Monday Memo Mr. Palumbo February 8, 2016 -Class Agenda-

Monday Memo
Mr. Palumbo
February 8, 2016
-Class AgendaReading – We are finishing up our books in our guided reading groups, and continuing our
Cereal Box Book Report.
Word Study –New words this week test Friday.
Writing – We are continuing our product advertisements using the 4 types of sentences.
Math – We have finished our division unit and are starting to turn our focus to fractions.
This week we will work on GCF’s and LCM’s. (Reflex Math and Dream Box should be
complete at home at least once this week.)
Science – Weather unit. We will learn about all types of clouds, and storms.
February Calendar:
Semester Awards – Friday Feb. 12 at 11:30 to 12:00
1. Report cards will now come home on Friday, February 12th.
2. We will have a time at the end of the day on the Friday before Valentine’s Day
(February 12th) to pass out and share Valentine Cards. No candy can be attached to
the Valentines! Please refer to our class list on my website to make sure the
students remember everyone in our class!