French II- I CAN statements

French II- I CAN statements
Chapitre 1: Ma famille et mes copains.
I can describe myself and ask about others.
I can talk about my likes and dislikes.
I can inquire.
I can tell when I do something.
I can use the verbs avoir and être
I can make the adjective agreement.
I can use the adjectives beau, nouveau, and vieux.
I can use –er, -ir, -re verbs in the present tense.
I can use verbs like dormir.
Chapitre 2: On fait la fête.
I can wish someone a good time.
I can ask for and give advice.
I can ask for help.
I can check if things have been done.
I can use direct and indirect object pronouns.
I can use the verbs offrir and ouvrir.
I can use the passé composé with avoir and être.
I can use negative expressions.
Chapitre 3: Faisons les courses.
I can ask about food preparation.
I can make requests.
I can shop for groceries.
I can ask where things are.
I can use the partitive.
I can use the pronouns y and en, and place them in the right order.
I can form questions.
I can use contractions with à and de.
Chapitre 4: Au lycée
I can ask how something turned out.
I can wonder what happened
I can ask for information.
I can express frustration.
I can use object pronouns with the passé composé.
I can use quelau’un, quelque chose, ne…personne, ne… rien, ne… que.
I can use the verbs recevoir, suivre, and ouvrir.
I can use depuis, il y a, ça fait.
Chapitre 5: Une journée typique.
I can talk about my routine.
I can express impatience.
I can say when I do things.
I can make recommendations.
I can use reflexive verbs in the present tense.
I can tout, tous, toute, toutes.
I can use reflexive verbs in the passé composé.
I can use reflexive verbs in the imperative mood.
I can use reflexive verbs in infinitives.
Chapitre 6: Le bon vieux temps
I can talk about when I was a child.
I can tell about an event in the past.
I can describe and compare life in the country and life in the city.
I can conjugate verbs in the imparfait.
I can use the passé composé vs. the imparfait.
I can use adverbes.
I can use comparatives with adjectives and nouns.
I can use the superlative with adjectives.
I can use irregulare comparatives and superlatives.
Chapitre 7: Un weekend en plein air (partial)
I can say what happened
I can describe circumstances.
I can use the passé composé vs. the imparfait.