Name _____________________ Global Literature Scrapbook: A Reading and Writing Project Does Not Meet Expectations 1 Meets Expectations 2 Exceeds Expectations 3 Demonstrates comprehension of the book Work does not demonstrate that the student read and understood the book. Work reflects an understanding of the book. Interprets author’s message and purpose Pages do not reflect an understanding of the author’s message and purpose Some pages in the scrapbook demonstrate the deeper meaning of the book An understanding of the deeper meaning of the book (and related ideas) is demonstrated throughout the scrapbook Demonstrates an understanding of the significance of the setting/culture Scrapbook does not have sufficient, relevant information about the book’s setting/culture. Scrapbook reflects an understanding of the setting/culture in which the book is set. Scrapbook helps readers learn why we might care about this other culture Supports thinking with details and evidence from the book. Scrapbook does not contain sufficient details or evidence from the book. Scrapbook contains some details, but may lack sufficient evidence and/or may contain irrelevant details. Opinion is supported using significant details/evidence from text. Writing is clear and organized Weak connections among ideas; disjointed paragraphs without clear topic sentences or transitions Has topic sentences that are mostly clear. Mostly logical progression of ideas. At times, the ideas may have seemed disjointed or out of order. Has clear and thoughtprovoking topic sentences, logical progression of ideas in paragraphs; strong connections among ideas; uses transitions well Demonstrates careful use of the English language Scrapbook has not been proofread carefully and mistakes distract the audience Proofread text, correct grammar is mostly used Carefully selected words, carefully proofread text, attention to grammar Are you missing components of the scrapbook? YES N/A NO Did you go above and beyond what was expected, doing more than what the assignment required? YES NO Is your project pleasing to the eye and neatly bound? Comments: YES NO