje .podi,]gdft isll1fd d$ts pie q@briois (6id pris ro -s pos;rons rd sk 'niird pria ro. s)rn psil oN) wirho my dedtrdion t0 mNarion@!t vLren c! red bid trrd sN rhe $o! kenr r sdion ofrr curel fiir $lE 6 tol'g a rh.rc trm ror 6M sisiflo chiE. in (ouniccirqrdars i! th! r qmrd Fomll orrrer pie or fimriar i'srohe rs ior rtled ir ei dive n Nd.rhr tii ,,., ]" ,,, .,, ; orar abr ptus exisr, opr oi ,.,,'.1'., . ,." lEhiq'€s, arpr i$tr ro siuih i ndne$fo.rlllicln p ci'rgmodeh,aldotlErr..ymr{lmioDtrmd€lr ker ddr ion o(ueMLte hir(d. rrre co nparl rro-qtrizs priceanLr.irvrLk(".Dar r. pdjfin,lrcorpi]y I qmrrs ro Bocrilior s $ne orhd rype orskl tn$s whse use s iidebtdah whicr is tror obsel{[Lp. rlre iirii c hdw+n,lf 1n N# or trhr ueoreoL* ibleolsha,rrinrunsrisd..opized.Fo.schktr$dion,lheco deb..iist,eBpploprde,nqlmdolrc Fhonciat axcb or linan p.1) nt tjrbl,i5 d FrP L n' s srgory amis6 ol fimrchr s(c .'g*. bJ .", g. * , d .va ^ or iiarirt rabi ri6 6d mr '.,,,,,'. " d ror , rrd r! or '.' .,,;. rhos .oYqed by h.dgc artoutring rch oninl j]'@q']o juhe' nE d*lsmrio. Dk ifl nars d ed(s I '' "ordd. t,f n w .,,r ui"s't.d.4so, r , re 0 r iq, .,. '.(' l!$lsr or Fitrs or los6 oi rien otr i d Th. ,*h rd liabiliries ar p,n or n Erosp or fin,rht 6sds, itnn.i.r w re ba s. itr e risniticn or {cordrrc w lr i docu I nsred r sk rnarge TrfimncialiMnna r0 .Bxr. &ri iE dos mr sig rfiqdry nodifrlheasr or rc anarysk, lrm ir rourd lor be 4 alelv rM Fi,mDciar ek ,nd fiBr ,r ihbi iLis d FvpL : . Hord.d Doro,. ru.e,".i:',,! i e@ shi. *Ed or inq'rcd divldqrn inFne is is rco ded i, rhe ft!trsisl.m r sr nd ii,$hE irc rlows or ne i i or inf nm scka. Nirtr i tr1. ded. ot F m th ,,$ :Lr,, rd *oe ii ltr skknen eor nrres *@sq 6e*r \. !. x.orddrlh srmrrrder'Lg e Fiia'ciar sds md iiiici, ri.bliie a! o,r*r ar I e nd ono shErar of F idicial Poririotr if, aid otrry rld:!re si(ri.rLysJbffibehgR! i-qr tu o,t.r th. @erned amomb aM the e h m inr ion 1o*.or a nd bEis. or ro rlilizt rlre Ndais I erheliabjlilysinuh.,€osly nancial 65eG iidude ffir r fimtrelr p:ofii or ros, roris orl iid,s.ivxuhs, rrdd ro,nduriry iny*nsns and avaitablejor s c fir$ci.l is$c dbsficdior o mcofti,e tshr rmrq !y?n EN li'Edar \hichddea.hoiceol is amihbh. s'bj.d hishryriquidinyd,nencffidilyconlen6khkno\yr nounrorc hrndNhicraenLhjed $* rusnizdl o, i,eii hd. drre All irc otun) Resrhr p'rchds aid of rinada d I r rsn l,n d rt.o:lnn a, al t)tu tit ash m*t . xr rai laLN rhrongh pmfir or tos k[E arr rmf,sd]otr.os6 are expeued n rr Flian.irlssB arr@sinxn iiil allynrr'ii yil,eolrlE.oridcnri0fsiv.D(l',*s!olir 6ser) o Keived (i, qE ofa rhbllir ,] n-s,r,nini i51.'4td- ,c,,,.d.., a fnrl 1 ril rlr.roEsoirgc{lgoriesorfimicizridn rds,rnorcluflyd.s lo) b.dbetow. Fin rnn/iid\ n@t rhls mcso, inctde fim st ssrs rtd rc eltrer dsiified 6 hek ro kirc o {d d6i3nat.d by rh. srily io br qiriaj d r,r slre riyousi rofir or r6s rpo; iiriit Emcnjrior A rimoar asr is d sifid ii Lhis qbeory if aoruild rcieajty roL rE oi:,sd" q, .pdbJ m,,4; rr 4 de .d,." b llo \,iJ.goD,q*pl fo''lo{d$ rr rhgor re pry ren subseqftm fti'il€q'r i.)," O h iniriar rcognirioi,ltre ..,gr t io onFa h-d Rednrbks fiIrr.iat *6 ircrud.d ir rh .he., po,d b€'.r.o. u Ep tra cNa s mrgory p m n.& Ed otr,o' 10, , d.go e4 -' rr4r'Eh.,,n" d ,f d lls. e rn cdoh. *"i-i" * f,"*ht *-6 $ iied or dcr.rniiatih payncnt rrrar hre iorqlor.n".in aI..r ve nartd. Ttryffis \ 'r'r rhe conpary prolid$ tre p,,. , ri o ts. ,rF.,rre ReeiEbre fron csronrer a. n,tsqfatrty rarr.d d a0odiud con Elu $e eryerv€ i0ie.6r n.!hod, .$ aiy l6ss A y dftss ir rien qlrc s rEo;k.d itr prorl @diyahles Trre tunoon s*b' Brryiic didd Fina rcial Posirio ) 6r Eirpann.n u!orsriinrdcsI md rh. Esenr va (J4 ^lo,' 14 d [dw3 , Hdiio.hdLtrnrhvtud : m.qidd*rorr,r. h.ld fo' n; .e-d-.-,r",r..",p", - 1 r " ",s*r ",n. bsn deGnnircd"ri, s dE irfe€ice n re bdye€"., , *j", an underin.d ,o, aflrr.r t, ., Trl f a!'d,.r,".crmur'r,-;orpnr p. rod! e ror iictuded ir rhis dmsirel dtr nal d ,ioni]d .o! Gin rl n! Fs b€.n i,ipiird, rhe nmnciar sl(mmared rrre pBo €rGof4rin edasi nows enyidc amo! ollh.inlshrniE reosrild h aofiIortos. Heldno,nDli,rity invErhie[s e rr reE s ob.ledive *idsrce rmr rhr irrsr Tl'c Company h6 lrothbt! roi deslsfd.d fimmhl laruh FidLiat 6{5 as heldncrndu r} i,rEn,nsb 6 of AseI: TiG d.cory includes no .ivdiie fimriar *EL rh; okgo,), tr dd mr qur ry fo n. , s oi h y or lhe ortrr rrey,r. oiq+ ed s Aq ,b. ru All fm'cial d*6 wirhir this &rs dh.Mke dL.lo..n. wiih cting6 Lr varo. rc.dsn rd | 4uny, nd oa.ny effm6,isng rrcr in@rn.rx6. Cai's and loss isins fr.m rorir6.tasited 6 avaitabte rorsak arc rtognnedrh rh. Sbh'ne orCoinprehdsive hrcone wtrar rhey aE sotd or *tr rhe t0 rheqseoriinPanno . r|eonndti( dirtdry ine!!19 istrNferedrorhesbem€ ofco'npEheNivetnmme rf .ircumesr( chaiE., inpaimcd 10$6 onaviihblejo{a!.q q, nn me s,remr eve*d throrgl th. sbr.n. @np,dEDs E imonB val!. oI3 idrurnon. assifi.d a objErivery ara'.d b *or dc(nE ans fte inpxmem tos va rdoslnd ir 1ll.i'nFi re los is revemedi,mtrgllh.srarn.d avaiLable.rorsale immd .s$r i5 nnpaied. ar anoun e]npris r'g rhe Jiile nce besen ils con (i.l ol dry Oiic pal p.y e ) ird h (Lrcd rxir €tre tes ary i'f pai're ros prvioody aesiad if protu or los, s rBtrsfentn fou qnny ro dre sr or ot co'ipahemivc ln@he re.p<r orr{uiry indrnndr ctdsi,ied as ailabtebr sale 3r nor la4'iz.n io ponl Revesl oa lLnp6itrr0r lGs6 on d.h innruru iE ]Mgnird ii dr sbrihq of conprcl'osiE rio n. if rrre i'Dr e rn frr v' u. of rLre lr a, l,hplrhe 10$6 Ecognizd oi 6tr Shrened orCpmprctedve l'rcoNe F*'i"*d;";L rhd ;. *i,.Ly ddennined 6y , ecre,ce otr rm r'lB od. b nock ciaiasb.epE rr,!.d i, tedrsp rofFirareCons -s"i-d i*]'.hr priB eE][ E+$ored msrkd 5id ar rl,e r6. dos. of bdsims '\r dde'lned D -"Ervl- o rnor( m tr,m(.i \l' !'6naiiiallyllres',eorncdc,lakdLisedo,rh..rD*biss,flowsolrhesdsyingEr sddreoltumKnne. l i ! Nono' por'd'trg trFp,. li.'d€.1 ',.o,-.,loi,o qyi'igamou of,inaicillNds s ' lr dri. G any, .s & pr6enrd i'r rre Srarrnen ol Thecompetryt,anordesis'Brdiqlabhfor_srteriturcial6$rtrorD{ehb€.1t.20 @ 2 asd: tdtiQtt dta atianl ta! 