Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes Monday, February 9, 2015 Barge 304, 2:00-3:00

Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes
Monday, February 9, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00
Chris Schedler, Ron Tidd, Mel Palm, Natalie Lupton, Bill Thelen, Josh Welsh, Ping Fu, Tina
Patricia Cutright, Ginger McIntosh, Tracy Pellett, Andreas Bohman, Filip Jagodzinksi,
Laura Portolese Dias, Michael Moon, Sue Noce
Review of Meeting Minutes 1/26/15
a. B. Thelen moved to approve minutes as amended, N. Lupton seconded, minutes approved.
II. Chair Election AY2015-16
a. There are faculty appointments that will be coming up for approval.
i. R. Tidd is retiring and ATAC will need to a replacement for CB.
ii. F. Jagodzinski and P. Fu terms end this year: both would like to continue on committee and
should submit self-nominations for Faculty Senate.
b. Chair election was tabled until the next meeting for lack of nominations.
Action: R. Tidd will recruit from CB for nominations to Faculty Senate.
Action: C. Schedler will check with F. Jagodzinski about serving as chair of ATAC.
III. Information Items
a. Task Force Update
i. Online Proctoring Task Force will be meeting 2/13 to talk about funding options for online
proctoring, as well as putting together a survey for faculty to find out their proctoring needs
for different modalities and their concerns and preferences to help guide decisions.
ii. Clickers Student Response System Task Force will have vendor demos of the two systems
that are the primary contenders.
1. 2/17 Turning Technologies and 2/25 iClicker (open to all faculty).
b. EISC Update
i. At 2/2 meeting, business case for an enterprise system for document imaging was revisited.
1. Driven primarily by Financial Aid, but used by other units on campus as well.
2. Goal of moving all paper records and transcripts to a digital repository.
(a) Existing paper going forward would be digital files.
3. Price tag of $1.2 million for the first year is somewhat prohibitive.
4. Trying to find out if they can phase it, as well as other contributors or sponsors for a
business case.
c. Student Tech Fee Council is being reinstituted with A. Bohman as the advisor.
1. Bringing on new students and going to start reviewing requests for funding from the
Student Tech Fee Council.
(a) Students pay $30 per quarter towards that, with $1 million per year that can be
doled out for requests.
(i) MEC has requested funds for additional equipment, such as laptops and swivel
cameras, for student chekout.
(ii) Anyone can submit a request, but it needs to be technology used by students
and available for all students.
(iii) With the previous form it wasn’t clear that anyone was receiving those requests
and as a backup an email should be sent to A. Bohman for a request.
d. Discussed having an intermediate-level initiative that needs lower-level project management,
while business cases that become projects getting full project management services.
1. Project Management will work on defining the scope of an initiative and project
management services required.
e. Team Dynamix ticketing system is being rolled out to other units that want ticketing or provide
i. MML is using it for support of MediaAmp, Panopto, and Canvas.
ii. Organizational Effectiveness might use it for data requests.
iii. Number of users has increased which also increases the cost, doubling in two years.
1. IS is providing the funding as an enterprise license.
IV. Status Updates
a. MediaAmp
i. Having discussions about development of MediaAmp video portal, which will be a public
facing portal for publicity and promotional videos.
1. Currently MediaAmp is utilized for academic and Library/Archives video.
2. Would allow departments to display promotional videos, live streaming of events, and
recruitment videos.
3. Portal was part of the MediaAmp renewal for this year, but costs were higher for the
renewal than we had funding for.
(a) MediaAmp has come back with reduced cost.
(b) Estimated as a 6-month timeline to develop.
(c) Looking at different funding sources: MML, Operations, Public Affairs, President’s
Office, Enrollment Management, Admissions, Provost.
b. Time and Attendance
i. Went live on 2/2, with support phone calls routed through Service Desk.
1. Students have been using the Web Clock to enter time, and managers get an email that
it is ready.
c. CatPlan
i. Will have users starting to train to enter budgets for FY16 in the March timeframe.
1. Starting to contact small groups of users, with secondary users able to have read access
for a year then transition to update.
d. Chart of Accounts
i. Redesign effort will be able to see what it will look like in July.
e. MyCWU Student Tab
i. Will be rolled out to students over Spring Break which will give access to a new dashboard.
1. Will have J. Hernandez come and present it to ATAC on 3/9.
f. CWU Passwords
i. In April CWU passwords will possibly be enhanced, looking to strengthen the passwords
with a marketing campaign to setup new security questions before it goes live.
g. SkillSoft
i. Delayed because of CatPlan and Time and Attendance.
Action: C. Schedler will add a presentation of MyCWU student Dashboard to 3/9 ATAC agenda.
V. Multimodal Education Center
a. Multimodal Learning merged with the Education Technology Center in July, with the idea of
helping to fulfil the mission of the center being a state-of-the-art center for teaching and
learning with technology.
i. Previously focused on education programs; now available to all faculty and students across
the institution.
ii. Hired a new Media Technician, who is working with faculty on Panopto lecture capture and
media production.
iii. New branding has been developed with some of it put in place to increase visibility.
1. Looking at various wall art that would include signage to give a sense of different spaces
and what they could be used for.
(a) Enterprise Communications Committee oversees wall art and digital signage now.
iv. Looking toward upgrades with booths for 3D printing/scanning, multimedia production,
Cricut die cutting, art design tools, and expanding the computer lab.
v. Trying to increase the amount of equipment that is available for checkout, such as cameras,
laptops, and tablets.
1. Technology Advisory Committee will help determine priorities for technology upgrades.
vi. Faculty lecture recording kits are available that come with a laptop, camera, microphone,
and lighting.
vii. Two of the spaces within the Curriculum Library will turn into student collaboration rooms
that will have double monitors to allow students to plug in and have digital collaboration in
a private room.
viii. Conference room is being upgraded for video conferencing.
ix. Faculty recording studios for professional grade lecture capture will be available, allowing
multiple sources simultaneously.
x. Looking to setup a usability research studio where usability testing could be done on
software and other technologies to optimize design.
xi. Doing test with class capture of DE room using Panopto, running in parallel with ITV to see
how it works.
Next Meeting:
Monday, February 23, 2014
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00