ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 1 2009 PHOTOELECTRICAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES • • • • • • • Photoresistors Photodiodes Photovoltaic cells Phototransistors Optical photo detectors Optocouplers Optical repeaters Operation of photoelectrical semiconductor devices are based on the internal photoelectric effect. Photons with energy greater than the width of the forbidden band can cause generation of charge carriers. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 2 2009 Photoresistors The photoresistor is a two-terminal semiconductor device which resistance varies with the intensity of the incident light. Io – dark current Voltampere characteristics and luxampere characteristic of a photodiode VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 3 2009 Photoresistors Photoresistors are used in DC and AC circuits. Disadvantage: low operation speed. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 4 2009 Photodiodes The main part of a photodiode is a reverse-biased pn junction that can be illuminated. In the dark the reverse current through the device is small. When the diode is illuminated an additional reverse current dependent on the incident optical power appears. The structure of a photodiode and its I-U characteristics VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 5 2009 Photovoltaic cell The reverse biased pn junction photodiode operates in the photoconductive mode. If the illuminated diode is used without external bias, a measurable forward voltage appears between the p and n regions. This is called photovoltaic effect. The solar cells convert radiation from the sun directly into electrical energy. In practice, the open-circuit voltage of the silicon photovoltaic cells is about 0.5– 0.6 V. Their efficiency is about 15 %. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 6 2009 Photodiodes Schematic drawing of a p-i-n photodiode VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 7 2009 Solar batteries VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 8 2009 Solar batteries VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 9 2009 Phototransistors The phototransistor consists of a transistor structure with a window to allow illumination of the collector-base region. Due to amplification, the photocurrent is very much stronger than for the corresponding photodiode. A disadvantage is that phototransistors are sufficiently slower than photodiodes due to the transit time of carriers across the base. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 10 2009 Photodetectors for telecommunications Quantum efficiency: I /q I hc hc η= f = f =γ P / Wf P qλ qλ Responsitivity (jautris): γ= If qλ =η P hc γ =η λ 1,24 Due to absorption power decreases: P ( x) = P(0) exp(−αx) Power absorbed in the active layer: P / P0 = (1 − R ) exp(− αx1 )× × [1 − exp(− α (x1 − x2 ))] pn junction must be near surface. The depleted layer must be thick, but charge carriers must transit it without recombination (the transit time must be less than life-time). VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 11 2009 Photodetectors for telecommunications Material for a photodetector must be selected taking into account light wavelength. 1. Germanium photodiodes. 2. InGaAs-InP heterojunction photodiodes. 3. Schottky photodiodes. 4. Avalanche photodiodes. Transparent InP substrate Optical fiber Contact layer Avalanche photodiodes: photocurrent amplification, but less operation speed and higher noise. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 12 2009 Optocouplers The opto-isolator, or optocoupler is a package that contains an infrared LED and a photodetector such as a silicon diode, transistor, Darlington pair or SCR. Optocouplers are used to couple signals between the two circuits where these circuits require total isolation. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 13 2009 ELEMENTS OF OPTICAL ELECTRONICS. Optical repeaters 1. Optical repeaters can be realized using photodetectors, electrical amplifiers, pulse forming circuits, modulators and light sources. 2. At small dispersion, optical amplifiers are used. Pumping Coupler Absorber Signal Fiber doped with erbium Amplified signal Optical amplifier can be realized using optical fiber doped by erbium. At pumping power of 100 mW and fiber length of 10–20 m, the amplification factor is about 20 dB. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 14 2009 Problem 1. GaAs is used for a laser diode. The length of the optical resonator is 0.5 mm. The approximate width of the optical line is 1.5 nm. Characterize the light spectrum of the diode. The refraction coefficient of GaAs is 3.7. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 15 2009 Užduotys 1. Puslaidininkinio lazerio aktyviosios srities ilgis l = 0,3 mm, storis – 2 µm, lūžio rodiklis n =3,6, spinduliuojamos šviesos bangos ilgis – 0,84 µm, slopinimo koeficientas α = 3,5⋅103 m-1. Raskime šviesos stiprinimo koeficientą, kuris būtinas, kad susižadintų virpesiai. Kaip pasikeistų gmin, jeigu vienas veidrodis pilnai atspindėtų šviesą? 2. GaAs lazerinio diodo optinio rezonatoriaus ilgis – 0,5 mm, n = 3,7. Spinduliuojamų virpesių spektro linijos plotis – ~1,5 nm. Galimai išsamiau apibūdinkime diodo spinduliuojamos šviesos spektrą. 3. Puslaidininkinio lazerio λ = 1,3 µm. Jo rezonatorius yra stačiakampio gretasienio formos, l = 150 µm, w = 20 µm, 2d = 1 µm. Medžiagos lūžio rodiklis n ≅ 4. Apskaičiuokime išilginės modos numerį ir nuotolį tarp artimiausių generuojamos šviesos bangos ilgių. 4. Pakomentuokite 2.16 ir 2.17 paveikslus. 5. Pagal 2.17 paveikslą raskime srovės tankį ir stiprumą, kurie užtikrina g > 0. Raskime charakteristikos gmax(Jef) statumą. Lazerinio diodo aktyviosios srities storis – 0,5 µm, plotis – 20 µm, ilgis – 0,4 mm. Vidinis kvantinis našumas ηvid = 0,5. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 16 2009 Užduotys 6. Raskime GaAlAs-GaAs lazerinio diodo aktyviuoju sluoksniu sklindančios šviesos galios dalį, jeigu galio arsenido n = 3,6, ∆n = 0,4, 2d = 0,5 µm. 7. Lazeriniam diodui panaudota GaAlAs-GaAs heterostruktūra. ηvid = 0,8, Γ = 0,8, 2d = 0,5 µm, l = 0,4 mm, b = 10 µm, R1 = 1, R2 = 0,33, α = 1 mm-1, (Jef)0 = 4,3⋅1013 A⋅m-3, S = 4,8⋅10-10 m2/A. Raskime slenkstinį srovės tankį ir stiprį. 8. Laikydami, kad lazerinio diodo aktyviajam sluoksniui panaudotas GaAs, pagal 2.19 paveikslą raskime diodo naudingumo koeficientą, kai I = 0,5 ir 0,6 A. 9. InGaAsP lazerinio diodo spinduliuojamos šviesos bangos ilgis yra ~1550 nm. Kaip galima rasti vienmodžio lazerinio diodo, sudaryto pagal 2.22 paveikslą, a, gardelės periodą? 10. Silicio fotodiodo n srityje priemaišų koncentracija yra Nd = 5⋅1021 m-3. Diodo atbulinė įtampa – 100 V. Kai bangos ilgis – 0,8 µm, šviesos absorbcijos koeficientas yra ~105 m-1, n = 3,5. Koks gali būti maksimalus diodo kvantinis našumas? VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI VGTU EF ESK 17 2009 stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt