Thursday, April 14th, 2016 AP English Language and Composition

Thursday, April 14th, 2016
AP English Language and Composition
Mastery Objectives:
SWBAT reflect upon creative elements and forms and respond in
a critical manner, and 2) identify specific textual evidence from
primary sources to support a personal response to a text.
1. (1st/5th)In stations, comment on each question about In
Cold Blood. Rotate by group to each station for
comments. Discuss as class.
2. (1st/5th)In groups, complete second group assignment for
In Cold Blood (see webpage).
3. (3rd)Analyze packet about Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD). What did you learn from reading
this packet?
4. Through film clips, analyze another aspect of war:
coming home (“PTSD”) and its psychological effects
on the soldier and the people around them. Then
compare the trauma that modern-day warriors
suffer to Perry from In Cold Blood: did Perry
have PTSD? How about any characters from
Things They Carried? Any evidence?
 Read all of In Cold Blood by Friday, April 15.
 Read The Things They Carried by Friday, April 15.
 Next vocabulary assessment is this Friday.