Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held in Council Chambers, Billingshurst Centre, Roman Way, Billingshurst, on Tuesday 20 January 2015 at 7.30pm 001/15 Attendance and Apologies for Absence. Those Present: Also Present: Apologies: Cllrs. G. Commins, D. Homer (Chair), S. Kingston, P. Leaney, K. Longhurst and L. Wilding. Deputy Clerk E. Berry and Assistant Clerk J. Booth and 2 members of the public. None. 002/15 Declarations of Interest and notification of changes to members’ interests. There were no declarations of interest of notification of changes to members’ interests. 003/15 Approval of the Minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee Meeting held on 16 December 2014 previously circulated. Cllr. Wilding proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a true record, was seconded by Cllr. Commins and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. The minutes were duly accepted and signed as a true record by the Chairman. 004/15 Matters Arising, for information only. i. 195/15 (i) Horsham District Council (HDC) confirms that the developers prefer the suggested name of Myrtle Close for the new development in Myrtle Lane. Therefore they proposed to go ahead and name the new road as such. 005/15 Public Session. The members of the public present made their comments at the time the relevant planning applications were discussed. 006/15 Planning Applications. i. DC/14/2663 Erect a timber building in the same style as the existing timber stable block and hay barn, to be used for overnight accommodation. MANTON STUD, OKEHURST LANE, BILLINGSHURST. The Deputy Clerk explained that, although the Parish Council had been provided with a copy of the applicant’s partner’s medical records, they had not been opened as personal circumstances is not a material consideration for the Parish Council when considering planning applications. The applicant’s representative was present at the meeting and agreed to let the applicant know this. The applicant’s representative explained that the planning application description should be “…temporary overnight accommodation” and said that it will only be required for as Page 1 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 long as the applicant’s partner’s medical conditions require it. When he no longer needs the accommodation it will be used on a day basis. Cllr. Longhurst arrived. Cllr. Wilding proposed that the Parish Council does not object to the application subject to the temporary nature of the arrangement, was seconded by Cllr. Leaney and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. ii. DC/15/0004 Full Planning application for the rationalisation, and extension of the existing Five Oaks Audi on-site car parking and vehicle storage, and associated landscaping. Affects the setting of a Listed Building. HARWOODS GARAGES LIMITED, HORSHAM ROAD, FIVE OAKS, BILLINGSHURST. A member of the public explained to Councillors that he is the owner of the Grade II Listed Building referred to in the application and expressed his concerns at the extent of the proposal. He said that he has seen the site expand enormously in recent years and that a previous application had been refused on appeal. Cllr. Wilding quoted an extract from the letter to HDC of 24 December 2014 from HNW Architects which acknowledges the appeal dismissal in 2005 on grounds surrounding the landscaping and economic evidence. Cllr. Wilding said that she could not see any justification for this size of application in a rural area. Cllr. Commins pointed out that Harwoods Garage is a main local employer in the area and that the garage is also a local shop for many residents. Cllr. Longhurst said that he remembered the garage as a very small business which expanded when the pub was demolished. He said that the existing complex is huge for its location and he was against the loss of good agricultural land. Cllr. Longhurst proposed that the Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds of loss of agricultural land and the sheer size and scale of the proposal being out of keeping in a hamlet as small as Five Oaks. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Kingston and a vote taken: In Favour 4, Against 1, Abstention 1. AGREED. iii. DC/14/2704 Surgery to 1 x Oak and 1 x Field Maple (Tree Preservation Order). 6 WINDMILL PLACE, BILLINGSHURST. Cllr. Homer proposed that the Parish Council defers to Will Jones’ expert opinion, was seconded by Cllr. Commins and a vote taken: In Favour 5, Abstention 1. AGREED. iv. DC/14/2668 First floor side extension above existing garage and garage conversion. 26 CRANHAM AVENUE, BILLINGSHURST. Cllr. Wilding proposed that the Parish Council does not object to this application, was seconded by Cllr. Leaney and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. v. DC/14/2691 Change of Business use from B1 and B2 to vehicle salvage yard (no external alterations proposed). BUILDING ONE, THE BROMELIAD NURSERY, MARRINGDEAN ROAD, BILLINGSHURST. Concerns were expressed with regard to the storage of parts for sale and of additional cars prior to breaking. The area is known to flood in poor weather and there were concerns about large vehicles which would be used to transport cars for breaking. It was also noted that there is an existing scrap yard within ¼ mile of the application site. Cllr. Homer proposed that the Parish Council Page 2 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 objects to the application, was seconded by Cllr. Longhurst and a vote taken: In Favour 4, Against 1, Abstention 1. AGREED. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) i. WSCC/072/14/BL Redevelopment of the Weald School including the erection of new 3storey infill teaching block, changing rooms, new kitchen facilities, works to provide new delivery access, erection of new roof to provide two storey covered dining space, single storey extensions to drama and music blocks, erection of a new substation and provision of dedicated recycling area, the provision of four temporary classrooms (for use during construction) and hard and soft landscaping. WEALD SCHOOL, STATION ROAD, BILLINGSHURST. This application was considered at the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 06 November 2014. At that meeting the Parish Council objected to the application on the following grounds:- • • • • • • The areas of Parbrook, Hurstlands, Natts Lane and Groomsland Drive are already prone to flooding despite being in Flood Zone 1 (low risk). The increased flows as a result of this development would considerably worsen the problems already being experienced. Southern Water has noted that the proposed development would increase flows to the public sewerage system and, as the foul capacity is known to be inadequate, land may be subject to a greater risk of flooding. The bus lay-by cannot cope and staggered departure of the buses is being considered and there are insufficient car parking spaces for staff vehicles. Additionally, there is no pavement from the bus lay-by to the top of Station Road. Construction traffic, if it is permitted access via Station Road, would constitute a hazard for all local users as well as staff and pupils and should be channelled via the A29. Account has not been taken of the next expansion of Billingshurst as a result of the 475 houses which have been allowed on land to the east. The concerns raised by Mr and Mrs Jones which have been submitted to WSCC are fully supported by the Parish Council. These comments were duly submitted to WSCC on 07 November 2014. The Senior Planner contacted the Parish Office by email on 13 January 2015 giving responses to the concerns raised and he said that he believed these concerns could be dealt with by use of appropriate planning conditions and control. He said that the Parish Council’s continued objection would require the plan being taken to Planning Committee and asked if the Parish Council would reconsider the application. There was a lengthy discussion which resulted in Cllr. Wilding proposing that the Parish Council must maintain a strong objection to this application, being seconded by Cllr. Leaney and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. Further comments which the Committee would like WSCC to take into account are as follows:- • The existing drainage for the fields is very poor and causes flooding into the gardens of Hurstlands. A household regularly has three pumps working to stop the water from accessing the house and garage. A further neighbour also suffers from flooding. Page 3 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 • The WSCC drainage report: i. the maps for the development do not go as far as to indicate where in the Par Brook discharge from any of the pipes is; ii. there is an intention to de-silt, jet and CCTV survey through to the stream outfall, however, the wording on the drainage maps indicates existing pipes are silted with aggregate deposits that need clearing with vacuum tanker and re-surveying after. This shows that there is an awareness of problems with the existing drainage on site. iii. Section 3.14 says: “Overland flow routes – the route west of the school is unaffected by the proposals” Hurstlands lies in this direction and the flooding from the Weald field is affecting those who live there. iv. There are SUDS elements to this plan – who will maintain them in perpetuity? It would seem that ditches around the complex have not been maintained to the correct standard to prevent flooding off site. • The new development at Myrtle Lane will also be discharging into Par Brook once development starts, along with 150 houses + 50 houses at “Marringdean Fields”, 46 houses at Daux Avenue, 46 houses at Daux Wood, 38 and shop at the Gas Works and now another 100 proposed houses for Blackthorne Barn (should this be permitted). Surely someone looks into the capacity of the Par Brook to cope with all the surface water discharge from the proposed developments? What is the capacity of the Par Brook? The Environment Agency’s Arun Catchment Officer has been involved in the recent issue of maintenance of the Par Brook and has visited residents of Hurstlands to assess the nature of the flood event they experienced. He says that he “understood that the issue seemed to be drainage from the school fields that was the main cause initially and then, due to the fact that the culverts under Natts Lane and the old London Road were at full capacity.” This is the direction of the flow coming from both