'l o 'l-r -d io 'atr( ,no,,i I r! Aioq ( fiows Gxchdris ruur ha,e ndr blrr irtrred) discoonrd d 6e nhf BB.i-., E(ttecri.or rhrcugh rhe tra or er srroM trr rc.otr lhe mur orLos. itaD. s re.osrizn orrte r e&nk dhFime'r *kh n,rrvidurj asds rhal r'or financn 6seb rhar ar DoriMividlfiry ris rqir objedive .ldend hctlds obsnanE dah thar coms 10 rlre R fiMici"t dirfcuLry or rh. connesaly, a bErch ot conr rcr, $ch defiu[ ft de]iLrqu paynEnb, uobatitiry fo finaDcial d.bmii.d rh,l no objE.riye aid e of pan t nnn di56 fo m iidiv dui y asAsed l m( ro$ n,(dcrD.d ercr inctrded ii acon{ive rpotrrg 6s$ e olimpai!'ndr. n prromed ar flcl dab For lre pf$ose ofacorhdiv. em{dioi of iirpainn r, sou!.d on uc b6h or !trli .Eni1 ,skdRnd kric Bym. h srolr. p rdueituanri be tlal.d objsdirly pdyios y Eeosnized rr mtrrlol'rrr inpann6 os dcreas and dE d(re e { dccu ri ,g afler tlre irrpdinflr w$ r-oa,ued, rh. lnpinre ros is rcle*ed by .dj$rii! rlrc . ldwor. krour r, ir a ebseqlatr pe od. c$ ro nrc anou df nr reveail neGr i'rdft co inm ro u ey. be asr'rd or rh. .d ed dnyi,rg ahou[ b*ed or dr i I I ,] ,] hd 6een ,ta ird dr has been 1 sftrred 1o tlre coiD",y.ll i, a lobseque yur. 1). ,mood br rh. sri'mkn iLnFioeir lo{ iid*$! or dke$s b.ous. of si .rn oeuriB .frd dn inpd'Den lo$ki'rE ed o.Ed,ed byadjostiis rlE ano* re 1o. i'npai' ne losss mcln,t Ir ,(ovded. rh. i.covery n Ems,ized tr,$e nd.neit of ii.oh€ dider orlu R.v.iu. e.od Any rcs is rccognibd e income unde, .tuovisior fo. (rcw6d or') i,,e 10$6 ,eom| ro dE qt rfrrhec ryillg vau. ofliE assl dos ior exceed it amd( rd cGt rv el dtrt any; ll tsd: drld ot cdt 1r$.. t m objerrd noi Qrrier mqrctd cqn 1y i I d hn vaE b{a,s is i,$une h* bci itr! 'ed, rrlre omor b. ftriabh rr de t(, of.,,r3 rheanoL ofrrre o$ n'nmn!d isrlre aai, - b.tw4r |E a$d\ d llercncc pr46r €lue of*r rn fiiu& cxh lto*s discounkd ir ed lmoatrc ofFimi.i, rsss ^sro .dh flonioE dar *tidhs i finarcizt sro gonpoffiiadat ]I A.n!rnar.o.sam,por,,. .,r" *. "-.d " 1,,",,d. "^r"., .,,"" obtdtr e4ida,-oti, @ r 'E '.f"{ mcu Rd lo$*erl)and rhal lo$eyqrt(orewnt,tmsar 1a {oAfirioi ol lhe assel Trre coiiFny r npacr on rhe 6ri,nded fururc boro€r or a ercfp or oher fiimciar d.cr6. ii mh no*s uorov.5 €o,gtutariotr rlE 6ti'nard fdure ol rtre timrrhL 6er or rtE s oup ot fimic al 6f6 i5 e rifrr.rh.FrobabilryrhalIjeywit vtrerc ob*nabte mh flows, ddi itrdtsre rhai sr.I c .xlises ii a H s or ?nsh iEe ir .enon knpkyor manmh r c condil o r t Nd (oL whne.|Plrirrre rn&qri$eE)Rdd(oen8r <!l a financia . r,l t,tr b@r!.as fioh Ireh I ]e asd l$e eipnedl ltrLompo')thmstrE rietro €eive.6Lr os nom,e ss fl d . oblig.rion ro piy rhen inionall idrec qn: o The Co'npaiy G) ha r rr rmnsls i. kl rull wiiho( ndflia! deidy i1s rmsfsEl $hliiliarly r$LlEd.oDrrer ofih. risht ro b 0 rI ft p. 1y mdo i .p6s rdve6h fovs non flre sda]d€dE ad k!.id5 or,he a*r or 1br hrs neirhr ri! r$r rf,? rcwa,ns of,h< 6d. hd ds all ltE risk is*. d l h,.*r,.;, h" " "-, -l * iE 6ks 'h* d a{ dr of the trsi mr wh.r. rh. col"phi hd rEirsre rcd i6 igir lEirhq htrsr.ircd ior rcbiid n'bia.ri?lly ar rmnsfsred odrcr of lrE csel. rr.asd ir of, derccosnironofa 6ni$irl d, rie diffeEm; oi G) 6c @sids h, rceid (iE 6 m.r) sd I6J;y ;huldi,r gain or bere.oAriznl n Lo$ inrheSbtmntorconIeh Fh""l,,n t,$r;t\ idude rld siv. bdy*n lhc eiryiig anor nl m( had beer reognized d ied y lnoN ir $i n n equiry s E ! ' i eren-6*iL'g r."tr lirr bd' nea,rctartui,o,zedoqsliprhr.rd,iv.,r,s,.E,ldi.d F nancial lisbllirl6 . e re.og,riad wref rhe ab rcrrsile p y b{00*a h'.o,nE md* rhe pany ro thc.onarurr ftpdor Finin( C66 t lne6!b. operdions ing loax Bid ThE e Ess liad d p.oeds r {.iv.d, ro 5rbpon ir tonsrer ' rridDg or tr t.l troe'niar al Fudttil Lnblnils Fimn.ial liabiliri.s xc i,riliany re.osiizEd arrheir tair vd ue ,nL subseqr edty nsared at 3froniu d os ls $tlnsn pay'ntr6. ANfi2t{ on s atcut.Ed by rriie iiro mor n rheComp"'y\ Shr.ned drCornpreheNre 'o J liene irl'old. i. diyidends e.RDpmvrJ byrhesrai.hdrdss De2casutd l{ I al F44tcn1 Lhbt ,- Finaiiial liabilii* are derecognized rro'D trie S!.rdnc oirinaddPosirtonoiywLenll€ obligariors drqednsuclred e h lhroush dhchB€. can.lilzrion or expr ion wheE.r *isrins rim;iar lirbiriry is Eprtu.d by.ndtEr rrem F sne .i * or s'brirli y risti,s rirbliry e ilbnanriilt! modified. nch in ",'&edq,sJ..,og'io!di .