Kinder News

Kinder News
Teacher: Ms. Philo &
Ms. Vanderburg
Date: February 9, 2016
This Week…
Theme ~ Valentines & 100th day
Phonics ~We will review j, q, & r.
We will learn about Oscar’s
bothersome little brother, Walter
Walrus and Fix It Max.
Sight Words ~Continue practicing!
Please make flashcards and learn 2
words a week. 
Writing ~We will be writing about
Valentine topics and about our ideas
of 100.
Math ~ We will work on numbers to
100 using a 100 board. We will be
counting 100 of various things. We
will write to 100 by 10’s.
Science/Social Studies~ We will learn
about friendship and the history of
Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Upcoming Events
We need your Letterland trip
confirmation slips ASAP. Thank you!
Feb. 9: Chick-fil-A night
Feb 10: 100th Day of School!
Feb. 12: Pretzel Day
Feb. 12: Valentine’s Exchange
Feb. 17: Early Release Day
May 6: Letterland Payment Deadline
May 11: Letterland Field Trip
Notes and Reminders
*Change of Clothes- Make sure clothes are
appropriate for the season and that they fit.
Don’t forget underwear and socks.
*Homework- Please remember to complete
homework on time and return to me. This
homework pack is Friday, February 5th.
Our RazKids subscription has expired. We
are working to get it renewed. Thanks for
your patience!
*Shoes/Jackets -Please practice tying shoes
and zipping up jackets at home.