the Weald School and all developments from the other land in Natts Lane. The Arun Catchment Officer noted that the watercourse above Hurstlands did have some additional capacity. The Environment Agency confirmed that this was raised by residents locally and they (EA) suggested that the Parish Council raise this as a joint concern with WSCC as WSCC will need to understand the nature of the concerns from local resident. The EA are willing to support this concern and would be available to attend any joint proposed site meeting. By raising the issue with Horsham District Council Planning Department, this would provide information for any future development proposed and also heighten the risk that any further drainage or existing drainage systems alterations required under planning cannot cope from the business units or land locally. The representative of the EA also said he would note this information within the EA planning section as this would add information if the EA receive an application for Land Drainage Consent related to the Par Brook. The EA clear part of the Par Brook but do not remove any collected debris because of the legality of riparian rights. Heavy rain could mean that the debris on the banks is washed down causing flooding. It would appear that the Weald School may be the riparian owner of the banks of the Par Brook on the north side – do they know this? A letter from HDC dated 18 November 2014 mentions conditions requested by the Council’s Environmental Health Officer which do not appear to have been recorded on the WSCC website although the Planning Officer says that they are attached. • • • Page 4 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council • Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 Construction Management Plan: Councillors had been assured that absolutely no construction traffic would access the site from Station Road. However, for phase 2 access is to be via the school/leisure centre car park although it is unclear if an HGV can negotiate the existing car park. Cllr. Commins can remember 30 years ago that rugby matches scheduled to be played at the Weald School were regularly called off because the pitch was flooded. Cllr. Leaney said that locals all know that it floods and always has. It was felt that desk top studies are not good enough – site visits are absolutely essential to understand the problems in the area. A vote was taken on the proposed strong objection and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. In addition, Councillors thought that, given the scale and magnitude of this planning application, it is appropriate that it should be taken to Planning Committee for full consideration. Additional Plans i. DC/14/2069 Retrospective consent to existing storage unit (Unit 1a) and planning consent for additional unit (Unit 1b). 1 ELM PLACE, ROSIER COMMERCIAL CENTRE, CONEYHURST ROAD, BILLINGSHURST. It was noted that the applicant had submitted this plan in 2013 and it was refused. It would appear that the development went ahead in spite of this refusal hence this retrospective application with the addition of a further unit. It is noted that there will be a loss of the 2 car parking spaces which exist on the site drawing for application DC/13/0219. Cllr. Wilding proposed that the Parish Council objects to this application, was seconded by Cllr. Kingston and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. ii. DC/14/2509 Application for a proposed Minor Material Amendment to Planning Permission DC/13/2379 (The erection 50 dwellings together with associated highway works, parking, landscaping and open space provision) to increase the ridge height of plots 1-8, 26-28, 33,34 and 40. LAND ADJOINING BLACKTHORNE BARN, MARRINGDEAN ROAD, BILLINGSHURST. Councillors agreed that the initial agreement to reduce the ridge height of houses in the development was reached in order to obtain the planning permission and that the developers are now going back on this agreement. Cllr. Wilding proposed that the Parish Council maintains its strong objection to this application on grounds of mass, design and scale and also because of the negative impact it will have on Blackthorne Barn itself, was seconded by Cllr. Kingston and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED. Cllr. Commins left the room. 007/15 Attendance at the Development Control Meeting at Horsham District Council on 17 February 2015. DC/14/2536 – reserved matters (Strategic Infrastructure and Open Space) for the 475 houses is due to be considered at this meeting. The Clerk will attend and Cllr. Homer can also be available if required. Cllr. Commins returned. Page 5 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 008/15 Section 106 Agreements: Schedule of potential community benefits - update from Horsham District Council. i. There are two changes to report this month. A spend of £2,980 for the tennis club for the solar panels, and £4,110 towards the Allotments project for Billingshurst. ii. The office has received notification of a completion memorandum for DC/13/0147 which details the s106 contributions for the application. The Community Facilities Contribution means the financial contribution which will be used to provide the provision of a youth café/drop in centre within the vicinity of the Proposed Development in Billingshurst in accordance with the District Council’s Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document June 2007 such contribution to be calculated in accordance with the District Council’s planning obligations contributions calculator at the time of the Reserved Matters Application. 