-s,,,,o. or, .s E.snrzd conemy ! rht (r , "l-r,. E -^r.e ",,", . on'a. nramisl liabilirl6 m ooi.d vdre Iinnrial iabitiries qir[ tir.n or dct rmlEbl. plyncits rlEr e d quored rn rcrive narr.l eJB didty ro r cEniro radins rh. pri,b 6. orrr ri$iilies rhe effecrivc iireiFr e ndhod orlr ' monrhs fm rtf i$iriries m in.rud.n ii rmid liab !iri6 it rndu.iry n yirhin D rcoodinRdar.. h,b ,r1f co,. . o. ndn'orv rhbiri'ns ry? Notr er nt t4: shl!,, rre?d.u E4ur /,"rhi.tsr, o' rof,re-Brebyrnrnr5or o$dir. miry Rdhe, ii.rpe* srtarr€r. g,1r''''h'' ^' 'lrrevh in. sii,'onor lo$ for the insnnndnsdo6 0o( bd**, rho( I old.',ol'q"', + i r r 1 r', I sr l\llorlE prope;ry, pLani n" i"i,ii ."j'.r"" brnF,B 'r,i tse ro iequipme eided -., i," "1", andiron ror 6 {prr,ts ar mi l6s ectrnnatddeprecia[oi di,ed y i] dribdab. .ods or ErBtrdiru!s lor rddi oE. incnd€d ll .t \ L ,t iajor i nprcqNnb ad rcierils charged ro * iial np,o!en-n' b.Io.e rncr r i wd ,lrJe,e. t rrs tur .cpiiu ald rnai e8rce di€d or oruwne dispord or: d i nprirm ios6 drc amored l orn E k rcfleded in i)eN tor rtre p iod.Th.codoroIrft are capLla .d rn 6( ,id fthrcd icundrd d.p ccii|on re .t t exp€ .",,.-,",,,,,,",".,,,,,"",,.",,,,",,",,,ij-,,"",.l.,""",.,,,"..",",""",, ( id{n arti'ndeditrDd'm rok DeD(rtro'retrDrFd h" ..,s L,eio .$ar"" i s fo ovs: e -dn, alcumLlired d€r d. on ,hectrFry!oti.. Jd a@ ,'i,s r,iiD kD,'.i 'iilorred 033 kf{ ld.Edd.d ,- d i w, ., eui L,ndnd\ ,, E*,,,{.d **.;"b. "u*r,,,"" *. &,*",..,r-, pu dD,a1 *-n *,,",,",.n,". -o r u., (ei ngp k m s,rtr,rL,,h. i*'dGL\in$. p<iod , d 'r,6' i .d3d,F'd .Pood'i-.. ",.1 ,'" 't{ *"*"...1'" ,proE t, pnr ... ,p,arB4e63l,a.l' .e\x!h ",.' - a1 't6rlnrd r otr ofrrE 6s( (m cuhed 6 ftc di . rd ,rl-c. en-'o .- 'p-|fl eirdi hds@siird. :l '. ' < ; ",h..ioi d -"" or.oi u nor o. ir e lppli.,b'.. ',. " ' ou I 'r'o' x*l vlri ir is pmbibl. rhd r. f € eom'iic b.Dcfil rh .ia ssocial€n tirh th. rnvatme pmp.ny villflo{ ro IIE €diry and tll. m{ ordE invenm. propenv car be wlue r detmrincd [v m60rcd ralidbly S$squcnl y, invst iid.penda appra&B or rrdn rlt Ld4r slanEd. in rh. sane btildLE edili.d L]v the brilding admi,hn o. Tr* ctr,yirs,not s,tcos ze( ii dE nathe or lnan.i. po r l4 ' E pErr'ns ' d r"r onotroa'gdd',5.-tiu e ' 'o ' e,yg,r.o,r|..*"tri,er,,".itr",aduis. tr ,he ran tnrle s ,h. et or ii!6oEr prlF3dy k udr,rn Msnixd ih lermflrP'oel1 -. *'' irrirnedrii.ry "--i 1 1r6rmfl1 p,6p.,.. ..driog',,rJ N, m f![ E fto,o d or disposal rd L", ro.. " d eo:At o s .! h t"-rf . E.opn zed t, ., rh06" j on, " i,r rhe darft 0r ,,1 tron .tr r tos itrr iip P,3 ilrS rni iodoftredienenro dispou. 'ror t-s Pnrbiots did ConfinEori$ Eom'nic rc$tr rcs aid {h.y o(00* isy nllbe unen ..' be drimdd !!en it rM rimlns or mou of rhe 'llinbly bts lion the Dtrrnr ora .s,lo' i A nsdi oblisarion {ir,6re , tu cponitrs d.r. Lududiig rhe stis a snr od'sn on. A,y ,€iflbu s dt lxp(kd 1o & e numbnofsiml obligarioB,llE rndu of lltelilDod E retired D,oviston. rlDr o rfor! ww ic rttrto a lUc cquiredir$de enG L' tdd do , rhe. ri'ie vdltr edo[.n,P|."aBjlds?,n, ,oniu, p6a d;r md .djr nid b rc'r.d rrre curc h$r d6 gdlons ir dridedl i,,pmbable or remok. or the anou ro b. provided nasned eLi,hy, 0ri,6iriryi5i(oBrizedin6ettr rh n emtu ror carn,or be Probab e innows 0f {onomrc b€rcfiG a e considered contiDgenr h$E ast, rnles rh€ pdsibiliry oI a, od,loN ot trsolrA .i,bodyng eco,om. b*e[E is ro'iorc A co(iis.n df h trorrlcosriz.( i]rrlE lmtrh n ortr. b( di.ofr ehc, xtr i'inow or*ona'nlcb elib is probable a.\?. r{rr /3r 3.6 ua oth.t ltmnt! ml E\ruN { rlt relti,re sD te rcli.bly ne$nred, ir is Fo[,bh will flow to tlre Co'ipaiy. r'd rlt Ereiue iLrcuaed or to b. rnamn rcliab! nr folowinsspEilc (og,,i(lon. iteria nun ilso be dr( rlr (ononic n.urrcd Bi 6c i.eopit u b.E[! ,R,/,1r,.oru Reysn!.Irc ssd {, DiTqi' D'!p! ria is re.ostr Rrye e is reac'r piYne isshbLi.rri ad u'nri b edo.dEtnnor utvrln Ndk a, \rhaliot otitvt ,. ., .. ,,:t ;d: ,.. ," pq.i ltr hi vllueofconstdq[ion reaiva]d 16! yahh hy .dr,J ,fl!,6. ., .'d.d r",ua, g , tr add€d,. \ r, ,. fl. Rcvsue is,r.NuEn by refererero .' ^., toe d)d b?!h!2 R<osD diln ion dribd,h e ioD ollft svne or d rhe dd. rLtry tuE irtrred. E(.pr ro, borrcvns cons roqd, lyinga..6, irr,in e cons r€ rcrotrcd on r r eo ui bisis 10 dr le$e all .hk a beElih 6 fimE Letrsrrd e prerntd as ftcivrbl. d an inod .qu'l ro rhe Conp ry'i rer iNd'nar rn rLrc reN ri mre i ro ne rrN.s wiercin 1lE conp.ny abnnntallJ, rraNrds c o!chsifi.i e. n'bn.i. ydlrh.rnk! ixres. drcoryrch.rnve dd*nir{ yrdh- Th. conBry ,tr fEngemmr is, or d t.refiboaovneBhip hrco'ne on ? eiaigr tine m aix i te . bed otr E r .'lllln$r ot 1l'. fasprcifi.$eroi ss.6 iid ll\t ddng.ner.otrv.ys nr Cornpiny Hold ip..l'r lciss ir. /Stu xorer t,3 Fnhdiaht i!6ii. llrl /0,t an.rt) Funoian.t dtlt Pt@ndtih rha prlm y economic Thefimrialid*E Dopqry ro irs Fdtisl' dmkL! r i iirc co r1Rdbn! crn'did in whi.h rlic.triry op.E16 (rc htrdioi.l cumi.!) stroprse'td h PriLpDirepaos, wlri.h isdE qomDtryin rdioMl ,yirom.d TlEmo,nrins eardsordEConFrra!nainhiNdiiPhi ppncFos. lioeie(oaic. oi nl{Jt b,,n( Jrrc. d !. roEisn nrs.y t ;i .ri o.igtr. . "d' 96n $,rsn,, e,,1L.i-,-.0,rir i.f skF a. o';o,pr. he -r-.