Appendix 1 Prudential Indicators Authorised Limit for External Debt Forward Estimates Total Authorised Limit for External Debt Actual Gross External Debt as at 31/03/07 2006/07 £m 2007/08 £m 2008/09 £m 721 775 829 519 This limit represents the total level of external debt (and other long term liabilities, such as finance leases) the council is likely to need in each year to meet all possible eventualities that may arise in its treasury management activities. Operational Boundary for External Debt Total Operational Boundary for External debt Actual Gross External Debt as at 31/03/07 2006/07 £m 2007/08 £m 2008/09 £m 621 675 729 519 This limit reflects the estimate of the most likely, prudent, but not worse case, scenario without the additional headroom included within the authorised limit. The operational boundary represents a key benchmark against which detailed monitoring is undertaken by treasury officers. 1 Prudential Indicators for Treasury Management Limits on Interest Rate Exposure Upper Limit on Fixed Interest Rate Exposure Upper Limit on Variable Interest Rate Exposure Current exposure to variable rate 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 % 100 % 100 % 100 50 50 50 0 10.4 5.5 All Years Maturity structure for fixed rate borrowing Upper Limit Lower Limit Under 12 months 12 and within 24 months 24 months and within 5 years % 50 50 50 % 0 0 0 Current Maturity Profile % 5.26 0.11 0.82 5 years and within 10 years 10 years and above 50 100 0 40 8.63 85.18 30 0 In addition, the following local limits will apply: Variable rate debt maturing in any one year Limits on Long-Term Investments Upper limit for investments of more than 364 days Current total investment in excess of 364 days 2006/07 £m 2007/08 £m 2008/09 £m 15 15 15 10 10 10 Comparison of Net Borrowing and Capital Financing Requirement In order to ensure that, over the medium term, net borrowing will only be for a capital purpose, the council should ensure that the net external borrowing does not, except in the short term, exceed the total of the capital financing requirement in the preceding year plus the estimates of any additional capital financing requirement for the current and the next two financial years. This forms an acid test of the adequacy of the capital financing requirement and an early warning system of whether any of the above limits could be breached. 2 Comparison of Net Borrowing and CFR Date 07/04/2006 14/04/2006 21/04/2006 28/04/2006 05/05/2006 12/05/2006 19/05/2006 26/05/2006 02/06/2006 09/06/2006 16/06/2006 23/06/2006 30/06/2006 07/07/2006 14/07/2006 21/07/2006 28/07/2006 04/08/2006 11/08/2006 18/08/2006 25/08/2006 01/09/2006 08/09/2006 15/09/2006 22/09/2006 29/09/2006 06/10/2006 13/10/2006 20/10/2006 27/10/2006 03/11/2006 10/11/2006 17/11/2006 24/11/2006 01/12/2006 08/12/2006 15/12/2006 22/12/2006 05/01/2007 12/01/2007 19/01/2007 26/01/2007 02/02/2007 09/02/2007 16/02/2007 23/02/2007 02/03/2007 09/03/2007 16/03/2007 23/03/2007 30/03/2007 Debt Outstanding £000 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 520,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 500,276 508,276 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 508,063 Temporary Investments £000 Net Borrowing £000 63,800 53,200 71,200 68,650 74,050 81,050 80,250 84,450 89,250 87,575 87,825 87,275 90,800 69,400 90,750 76,200 71,100 74,800 65,900 66,280 66,880 65,980 72,430 88,780 81,880 74,580 81,880 72,460 81,960 75,910 80,660 76,760 74,960 71,610 72,610 88,060 81,660 73,860 73,210 69,010 71,410 66,035 63,035 63,935 57,935 56,535 55,435 52,635 28,585 47,585 47,035 3 456,476 467,076 449,076 451,626 446,226 439,226 440,026 435,826 431,026 432,701 432,451 433,001 429,476 430,876 409,526 424,076 429,176 425,476 434,376 433,996 433,396 434,296 427,846 419,496 426,183 433,483 426,183 435,603 426,103 432,153 427,403 431,303 433,103 436,453 435,453 420,003 426,403 434,203 434,853 439,053 436,653 442,028 445,028 444,128 450,128 451,528 452,628 455,428 479,478 460,478 461,028 CFR Headroom £000 £000 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,792 481,793 481,794 481,795 481,796 481,797 481,798 481,799 481,800 481,801 481,802 25,316 14,716 32,716 30,166 35,566 42,566 41,766 45,966 50,766 49,091 49,341 48,791 52,316 50,916 72,266 57,716 52,616 56,316 47,416 47,796 48,396 47,496 53,946 62,296 55,609 48,309 55,609 46,189 55,689 49,639 54,389 50,489 48,689 45,339 46,339 61,789 55,389 47,589 46,939 42,739 45,139 39,765 36,766 37,667 31,668 30,269 29,170 26,371 2,322 21,323 20,774