6. Field-Effect Transistor

6. Field-Effect Transistor
 Introduction to three types of FET:
 Constructions, Characteristics & Transfer
curves of:
Field-Effect Transistor
The field-effect transistor (FET) is a threeterminal device used for a variety of
applications that match, to a large extent,
those of the BJTs.
 The primary difference between the two
types of transistor is the fact that:
The BJT is a current-controlled device,
whereas the FET is a voltage-controlled
Field-Effect Transistor
For BJT, the IC is a direct function of IB ;
For FET, ID will be a function of the VGS .
In both cases, output current is controlled
by an input parameter.
 The term field effect:
For the FET, an electric field is established
by the charges present, which controls the
conduction path of the output circuit without
direct contact between the controlling and
controlled quantities.
Field-Effect Transistor
 The BJT is a bipolar device, which means
that the conduction level is a function of
two charge carriers, electrons & holes.
The FET is a unipolar device, depending
solely on either electrons or holes.
 One of the most important characteristics
of the FET is its high input impedance.
 Typical Av of BJT is much greater than that
of FET.
Field-Effect Transistor
 FETs are more temperature stable than
BJTs, and smaller than BJTs, making
them particularly useful in integratedcircuit (IC) chips.
 Three types of FETs are presented here:
 Junction Field-Effect Transistor, JFET
 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect
Transistor, MOSFET
 Metal Semiconductor Field-Effect
Transistor, MESFET
Field-Effect Transistor
 For JFET:
They are simply divided into n-channel
and p-channel JFETs, of which the
charge carries are electrons and holes
The category is further broken down into
depletion and enhancement type, with
each has n-channel and p-channel types.
Field-Effect Transistor
Due to its thermal stability & other general
characteristics, MOSFET is widely used in
computer & DSP fields.
Furthermore, by using both n-channel and
p-channel MOSFETs together, a new type
of FET, Complementary MOSFET
(CMOS) is created.
It has high input impedance, fast switching
speeds and low power consumption.
Field-Effect Transistor
CMOS logic design is now a new discipline.
And modern digital logic devices, like DSP
processors, micro-controllers and FPGAs,
are all made of CMOS materials.
It is a more recent development and takes
full advantage of the high-speed property
of GaAs for RF and computer design.
However, it is relatively expensive.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Difference between BJT & FET
Field-Effect Transistor
Construction of JFETs
The JFET is a three-terminal device with
one terminal capable of controlling the
current between the other two.
The n-channel device will be the prominent
device, just like npn transistor in the
discussion of BJT.
For p-channel device, the result will be
obtained by changing the signs of some
Field-Effect Transistor
The basic construction of n-channel JFET is
shown in the figure.
 The major part of the structure is the ntype of material, which forms the channel
between the embedded layer of p-type
 The top of the n-type of material is
connected to a terminal called drain (D),
whereas the lower end called source (S).
Field-Effect Transistor
 The two p-type of material are connected
together and to the gate (G) terminal.
 So the JFET has two p-n junctions under
no-bias conditions.
 And a depletion region is generated at
each junction with no free carrier.
 Also illustrated in the figure, it is the
water analogy.
Field-Effect Transistor
The water pressure can be likened to the
applied voltage from drain to source
(inside the JFET), which establishes a
flow of water (electrons) from the spigot
For FET, the gate through an applied
potential, controls the flow of current to
the drain.
The terminology, (D, G & S), is defined
for electron flow.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: JFET Construction
Field-Effect Transistor
Biasing: VGS = 0, VDS > 0
As shown in the figure, a positive voltage
VDS ( =VDD)is applied across the channel.
The gate is connected directly to the source
to establish the condition VGS= 0.
The electrons are drawn to the drain, leading
to the current ID, which is also the same as IS.
And the ID is solely limited by the resistance
of the n-channel between D & S.
Field-Effect Transistor
The depletion region is wider near the top
of both p-type materials.
The reason is that upper region is more
reverse-biased than the lower part, thus a
wider depletion region.
Also, the p-n junction is reverse-biased for
the whole length of the channel, leading to
no current in the gate terminal.
IG = 0 is an important characteristic of JFET.
Field-Effect Transistor
When VDS increasing, ID will also increase.
As VDS increases, the depletion regions
will widen, causing reduction in the
channel width and a higher resistance.
If VDS is increased to a level VP, where it
appear that the two depletion regions would
touch, a condition referred to as pinch-off
will result.
Field-Effect Transistor
The level of VDS that causes pinch-off
condition is called pinch-off voltage,
denoted by VP.
Actually, under pinch-off condition, the
current ID maintains a saturation level,
defined as IDSS.
IDSS is the maximum drain current for a
JFET and is defined by the conditions
VGS=0 and VDS > |VP|.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Biasing of JFET (VGS = 0, VDS > 0)
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: ID versus VDS for VGS = 0
Field-Effect Transistor
Biasing: VGS < 0
For BJT, the characteristics is plotted to
show the relationship between IC and VCE
for different levels of IB.
For FET, the characteristics is drawn to
show the relationship between ID and VDS
for various levels of VGS.