--,-! frsk di ErrB d iha&- - F..", r^ h,*. Pm de, rc, d oq"g r. Rd, , 4or"r.db, 1r 6gr.,1 usr dinH" 4,o " thr"dodor qi' .o,l^e, plar{-B"i(rnhr{ nraiat rn&'.0Ir .om$'.lrnsrr pGior tu l. , oi o e ,rio .. , ,6J 1oh ,.tr..0t do 0 'o Unda .hceU'eCo npau do6 nuihav€ rorclgn to l! r r ri.y k! ecrlotrr. tdttidb'toJNltrirdr t 44,, ll inFioned rqrins tnhnsib I ,o i "f !,Fd,o' cd: L + iP0qr a e s,rrjed u ,r,{) 4l'6,. ".altro,uuiin indicdetharilro,E sqi,oun .v orb.rcn!erhE I b nu h,e. l ForpuLpossof,s$srngimpaim ri ,ssB gmuped d ". .rc spadery id.idn.Lrl..ah 0ovs (asL c.mErirs rdeitndlvd$rLy.orTeairnc Md $reaernedd 'nir) cah c ddiigunir wel. ,or., ralle, iefl{l ihe Lo*sr teveh for wt'i.h A5 a Eutr. some londiriou l6s.ons b sell. snd valr. 'g 'nmlier 65h now. r eYarudioi ofdis.o!nbd rh. .Gh.q!do iti',! . ...n.d,c ^.tr.i,i!-ro ii 6q b.*d m th.r. 6sr re aD , jirhm utr r i { 6'r,.1''b 'ry.,,r, 5.- { fo' not'.ioatrd(,,ins ..'' ld 'r€ r. \trc rnod or l, lo,llr 3-ta ,, EnDlot.qB.nqb \1, t o) sbtrtqt ,,t no,,' ''lo$ I Ii l! , RartJit: hr.od.dewrl,1lrfl ovlsio sliiulory beneia piid ro rhe sorlleL.borcod.,s.conrsl.yp,ovnes rih ,!E'.P4'ols m,300ro'ohr1:r empioye ot the cd npary dr.-F.-r a no' s ro P{3,632 Md ens6intlrepion'ii*hichtlqaeincuEd-er(pt ie epilrLlrd Borc*iig.J$ r a ;irc.t ibukb e ro llE mqun rioi. or hrodlorio ! oraq,rliryiic.i*r(ie. ai ss.t r16 h[es isLbnania]F odor rinrlosorEidyforilsi'i.dld0*or$l!)aEqDihLnedspi olconolrcha$.1 TIE *pitalialloi, bfbono{i'rg cons.o'h nste wrrsr.\Fndl!rd for and bonoNiig sbnl &nnirdioi ro rhe rhd rhcy'gi,cnrcdaMmllvirksth a e ieesary ro iprcp?E rlt c.pnrli, io, .e** wlur srh$n,lir ohpr". : ,," i,, ,I,tt i I I I a$el ror ils ftided l l j. i,l :I I Pttl! ttdttddi| i t I I P'd6 e 6is'd.rcd l,rs rllt [b,liry ro. d' (Lv o, onxord 6+e -,c,, nG rinria on$,re mf, il ,Inc .itrrr md dE*iotr re'lie! ac a\o.oN ded h Lc E,.a f,h., J. $b;q b s,m,m @hhm rishiidd hirEne P€tdr p€a, Eta,iorrip"!e" {n.i sr 5- uF' tro' itrr,cd b.o trL dd, .6 'o o, o.r. .r'll 6'6endo,,lnr'oloe. (..0q\,,o.. o,".db\po'i.o. "! .paeftedaparorLoaB rctrew,bL.arl8ly.Advarcsio?ffliars?d/o'slRrelroldeis mdReeivibl*\Shtene of Fi'umial Position i edrbmriisad*mes tmr an ind/or shaEho dss 3! p.64red pdl!fAdvanfts oll( s ari rnMclioB de$(i rc ed pa is a* *-i r", d 1,,',l""sh p,"* * "l difts i, mdm0n & y mnpalirr. mn{d ", tr* !l .{d, giiri ,.ru D.r 't -\, o|e p'ol' ro 6 d e- o' l'.o'l're Co'nrrchfls'* liioi e..a ,ar' /. / .t fne. rl reeonitra .r...F rs DUFor! Ar,!r, i:2r '') hnlu d rne.,) dr-r er I ,.""s*"b "t ".ur. "lp".q an."- ..,,'e h. y-. i-1tr{sr,-01 o. Drr,@ s.)''bihi. ,+'rudrio$ Dnf-d i.q difibreicB, diiyro,wad betrefib or musd iax cEdits I'bn !$ss mirihtrh orp!.t. ii.oi,. hx (MclT) 06 eeulif m polnt inco ne hx (RclT) od tr ffd 6 lo$s frc n reropedi'rg lo$ stryove. (Nolco). rortu Are n{ir s p'orrltr. rlr{hrable pmrr ed,di6le c'npoi:ry dinlEms trid s yfo!tr( xc.s MclT olcr RCIT iid rtrdcd rtr\ lo$s rioBr Nolco drbe$ilird D.r trd hx s(k ad liibilties e n rEocnad wlE, I and. nr rt rirE or Mnsdior, are pmfit iDr diiable pmlir o los!trder llr b,,r. srrel liabiliry rldhod, will, -rlatr .x.eDrios. delerld rax liabililiEs a,c rN{ad rorrira\ableien@ y diLeEies.hd a-ti- ,. .*o u rt.".mbIu,u"d,.rose tnxable ptofirrillbeasl,bleasaiNwhicLr 'les'4.rlai1.p.blbh!' ,,,1. ,lFI Ille ddsrtd id6nr br sse. si be di td. i r -'rhti e.o1rr h-nri eoro!. ,l , , ' rhe pdiod yhq rhersr is o trli$i ryidhJ,bs.doIr rearild rhd have beenrmcr.d o' n bnstriv.ry .oa!(ed rhe rcp{diis d ddafdh\h\ys e. DeLnrd br ]l.briri6 ,E ror pDvided oi noihiablr lernpodry difa€ .ssociadr wirh invsrne8s in $bs dirrd md !flr i&s rd B, ihhsr,,,na.r.J ipnd',orh.drn1i r4f . r,e.,n!i,3 6 o,n of rr. $.a * o,sl ..- o' .al.. Ho$e\e,., tu1 |l. d,F,, t rbj?. . to 6'6' r\qhe'tu!e, uill b. irc.s' ui o, rt o' Dd. m.dured usinsrie tair velEnodelif rAS 40 r'Ne$srqiopdiy, ho.e riis inrrcdlcs d. rh.h.. o r rs".mr odd.r.,.. t. . riron mkS,nenr orols! nftard d lf, r {,! dpe . ir ll'e Srar'idn or co r,so..-,rd.,rr{'.oa.taB" Ar each Eponi',g dd!. m Jd prhemive I im E " r*G or .F i h. . geobq'! r. ,. Oily cliqls* in d.f.,rcd i,o'$s$ ur{oghiz. r lq", olde(ol 'r ron!1/ h)'r !.s'ho ."89. irnbe o o'o .f',/ d\il,ld. tr r,,n o,,( '. r-. ....rd,1tr.&1,:rr4,!"/ol bid.d e' trisin, +m E rir.?dhtoaidlsr'- w.iglted drs. iumb orodimry sliars ot6hndiis dun,g die ye": eichdidq r@ury sharci afd.d rslcd for{ls ornlldillrlve roreiiixl .oruof slmrs. iraryl rhc LD , llE b6i. ,ri".,.,.i',td'o dderminini bo o. a",,J. f croiralso.[ i3 ei,l dihftn 'd-i., eri deri'nii.d rsinsr]E nomirlv:lue olslDrs llDl h,!.b4, xmd 1sf.,M// 11t) irl Addilioi:l Dli ir GpihliLtlud$ dy pronn s .Ei*d o, rlt iril r ismrc.lordpih! nock Atry trn$diri .ods sddl(lonalpald-in capiral, nd datd sociaied wirh of.,'y rlre {e(l th! iss,atre ot srDA i'r.oNur con or reeqni'in! dr@n<lktioi 'll rc ofrhe bdEfi$. dcdrbr.d rLom ae ndd d I rcr ri c0np y i o*" .t T6ury dEH t compEheti. h6ne oi lrr lqtr iy i'$tume . The compm) Ln€rid s;ih/ ss itrdrds a[ .rFisa h rturid varu. olrre Av.itable for.