009/15 Horsham District Council Planning Decisions. PLAN NO DC/14/2196 DC/14/2298 DC/14/1201 DC/14/2097 DC/14/2433 DC/14/2547 DC/13/0080 DESCRIPTION Proposed first floor addition to existing approved ground floor extension DC/13/1488 LITTLE WILDENS, CONEYHURST ROAD, BILLINGSHURST Erection of 1 no. 4 bed dwelling with integral garage and formation of new access LAND SOUTH OF PARBROOK COTTAGES, PARBROOK 46 dwellings including new access, internal roads and footpaths, parking areas, garaging together with open space and play area provision pursuant to outline permission DC/13/0147. LAND AT DAUX WOOD (Reserved Matters) Demolition of existing field shelter, static shelter and wood store, and replacement structure comprising 4 stables, tack room, hay store and log store for private use. SOUTH LODGE, NEW ROAD, BILLINGSHURST Replacement roof to existing west elevation rear conservatory, single storey porch extension to east, two storey front extension to east and garage extension to east 23 ROSEHILL, BILLINGSHURST Block paving to top end of front garden allowing for off street parking. With dropped kerbs. 11 RENTON CLOSE, BILLINGSHURST Change of use of existing buildings from agricultural to B1 (Business)/B8 (Storage or Distribution) LEYSHURST FARM, WEST CHILTINGTON LANE, CONEYHURST, BILLINGSHURST Page 6 of 8 PC RESPONSE HDC DECISION No objection Permitted 16.12.2014 No objection Permitted 17.12.2014 Objected to road width and roof height of plot 36 Permitted 18.12.2014 No objection Permitted 19.12.2014 No objection Permitted 5.1.2015 No objection Permitted 30.12.2014 No objection Permitted 12.1.2015 Billingshurst Parish Council DC/14/2490 DC/14/2334 DC/14/2586 Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 Erection of single storey oak framed garden room replacing existing garden room No objection Permitted 12.1.2015 COPSE COTTAGE, ROWNER ROAD, BILLINGSHURST Variation of Condition DC/10/2601 for the repositioning of previously approved sheds No comments Permitted 15.1.2015 MANOR FIELDS, COOMBE HILL, BILLINGSHURST The removal of an existing roof, formation of a 1st floor extension over an existing ground No objection Permitted floor extension to create a master bedroom/en 15.1.2015 suite facilities DRYCOTTS, NEW ROAD, BILLINGSHURST 010/15 Appeals & Appeal Decisions. i. DC/14/0650 The Appeal Inspector was due to make a site visit to 4 Grooms Court, Parbrook in connection with the appeal against refusal of permission for a change of use from offices to a two bedroom house. The visit has been postponed and a new date is awaited. 011/15 Clerk’s Announcements. i. A public exhibition was held on 17 January by Countryside Properties exploring the potential to develop land to the south of Marringdean Road. All Councillors were notified about the exhibition by the Clerk and local residents were invited by the developer to come and view the draft plans for the site. No formal planning application has been submitted at this time. A letter has been received from residents in Kingsfold Close objecting to the suggestion of further development in the area. The office will respond to the letter advising that comments must be made to HDC once the planning application is submitted. ii. A CPRE public event is being held at the Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham on 21 March. Admission is free. This is an opportunity to hear the views of the Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and UKIP Parties on issues affecting countryside in Sussex. iii. The Parish Council has been invited to comment on the Pre-Submission Thakeham Neighbourhood Plan. Councillors agreed that it was an excellent plan containing very good ideas. iv. HDC has advised that Phase 2 of the Marringdean Road development is at the stage where road names are being decided. Developers have put forward the following names:• Road 1 – Oak Crescent or Oak Road (due to the large oak tree to the north western corner). Councillors agreed with Oak Road. • Road 2 – Ash Gardens or Ash Lane (as there are a number of ash trees located on the site and this continues the vegetative theme). Councillors agreed with Ash Lane. Page 7 of 8 Billingshurst Parish Council • Minutes of Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 20 January 2015 Road 3 – Bramble Drive or Bramble Way (as it is the main access road into the phase and splits off from The Brambles). Councillors preferred Owl Close as another road with “Brambles” in the name may cause confusion. 012/15 Chairman’s Announcements. i. Notification has been received of a further planning application in respect of Reserved Matters for the 475 houses. This application relates to the removal or variation of condition 38 of planning permission DC/13/0735 and will be considered at the February Main Council meeting. 013/15 Date of Next Meeting: 05 February 2015. The meeting closed at 21.00 hrs. Page 8 of 8