Women in the Military Dr. Elena Klaw


Women in the


Dr. Elena Klaw


 Film: Service: When Women Come Marching


 Unique challenges

 Reasons women warriors may not seek help

Gender and Challenges

 Equipment not built for women’s bodies-more back and foot problems as a result

 Lack of safe, sanitary conditions for service women to deal with relieving themselves, menstruation, or pregnancy

 Role conflicts, especially for warriors who are mothers

 Single parenting for moms or dads, more poverty, lack of appropriate family services for homeless families

 No credit or recognition from public, isolation, stigma

 Male dominated environments: women face sexual harassment and military sexual trauma, higher likelihood of PTSD

 Lack of female centered health resources

Reasons Women May not Seek Help

 Don’t want to seem weak

 Lack of recognition of the reality of their service in the VA and validity of PTSD

 Family caretaking responsibilities

 Don’t want to worry other people

 Isolated from mostly male vet groups; don’t want male dominated environments