$h Fi,mcnl 0rr aE r!16 dircdty ro th! €quiry. nr. Coupiry hA no 6)arciat sr rlmr is dlEsified Avairrbr.forsa. as* ReEluatioi res.reA cohDtue ajns d ldss dn. ro th. ivr ruzrioi' nf piopetty. ptiit a s(ts qi'Dnsrand(dain rnmc Rebined * rilss i,rrM. Ptiar Piiad crffi ,rL psiod d p.ior 'rsnUBdslosd tu n,r( ai d dneNor rCj^hEn^ ai h. ii rlt iemeriro\ nssEocd, pe*ddion disddre of t. Pore nlolrcit p. od dB6 iG.dwrld ii ilEr ptriod & s ue etrt,orird 6r isse. lrowever, {i8t {106 'n dh i. ub+ J P. o'l hl ,t{ € p,.o, pfl,od o,dhr n rr- (oneaE.n-,,Ttr!.io' lr!fl a i, ,tr nr\i"t EnoB rcsp{r of dlm?ibdfFmncis natm ab6.quc rr.iod. i crfrc or I ic .u'ir ]dre lller of rh. ttF .c od.rFci,t! ! Id, or ihe .,o, o, pniod sp*ific ,ffn r. -J,,t '*3kT.n' or . oeri' b,,nG o.6eB.l,!nrii4 i, :rD *r atrr b ddsm r rt" umur ivc .iitd, d rhli begrmiDs or Ix .urtrd pdiod, or ,n eror on at prior p iods. *hrc cnrofrh. lomp€aiive intoin ioi ro n{ml rhe q.o prlsp{r sl[ be Mde g from thc aniei dde p' el .aUL.. t,t6 E@s q/r* k. REdks D Ev;h rlid rcFirog rhe ! rsonbL. .nd srivoDbr., fte o&m aNh., rhenmmiaridsrcds . a,rhodzd ro, sre. dare a,e those evans. Comp ,y adj$trheammG Nognized in rlle fin.n.ial idanmt iorcnd.djr$rirg s an* fi. rcpDditrg dde. lron{djuninc mG aE lor recostr;ed in tl,e finadirl bur ai.dirl6.d in rheNors b l: iLyi. iar Srat'n.nk /S4ro2 r7) The ek cash inc lud. rh. fo rro{i'rg .ornpon.fls rcpEd s deposit ir local h? {r wlrici are rdr u* itr r€fi op.mtoN conp.ny ,h,iir8 of o.Fssar) .xpeNs of'he dnpany Bmks u rBtidal and immeiiirely I i li I . [" i Ad$n.6 rd onicar & e np oyes ,i x(ah0,,]".6.A tri,--,,k P AdBic* ioolr 6ard.npro/.6,ro.rr wiihin a Bodrble period or tinre Pr0,000 cpBflni'* rmordiq lste Nde Noa 6 lo t0 P 9S,746, 4 trd of idy ,€s lon -oTHOR CURRENT tlt,83l adyrn*s foroptBrionsIlBraab ue liquid ed ld.- b) ',.ohpmr a,' kq.4 ! 'o ri.rl. Rft,r6. I'or ir\ I' the laGr ad. n2011anognri,AroPr6s,054 ASSETS PEpiidincomrax bxcr€ni6 FL|I pm;ision h"s b"o;,"d1rD rolo o.lrre rccr ir. Prtpoid mone rd NoK 7 e e\ e$,a\ creLl nu d€d riapplied c lro i prelioNys6 :i PROIERTY AND EQUIIMENT Arc.on.Ld'oror trotri"a outrsd trLqh sJrd pmp.ny,id e{uiphenrs€ shoM belov: l I d(u'ntrlatd depmiatiotr or .,',;", I 1 l, i- Prioryer20l2,rh.@npaiy$ldotr.otiisrullydtp'ei edoii(equipm rBulti,s on *1. afrd ri'rg{oP]l.000. (tuNak It) prcE.ds dd gri, airrri,npinnEr tdiisaM vlEtr.E rhae loss w.rc rcosiizel in 20li od ?0lz indicdion of;np,lh.n. Grrriistr'alusselpmpenya equip,edelowrrh brrmNin Prop.rry iDd aldipnenr e suLrj{r ro No andqulpme vs pledsed is ollaeol 1o oi, Lo.n Th.comprf,r'6 n(nmh' ompsry cotrtru uf'h. lq44'i!r!!r Flir ulLE rdldnE i arft rrl , !s( e!! il.rLa,Lqun.on6o o?o,!r A,i o.'ab. s,ch pmpdr,nn .d b p240,000 ror borrr yaLs. No $n larue sains r@gnDed rctared {i,r h< hnd rrrr )ed r0rr s d,0,1 F I (o.nDri odo tr,, r ov,a br " o'doFi' u' Jorc AnDro'o r p' i' Mrldi, i') ,-1,'.hdld,rt re o, rhl 0 Jpi,\ ' at odoberlr.20r:,lrs.d d on rre laed sRt. ii :0 2 edfied by th. btrIdirg dr NEb.+ d. vr n,r' r^uma Pl 034.000 rorboirr :0ll ind 20 2 ',, r. mo 'itrde n b '40.000 pe, rv?flor8 de a ao€n fEfl rie pro@dy i non sroP "("*, -, , p.-1, . *." /, ra.,sr* bdwee, dE HoldiBs,l'rc /v?,tor.70l) Atr Corp ry and s i rc alin.orn. tol]rci6lnen(proFnyano|dedbPl3il.44iep]3,1,666 y ''iis:siirs Nonoorhyenme pDFdy 1l rhLial4(i@ 6Ec orrhe fo !r h\ ? dG ,sso.i,|on ponion olrhcoffice condo p edsed du ins tlre hw@ i'rin beiip nld rn ir yqr. l rpB I i A(nei qp€tr6 eNhr ,fly ls@,/ro Nok r, r, n,xd t600 11360 or P266,2ll aM P250,21r, resp{riv. y. NO'E IO REL{TED PARTYTRANSACTIONS rhe r60sdiois or 'lt comFry virh Ektd Fd * ]41o,*iaPLe6.Agftrdal Th. Corp,'y,. rEdj'oi and Holdii$ ri.. larsHl) ror d,e sFc vhee tlre pr co,npaiy is ldc .d rss xot ,V. The bmN ofrlre co ftcrqriE fie Conpaoy to pay monlhly dihl .nou(lns r0 P20,000 ]n. conhd rnands ror. bdicillygilho(ei[,rry s g',ins r mw mdnd srd.hznc6 on rh. o hly s(ririe5 l i , renhl depaditrg bn momi b l0-2 AdrMA of both pdiB. As * rtp;kins date Htar €eivabks pd of Olhq Rseivabhs N6.n.d P99,746 prcssred as bftu dkt.n Pdt.s ldvndta afreB The compan, avaitn of ldv,nB lmm ihe Bbt of Mr AndB LD, sr, a demised ofiier bc kins cpiral E!tri(hmB of the Com@ry. dd amliarE ro' gnil.d yeu, ad $nc6 ro the company .mounriie M r. FerBE Lao hs iiourcd. DD ng rh. aor $c .nded Pr,797,6r6 The dehils of rhe advaic6 ro P969,501 and * dr ytr Ocrober3l, 2013.nd2012,rca rollows: l ll],323,32] C6h adBne nod Mr osuidins trD A rcrl balan@ -;rwdl Lao ro 20 r Sr. bem iitFr r.I]jeultfl, m al rhe dre of lov! od agpment deid.d onun bsed ro di@ndnue on rhe @rujns rhe ehrysh ofthe Compmyt Adva.cB deiv.trl duns Yets 20li .nd 2012 can. frcm Mr. Fequs tft. sEh advlic6 d. non inimt 6*ing! no rpayrneir ems, bear no ew4ry nor ollareBl and arc due onlv up.i dmlnd ThBe adwncs arc usd foi rbe conpany! lo&iig capihl Equnemenb *hil. auaiti.s plds to rcviv. rhe Co'npmyi minin3 ooqatioi ro mdohriz * md ErchaDse Comrnission 'Fr,,,.tor Rertui4s Bl din xa 6" issued Aprll1,2012, tie compriy ralEsified ib Deposir ror F rr subsciprioi flnou ins ro P2,021,749 ro Advan.6 fsm Stookholdds litse x,t 7 a 2) ln @dmce h rhe S.ouriries Adwaf M 4qrtiaft advanG noF CTSHI aft noi h dE io tlle company. fsse IDr, 10.3 ,goiisr the 'enhl inom hat I MMagM co,'p.6dior Dreb@ my dfise1 iiu form of s loss inor.d by rhe compmy, the man€e,me dccid.d id ro pmvid. onpflsdion mransemdr t all .rouiive om.m of the Compan] lor rhc l$t Nok -mfiERrNCOM0 I 'Itis a@unl k brck.n dowi d rt)ttow\: \a'; l wa rc..iY.d dri'ra E you' ttu rlE i 12, t cunnt md D.tqd "os Tte imncilhrion orbx !xpa$ aribmabb ro oi or.bx inornc.oripL ren @dinlins opoerioE fo eB: I I r,i * i,*ddld% ,l {iie,jforothtrrccidEs uircdLd grln or f8 r r urion xm+ddU!inr;tr*FNr ; s, h i Pdk - i." F*, * ch,Bs il Elilr 0 srouN! I' Tli. conpanlrdid ov.r (Nolco) it Mi'inrn*1"a"r",,"a pmpdy fr4 ,ot I hx Nseb oi ri. tFlabd Nd-op.Ering Los co,porare lncome rsx (Mctr) nornicbenerb wiI iorb.mtird no:n rhen tror Ecosniz! defercd r" I ;uiriry pcnrtn, 3) and is brcken down 6 ro o,'aue follows: c ''a 202 4,626.000 t1,626 P T ,i t 626000 ltj td.arikrPrhhh I !, rn,on" dp,;,bksro,,oF :.)ot. .p,eyd ni,inutr o,^,r .c'r orr de i'co' ' r. rPr.t. s;.0, , comEiy n nor subler.d ro RcrT due ro rhe mnriiroc loss rtrar Holever,rh.yft*i riabtc for McrT s d.fiied ud rrEtarcplrdiln t2.1 RR eqehr@h4 itam,io' u dtlptidnu w \o ro ^0,r p'*!.k t.