Codominance – mixture of white and red hairs = roan coats in horses & cattle Incomplete Dominance – blending of red and white to form the pink phenotype of the four o’clock flower Chapter 14 Human Genetics Sec. 14-1 Human Heredity I. Human Traits A. Pedigree: chart that shows the genetic relationships within a family & how traits are passed from one generation to another 1. Circles represent Females 2. Squares represent Males 3. Circles/squares not shaded = doesn’t have trait or is a carrier (carriers may be ½ shaded) 4. Circles/squares shaded = has trait Pedigree Examples Half-filled in = Heterozygous/carrier of recessive trait/disorder II. Back to Human Blood Types A. ABO Blood Groups II. Back to Human Blood Types A. ABO Blood Groups B. Rh Blood Group 1. Determined by a single gene with 2 alleles, positive & negative. 2. Was discovered in the rhesus monkey, & is why its called the Rh group. 3. Positive (Rh+) allele is dominant 4. Rh+/Rh+ and Rh+/Rh- = positive 5. Rh-/Rh- = negative III. Autosomal Disorders in Humans A. Recessive Disorders = caused by recessive alleles 1. To have these disorders, individual must be homozygous recessive 2. The presence of just one dominant allele prevents the individual from having the disorder. 3. Heterozygotes are carriers of the disorder Recessive Disorders Disorder Albinism Major Symptoms lack of pigment in skin, hair, & eyes excess mucus in lungs, digestive tract, liver; Cystic Fibrosis increased susceptibility to infections; death in childhood unless treated Galactosemia Accumulation of galactose in tissues; mental retardation; eye & liver damage Phenylketonuria Accumulation of phenylaline in tissues; lack of (PKU) normal skin pigment, mental retardation Tay-Sach's Lipid accumulation in brain cells; mental deficiency; disease blindness; death in early childhood 4. Cystic Fibrosis – caused by a deletion of 3 DNA nucleotides, which leads to a dysfunctional chloride transport protein B. Dominant Disorders – caused by a dominant allele 1. It is only necessary to have one dominant allele to have these types of disorders (homozygous dominant or heterozygous) 2. Only individuals with 2 recessive alleles (homozygous recessive) are normal. Dominant Disorders Disorder Major Symptoms Achondroplasia dwarfism (one form) Huntington's mental deterioration and uncontrollable movements; disease appears in middle age Hypercholesterolemia excess cholesterol in blood; heart disease Disorders & Pedigrees Does this pedigree show a recessive or dominant disorder? Disorders & Pedigrees Does this pedigree show a recessive or dominant disorder? C. Codominant Disorders – controlled by a codominant allele 1. Sickle Cell Disease – the sickle cell allele changes just 1 DNA nucleotide in the gene for the protein hemoglobin • • • This single change leads to the amino acid valine being substituted for glutamic acid The hemoglobin protein cannot fold properly and changes shape of the blood cell Sickle-shaped blood cells carry less oxygen Sickle-Cell Disease Chapter 11, Sect. 5 - Linkage I. Gene Linkage – genes located on the same chromosome are inherited together = linked A. Locus – specific location of a gene on a chromosome B. Thomas Hunt Morgan – bred fruit flies and realized certain traits were always inherited together, a.k.a. linked C. Linkage Maps (also called gene maps) 1. Shows relative locations (loci) of genes found on the same chromosome 2. If two genes are linked, are they always inherited together? 3. What event in meiosis might allow linked genes to be inherited separately? Chapter 14, Sect. 2 – Human Chromosomes I. Sex-Linked Genes – genes found on the X or Y chromosome A. Colorblindness = recessive 1. Males (XY) – if the X has the allele, male will be colorblind 2. Females (XX) – both X’s must have the allele to be colorblind Colorblindness Example Colorblindness Pedigree Other Sex-linked Genes B. Hemophilia – recessive, sex-linked blood disorder 1. Recessive alleles lead to a protein necessary for blood clotting to be missing. C. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – recessive, sex-linked muscle disorder 1. Defective version of the gene that codes for a muscle protein leads to weakening and loss of muscle tissue II. X Chromosome Inactivation A. Barr Bodies 1. If 1 X chromosome is enough in males, 1 is enough for females too (even though females have 2 X’s) 2. In females, one of the 2 X chromosomes is randomly switched off & forms a smaller, dense barr body. 3. Each cell of the female randomly turns off an X, but not all cells turn off the same X! III. Chromosomal Disorders A. Nondisjunction – an error in meiosis where homologous chromosomes are not seperated. 1. Leads to abnormal numbers of chromosomes in gametes 2. If an abnormal gamete is fertilized, the resulting individual will have an abnormal number of chromosomes Nondisjunction in Meiosis B. Down Syndrome 1. Trisomy – have 3 copies of a chromosome 2. Trisomy 21 – 3 copies of chromosome 21 & leads to Down Syndrome C. Sex Chromosome Disorders 1. Turner’s Syndrome – female only has 1 X chromosome; (XO) • sterile as they don’t fully develop at puberty 2. Triple X Syndrome – Female has an extra X chromosome (XXX) • normal appearance; may be infertile; may have intellectual impairments 3. Klinefelter’s Syndrome – male with an extra X (XXY) • Sterile, may display female characteristics