Santiago Canyon College College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation) MINUTES August 28, 2007, 2:00 p.m., E-107 Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jim Kennedy for Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez, Laura Wirtz, Connie Wilson (absent), John Smith, vacant (alt) Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin, Janell McWilliam (alt) Student: Sean Dadashi Technology: Curt Childress (absent) Communication: AnnMarie Librescu Draft for Approval MINUTES DISCUSSION/COMMENTS OUTCOME/FOLLOW UP 1. Approval of Minutes, 7/24/07 and 8/14/07 Correct Sean’s name spelling on minutes of 8/14/07 Motion to approve both sets of minutes with correction (Wirtz/Enriquez) passed unanimously. Confirmation of representation for 2007-2008: Sixth member and alternate for academic senate need to be determined. NEW BUSINESS 1. Council Representatives Faculty: Laura Wirtz, Connie Wilson, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez, Morrie Barembaum, member and alternate. Classified: Zina Edwards, Diane Durdella, Sheryl Martin, vacant, Janell McWilliam (alt) Administrative representation will remain the same. PROGRAM UPDATES 1. Incorporated Student Council: Sean Dadashi a. b. c. d. e. 2. Continuing Education: Jim Kennedy a. 3. Classified Advisory Group: Diane a. Successful retreats were held for ISC and ICC members. The ISC By-laws have been revised. New structure is being implemented. Numerous merchants have agreed to give students discounts if they have a current student sticker. Note from Linda: CSUF now requires the student sticker from SCC students to check out books at the library. September 5: Welcome BBQ Student Organizations and Activities Rush – SOAR with the Hawks Flex week programs are on-going this week. Representatives from CEC and OEC met at OEC to prepare for fall classes (160 attended). b. 117 high school graduates for 2007 – highest number recorded for OEC. c. Coffee cart will be starting service at OEC. d. Evening class sections are being added to Anaheim Hills. e. Governor’s budget vetoed the $13.8 million enhanced funding under SB361, and the $30 million for Basic Skills. f. All submitted certificate programs have been officially approved. First meeting of the academic year is set for Tuesday, September 4, One position needs to be filled by CSEA. Durdella b. 2:00 p.m., E-107. Parking raffle to raise money for classified scholarships and leadership is underway. 4. Communications: AnnMarie Librescu Current projects: CTE Teach brochures, etc. Year of the Library activities at Chapman University, City of Orange and SCC TGIF Pre-planning for science building ground-breaking (date TBD) Back to school “SCCourier” 5. Technology: Curt Childress a. b. c. First meeting of the Technology Committee is September 18. The final Five-Year Technology Plan is being reviewed. Some problems have occurred with the Vista program and our wireless. 6. Budget/Facilities/Safety/Admin Services: Steve Kawa a. Budget: Steve noted the budget vetoes will not result in cuts for RSCCD this year, because these amounts were not built into the budget. Discussion for BAPR – what should be determined as fixed costs that come off the top of each year’s budget? SCC members on BAPR: Steve, Morrie, John Smith(?), Raul Gonzalez del Rio, John Hernandez, and Juan. Facilities: Parking lots are full by 9:30 a.m., and curb parking by 10:30 a.m. Construction: Bid-walk occurred today for the softball field, with around 40 contractors. Seville construction company has moved a trailer on campus to manage construction for the science building. Bids are due mid October, and should go to the board the end of October. Maintenance building plans are currently at DSA. Parking should be included in the humanities building project, and possibly an observatory. Final Planning Proposal for the Fine and Performing Arts building has been submitted to the State Chancellor’s office. b. c. 7. Curriculum and Instruction Committee: Linda Cucovatz a. Bev Pirtle and Bonnie Jaros developed a Curriculum Handbook over the summer. Bev also spoke at the Academic Senate retreat. 8. Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson b. c. First technical meeting is scheduled for September 4. District curriculum meeting is set for September 5. a. Regional meeting for basic skills initiative is September 14. Need to develop a plan on how we will spend funding. Five-year Master Plan is in the final edit stage – September 5 is the deadline. Accreditation Steering Committee will meet soon to begin work on the abbreviated self study. b. c. 9. Student Success Committee/Student Services: John Hernandez 10. Educational Master Plan Committee/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez 11. President: Juan Vázquez Received the $2.1 million CAMP grant, in support of sons and daughters of migrant workers. Educational Master Plan was reviewed 1at the Senate retreat. a. Budget issues are state-wide (over-estimation of property tax revenues). Next year could be tougher than this year. b. The Board hosted a workshop to receive reports from consultants on the last bond run. c. The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will be reconvening. Members from SCC: Rosi Enriquez, Scott James, Mary Halvorson, Juan Vazquez, Jose Vargas. d. Juan noted to Sean Dadashi that the District Council needs a student representative. Past practice – the ISC president attends. Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship. Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by CPAC: 1/25/05)