-.., { hRR to-trtt Btr ,o tr ,tL, ho,.d b. u_@'ao !d irodifiB R?knu. Meho n id ur Novembn20Ir),aEqtriBl tsdtrtr€d roft iid/or Finarcht srarh.nts t][ ro rh.lmonre h,trums is in a tifrt..dmj. d.d rrT+,,'d o1,. nfo",., or p 6.,ba,o r oiil0ed ir 'tua..d nem ad dlnJ.iol 1Iq,.d,h npco, p,Nl 't F 6. res {poDe{moe1..50r. i.Lbr. srtdR,ui nFe6 ."*t I ,.dtal D.ddtiont Resut dl,1 ttav a btc conihun stlon, sada d x erna d D. drc t ia Lislir d w .r ^ Arowscs ThiiinPs ds!ninG hl,Apod46iiidtrstl \4dr"ss md co'ftrcnc hq nqtu 4bwd. htryPt o.detk6 j I zt Sltrl.nanno tntu dion YtT ?aqbL, nt eohpfione ptth RR i vrobh s,r.r8ddrt' 6110rl I 2.l0.0m Puctusis fir ft )d DoidlttPmirs0rsdb* 3l.rl tur cJrc omtn6 rabr ArbtrfbF rnpd r& L.s.^Fr+dinorlnprvArtuo.ot,.:0rr Aldbdbn ad vAT Prpbh tumit.m vi 'dl of r'iFr var fu Ns. 30D-od 20D (orDrIn. rlor10!l Drz0l I vAT Payab. (Nd. 201? nryrl,l. (,ird v! .o bt qri.d t ro 0d 20ll) ?0111 qT ,u* r-- !r.rq, l' I t' I PmrBs r[. for .,,t" r;. c* Doa..dP,r',8a d i Ii,-n t ror-Dr r'.. rFnhid-d04,h.o @lnour 6! rd rr.!A@rid{,orl \ *,,. - xr \ 4 r h, o ^ A@rir +,ofhp!' vAr Addi urchhrir np4 v^r bf' r0 h N@eie - 20r, I i I oroerroD I r-1l ,.i ctaltl]!r nxn9ll n e" al zooj. ir"pi,iLi" ,h" ' 00r I"no|gr.rr. No. s:r7 too, € tpe dit : 1 ,i"",,ai"e "oi,"i "r,h" -"1-,\-b{cr i","r, 4 e..rc;b,od rb{,b)RAo., .. .i!.ed.,o rr.,db" I '" -; ri,l ' ", 'rl ""r-* ..,1*" ,, *,'.,., r'1" .* rrl LpdD.o,opL goo4.h" r!r troo3 ,4se.db* srq0ro.,r.,rf +."r,.d...,\.h hr{erl .hodH lL ," , ,,, "1J."." ,j,[, * ,. " .*, ,". .. ,.. , ".{-., !..6ar.o Oam' e i\o , - , "vroho, o n,tr,, .:p.e, rfr { l. ,,o0", b" Ndedeo :'] I I .tl I l,4lm1',;' *.mpiior md h$irion,l wnhholding hx (IvT) fot rh. p.riod July 6 to Dmm6n 31. EJrdiye July 2c{3, R.publi. ad 9504 rc eprcved girins corpocc hxpayd ao oDrion to clain irmiDd d.dudion or op orul 3htud d.dudion (osD) equivalsr b 40% of gio$ sal*. On c rhc oprion ro u* oSD is midq ir sh,ll b. iftlmeble ror rhe ruable year fo. {nich rh. oprioi w mde. h 2003, ln. corpsy opi.d b onrinue claining ihized 25, 2010 $e BIR issu.d R.v6tr ReguletioD ls 2010 b amend ib R.v.nDc R€uldions 2L-2002 Seliotr 2. The r* res(lariotu prcsfiib.d thal lhe Nores b finmi.l skremenb shall include infomaiio. oi Lrcs, duli.s md lic.i$ fes p€id or Mrued durins ile bx.ble y.tu oi Novmbd on ocb6u 31, 2012, BIR isu.d Revenue Memo'adum Cinh No 65-2012 *hich clrifl6 rh. iMbility ol asidion dus, hembe6hio r€ ed orher sssmetr/clalg.s renanb. For ex purpos6, the ollded by ondoniiim @rponrions etrn it nemben dothqmssmenrch'ndg6coneed.6yaondomiiium @eontio. 6n$itue in6m. paymeft or comp.nsetion for rhe hsclicial $rvi6 it proids ro irs mmbeE a.d tninb. Acordingly, rhe gros E@iprs of ondominium mrpoBrio.s includins Esciatioi dne, mmb€Bhip res d orh assmot/ciargee at stbjet ro vA'I rd Income raL md inomc raymeils mod. ro ii @ subjel ro applicable {iihnobidg Lx6 uids *isiing regtldrions. r 9, 201I, the BIR isuln R.y.nuo Reguldions No. r9-2or I presfibiic rhe Ev Ii@ne Tax foms $&r will b€ usn for Inome Tu Iiling oveiing dd shning ehl C,l.nda YEr 201 I. modiryins Revaue M.momdun Cncuk No. 57-201 l. oi Deot NOI' 13 EARNINGS PER SUAf,O Bsis mings pd siaE e @mpuLd as PBiitlLsr,lhrdlo6.rtr (P (P t..tshot follo$l (r S4rl) Cdp dt Tt. aurho -:d capibl slock or $e conpmy 6si.r! 01 5,000,000.000 shN eith pr valu. ofPo.ol Fr sharc. Tdrl nunbeB of shtus i$ued af,d olbhding for 2013 md 2012 mounc b {,335,743,700 lor borh yu3 qDlv,ldt io P,t3.317337. 11.2 IwM n Anlhonzed Cqlht S@* Mtl Sloqt Rlgh9 Oll.nnE dlary 1. l$q fi. st(kholdm Eelved ro itrc€* the complnyt luriorized c,pl,l stock ton P50,000,000 divided iilo 5,000,000,000 she d P0.0r psr $lue p* srEe Pm,00q000 dividcd ido 7.000.000,000 shac wirh rh. srme pu value. Ou! of rh. prcpos.d On b I i l I .,1 I | D:sl .o,l ,\d333\ P3 ll ii .ldr, q'b..'iprio'j q i\- tbr,. . rJ1-.orr!"!ooliu'.o' fo.+-'n.'- r , dho".rd 'ird@.rt!,l 5ir I .o Ll ! of rhe c,piul no.k ws dD4.d fmn p70,000,000 P50,000,000,000shsBwil]llf9i hl rponlppor. J rr io p500.000,000 d vided , i, o oco'dda nock rshEofferof l].lt4,r7t,7l] arcs or{o.k*irhiprvrGotp0.0t p shaEform,s!rs .yitueof pt2l.14r,7t7.l] rorrre sb.kLroldes of Ecord s or A|lil l0, 2001 r,lch Nill so0rc rhe irc€4e h rtrlE iud .,pbrdockorrr.conp.liy s.aid rb*rib. firc(5) \d-ro'e i),to().1 r rd. or(.o' .Li'ib-d'oh-ofr F f o ,l.,'o r re. .\, .[ p-M .,ro " fnded ..n.. *.. r -.Jlr . h,. ,.ru) m fun '.,inr",", d i. . 6k. ' b- d ts. 'grLor r r,"r otLr o.00d..reBm,d,-o.r b4-ir'" r.n' .D lo 00t BoD -hsrl.l dh " ng|,.y, '.',s ' t oo II e -,d,",.',r au"ll ,l ' r,roi 'o'Fs i'a" rr,e rct'. ,g, , or"f. ,-,u.p", ^ r.l.po,. "',,,i '0" o Fohlt ",,, ooud.,b,.io6 ao r " 1'an'Rdhlo ore Pa,od .1o .,,o€d t cprc-ir, !o@,.ro. "TdduE ll z r - ru *t ".t, r '"i.. .l " l: lh.'o r s.l rl b det eg' r ed'Grlolo-^o' trr ap', "c.aoia' o'h, ,fr9 )03. .. rJ- d-.h r8oD"d.o rppL &.'o ro r ' . 