Name: ____Anderw Hochreiter____ Assignment: Creating a search strategy Your topic in one sentence: _____The effects of PTSD on soldiers.________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Keywords (at least three): ______Effects, PTSD, Soldiers ________________________________________________________________________ Enter your keywords in the first row, use the columns to separate them. Effect* PTSD Soldier* Symptom* “Post-traumatic stress disorder” Military “Side effect*” “Shell shock” Veteran* Under each keyword write down at least two alternative words (synonyms) or variations in spelling (i.e. British spelling for words like behaviour). Do you have any phrases, words that need to stay together? ______________________________________________________________________________ Put quotation marks around them. Do you have any common trunks? ______________________________________________________________________________ Put an * at the end of the root. Create three search strategies using the words from the chart and the Boolean operators; which are parenthesis, AND, OR, and NOT. ____(Effect OR Symptom OR “Side Effect”) AND (PTSD OR “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” OR “Shell Shock”) AND (Soldier* OR Military OR Veteran* OR Vet).