Français II - Dec. 2015
The oral part (speaking and listening) of the exam will take place on Thursday, December 10, and
the written part will take place on Wednesday December 16.
1. SPEAKING: Thursday, December 10.
(20 %)
The format of this part of the final exam is an oral guided conversation with a partner picked at
random. You will receive a card which will give you the directions for your conversation. This
conversation must be exclusively in French.
You will have one minute to read the card, and gather your thoughts. During this time, you may
write a few words on a blank index card. Then you will start the conversation.
Topics will cover the themes we have been studying in class this year.
Note: Your teacher will provide you with sample cards.
We will prepare for this conversation in class on Wednesday, December 9.
Grading of answers will focus on the following:
-comprehension: ability to understand aural cues and respond appropriately.
-comprehensibility: ability to communicate ideas and be understood
-accuracy: ability to use structures and vocabulary correctly
-fluency and pronunciation: ability to communicate clearly and smoothly
-effort: inclusion of details beyond the minimum predictable response
2. LISTENING: Monday, December 14, in class
(8 %)
You will listen to two audio files and answer eight questions.
3. WRITTEN PART Wednesday , December 16 from 10:15 to 11:45 am.
(72 % )
You should expect some Multiple Choice Questions, True or False Questions, fill in the blank
exercises, paragraph writing, reading and such.
Theme 1: Celebrations
Student A will ask Student B what he likes to celebrate.
Student B will respond.
Student A will ask how s/he celebrates it.
Student B will respond, and give lots of details: what they do, where, with whom, what they eat, etc.
Student A will react to Student A’s explanation.
Student B will ask student A if s/he celebrates the same event.
Student A will respond , and give lots of details: what they do, where, with whom, what they eat, etc.
Student B will invite Student A to a party for a specific event.
Student A will accept and say s/he will bring something, or refuse and give a reason.
Helpful note: pay attention to the verb tenses.
Theme 2: Cooking
Student A will ask Student B what her/his favorite dish is.
Student B will respond.
Student A will ask Student B how to make that dish.
Student B will respond.
Student A will ask Student B when was the last time he prepared that dish.
Student B will respond with details: occasion, place, who ate it, etc.
Student A will react.
Student B will ask Student A what her/his favorite dish is.
Student A will respond.
Student B will ask Student A how to make that dish.
Student A will respond.
Student B will ask Student A when was the last time he prepared that dish.
Student A will respond with details: occasion, place, who ate it, etc.
Student B will tell Student A that s/he would like to try it.
Student A will accept and invite Student B to have it together, or refuse and give a reason.
Helpful note: pay attention to the verb tenses.
Theme 3: At school
Student A will ask Student B if s/he went to soccer practice in Monday.
Student B will say s/he did.
Student A will ask student B how his game went on Sturday.
Student B will say that s/he won it. He will also explain that they were well prepared for the game.
Student A will react.
Student B will ask Student A if s/he went to the science lab yesterday.
Student A will answer affirmatively.
Student B will inquire about Student A’s chemistry experiment.
Student A will answer that it was a catastrophe!
Student B will suggest they study chemistry together.
Student A will accept and suggest a time and place to meet, or refuse and give a reason.
Helpful note: pay attention to the verb tenses.
For this exam, you need to review the items below, and your handouts and notes.
Chapitre 1 Ma famille et mes copains, p. 6-37
A. Vocabulary and expressions p. 6, 7, 9, 18, 19, 21
B. Grammar
• the verbs avoir and être
• agreement of adjectives, and irregular adjectives (beau, nouveau, vieux)
• regular -er, -ir, -re verbs (verbs such as regarder, aider, étudier, penser, danser,
parler, choisir, grossir, maigrir, réussir, attendre, descendre, perdre, vendre…)
• verbs with spelling changes: i.e. acheter, manger, commencer
• irregular verbs such as: dormir, partir, sortir
C. Culture
• Géoculture on Paris (p. 1-3)
Chapitre 2 On fait la fête
A. Vocabulary and expressions p. 42, 43, 45, 54, 55, 57
B. Grammar
• subject pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)
• direct object pronouns (me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les)
• indirect object pronouns (me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur)
• the verb: offrir
• the passé composé with être/ avoir
• regular past participles and irregular past participles: bu, plu, vu, dit, fait, eu, été,
mis pris, offert…
C. Culture
• Flash cultures on French holidays, Bastille Day, la bûche de Noël, holiday foods,
holiday store hours
Chapitre 3: Faisons les courses
A. Vocabulary and expressions, p. 82, 83, 85, 94, 95, 97
B. Grammar
• the partitive
• the pronouns Y and EN
• forming questions with est-ce que and question words
C. Culture
• Géoculture Québec, p. 76-79
• Culture p. 92-93
• Flash cultures
D. Lecture:
• Le Petit Nicolas, p. 106-108
Chapitre 4: Au lycée
A. Vocabulary and expressions, p.118, 119,121
B. Grammar
• Object pronouns with the passé composé, p. 122