The VGS is the controlling voltage of JFET,
just like IB for the BJT.
Field-Effect Transistor
For the n-channel device, VGS is made more
and more negative from its VGS = 0 level.
The saturation level of ID has been reduced
as VGS is made more and more negative.
Eventually, when VGS = -VP , it is sufficiently
negative to establish a saturation level that is
Field-Effect Transistor
For all practical purpose, the device has
been “turned off”.
The VGS that results in ID = 0 is defined by
VGS = VP , with VP being a negative voltage
for n-channel and a positive voltage for pchannel JFETs.
The region to the right of the pinch-off locus
is employed in linear amplifier and referred
to as linear amplification region.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Biasing of JFET (VGS < 0)
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: JFET characteristics (VGS < 0)
Field-Effect Transistor
Symbols of JFET
The graphic symbols for the n-channel and
p-channel JFETs are shown in the figure.
Note that the arrow is pointing in for the nchannel device.
This means that IG would flow if the p-n
junction were forward-biased.
For p-channel device, the only difference in
the symbol is the direction of the arrow.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Symbols of JFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Transfer Characteristics
For BJT, the output current IC and input
controlling current IB are related by constant
, which is in the following equation form,
IC= f(IB) = IB
For JFET, the relationship between the
output and input quantities is not as simple
as the that of BJT.
Field-Effect Transistor
The relationship between the ID output and
VGS is defined by Shockley’s equation:
 VGS 
I D  I DSS 1 
VP 
where the IDSS and VP are constants, and
VGS controls the ID.
The squared term results in a nonlinear
relationship between the ID output and VGS .
Field-Effect Transistor
The transfer characteristics are properties
of JFET itself and are unaffected by the
network in which the device is used.
Obviously, the transfer characteristics can
be obtained by Shockley’s equation.
It can also be obtained from the output
drain characteristics.
 We draw both curves with a common
vertical scaling.
Field-Effect Transistor
 One is a plot of ID versus VDS , whereas
the other is ID versus VGS .
 Using the drain characteristics on the
right of the vertical axis, we can draw a
horizontal line from the saturation region
of the curve to the ID axis.
 The result current level for both graphs is
Field-Effect Transistor
 The point of intersection on the ID versus
VGS curve will be as shown since the
vertical axis is defined as VGS = 0.
 If a horizontal line is drawn from the VGS =
-1V curve to the ID axis and then extended
to the other axis, another point on the
transfer curve can be located.
 Continuing with VGS = -2V, -3V and VP (4V), we can complete the transfer curve.
Field-Effect Transistor
 The transfer characteristics are a plot of
an output current ID versus an inputcontrolling quantity, VGS . It’s a direct
transfer from input to output variable.
 The non-linearity of the curve is obvious
from the different space between curves
of different VGS level, also from the curves
 It is the transfer curve of ID versus VGS
that will receive extended use in the
analysis of Chapter 7.
Field-Effect Transistor
Shorthand Method
The transfer curves are useful and there are
ways to plot it.
By Shockley’s equation, it’s precise but the
calculation is time-consuming.
By the drain characteristics, it’s not easy since
the drain characteristics should be known first.
Here, a shorthand method will plot the curve
in a efficient manner while maintaining an
acceptable degree of accuracy.
Field-Effect Transistor
The basic concept of the shorthand method
is that the curve is sketched out with only
several key points which are easy to obtain.
 First, from Shockley’s equation
 VGS 
I D  I DSS 1 
VP 
If VGS = 0.5VP , then
 VP / 2 
  0.25I DSS
I D  I DSS 1 
VP 
Field-Effect Transistor
 If ID = 0.5IDSS , then
0.5I DSS  I DSS 1 
So we get VGS  0.3VP .
 If VGS = VP , then ID = 0.
 If VGS = 0, then ID = IDSS.
 So the transfer curve can be sketched to
a satisfactory level of accuracy.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Transfer curve by shorthand method
Field-Effect Transistor
p-channel JFET
For p-channel devices, Shockley’s equation
can still be applied exactly as it appears.
In this case, both VGS and VP will be positive.
The transfer characteristics will be the
mirror image of the transfer curve obtained
with an n-channel and the same limiting
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Transfer curve of p-channel JFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Summary of JFET
Important equations of JFET are as following:
 VGS 
I D  I DSS 1 
VP 
IG  0
And the condition IG  0 is often the starting
point for the analysis of a JFET configuration.
Field-Effect Transistor
MOSFET: Depletion-Type
The basic construction of n-channel depletiontype MOSFET is shown in the figure.
 A slab of p-type material forms substrate.
 The S & D are connected through metallic
contacts to n-doped regions linked by an nchannel.
 The G is also connected to a metal contact,
but insulated from the n-channel by a
silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer.
Field-Effect Transistor
 It is this layer of SiO2 that accounts for IG
= 0 and the desirable high input impedance
of the device.
 Some devices provide an additional
terminal labeled SS. But in most cases, the
substrate and source are connected.
