12 December 2011 The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP Secretary of State, Communities and Local Government Eland House Bressenden Place LONDON SW1E 5DU Your Ref: Our Ref: KEJ/SJO/ly Dear Mr Pickles LOCAL SETTING OF PLANNING FEES Almost one year ago this Council expressed its strong support for the Government’s proposals for planning fees to be set locally. Given the time which has elapsed since the proposal was originally made, the enactment of the Localism Bill would seem an appropriate time for the Government now to confirm the decision to allow local planning authorities to set their own fees, based on the level of service necessary to meet the needs of their areas. In our view, the ability of planning authorities to facilitate the economic recovery is critically dependent upon adequate resources being provided through the feecharging regime, without subsidy from the general Council Tax payer. I should therefore be grateful if you would give this matter your urgent attention, in order to allow us to plan the deployment of our resources properly and deliver the economic recovery we are all desperate to see. Yours sincerely Cllr Keith Johnson Planning and Housing Portfolio Holder Cc: Norman Lamb MP Keith Simpson MP Cllr Trevor Ivory, Portfolio Holder (Localism) Cllr Eric Seward, Chairman, Overview and Scrutiny Committee H:\sjo\mpletters 1