Resolution 8

Resolution 8
1 Resolution encouraging the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee to oppose any
2 legislation that would alter the current policy of Austin Peay State University prohibiting guns
3 on campus.
5 WHEREAS, the Student Government Association of Austin Peay State University, “is to be
6 the voice of all students by connecting students to other students, faculty, staff, and
7 administration in order to improve the quality of student life and strengthen the APSU
8 APSU community.”
10 WHEREAS, students are concerned about campus safety, and the welfare of student, faculty,
11 staff, and visitors to our campus,
13 WHEREAS, the APSU Police force is located on campus to protect the students, faculty, and
14 staff from harm; therefore, there is no need for weapons of any kind to be on campus owned
15 by faculty and/or staff,
17 WHEREAS, weapons can be a threat to academic integrity,
19 WHEREAS, colleges and universities need to retain the right to self-governance,
21 WHEREAS, the free expression of students and teachers must be secured, and
23 WHEREAS, guns on campus have the potential to prohibit this academic freedom, and
25 NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the 64th assembly of the Student
27 Government Association of Austin Peay State University supports the current state policy
28 prohibiting the possession of firearms on campus, and strongly opposes any legislation that
29 would alter the current policy, and
31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Student Government Association of Austin Peay
32 State University urges legislators to vote against any such legislation.
34 Submitted : Senator Brewer, Senator Jeans