Name: Robert Mitts
Date: 5-26-15- 5-29-15
Content Area: Life Skills – Science
Length of Lesson: 45 minutes – Period 4
Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable):
R11.A.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recognition skills
R11.AA.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recognition skills, including: scanning, matching, demonstrating phonemic
S11.A.2.1 Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design to develop or critique aspects of the experimental process. awareness, naming, reading.
Big Ideas:
Identify how muscles work in pairs to make our body move.
Identify the different muscles that make up our bodies
Identify the parts of the circulatory system and the roles of this system.
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Identify how muscles work in pairs to make our body move.
Identify the different muscles that make up our bodies
Identify the parts of the circulatory system and the roles of
Essential Questions:
How do muscles work in pairs to make our
body move?
What are the 3 different types of muscles in this system. the body?
What is the role of the Circulatory System?
What are the parts of the heart?
Performance Task:
use context clues to comprehend and correctly answer comprehension questions
correctly identify different types of weather and what clothing would be appropriate to wear in the different type of weather
describe types of extreme weather and precautions that should be taken
Formative Assessments:
Pre assessment
Summing up main idea
Thumbs up
Understanding Goals (Concepts):
Muscles contract when they work
Muscles attach across joints to move bones
Muscles attach to bones with tissue called tendons
Some muscles move the fingers and thumb in the arm, these muscles have tendons that stretch down to the thumb
Ligaments attach bone to bone
Vocabulary: vein, artery, liver, lungs, heart, capillaries, lungs, skeletal muscle, tendon, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
Materials and Resources:
Dowels with holes, Craft stick with holes, Rubber Tubes, Rubber Bands, Paper Clips, Student
Sheet, Muscle Names
All students will be working at their individual instructional level with peer and adult assistance.
Instructional Procedures*:
Date 5-25-15
Do Now:
Memorial Day
Day A
Date 5-26-15
Students will use the
Day B
Computer Lab in the Library
Date 5-27-15 Day A
Do Now: Name 2 organs in the Circulatory System and describe their function
Students will learn about how muscles work in pairs to make our body move.
If finished early, get something from the “Done
Early” bin, work on dryerase papers from chair pocket, or read a book/magazine
Date 5-28-15 Day B
What is the name of the muscles that surround the heart
Do Now:
Students will draw red arrows to show the flow of blood away form the heart.
Students will draw blue arrows showing blood back to the heart
Have students disassemble their
leg models
Review Vocabulary words from this investigation
*Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections
Date5-29-15 Day A
French Students Arrive