 From the above, the reason for the name
of Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET is
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: n-Channel depletion-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Transfer Characteristics
Shown in the figure, it is the configuration
of n-channel depletion-type MOSFET.
The substrate and source are connected as a
three-terminal device.
A positive potential is applied to VDS.
An adjustable potential is applied to VGS.
When VGS < 0, the transfer curve is like that
of n-channel JFET.
Field-Effect Transistor
When VGS > 0, the drain current ID will
increase at a rapid rate.
So the positive VGS has “enhanced” the
level of ID and leads to the enhancement
The region to the left of the vertical axis is
the depletion region.
The Shockley’s equation is still be
applicable for the depletion-type MOSFET.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Configuration of n-channel depletion-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
For the plot of the transfer characteristics of
an n-channel depletion-type MOSFET by
shorthand method, please see Example 6.3.
Shown in the figure, it’s the transfer curve of
the p-channel depletion-type MOSFET.
It is exactly the opposite of that of n-channel.
The VGS is positive for most of time and
can also be negative.
And when VGS = 0, ID = IDSS .
Field-Effect Transistor
Symbols of Depletion-Type MOSFET
The graphic symbols for the n-channel and
p-channel depletion-type MOSFET are
shown in the figure.
The D & S is connected by channel through
the vertical line in the symbol.
The lack of a direct connection between G
and channel is shown.
The substrate is connected internally as a 3terminal device.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Symbols of depletion-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
MOSFET: Enhancement-Type
Shown in the figure is the basic construction of
n-channel enhancement-type MOSFET.
 A slab of p-type material forms substrate.
 The S & D are connected through metallic
contacts to n-doped regions .
 The silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer is still
present to isolate the gate platform from
the region between D & S.
Field-Effect Transistor
 Note the absence of a channel between
the two n-doped regions.
This is the primary difference between
the construction of depletion-type and
enhancement-type MOSFETs.
 The characteristics of the enhancementtype MOSFET are quite different from
anything obtained thus far.
The transfer curve is NOT defined by
Shockley’s equation.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: n-Channel enhancement-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Transfer Characteristics
Shown in the figure, it is the configuration
of n-channel enhancement-type MOSFET.
The substrate and source are connected as a
three-terminal device.
A positive potential is applied to VDS.
When VGS = 0, the absence of an n-channel
will result in a zero current.
Field-Effect Transistor
As VGS increases in magnitude, an induced
n-type region is formed near the SiO2 layer.
This leads to a measurable current flow
between D & S.
The level of VGS that results in the significant
increase in drain current ID is called the
threshold voltage, VT .
The channel is enhanced by VGS > 0. This
is the reason to the name of this type of
Field-Effect Transistor
If we hold VGS constant and increase VDS ,
the ID will eventually reach a saturation
This is the result of the narrower channel at
the drain end of the induced channel.
The drain characteristics is shown in the
For a fixed value of VT, the higher level of
VGS , the greater is the saturation level for
Field-Effect Transistor
For VGS less than VT , ID = 0.
It is noticeable that the spacing between the
level of VGS increases as the magnitude of
VGS increases.
This shows the nonlinear relationship
between ID and VGS . Actually,
ID = k (VGS – VT)2
where k is a constant and can be obtained
through VGS(on) and ID(on) from datasheet.
Field-Effect Transistor
Furthermore, transfer curve can be
obtained by setting it side by side with
drain characteristics.
If a horizontal line is drawn from the VGS
= +8V curve to the ID axis and then
extended to the other axis, a point on the
transfer curve can be located.
Continuing with other voltages of VGS ,
the transfer curve is obtained.
Field-Effect Transistor
It must be remembered that ID is zero for
Also, the transfer curve is totally in the
positive VGS region and does not rise until
As to how to plot the transfer curve given
k and VT for a particular MOSFET, see
Figure 6.37 on page 330.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Channel formation in the n-channel
enhancement-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Drain & transfer characteristics for n-channel
enhancement-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
p-Channel Enhancement-Type
The construction of p-channel enhancementtype MOSFET is exactly the reverse of that of
n-channel one.
 A slab of n-type material forms substrate.
 Those p-doped regions are under the drain
and source connections.
 All the voltage polarities and current
directions are reversed.
Field-Effect Transistor
The drain characteristics of p-channel
enhancement-type MOSFET is shown in
the figure.
The ID is increasing from increasingly
negative values of VGS.
Also, ID is zero while |VGS| < VT.
The equation of ID discussed before is also
applicable to p-channel devices.
Field-Effect Transistor
Symbols of Enhancement-Type
The graphic symbols for the n-channel and
p-channel enhancement-type MOSFET are
shown in the figure.
The dashed line between D & S reflects that
a channel does not exist.
The direction of arrow shows the channel
type of the device.
The substrate is connected internally as a 3terminal device.
Field-Effect Transistor
Figure: Symbols of enhancement-type MOSFET
Field-Effect Transistor
Summary of Chapter 6
 Introduction to FET
 Output characteristics: ID~VDS
 Transfer curves: ID~VGS
 Shorthand method to sketch transfer
 Graphical symbols
Field-Effect Transistor