'cr ., ro, +p + tr"d.dos. o 1-'i". sF l".orps,, .1.'i+lm a.dIF, { orl,o"'{,hiGd r ic cqurdrcd! drhc PsE b 'gis olDl'dlo'lo,htra I l.'z or ro1 'I's" otnR. as of odoH . . )010..i-' ormtr. trll d-, ri,c fo' 1- zD,o- I oI'le l(C rr'o,p"y. 3 D,slo' ro, 1. ,! 'o l .,g\'. he .onla)u,llap/^.i ( l ro',Ei''r e ',uro'ird Dri{^! , ionp,. dd, "o D,.trsFe{r ,.r\,tr,.ord-. v".'r.gra.ll,,0", ib. r.? s Bfo Pso"a , d{r'vr.r.l.. / r " " 1eJ r'a, prr o' Lr''\- r ppr'- qo . .f i rrf.o n5,or"..b lnd wrir ,e ree orAba s capiki & ri}sh,{iri co@r rontorsrockRishroffei,rs l .l l lr tl u.J' InBlh! ir Ardin! addr| D,P'lj ];r On-Nowmbd 19, m07, rhe BoD rppLoved ro itrBr iI Adnim Co ,t,Er DeNr. tnc. /ACD.nou1'c,oPttd.u.- 0O co.. , rso. q!-l,JOo.t,c_i,. J..dh.rr , Dtr'o.pjo!(,o.d. aa - !<J ,o tr" 3oo o| e i o 4pen) .e,c.c. .i b" i ^r0loB, I'g 5.o, r F, . 0d-po,sr.M,rit.\oirl 'h. '6 ,$|b.,o'dr'f'o''teorc*d *rres h.corFry md acDr ,,o.'i8r,'oft''gr-ll*,fpl'''.i,,e"m'',,Am'fl.o1nD.m,a. ipprcved by rhe co'npany Bo dolD .o inEGaso,scoie n aid ro D ovid. an ad iniriary phnn.d ro b€ ?ddrs.d ntrush e prcp.*d rinsse ir rtrhoEd aDirat .bck by my ol no* r grrrs offa i,q {d conoi hus nss o di5clo$d in ,r',u / od ,.r. B(aus h6! pkN *d*pproEd by rh" Co npi )y Bo droU.shcrv.d h, mdirsrierdon May ,20r2, corpeym iscur rlr 16 P6enl yj 0E .o'i opeatton pany nmkbotd.G 1a.2) 6elab !o ir@61 potic'rs rr Rrs( vlNAcrMr\r o3l' fl rf ^ND ',;j,.01 i.r".a.. o,d/,.tr " *"r," ll .,,:',-,,,.*.. .".,*." Ndr sn.r ,!" e. r nB'reqd,p,r ,rr " - ., -r1 o r,d. "g ",.,.9l,,a,,,g I' n ,j ' sJ'r'rn i ..r. ro, .1. htr.. dpofd roind6c,bel' ltIi I ,, ...,.,,,,,". lt m.."dfim,.*,._itr , ofH.4r. !,. t Po.r,o, !r(I 'te l*+ rr,.' n*r,"'i porniat tos dilres ^. rh!rctor. is onry dhc ord L" d"nr-*, s gn fisil y tdm rhe fi nnciat ,s*f5 cr ryi E ihour l s'onpr,.I..or1p.-d.o'e' . r.lla'r'qnr*'rd outrb.tu,€orrI -..0h. 'lh. fleir'i I lff ,, d." . edJ,+ N d.:.d:'- rn " '6 1l ,-l i ir o .lt l..1:l i , I ai. 'rpLi.bretark vilh hish q$tily.rtmat I6J Fait wla. tncnsnukrt Gi-;- rk -^r"a,ma 5 b" o.,rk -a!s rE h l[h'i!d! ,hse rmriirl , mt B s,,ih.,'"1r," ,i{ , i";;ic,r-! -,{,r"g dDn ";*s rdddtriiii"glhe fi *ourd kkl i o rcDr N ehdr nbilLlies. rricCo$ ry b. n3 u4ned rr.s*r o. ut.jfsrrrr 'y rd h. r^ or "r,-"r,"bd"d hts iio Non lN dnr i d |aniliP i i6riry nqstreneird e . rh.varr ior r.hiiqfapp oni{c rorr'I [, is! rr r snhrinErhr iriilr'tili\ '!o L ir", ,h. -"pri;* 1r"1 ."k"1 "p"* p ti.ipds {o,li ff wrre, p iciigrlr, A lair valu. ola ioFiimcia n"l"n*l.""l"ri"bil,ly rsr ra[es itrbi++ n f rnghE i d Le, s. or rre n{ "n.G..r",ib..] rnmnrsthesanenon psrfo,inBrskbclorcir nE difierc leEk or r*N,lirn n.;t s,ixritd, fii {lE l,J s udioi n.r,od lBr rli: rh.m$lor {biliry-silr d (rl! (i!.r|i|iibs)or nsrir(ie. ( ived lmrn pr as). L.velr !,p$ro rlre do li$ i') )ol b.r. o,orgsL. n idd ! Lad As ,s or I: auoGd $es(uturjr!rd) i'i Odob.r ll.l0ll. he Conli,y Fs ,oo lNefa r Frudion mrlrod. qrhe lrl ! 'JI 'er " r '.'., 'd !' E Lilef r 16,]Li4t'ht|R611 I I'o'd r o' r.i'sin''-rl-" r +d.' 1tr, r "'.,ulh rn'.u'r r hi,rs. mdr r 6' ftr 't.dd,. J,arrcu [o ',' in'b n|oy'ntr. d -.h.'rtr .'a.qr \, d,hl. "t \;;..;, m,\,p,;r;h,s r i, d , I oj 6.0; r |o,'}-id."tru,,r/^]b' p.omp,r/r- mn,c.rr. ,B -,r lo. Company arrd ". isalsorl, s ro l: ' o 'lpi '6olve rhe risk by r1'.oir*iigoaftckishhasdkcs*d I r.d.o..€od.trdid trfi '/ ct neh6 orT.ri whicr' k rcvnv.d in Aior, rorpr{,.!Gorlr. * d dnn sed itr ]\/,tu rr I ofchans*inm o, I rdinrrslde r elen nedsrisma p{io!iB[y, bakd otr rh. coi$ r\ lnvshrenrsu'delinBj N,pproEd byllE Boad oIIn! e8llarLy ro prcvld. rhe gaB Rl dirkrioi tu 1lE iiwr fr I rne compairy hs m sisrifiGri mNf :rbsFi,i,, oradvo&3 I I NorerT EvEfrrs nor i ^Erm RDoRfl Nc DArr 'lrl I elhded in rlE tiiarcid ndt mns rb, 1rr pc or \oL ls,.UMMllMF\ls {\Dt ulotqlnEl4'.(rn?i4ll, I iirorcoirmdol dsewth ieolirsamliaresro rlre !pm. i[{e iE ded aturrv,r.3/. rE bmtrof rie.qitact4qu rcs rhe co'npany to pay monrhly tnhl amounline ro Dc,000. Trre co acreftndsfororeyearmd (neped aurohdi.illy *nl[Lt icllaLLy 5 giiis. ic{ {itdd ofkse.nd.hin.s o rlr. morhLyrcxardepodiics r$Ntroiboliprnq TheConEnye ered I:l?t;ti**'"'""'"'','""'""""*'*'*',f', ti l Tl'e6'nD.n, mik5 r o,5.oriilne$ rd in(trcedlrh rcrsya i{osnil m ii the rompi,rrirc rini:. r {ddrc s 1 isDri'aopiiioirhatl6sd,iliry,Lharnay neronri*mnnirnarsind.orjigqrci!s rave a ,nrrtial c,r*r oi i. CoNp ry\ fi rarcia n arctu uirl not Noe 19 - NOT,S TO CASH rrowi adiyi.ies p.diinilg to odvdies rrom P1,797.6r6 NoT 2O oLlG rrsr xot ii20ri,nd20i2,r$eriv.ry - trVALUATION /0, OF TqE OITFDC..S OF PFI(S 9 Anin.lyshof rhecompliy\nnarisiFsd! drrabtrr'B rsr i Tlre 6npr y do6 nor nN! hrv. fitr Ehl i., T,..orp6try! harh.trr orfi mrn ,l li Sire no the .rTal compmy\ limmial srsk $d compmyt nnsdi,l otr 1l i1 t{r lr nounri',s to P1.010.601and KL Siy & issociates Oukourceit (8PORT OF TNDf,PENDf,NT PUBLTC AUDITORS To ACCOMPANY SlC SCIIf,DULES FILED SEPARATELY FROM TIIE BASIC FINANCIAL STATtrMDI{TS retro"ry, r.r. -ri& I tco.domrNn. v.-ldt AnoMlo slE! lirstdi ci9 rrrrno lr.i. nt - B finmcisl st lmeit ol Ill.nd Inrormrrion & Teh n Dlogr' Inc for rh. M ad.d odohs r1. 