Santiago Canyon College College Planning and Allocation Council MINUTES

Santiago Canyon College
College Planning and Allocation Council
July 26, 2005, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Approved 8/23/05
John Hernandez
Rick Adams (absent)
Vacant (alt)
Mary Halvorson (absent)
Morrie Barembaum
Zina Edwards
Steve Kawa
Linda Cucovatz (alt)
Diane Durdella
Jose Vargas (absent)
Rosi Enriquez
Sheryl Martin
Juan Vázquez
Alex Taber (absent)
Terry Wilksen
Connie Wilson
Guests: Paul Amorino
Laura Wirtz
Danielle Ward
AnnMarie Deasy
Minutes of June, 28, 2005, were approved.
SCC Associated Student Body: President Vázquez/Danielle Ward
Evan Cudworth, the elected ASB President, did not meet the eligibility requirements.
The process for installing a successor is being followed.
President Vázquez presented the ASB budget for 2005/2006. Danielle Ward
reported that the budget had been cut by $15,000 to $31,000. The presented budget
was for $40,000, with a supplement of $9,000 from the ASB savings account. To
balance the budget and meet student needs and request, student services &
programs were cut and more money was funded for student events, in particular,
campus concerts. President Vázquez noted that every attempt would be made to
schedule the concerts at times that did not conflict with classes, as he anticipated
faculty complaints about the noise. He mentioned that the concerts are a good way to
integrate student life at a commuter campus.
The ASB budget was approved.
Curriculum & Instruction:
Linda Cucovatz/Rosi Enriquez
There were no summer meetings of the C&I Committee.
Rosi reported that she had been attending workshops on the Web CMS for
curriculum. The system will be a benefit to the college. SAC will implement
the system first, and SCC will follow a year later.
Linda reported that Tara Kubicka will replace Melinda Womack on the Committee
and that she and Bev Pirtle will be co-chairs.
Accreditation/Academic Affairs:
President Vázquez/Sandy Mayo
President Vázquez stated that the Board of Trustees had accepted the draft of the
2005 SCC Accreditation Self-Study. He requested that the pdf version of the draft
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be sent to all SCC faculty and staff for further review, prior to printing of the final
draft scheduled for the middle of August. The Accreditation Team arrives on Monday
evening, October 17, 2005, to begin the site visit from October 18th through October
20, with the exit interview scheduled for Friday, October 21. Linda Cucovatz
reminded the members that the individual interviews, at the request of the Team, will
be scheduled prior to the visit and to please make themselves available to the Team.
Sandy Mayo presented information about the Athletic Director position being
restructured to include Athletic Director/Associate Dean. The President was asked if
this would result in the loss of a faculty position. He explained that it would not, but
that the faculty would have to decide if the position would remain in Exercise
Science or be allocated to another discipline. Sandy is working with SAC Vice
President Breeden on a common job description for the Athletic Director/Associate
Dean position. Larry Mercandante is being considered as a possible interim SCC
AD/Associate Dean because of his experience in developing athletic programs.
The SCC Educational Master Plan identifies softball as the next athletic program.
The President noted that it is a very expensive program to implement with start-up
costs of approximately $231,000.
Educational Master Plan/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez
Rosi reported that she is working to improve navigation within the web pages of the
Educational Master Plan, with the assistance of the authors of particular pages,
The Academic Senate Retreat is scheduled for August 17, 2005. The general
meeting will be from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Department Chairs, Deans and the Vice
Presidents will be invited to the afternoon session, followed by a dinner with the
Board of Trustees.
The Academic Senate is preparing Level I projections for full-time staff and faculty.
A copy of their projections will be distributed at the first fall CPAC meeting for
administrative approval.
Continuing Education:
Paul Amorino (for Jose Vargas)
The President reported that OEC is the most productive site in the District for FTES and that
there is good potential for even more growth. However, this growth is being contained
because of the current administrative structure. Paul asked that an additional problem was
programs, such as Inmate Education and the Older Adult Program, which operate yearround, including the Christmas holiday. The President asked a rhetorical question: How
can the District go to the next level for growth? SCC has reached a plateau until the Math
and Science Building is constructed and SAC has experienced negative growth. Projected
areas of growth will be in vocational and ESL programs. OEC is geographically positioned
to network with businesses in the community and adding a Dean of Instruction and Student
Services at OEC will make it possible to tap into this growth potential. The funding for this
position is tied to whether or not the State approved additional funding.
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Budget/SAFE Council:
Steve Kawa
Additional funding is projected to be just under $2 million. Steve will summarize
how that will look in the budget, however he expects additional funds due to
equalization. Steve is confident that all of SCC needs will be met. He did report that
there is no equipment money in the budget. There will be a budget forum during flex
week, probably on Wednesday afternoon, August 17.
Steve reported on the most recent plans for moving the portables:
U-96 to 105—will not be moved; T-107, Health Center and the Cafeteria—will not be
moved; U-106 and above—will be moved. This move may result in major biology
courses not being offered summer of 06 and the Fitness Center being closed. This loss
of FTES will be balanced by Intersession. The President reported that summer 05 was
not productive, possibly because students were confused with the 4/6/8 week format.
Student Success Council/Student Services: John Hernandez
No report. Linda Cucovatz requested that the minutes reflect recognition and appreciation
to Ruth Babeshoff for her service as Interim Vice President of Student Services and for the
lovely reception she organized to welcome John Hernandez to the position.
Classified Advisory Group: Diane Durdella
The group did not meet during the summer. Diane announced that the first Classified
Advisory Group meeting will be September 6th.
AnnMarie Deasy
Look for SCC newspaper, radio and television ads. A television ad will be filmed on campus,
Wednesday, July 27, 2005. Bill Jeffrey has agreed to administer a written survey to students
in the Bookstore to assess the effectiveness of the ads. Bill will provide merchandize
incentives to insure a good response to the survey.
President Vázquez
The President discussed the implementation of the Datatel Project, both hardware and
software. The current RSCCD software was programmed in-house and is very antiquated and
a patchwork. Twenty community colleges are using Datatel. This implementation will
require the hiring of three (3) managers who will be assisting in this transition, which will
begin very soon as the project has received Board approval.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.