Newsletter March Ms. Lauren and

Ms. Lauren and
Mrs. Parvin
Entering the Building
- When you come to visit, pickup, or drop-off your child you
will need a Photo ID to enter
the building. Please then
proceed to the office to sign in.
- Please remember that we will
be going outside, weather
permitting. Please send your
child in with the necessary
clothing so they will not be
cold when we go outside.
How to Contact Me
- Email:
o Please feel free to
email me, I will
respond as quickly as
possible or will
follow up with a
phone call
- Phone: Forest Grove
Elementary (571)-434-4560
Important Dates:
3/7-3/11: National Breakfast Week
3/13: Daylight Savings
3/14-3/18: Classified Employees
Recognition Week
3/17: PTA Meeting @ 7:00PM
3/17: Park View Fine Arts Night @
3/21-3/25: SPRING BREAK
3/30: Kindergarten Registration
4/1: Parent Coffee @ 9:00AM
4/1: International Night @ 6:00PM
Upcoming in March
March has quickly approached and we are enjoying our Dr. Seuss
books and activities within our classroom. We are reading Cat in the
Hat and Green Eggs and Ham. As March continues we are looking
forward to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar the week before and
after spring break. We are going to be counting the fruit, learning
about caterpillars and butterflies, and working to learn our colors!
We are very excited about all the art and classroom activities that
we have planned for this month!
Technology in Our Classroom:
This month we will be continuing to use the Promethean Board during
our circle times! Everyone is doing an amazing job learning how to use
and hold the pen and selecting their activities. We are looking forward
to our number, shape, letter, and coloring activities on the
Promethean Board this month! We are going to be adding in some
book related activities and games throughout the month!
Additional Information:
Kindergarten Registration
- If your child is Kindergarten eligible for the 2016-2017
school year registration is on March 30, 2016. They must
turn 5 on or before September 30, 2016. Registration
takes place at their home school. Additional information
regarding your registration location will be sent home
this month!
- With the weather warming up we will be going outside
on a more consistent basis. Please make sure you send
in the appropriate clothing for playing outside!
Thank you to those that attended PTA sponsored
Bedtime Stories!