NPR Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

NPR Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
_______ % of adult Americans are diagnosed with the disease.
It didn’t exist ____________ years ago.
Soldier recounts his symptoms and the effects of his symptoms. These include:
War Neurosis
In 1960s there __________________________ a diagnosis of shell shock/PTSD
Potential problems with labeling soldiers with PTSD
NPR Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
_______ % of adult Americans are diagnosed with the disease.
It didn’t exist ____________ years ago.
Soldier recounts his symptoms and the effects of his symptoms. These include:
War Neurosis
In 1960s there __________________________ a diagnosis of shell shock/PTSD
Potential problems with labeling soldiers with PTSD
How did these Vietnam veterans get the attention of the VA authorities?
What other situations fall under the PTSD label?
How could people use/abuse the diagnosis for personal benefit? Is that dangerous or not?
How did these Vietnam veterans get the attention of the VA authorities?
What other situations fall under the PTSD label?
How could people use/abuse the diagnosis for personal benefit? Is that dangerous or not?