2013 (including lhe comparaliv.s Ior 2012), on *hich *. have ;mderedouaronddedF.b,ry I2,2014. Ouraudit!6m.defdth.puPoseof fomin8 m oDnon on rhe bdic rjn uat.urde,E'al.n L : qhok'nr,lplkrble .upplmdbr) c.hpr] A or odobe I l, :01r. @ned bv th. *r,ei.t* a* ou. a *t*tr . Ve have .udiied ihe "e fu d l}. *. anamh. ron,lm!ly* r'd tu5sts. Ite inl0m,iol u "rh i. e dnof suppl enbry:ch.dni.s h6 6e* $bj.dbd ro rh. audnia Drd..durc, 'ppli€d m;iGic fiiancial nat ned 4 in ou opinioq h ranly natn in dl mrtrial rcspct in Er ini in rh. bsic finscial3lllemqis islen 6 t whole BoA A..Edihrioo No. 0664 ElT.diwn ilD@6b,31.2015 sEc Amediblioi No, 0201-F Etrdi€frir Mm6 12.2014 i. a-.drH-,N.. i.,oia/om R Efii:.riE uriL r;rB 16"2017 /1;.<L< ,,L rrrcrrnn r.stY/ CPA Resishnon l{0. at3l7 BOA Ac.rdft!1ion No. Efidivc 066 3 [rsmbs 31. 2015 sEc acoedirdioi No. A-6-10-A EFdiw uniil Msr.n 12- 2014 uniil rc Accrdnriion lio. sP iol4loo?'R EFdiv. unlil Jonary ksu.d on Isnd 16, 3, 2014 2017 Pah cily', lJ'11oa,P.str,eTogc66mdm,EmeEhAv.'onigaEc€,{dP4'gctyl@0 KL Siv & Assdciates (Dutourielt T o ih. shkhold.B md rhe Boud of Direcb6 HNOLOGY. TNC, - B vemid.l oindomi.ium, Amoero sdt city Un:n4 i TECHNOLOGY, INC. r I dompanying nnmcial slaleme s 6 of odob.r 31, 2013, on *1 ch rc ha!. md.Ed our rcpon datd virh tu.enue Regul'l'or v lo. Er a'e natins +ar * e nd relaad b) sfF'ry 6 tre p'*'dd. n6n,3s or pincipal socrholdd or "; .nd $o ex6 paid or m+d by rh. Compey duins rhe JEtu aE shoM in Note 124\uoplmens4 lnlomd,o' Ret'rcdunde.{ekauetuSulnid lq?0ll a'd\oF 17< <uDph.;.ba l1l]nd." F.q-i"{ u de' Pekn@ peaukrion .r.2010 orM. NoE b ro complirna 2, h Mph,ne qij SRCFul.b3.".!r.bhg'l,rrl" I, u7 rEtJDldss dninc onc' .nddd KL STY & ASSOCIATFI BoA Ac.:€dmidn No. 0663 E Echi4 h,I ftcmber r l. 20 ( 100) or moR ald .mprD hdatoElnumb.iof lhde e{h l5 SEC! No. 0201-F Bdectilt mtil M.r.h 12, 2014 lC AcdEdihrion No, F-2014/002-R Eftdikuntilimiry 16,20l? i Z;^zl,Z, BoA Acftditilim No. 0663 EE-ecriv. Linil D6mt€r 31, 2ol5 Amditolion No. A6IGA Etrecrive ulil Mech 12, 2014 lC Acsedibtion No, SP-2014/002 R Eircdiw unlil Januery 16, 2017 SEC Issud on JdEy Febn[r, t2, odlails 3, 2014 2ot4 cdert Isig Psig Cit n ory unt 1r01, tudiq. rMr l ccndmh um, Em6rd rs. oiisa c€tu, PBrs oV ejgiale@Ebla@ 1@o il ll l ISLAND INTORMATION AN( TLCHNdtOCY. INC, sRc RILD63.', a ^McNLrlrD(z0rr) at iLrte lJrcr io8erhrnsinthephilippitrsa .riMicdiofor \hdn{ tk 1aaptdl",'Nd ntatLt".$d Not opptiobte Belo*sre all$enmd ds : :l I t- 1,. r scrrEDULE RDCONCILIATION OT RETIINODiEARMTGS Avarr ABt Eti u.oR n !, DruqE\D Y I u-L! u.qq( DE.iLI.a p!c.T_tgi_ &\TIoN ISLAAD INFOR]\4ATION AND i.ECHNOI,OC Y. INC - B V.rnida t Condomrntr,m Amor$lo Srre.r, Matari ciry Unir 4 tll ll The cohpany he nourcstict.d rctai,Ed emf,inss a 'l l { I ,i t ir I I I II l 1 I . I * TECHNOIOGY,INC. FIN NCIAL SONNDNES NDI'^tONS : SRC RULD 6&I, AMENDED dbN) rOR TIIE YE R INDED ^S OCToBER 3" 10!3 AND 2OI2 ISLAT'{D MTORMATION , ,t Sor Gs I m uq b noFb' l}. rMdd6 rndicdoB of a 6De. rl syrh dd 'nuciJ scr syrmic d5k. lr 6p.n& rc na ir- btu hot b s6! o. imsrh, dd 'h. ldrabirbBordE finecrrsysM ! ,elo* is r,,te:chlndeshouing fin cialsoundHs indislm tu the,!G eidd otub€r 3t, ll Icormrl-lquldir'R rio C!ftnt Liablllli.s Soh.lcyRrtb t I Nd Pm6{Ldr 5.f@ d.pdidioi lD.bnreEqulrytullo TolllLia[ilirits Tobl Equit, l 'r ls,dor,oofl ){ ,i totte*r ).,( , Ndlo6r(h9 ToLlEquity (r ( s6:,716)P r0j,r47,.193) ( P r,ts0,30r 101.[i.63] ) @ .hoq b p{vide Imsme w,rh r m@m ot rh. ( mpm} s | onp )' \ fr M i,l SMerh f_ra, X,na r,&' 6 Rona a,d to &io ) dd ahilig b Miniz trk v,ru ot it inestn rt\nth. Conpzny( kktet fln cohg. tdio Tne key indiaroF tJJ? tuttplofdabittrutio).Liki*ie,ttlcdicu;usedioenpdrdrheconprirytpnaomme. 'rnhimile@npdi6, ri i i 'lt I ; SCEIEDT]LI tSLAND ND rNroRMArtoN ANr, rEcHNorfmv 'N: AND ITS RELAIIONS,IIIPI IIPS BET'VIEEN AND AMONC TAO 4OM"ANI ULTI MATE ?ARENT, IT. WDDLF P AR LA T, SIJBSI DI ASTEF OR CO.SI BSIDIARI AND aSSOCTATTS l A!.lo.inh*r I )0 il 1 t pany h I I I 1 iol pan oia I lil {t II 'jonSlo tli ]I l'il i I I 1 nerare orlroupof@ooonies Iv ES ISLANO INFORMATION AND TECHNOT-oCY, INc. SUPPLtrMENTARY SCEEDULEREQUIREDBYSRCRULE6s(ANNEX 63- E) S.h!.luhA nn,ncid Ae.t Not aprriBbre. Fin!rcial s.hdur. B r$ds S.hcdul.c. Noi do not exc.rd 5% Anomb R..eiEbk {dh* trDm than rclar.d of rhe ComDony Din.lDol sharcholder 'h.'obl ss.b oftohl cutr{i 6se6 of!h. Comp.iy. Dialorn Omer* f,nployed, Rcbhd (orhc .ri,n Rd.&d Prnild pdti6) do6 nor .xrd r{re Mie\ PI00.000 or on. Af,dunts R...lvabh riom lclri.d kdi.s rhkt .he Conslidr.iDn or Fidftial sl.LE.ia ipPlicbk. 'rh. compsny do6 not pEparc consolidrl.d fi rr Dd pe]mt of f,ltmimtd dorins nnci.l 3t !ehsr.. sch.dulcD lrbnsibr.Asdr-OlidA$d! N or appli€b 1.. Th. Company dB ndt hav. .iy inr.igibl. asd S.heddsf, t 4 T.rn B+hlhgBd,mEidhg&l.Ds .110.m9.456Pn0.009'rs S.h.diLH cq,iblsio.l N, hmfrtr6 $is!l!tgr. rs'dadsbqi c.rfsr,E toroprioB, e iJr 5.0o,0c11000 rj35,ri602 lmb ?'doF! &r,16.000 4L30r2@ .l I I rllll flillif,lflflillnlI ,t ,lj l l-. ll lr.t, 1]rhwot!6lsltArlr4lrr]A1]!]ll]!'rlj. L. F@qd Ar!oh( trGlme;ft sr{rMM:;l:ii dah-itriE ffif,dr'F, ortu, lr. i rli t i , 3l7ob4lFdlldfrJ064,!4fu6dhi46tsF*bBur4oia! I lr I il I I i l l I' I iM{i#@@qk 4rntu4h'!&4ka.d.4, .u h4 d 'ii I L :l I l', l i