Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes Monday, June 2, 2014 Barge 412, 2:00-3:00 Attendees: Absent: I. Chris Schedler, Melanie Palm, Doug Lonowski, Steve Stein, Gene Shoda, Ping Fu, Sue Noce, Tina Short, Tracy Pellett, Patricia Cutright, Laura Portolese Dias, Robyn Brammer, Michael Moon, Ron Tidd Bill Thelen, Fillip Jagodinski, Joshua Welsh Welcome a. C. Schedler welcomed council to meeting. II. Review of Meeting Minutes – 4/28/14 a. Reviewed meeting minutes: R. Brammer moved to approve; G. Shoda seconded; minutes approved. III. Resource 25 Replacement a. L. Brown (Registrar) presented business case. b. R25 is scheduling software currently being used by SURC, Operations, Scheduling Office, Events on Campus, and Academic Scheduling. i. R25 will be decommissioned at some point, replacement requested is 25 Live. 1. Includes Schedule 25, X25, R25, and 25 Live. 2. EMS event management and Astra were other vendors considered. 3. May have to run two systems concurrently until everyone is using the new system. ii. 25 Live is a completely different system, which will require new training. 1. Training would take place in October. 2. 25 Live can email people when classes are full, has a full dashboard view, an improved interface, and web version. 3. Inputting information will be the time consuming aspect for each campus. (a) 6 full time staff from events, and 4 from registrar to tackle this. 4. Server can be Microsoft SQL or Oracle based. 5. IS would be the system admin. iii. IS suggested to host on site within our IS department. 1. $4,500 is the cost to host on site, primarily for backup space. iv. Currently costs $22,074 for R25, 25 live costs $26,986 1. Determining who will fund the extra cost will be necessary. 2. Possibility of reducing that cost through dropping the use of X25. 3. Discussed the usability of X25 and if it was a necessary service. (a) IS is able to do customized reporting to replace this. IV. Business Case For Replacement to Resource 25 i. Full disclosure of costs: Many costs are known, but unknown costs will likely arise in the conversion. ii. Strategic alignment: Fit well iii. Value benefit to customer: Essential. iv. Importance to risk mitigation: High risk, R25 is a product that will no longer be supported. v. Leverage potential to other users, customers: Initially will be leveraged by some, with increased potential over time. vi. Client service, completed in the time frame: Not certain. vii. Required for legal compliance: High. viii. Organization impact: High impact, on high number of users. a. Voted on business case. All voted aye, no abstentions. Approved for forwarding to EISC. i. C. Schedler will provide business case feedback from ATAC to L. Brown V. Information Items a. Task Force Updates i. Distance Education task force completed survey, results were similar to what was preliminarily reported; ii. Computer Labs task force is in process of writing its recommendation report. iii. Clicker task force: iClicker and Turning Technologies are moving into cloud technology. 1. Turning Technologies costs more, may be less reliable, but is more user friendly. 2. UW went forward with Turning Technologies. 3. R. Brammer recommends putting it back on the agenda for a Fall pilot, and making a decision in Winter, after having an open forum to see what people think of each system. b. HD TV Cable Upgrades i. HD TV Cable contract is within the residence halls, not in academic buildings. 1. Resident halls got a digital upgrade. 2. Campus had been using analog signal to feed the academic buildings. Analog feed no longer available. 3. Suggest streaming video technologies as a way to address academic TV needs. c. Summer institute i. MML is planning institute (7/11 and 7/18) for faculty who would like professional development and certification in online teaching. VI. Status Updates a. Canvas i. 3 year license for Canvas. b. Turnitin i. 3 year license for Turnitin. ii. Turnitin usage has grown (data provided) and will likely increase with additional publicity. c. Blackboard i. Will continue one-year archival license of Blackboard to allow faculty access to their course materials for migration to Canvas. VII. Wireless Upgrades a. Going through process of adding wireless access points within the prioritized academic buildings to increase wireless coverage. b. Project is categorized as a single project since they are implemented nearly the same throughout campus. c. 8 dorms have been upgraded already. Next Meeting: TBA (Monthly meetings in Summer)