WATER-ENERGY GREENHOUSE GAS GUIDANCE PILOT – OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT COOL PLANET Nearly eight percent of California’s electricity consumption is associated with water and wastewater operations, resulting in both a significant portion of California’s energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Optimal management and conservation of water across the complete water use cycle will help reduce emissions, but transparent methodologies designed to measure, account for, and track these emissions have not yet been available. To address this need, The Climate Registry (TCR) developed the Water-Energy GHG (WEG) Guidance, a new methodology to quantify, compare, and analyze the GHG emissions embedded in delivered water, as part of the Cool Planet Project with support from Southern California Edison (SCE) in 2015. Reporting the WEG intensity metrics provides water suppliers, their customers, funders, and the public with a clear means to quantify, compare, and analyze the GHG emissions embedded in delivered water using consistent and transparent methodology. As a follow-up to the WEG Guidance development, TCR and SCE are now announcing an innovative pilot to beta-test the WEG Guidance with customers in the SCE service territory. Using the WEG Guidance, water suppliers participating in TCR’s voluntary program will have the opportunity to learn about the WEG Guidance and will have the opportunity to report one or more WEG intensity metrics alongside their GHG inventory. The WEG Guidance pilot will beta-test the Guidance during the 2016 reporting cycle as a valuable reporting tool for SCE business customers. Participating SCE customers in the pilot will be the first to use the Guidance to report WEG intensity metrics that measure the GHG footprint of a unit volume of delivered water, and will benefit from being the first to explore how their water resource operations can be optimized to enhance their GHG emission reductions. Additional benefits of participating: x Demonstrating leadership as one of the first to report TCR’s WEG intensity metrics; x Collaboration with peer organizations also reporting TCR’s WEG intensity metrics; x Dedicated TCR staff support to help ensure TCR’s forthcoming WEG spreadsheet reporting tool meets your needs; and, x Recognition at the 2016 Cool Planet award ceremony for leadership in GHG accounting. MARCH-MAY 2016 JUNE-AUGUST 2016 AUGUST-NOVEMBER 2016 Á MAY- AUGUST 2016 TIMELINE TASK Á Recruit pilot participants and launch pilot TCR and participants work together to report 2015 emissions and collect additional emissions and water delivery data TCR develops spreadsheet reporting tool with input from participants Finalize reporting tool & calculate WEG intensity metrics With support from TCR, water suppliers participating in the pilot will: x Participate in one introductory webinar, and have the option to attend three workshops with other participants to learn about the WEG Guidance and discuss common challenges, and one-on-one data gathering meetings with TCR staff as needed; x Report a complete 2015 inventory in the Climate Registry Information System (CRIS); x Report WEG Metric A and, if possible, optional WEG Metrics B and C (see table); x Utilize and provide feedback on draft WEG reporting spreadsheet tool developed by TCR. The following table describes the WEG metrics: REFERENCE METRIC REPORTING REQUIREMENT WEG METRIC A - Basic System Average Minimum requirement B - Overall System Average Optional C - Product-Specific Average Optional A WEG METRIC B WEG METRIC C About TCR UNITS Metric tons GHG / Acre-foot of total delivered water Metric ton GHG / Acre-foot of total delivered water Metric ton GHG / Acre-foot of product-specific delivered water TCR is a non-profit organization governed by U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories. TCR designs and operates voluntary and compliance GHG reporting programs globally and assists organizations in measuring, reporting, and verifying the GHGs in their operations. TCR developed and continues to maintain the reporting and verification guidance that underpins the largest voluntary corporate GHG reporting program in North America. Through leading consensus-based multi-stakeholder processes, TCR has developed sector-specific protocols and guidance for local government operations, the electric power sector, the oil and gas exploration and production sector, transit agencies, small businesses, and water agencies in partnership with corporations, governments, non-profits, and regualtory agencies. About Cool Planet The Cool Planet Project, administered in partnership with SCE, provides eligible SCE business customers memerbship into TCR to access the tools to calculate, verify, and publicly report their GHG footprint as a reward for participating in demand response and/or installing energy efficiency projects. Visit www.theclimateregistry.org to learn more about the Cool Planet Project. Contact us to learn more about the WEG Guidance pilot project: J E NN A J ORNS jjorns@theclimateregistry.org 213.784.4165 The Cool Planet program provides utility business customers with education and technical training to measure and manage their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The Cool Planet program is funded by California utility rate payers and administered under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission, through a contract awarded to The Climate Registry. California customers who choose to participate in this program are not obligated to purchase any additional services offered by the contractor. This program is offered on a first-come, firstserved basis from 2/1/2013-12/31/2016 or until funds are depleted. Terms and conditions apply. The trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.