Letterland: Unit 1: Closed and Open Syllables
**Please follow the homework schedule for each day of the week…this week please complete the following:
Tuesday Night: Write List A words two times each
Wednesday Night: Write the “NEW SENTENCES” to master as practice!
Thursday Night: Write the “NEW SENTENCES” to master as practice!
**THERE will not be a LETTERLAND TEST this week due to STATE
TESTING…The TEST for Unit 1 will be on Friday, September 12 th . (SO….Your child will have two weeks to prepare for the first letterland test in 2 nd grade…therefore…I expect really, good grades on this first test!)
List A: he, so, she, plot, belt, shop, help, sock, shelf, neck, clock, nest
Tricky Words: they, are, what, where, when
Review Words: zip, wag, fox, yet, bug, fog, kit, cub
New Sentences to Master: “Where is the sock shop?” & “What can we do to help you?” (sentences must be written with correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation)
Reading: “Iris and Walter”, pages 16-37
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Phonics Focus: Short Vowels
Comprehension Skill: Character and Setting
Comprehension Strategy: Predict
***Please have your child read this story each night for fluency and comprehension…however….they must return the book each day to school!
Selection TEST will be Friday!
Math: “Where am I on the Number Line?”
NBT.1 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.
NBT.2 Count within 1000; skip-count by 5’s, 10’s and 100s
NBT. 3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
***Our current math books ARE NOT child friendly…I am in dire need of a parent or parents to volunteer to tear the pages out of the math books so that the children may use these with ease. IF you are willing to take on this project, please email me at treavis@iss.k12.nc.us---THANK YOU SO MUCH!