Mrs. Hudson’s Classroom Newsletter October 26, 2015 What We’re Learning:

Mrs. Hudson’s
Classroom Newsletter
October 26, 2015
Dates to Remember
What We’re Learning:
* Box Tops:10/29
Reading: We will continue reading Stellaluna
and focus on char. Point of view,
problem/soluntion, and beg./middle/end of
Letterland: Talking Tess and the Sneeze
Normally when you hear the /ch/ sound in a word,
it is spelled with a ch. But this week, students
will learn that they have to add a t in front of the
ch. The t is a silent t. Some example words are
match, catch and pitch.
Students will also learn about some words that
end in –cket. They will learn to divide the
syllables up in longer words. This will also be a
review of short vowels by having ck.
Science: We will continue our unit on bats!
Math: Telling time to the nearest 5
minutes.Also, identifying coins and the value
of ea. coin
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 Read nightly for 20
minutes and record.
 Complete all
Letterland homework
by Thursday!
*Homework due on Thursday
because of the Friday teacher
 If you haven’t
brought in a black
sock please bring in a
black sock by Tuesday
for our art project!
Classroom News
We had a fantastic time on our
field trip! I appreciate all your