Administrators: Faculty: Classified:

Santiago Canyon College
College Planning and Allocation Council
April 12, 2005, 2:00 p.m. E-107
Approved 4/26/05
Ruth Babeshoff
Mary Halvorson
Steve Kawa
Jose Vargas
Juan Vázquez
Rick Adams
Morrie Barembaum
Linda Cucovatz (alt)
Rosi Enriquez
Alex Taber
Connie Wilson
Laura Wirtz
Diane Durdella
Sheryl Martin (absent)
Terry Wilksen
Cristina Montero
AnnMarie Deasy
Guests: John Smith, Sandy Mayo, Fran Cummings, Ian Woodhead, and Linda Miscovic
Introduction: Linda Miscovic
President Vázquez welcomed and introduced the new Director of Admissions and Records,
Linda Miskovic. Ruth Babeshoff read a resolution for Linda that she wrote with Mary
Administrative Positions: Juan Vázquez
a. President Vázquez explained the reason he brought the classified request list to a recent
meeting: three of the five members of Chancellor’s Cabinet do not have a shared
governance process, which expedites their time to create the lists. Those lists were being
submitted and Juan did not want SCC to be unable to have their list included during
deliberations. Juan suggested that next year’s classified request process begin
immediately following the faculty request process.
b. The list of administrative requests for 2005-2006 was distributed and outlined.
 Dean of Instruction and Student Services, OEC: Jose Vargas explained this position is
currently under consideration in Chancellor’s Cabinet.
 Dean of Library, Fine and Performing Arts, and Communication. Mary Halvorson noted
that the Library faculty and staff would like a dean position to oversee their area. The
Dean also needs to oversee academic programs, which will include communications, and
fine and performing arts.
 Associated Dean of Athletics/Athletics Director: Currently the Athletics Director is a
released time faculty position that reports to the Dean of Business, Math and Sciences,
and the Vice President of Student Services. Fran Cummings presented the proposed
reorganization for Athletics. The Exercise Science faculty met and discussed the needs
of the department, especially with the addition of two more sports, which were
encouraged by the Chancellor. John Smith asked the duties of an Athletics Director.
Fran explained that the Director oversees the sports calendar, confirms weekly eligibility
for each athlete, represents the college at conference meetings, participates in college
facility meetings, attends all campus tournaments/games, coordinates transportation for
all sports, oversees the quality of the fields, coordinates all off-campus sites for
competition, etc. The institution needs to be properly represented at commission and
conference events.
c. Juan asked council members to talk with their constituencies regarding the administrative
requests and to bring comments to the next meeting of CPAC.
d. Fran noted that during the time the “blading and grading” is occurring for the future
buildings, it would be appreciated if the softball field could be included. Using facilities
off campus is an enormous challenge.
Minutes, 3/22/05
Motion to approve minutes from the meeting of 3/22/05 (Enriquez/Wirtz) passed unanimously.
Curriculum and Instruction: Laura Wirtz
a. Work is continuing to move zero-unit courses to continuing education.
b. Last night the Board passed recommendations for deletions/additions to the SCC and
SAC catalogs.
Accreditation/Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson
Drafts of the standards should be on-line soon.
By the end of May a solid draft should be ready for print.
Hiring committees are on going.
Commencement (credit) – May 19
Educational Master Plan/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez
a. Rosi presented revisions to the timeline for classified and administrative position
requests. Requests should be submitted to CPAC in October. John Smith noted this plan
provides the opportunity to receive the information in a timely manner and as a planned
action. Mary added that it provides a chance for constituencies to voice support for the
plan as it will be presented to Chancellor’s Cabinet. Rosi will complete the compilation
of requests from the DDPs and bring the list to the next CPAC meeting.
b. Resolutions: The senate has passed two resolutions: 1) Signature Programs; and 2)
Support of Terry Tomlinson to the Community College Chancellor’s Office Task Force.
Rosi indicated the purpose of having “signature” programs was to have the college
identified as the key institution for those programs.
Associated Student Body: Cristina Montero
a. Cristina noted that retention is very important and having the students part of a course or
group activity gives them accountability and connection to the college (signature
b. ASB hosted an event honoring “Phenomenal Women” on campus.
Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
a. Staffing: of the 10 reorganizations approved earlier, 8 have been finalized. Only 2
remain at the Chancellor’s Cabinet – Dean of Instruction and Student Services and the
Administrative Secretary.
b. Jose thanked the Senate for their support of Terry Tomlinson’s nomination.
c. Support of SB361 is very important, with possible results of an additional $30,000,000
for non-credit programs.
d. Jose thanked Linda Cucovatz and her staff for their diligence in completing the grant
application. Several community partnership opportunities are now in the works due to
this process. Results of the grant should be communicated by the end of May or the
beginning of June.
e. The parking lot has been striped, and 322 spaces are now available.
f. Landscaping has not been completed.
g. Pat Alvano has been assigned as the Interim Associate Registrar. It is critical that
headcount is accurate to meet the new reporting requirements.
Budget/Administrative Services: Steve Kawa
Richard Curia has returned, on a limited basis.
The bid process has begun for the fall class schedule. SAC’s fall schedule will not
contain a list of SCC classes.
Steve thanked Alex Taber and Morrie Barembaum for their assistance with linking
finances with the EMP. CPAC is the group that must identify links of groups to EMP.
We need to come up with a method of matching budget decisions to the EMP. Anyone
requesting funds will need to have the “link” information included in their presentation.
Steve will schedule budget forums each semester to inform and to receive feedback from
Budget document: The summary side includes all 2005-2006 requests from
divisions/departments. The second side lists funds requested that are more than $5,000.
Ruth Babeshoff noted that she needs to assign counselors for summer prior to the process
being complete for budgeting.
Steve will work with Morrie and a classified representative to determine a date for the
next forum.
Student Services: Ruth Babeshoff
a. The new Director of Financial Aid, Syed Rizvi, was approved at last night’s Board
meeting. He will begin at SCC on May 16.
b. Last Thursday Juan signed the paperwork to finalize SCC receiving an ID number to run
an independent financial aid office.
c. Calendar reminders:
 May 4 – Career Fair
 May 6 – ASB End of Year Banquet
 May 12 – Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Classified Advisory: Diane Durdella
a. The Council approved to donate up to $1,500 for classified scholarship awards this year.
b. A classified staff development event is in the planning stages for June 1.
Communications: AnnMarie Deasy
a. AnnMarie asked for contributions to the weekly “What’s New at SCC” e-mail.
b. A new college brochure is being developed, and could eventually contain “signature
program” information.
President: Juan Vázquez
a. Bring recommendations to the next CPAC meeting for naming E-107.
b. Buying power from the Measure E funds has decreased by approximately 20%. The
college needs to look over the building list and decide to focus on a capital campaign for
either the gymnasium or the fine and performing arts center. Which would draw the most
attention for donations? Bring feedback to the next CPAC meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 2:00 p.m., E-107.