ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 1 2009 Isolation Bipolar transistors of elements The vast majority of IC bipolar transistors are npn because of higher current gain and better frequency response. npn transistors have these properties because the main current flows due to electrons that have higher mobility than holes. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 2 2009 Bipolar transistor A major disadvantage of the simple integrated transistor is high collector series resistance since the collector current is horizontally routed through the lightly doped collector. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 3 2009 Bipolar transistors The resistance is less if the cross section for the transistor collector current is greater. Using EDP we can increase this cross-section arranging Π type contacts to emitter and collector region. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 4 2009 Bipolar transistor VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 5 2009 Bipolar transistors The resistance is also sufficiently reduced if the n+ buried layer is used. The buried layer is formed making selective n+ diffusion before growing the epitaxial layer. The buried n+ layer is located below the collector. It provides a low resistance path from the collector contact to the active portion of the transistor. http://images.google.lt/imgres?i mgurl=http://content.answers.c om/main/content/img/McGraw Hill/Encyclopedia/images/CE70 5300FG0010.gif&imgrefurl=htt p://www.answers.com/topic/tra nsistor&h=128&w=276&sz=6& hl=lt&start=36&tbnid=eYz9OaE uTARqnM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=11 4&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dinte grated%2Bbipolar%2Btransisto r%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D 18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3 Dlt%26sa%3DN VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 6 2009 http://content.answers.com/main/content/img/McGraw Hill/Encyclopedia/images/CE360900FG0010.gif VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 7 2009 http://content.answers.com/main/content/img/McGraw Hill/Encyclopedia/images/CE360900FG0010.gif VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 8 2009 Bipolar transistors Processing complexity can be reduced using the collectordiffusion-isolation (CDI) structure. Using the CDI the p-type epitaxial layer is taken as the base to eliminate the base-diffusion step employed in the EDP, thus simplifying the processing steps. What are disadvantages of the CDI technology? VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 9 2009 Bipolar transistors Sometimes pnp devices are required in ICs. The lateral pnp and vertical or substrate pnp are the two kinds of such transistors usually employed. The lateral pnp transistor has a considerably lower current gain than an npn device. This is because the p-type emitter cannot inject minority carriers into the n-type base with the same efficiency as the n+ emitter does into the p-type base of an npn BJT. Furthermore, the larger base area and the fact that some injected holes migrate to the substrate cause the number of holes reaching the collector to decrease. A vertical pnp transistor can be used only if its collector is at a fixed negative voltage. Such a configuration is called an emitter follower. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 10 2009 Bipolar transistors Lateral pnp bipolar junction transistor VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt