Mrs. Reavis’s 2 Grade News September 8-12, 2014

Mrs. Reavis’s 2nd Grade News
September 8-12, 2014
Letterland: Unit 1: Closed and Open Syllables
**Please REFER to the handout in your child’s folder titled “Letterland Step-byStep Homework” for homework that will be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday! There will be a letterland test on FRIDAY so it is very important that
your child do this homework each night to prepare for the weekly test! Please note
that the “New Sentences” must be written correctly to receive credit on the test
so practicing writing these two sentences each night is a good idea! 
List A: he, so, she, plot, belt, shop, help, sock, shelf, neck, clock, nest
Tricky Words: they, are, what, where, when
Review Words: zip, wag, fox, yet, bug, fog, kit, cub
New Sentences to Master: “Where is the sock shop?” & “What can we do to help
you?” (sentences must be written with correct spelling, capitalization, and
Reading: “Exploring Space with an Astronaut”, pages 46-61
Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Phonics Focus: Long Vowels CVCe
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Details
Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure
***Please have your child read this story each night for fluency and
comprehension…however….they must return the book each day to school!
Selection TEST will be Friday!
Math: “I Spy a Number”
NBT.1 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts
of hundreds, tens, and ones.
NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and
expanded form.
Math: “Number Hop”
NBT.2 Count within 1000, skip-count by 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s
**PLEASE look thru your child’s folder nightly for important papers, notes, etc. and
please make sure that your child puts their folder in the backpack for safe return
to school as well as their reading book(s). Thank you! 