Sustainable Energy Solutions require Technology Innovations CASE

Sustainable Energy Solutions
Require Technology Innovations
Finnish-German Energy Day
Martti Kohtanen
Siemens Osakeyhtiö
November 23|2010
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Increasing power consumption
driven by global factors
Increasing life expectancy
Population growth
CO2 emissions
Climate targets
Oil price fluctuations
GDP increase in developing countries
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Rising temperatures
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Increasing electrification of society
Demographic dynamics
Increasing power
Resource scarcity
Need for efficiency
energy sources
Climate change
Growing demand for
”clean” power
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”New Electricity Age”
Electricity will be the energy source:
most flexible and efficient energy medium
Renewable energy sources,
(solar, wind, hydro, biomass),
“clean” coal, gas, nuclear
Central + decentralized generation
Smart grid as an enabler
Sustainable energy system, environmental awareness
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New electricity age requires
holistic know how from
extraction to consumption
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Entire energy system must be optimized
Optimization of
the energy mix
Higher efficiency along
the entire energy chain
Systemic optimization/
Smart Grid
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Optimization of the energy mix: New technologies
for regenerative and conventional energy sources
Renewable energies
Wind power:
ƒ 2009: Order for first
ƒ 2009: Founding of
offshore wind park in the
DII2) to establish
gigawatt class
frame-work conditions
for building the project
Low-emission base load
ƒ 2009: First pilot plant for
ƒ 2009: World’s biggest
post-combustion CCS
steam turbine and
in operation
generator delivered
ƒ 2009: First 500-MW
for new EPR3)
gasifier delivered
1) CO2 Capture and Storage
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2) DESERTEC Industrial Initiative GmbH
3) European Pressurized Water Reactor
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Innovation fields along the entire
energy conversion chain
Nuclear Power
Offshore &
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Gas Liquefaction
Highly Efficient
Coal- and
gas fired
Power Plants
Wind Power
Solar Power
HVDC-Transmission and
HVDC Grids
Smart Grid incl.
Energy Storage,
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Systemic optimization:
Smart Grid – The future‘s intelligent grid
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Technology innovations enable
better quality of life
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Wind Power – Innovation Highlight:
Hywind – floating offshore wind turbine
ƒ In partnership with StatoilHydro, Siemens erected
he world’s first floating turbine
ƒ Alternative foundations for sites with water depths
greater than 120–700 meters
ƒ Visually less intrusive and having a higher energy
yield due to the strong and constant wind conditions at sea.
Direct drive
ƒ With “Direct Drive,” Siemens is researching whether
gearless turbines can compete with geared turbines.
ƒ Linking the rotor directly to the generator reduces
maintenance effort and increases availability significantly
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Wind power –
Greater efficiency with higher capacity
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Smart generation
Coal-fired power plant with a 50 percent efficiency rating
ƒ A steam temperature of about 700 °C
ƒ An efficiency rating of at least 50 percent
ƒ 40 percent less CO2 compared with
today’s global average
ƒ Consumes 40 percent less coal for
the same amount of electricity.
ƒ In 2014 E.ON intends to put a power plant
of this type into operation in Wilhelmshaven.
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Smart transmission
HVDC: Long distances – high efficiency and flexibility
ƒ Large amounts of electricity to be transported
efficiently and in an environmentally friendly
manner across long distances.
ƒ The world's most powerful HVDC installation
in China with a transmission capacity
of 5,000 MW and a transmission voltage
of +/– 800 kV.
ƒ Environmentally friendly hydro-power
from generation facilities in Yunnan to
the industrial center of Guangdong,
which is 1,400 kilometers away.
ƒ The first pole of the system went into
operation in December 2009.
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eCar success brings wider benefits
Increased Green Power
Smarter Storage
Smoothing supply
Smarter Homes
Reducing waste
Greener, cleaner,
more efficient cities
Smarter distribution
Optimising the flow
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Success Story – City of Berlin, Germany
The Energy Saving Partnership (ESP)
Basic Data
Prior energy costs: 17.2 m € / year
164 buildings such as schools,
kindergartens, day-care centers, gyms,
indoor swimming pools, the JVA Tegel
correctional facility, Technical University
of Berlin, and Berlin University of the
Arts (EU Green Building partner)
Customer Benefits
Energy management system
Heat generation / distribution
Air conditioning & ventilation
Water technology
Control, monitoring, maintenance
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Guaranteed total savings:
5.3 m € / a (ca. 30% of total e-costs)
Immediate budgetary savings for Berlin:
1.14 m € / a
Contract duration: 9 to 12 years
Initial investment: 28.5 m €
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Renewable energy and
decentralized power generation
will change the energy market
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Energy market will change
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Enormous potential for renewable energies in Europe
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The European off-shore super grid
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DII GmbH –
To make the DESERTEC vision possible
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The world’s first CO2-neutral city
Masdar City, Abu Dhabi
ƒ A futuristic, environmentally-friendly metropolis
ƒ Construction begun in February 2008
ƒ Some 50,000 people are expected to be
living in Masdar City by 2016
ƒ To consume very little energy
ƒ Local resources will satisfy requirements
ƒ No net emissions generated
ƒ Renewable energy sources:
solar-thermal plants and photovoltaic facilities
ƒ To minimize energy consumption
ƒ Car-free metropolis: a tightly woven public
transport network of electrically operated
ƒ A long term strategic partnership including
an innovative power grid, advanced building
technologies and CCS research center.
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With Smart Grid and an intelligent energy
mix into a integrated energy system
Large power plants ensure the supply
of electric power
Large and small power plants
are managed in an integrated
energy system
Display of CO2
Car park for E-cars
with charging station
Electricity transport
underground through
gas-insulated lines
Cableless sensors and smart
meters for efficient load
management and flexible
electricity procurement
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Energy storage to compensate
for fluctuations in power
infeed into the electricity grid
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Siemens has answers to sustainable development
Fossil Power
Renewable Power
Solutions for
Lighting (Osram)
IT Solutions and
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Thank you
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