Let us assume Nitrogen as an ideal gas. From Table 1.8 (textbook

Let us assume Nitrogen as an ideal gas. From Table 1.8 (textbook),
RNitrogen  296.8 J/(kg  K)
Note) local standard atmosphere depends on altitude:
 Prescott (5,000 ft): 12.228 psi
 Daytona Beach (sea-level): 14.696 psi
Applying the equation of state (ideal gas law):
p   RT  1.5 kg/m3   296.8 J/(kg  K)   25 oC  273 K   = 132,670 Pa (132.67 kPa)
Note: this is the “absolute” pressure. The purpose of this problem is to determine
the “gage” pressure.
The gage pressure is the pressure above (or below, if vacuum) the atmospheric
pressure, where the given atmospheric pressure here is: patm  97 kPa
pgage  pabs  patm  132.67 kPa  97 kPa = 35.67 kPa
Note that the atmospheric pressure is equal to “ZERO GAGE” pressure:
patm  0 (gage)